A/N: First off I would like to welcome you to my Code Geass series. This series is based after the end of Code Geass R2, so if you haven't watched the entire show I warn you that this will contain spoilers. If R3 comes out after the release of this prologue then everything up to the point where I say so is before R3, everything written after I say so will be during or after R3. The original idea of this series is that I feel Code Geass shouldn't have ended at R2, thus I wanted to continue it myself. Any form of critiques are welcome and I hope you enjoy the series.

They say Lelouch The Demon, the man who took control of the world, was killed by someone new who goes by the alias of Zero. The day Lelouch was slain was a day of rejoice, the whole world cheered as they seen the sword pierce his abdomen. This joy created a feeling that everything in the world was right, that the wars and tyranny have halted and that an era of peace would descend onto the land. Sadly that wish did not come true. Yes the world was unified under a single banner and the good majority of people were happy to resume their lives without worry. But there was those who didn't like this new government and this new peace, there was those who wanted change. But they are not of focus right now, being only small groups at the current time.

No, our focus is on Lelouch and if he was really slain. Lelouch had control of the final form of the power known as Geass, his Geass allowing him to give someone an order they can never refuse, but only once per person. Lelouch's Geass had extended to both of his eyes and was now permanent. As C.C. once said, someone with Geass in both eyes would be able to kill an immortal, which was her goal of giving Lelouch Geass, so he could kill her and lift her curse. But once someone kills an immortal they become one themselves, which is the final curse of the Geass. But it is possible that Lelouch was already immortal before his death.

Charles Vi Britannia killed the one known as V.V., who was an immortal. By killing him Charles was able to reach immortality and gained the ability to activate the thought elevator, which would kill the 'gods' and create a world without lies or differences. This plan was stopped by Lelouch when he used his Geass on the gods to have them destroy the thought elevator and then using his Geass again he forced his father, Charles, to die. This means Lelouch has killed an immortal, and Lelouch is immortal due to this.

Thus the man known as Lelouch is still alive, having faked his death to create peace. Lelouch, someone who may still hold his original Geass along with his immortality, who is also the greatest strategist the world has ever known, is out there somewhere. Is he leading a new rebellion or is he quelling one that is already existent? Is he living in the peace he created or is he slowly destroying it? Is Lelouch still active? With someone of his power it would be near impossible to know, unless we go and find out for ourselves. And that is just what we are going to do.