I have a bit of a theory that weird things will happen to Emma after she goes dark; she has no potential for darkness, so how could she host the Dark One? This story sort of builds off of that (the fact that there are so many competing portions of her mind), but not really.

The voices creep into her head one by one.

Remember what everybody has done to you, Emma. Remember the way people used to act to you.

What's the point in life, anyways?

Storybrooke is just a figment of your imagination. You have no parents, no son, no friends. You're just a drifter. You're insane: come back to reality.

You are good, Emma. You're the Savior.

Your parents kept secrets from you. Regina tried to kill you. Hook's kept secrets from you. Nobody really likes you.

They take over every one of her thoughts, factions fighting for control of her mind. She screams, but nobody listens. She doesn't know where she is; her every waking moment is spent in agony, curled up on the ground, trying to stay good. Still, she knows that in the end the Dark One will take over. It took a sorcerer to defeat him, and she's nowhere near as powerful.

Just give up. Your efforts are futile.

But what if she does manage to defeat it?

Emma, this is crazy. You're crazy.

Her name is Emma Swan, and she is the Savior.

Fat load of good that did. You can't save anything. You couldn't save Neal, you couldn't save Graham...

Think happy thoughts. That's what she's supposed to do. Think of Killian, of Henry.

Hook's kept secrets from you. That's not something for you to be happy about.

She has to stay strong. This her subconscious, this is the Dark One talking. This is not her.

Oh, Emma. You're so cute when you think like that. So naive. So innocent. You are dark; your darkness has always been inside of you.

I am the Savior I am the Savior I am theSaviorIam-

You're no savior. You're no hero. You don't deserve a happy ending.

I am not the Savior.

You are the Dark One.

Please R&R! It would make me feel better about procrastinating on finals.