Gia woke in a cold sweat, panting heavily from her nightmare. She rolled over in bed, seeing Jake still sleeping soundly and told herself none of it was real. Then she sighed. It had been real. It just wasn't as recent as her mind made it out to be.

She thought of waking her fiancée to talk to him about it. Jake had been by her side since the hospital and she knew he would do anything to help her settle down now. But she didn't want to disturb him again. Every night since she had been allowed home she had woken him because of her night terrors. Jake was tired, grumpy, and still, he did everything he could for her. Just once, she wanted to let him sleep.

So she pulled herself out of bed and walked across the hall to her daughter's bedroom. She opened the door, peeking inside carefully. Tiger lay at the foot of the crib, watching for any midnight intruders. Gia knelt down and gently stroked the top of the cat's head.

"You're such a good big sister," she whispered without waking the cat. Then Gia stood up again and looked down into the crib where her daughter slept peacefully. Very gently, she scooped Ciara up in her arms and carried her out of the room. Gia walked downstairs and sat out on the back porch.

She hadn't noticed a difference in her daughter's weight. Likely because she had lost a lot of her strength trying to survive her week in the woods, but Jake and Emma and her mothers told her of Ciara's refusal to eat. Gia had been worried initially, sparking a fight between her and Jake, but when she got home and started to feed her daughter, Ciara would eat normally. Gia chalked it up to a change in routine. She was always around to feed her daughter. Her sudden absence had to have stressed the little girl out. Just to be safe, Gia and Jake had taken Ciara into the doctor, who assured them she was still a healthy weight for her age.

"It's amazing, huh?" Gia heard someone say and jumped, covering her daughter with her own body before she realized it was only Jordan. She sighed, then punched him very lightly in the arm.

"You freaked me out," she whispered. Jordan nodded, had her scoot over on the bench and sat down.

"Yeah, that was pretty fun," Jordan chuckled. "Though not my intention. Why are you up so late?"

"Probably the same reason you are."

"Itchy wounds?" Jordan asked, scratching his chest. Gia grabbed his wrist to stop him and shook her head.


"I got them too," he nodded, then looked down at Ciara. "I was saying, it's amazing how good they make you feel at times like these. I know, the fact that Joe's as happy as ever to have me home makes this all a little less..."


"Painful," Jordan turned his head. "You're still scared?"

"I'm scared all the time," Gia sighed. "Scared David's going to come back. Scared when I open my eyes, I'll be back in the woods again. I'm scared another one of Cliff's friends will come after me and that this... it'll never end."

"Yeah, I'm really sorry about that," Jordan said and nervously rubbed the back of his neck. Gia turned to him with a deep frown.

"Unless you got in on it, you have nothing to apologize for."

"I went down pretty fast," Jordan shrugged. "Here you are, depending on me to protect you as your partner, and the first time someone comes at you, I kind of just..."

"You were stabbed. I'm surprised you got up the first time," Gia said. "Jordan, you're not at fault here. Don't think for a second..."

"I rushed in," Jordan said. "We were trained not to escalate situations. Just like Rangers. Yet as soon as you told me who he was, I charged. I practically ran right into his knife."

"You didn't."

"Yeah, but it didn't take long. I should have stayed back, stayed with you, but..."

"You failed, but you did what you thought was best at the time. Besides, if anyone deserves to be humiliated here, it's me. I beat Vrak and Robo-Cliff and David's too much for me?"

Jordan shook his head and lightly touched Gia's shoulder.

"You didn't beat Vrak or Cliff the first time. Or even the second or third or..."

"Are you trying to make me feel better?"

"David trapped us, you, in a corner. You were caught off guard and... Sometimes that'll all you need."

"Or don't."

"Exactly," Jordan chuckled. "What's important is you found your way home. You're safe, now."

Gia smiled softly as she looked down at her daughter. She knew Jordan was right. David's appearance at the scene had thrown her off her game. She had recognized his face instantly and felt her body freeze up. If it had been anyone else, or if she had been able to anticipate his arrival, nothing would have worked out like it did.

"He took advantage."

"And that's not your fault," Jordan said, squeezing his partner comfortingly. After, he leaned back into the bench, looking out at the backyard that was slowly starting to fill with light as the sun rose. "So," he said. "How long before you think we'll be back to work?"

"Wes and Eric want me cleared by a psychologist, and they say Serena doesn't have the training to qualify so... I guess once I work up the courage to talk to a stranger about what happened."

"Serena might not have a degree in psychology, but she's an expert on... this," Jordan smirked and gestured to the space around Gia's held. The yellow Ranger punched him lightly, but ultimately agreed.

"I tried to tell them that. They said it was for health and safety. So, I think I'll just take about a month, maybe talk to Serena, and then see someone once I'm feeling a little... better."

