
It's been 3 years since Ezra and Aria said I do and much has changed. Byron got Ezra his job back at Hollis and Aria began teaching English at the local Middle School about a year ago. They still live in Rosewood in a cute little 2 bedroom home right down the street from not only Byron and Ella's homes, but all the girls. After everyone got married they refused to move from their true soul mates. Recently Ezra and Aria have been talking about expanding their family. (Hence the 2nd bedroom.) They were in a great place both professionally and emotionally so they couldn't think of a more perfect time to expand. Jason doesn't live in town anymore but visits quite frequently, leaving the couple somewhat concerned but otherwise grateful that they discovered the truth before it was too late. So let's see what LIES ahead for this gorgeous couple, shall we?

Chapter 1:

It was a beautiful spring day in the town of Rosewood. The flowers were beautifully blossomed. The trees covered with leafs. The air warm and soothing. Everything was perfect.

We begin this tale with the couple we all know and love, Ezria.

Aria Montgomery awoke to the sound of birds chirping and her husband of just over 3 years Ezra Fitz's arms wrapped around her petite body. She couldn't help but smile at the beautiful life she had just woken up to. She had been through so much at such a young age, but eventually felt somewhat grateful for it because if it hadn't, she wouldn't be where she was at the exact moment. She had a gorgeous house, a great job, her closest friends' right up the street and most importantly, a phenomenal husband. What more could anyone possibly ask for? Except maybe, a baby. They had talked about it a lot recently but were still unsure if now was a great time with their careers being as fantastic as they were, but then again, was there ever going to be a "perfect" time? What had to occur for someone to decide when the perfect time was? Or was there even such thing as a perfect time? All these thoughts suddenly disappeared when she noticed her husband had just woken up.

"How long have you been up?" He says.

"Not long." She responded.

"Thinking about babies again?" He asks.

"I really think we're ready, Ezra." She said.

"I never said we weren't, honey. I just meant that it was a lot to think about." He exclaimed.

"Then let's stop thinking. Let's just go for it." She said with enthusiasm.

He suddenly looks over at the clock and notices the time.

"Well as much as I would love to right now, we're going to be late babe." He says pointing at the clock.

"Crap!" She yells.

They both jolt out of bed and get ready for work. After the finish getting ready, they kiss and go off their separate ways.

While in the car on her way to work, Aria couldn't contain her excitement. They were actually going to try for a baby. Finally.

"I have to tell someone." She says.

She picks up her phone and dials all the girl's numbers. They all answer.

"Hey Ar." Hanna answers.

"What's up?" Asks Emily.

"Yeah I needed to be at the courthouse like 20 minutes ago." Spencer says.

Aria laughs.

"Then I'll make this quick." She says.

"He said yes." She quickly says.

"Yes to what?" Asks a clueless Hanna.


"AH!" The girls all scream in unison.

"It's about time!" Spencer shouts.

"I couldn't wait any longer, I had to tell you guys ASAP." Aria says. "Ezra is just going to have to deal with it."

"He's used to it by now." Emily responds.

"True." Aria answers.

"Ok I have to go, I'm still breast feeding." Hanna says with no shame.

"TMI much Han?" Aria says.

"Hey, you'll understand soon enough." Hanna tells her.

Aria laughs again.

"Ok, I'll see you guys later." She says.

"Bye." The rest of the girls respond.

They hang up just before Aria pulls up to her school.

"Time to go to work." Aria says.

She exits her car and begins to walk towards the school doors.

"Hey Mrs. Fitz!" One student shouts.

"Looking good Mrs. Fitz." Another student shouts.

She couldn't help but laugh. Her life was just about to change for eternity. Nothing could stop her excitement right now. That is, until she walks into her room and finds Simone, the women who nearly destroyed her engagement, standing next to her desk.

"You have got to be kidding me." Aria says furiously.