"Sounds like a plan," Jordan nodded his head. "I'm going as soon as the doctors clear me for work. I'm itching to get back out there. Only, I might mandate everyone wear bullet proof and stab proof vests from now on. I don't know about you, but I considered myself dead. And I've got claustrophobia now."

"Maybe you and I can see the psychologist together," Gia teased, but Jordan seemed serious as he nodded.

"Actually, that might not be a bad idea."


"We're Silver Guardians. We've been through something pretty scary, and it's probably going to happen again. We should at least work on coping methods for next time."

"You'd seriously go to therapy with me?"

"You wouldn't go with me?"

"I would but... can we do that?"

"We're partners. We need to be able to lean on each other. Besides, it couldn't hurt."

"What if the therapist tells me to stop calling you butthead? What if he thinks it'll undermine your authority or bruise your ego or..."

"Then we get a new doctor," Jordan shrugged casually. "One who gets us."

"Alright, we'll try it," Gia nodded.

"I thought I'd find you out here," Jake said, yawning as he stepped out of the house. "Night terrors?"

"I didn't want to wake you," Gia answered him, then gestured to Ciara. "Just thought I'd get some baby therapy in before breakfast."

"You can always talk to me, you know."

"I know," Gia said. Jake sat down on the deck and rubbed his eyes, still a little asleep. It always took him a couple of cups of coffee before he was ready for the day.

"Who wants breakfast?" Emma announced as she stepped out of her home, carrying a tray of toast, eggs, bacon, coffee and juice. Jordan chuckled at his fiancée.

"It's five in the morning."

"Yeah, but I saw you were up and looked out the window to be sure you were okay," Emma shrugged. "I saw you talking to Gia and just figured we'd start the day off right."

"Bacon's always the right way to start," Jake said, grabbing the plate for himself until Gia lightly kicked him in the back, forcing him to share. Jake grumbled as he put down the plate and took only a couple of strips.

Then he spit it out, "This isn't bacon!"

"Close enough, right?" Jordan shrugged, eating a piece. Jake shook his head in shame. Gia only sighed.

"How long have you all known me for?" Emma chuckled. "Guys, I'm a vegetarian. I don't eat or cook meat."

"Yeah, I can taste it," Jake muttered and picked up some toast. He stopped for a moment, looking to Jordan and Emma, "Wait, you're not raising Joe as a veggie, right?"

"No. It'll be his decision."

"Good. Because that kid loves it when I give him little hot-dog pieces."

"Come on, this tofu, fake meat stuff isn't that bad," Jordan said as he took a bite of the bacon. "You kind of get used to it, you know."

"Marry him," Gia whispered to Emma, who laughed and rolled her eyes.

"Hey, so I was thinking, since we've all got the day off, what if we just went for a walk through the woods?" Emma suggested. "Take the kids down to the creek where..."

"Uh, the forest and I aren't really talking to each other right now," Gia shook her head. "I mean, we're not really upset with each other, we just need some space, you know."

"Oh, right."

"What about the park?" Jake suggested. "Joe's better on his feet and since I'm home, maybe I can start teaching him a few soccer basics."

"Ciara does love picking the grass," Gia nodded her head. "And Tiger will enjoy stretching her legs again."

"Yeah..." Jake scratched the back of his head, "I really should apologize to her for that..."

"The park sounds good. Peaceful, at least," Jordan agreed. He turned to his fiancée, "What if you packed us a picnic? We could invite the others."

"Sounds perfect..."

"Yeah, but I'll pack the lunch," Gia quickly interrupted Emma. "None of that tofu vegetarian shit."

She got up and opened the sliding door, "I'm going to get some breakfast for Ciara..."

"Can you make something for Joe too? He'll be up any minute now," Emma asked. Gia rolled her eyes but nodded her head.

"I could use a hand, then."

"Sure. You boys okay to stay outside for a bit? Listen for Joe?"

"Yeah, fine by me," Jordan said. Jake nodded.

"Actually, I'll get Tiger. Give her a little bit of a stretch before we head to the park. It might help to teach her how to handle a soccer ball too before she pops it and Joe cries."

"Good idea," Jordan chuckled. "I'll get the baby, you get the cat and the balls."

"Wait, don't wake..." Emma called to her fiancé, but it was already too late. Jordan had run into their house already and Jake was rushing up the stairs to wake the cat.

"You probably can't wait until we go back to work," Gia chuckled. Emma sighed and lowered her head.

"I have mixed feelings about that."

Gia smirked and put her arm around her best friend, hugging her tight. Emma smiled and leaned into Gia.

"Never again," she said to the yellow Ranger. "Promise?"

"On my life," Gia nodded.