Summary: Fairies were renowned for being beautiful little creatures with very little intellect and a nasty habit of being utter little bastards. However, no-one told them that even the actions of pests could bring about changes that would throw a spanner in the gears of life. Little Harry Potter finds this out the hard way. Slash, Probable HP/OMC/OMC Creature!Harry Different!School
Disclaimer: Do you really think someone like me could have the patience to sit down and write 7 bloody books about magic and men in funny dresses? No, of course not, so don't sue. All I own is creative licence and a brain with a few too many loose screws that fell down the back of the sofa.
"The cake" Talking
'…Hello?' Thoughts
~Grape soda~ Mind Speech
~Slytherin! ~ Parseltounge
"Kaboom" Spells
Fairies were utter fiends. That much becomes clear to anyone who is stupid enough to put their fingers near the tiny humanoids and nearly gets them bitten off. They are a pest, much like their cousins the doxies and pixies, but beautiful and just a bit more humanoid. That being said, they are most definitely suckers when it comes to children. They dote on and play games with the children of wizards while making rude gestures to the parents trying to make them leave. They are also very curious, which, when one has the intellect of a bowtruckle, can be very dangerous to everything around them.
Such was the case of Harry Potter, a little baby of eight months who was always delighted by the little people who sometimes played with him when mummy and daddy were busy. However, during one such playtime, a loud fat man that looked like he had had a few too many casserole dinners came into the nursery and proceeded to give the little boy lots of nasty potions, interrupting the fairies' playtime with the boy, and that would never do. While their brethren were whizzing about angrily overhead, two young fairies saw a small shiny bottle sticking out of the fat man's pocket, and decided that the little boy should get a pretty drink to make up for having to drink all the nasty things, and took it. Waiting until the portly man was gone, the fairies flew over to the child and emptied the bottle that was about half their size into the boy's mouth, causing him to giggle as he swallowed down the golden liquid.
Now, as any idiot with even a Dreadful in Potions could tell you, Felix Felicis is one of the few true light potions in the world, and therefore should not be mixed with any harmful potion under any circumstances. Unfortunately, fairies were not able to understand the seriousness of their actions, (Unlike the Fӓe, which very much despise any who would dare to insinuate that they were related to the idiotic fairy race) and their utter lack of any knowledge regarding potions didn't help them in this matter. Now, due to the dubious nature of the potions that Young Harry had previously ingested, the Liquid Luck had a very different effect than it normally does. Instead of subtly influencing the world around the drinker to achieve one's goals, the potion decided to manifest itself in the young boy's karma, which would give bursts of tremendous luck to compensate for the terrible misfortune that the boy would encounter throughout his life. For now though, he was happy, and the warped potion was perfectly content to remain inactive.
And so, with the actions of a few dubiously innocent fairies, Harry Potter's destiny was forever changed into a much stranger one.
Harry sighed as he looked out the window. It was July 31st, his birthday, and he was slowly recovering from the most recent beating he had received from his oh so wonderful relatives, the Dursleys.
The beautiful snowy owl on his desk let out a croon, and Harry smiled while turning away from the window so that the neighbours couldn't see the 'delinquent nuisance' letting out tears. The owl wasn't Hedwig, she had been murdered by Vernon during the summer before forth year, as a 'going away present'.
It was actually Fawkes, the phoenix had disguised himself as Hedwig once he had broken free of Dumbledore's control during the beginning of the Triwizard tournament. He had flown straight to Harry at the Owlery were Harry had been hiding trying to understand why Ron had betrayed him, and immediately entered a familiar bond with the boy. Dumbledore had been madder than Harry had ever seen him that week, wearing only black instead of his normal flamboyant colours and stomping around the castle giving detentions. Harry was very glad that Fawkes could glamour his appearance, or else he would have been screwed to buggery.
Fawkes had explained through their new-found telepathic link that Dumbledore had captured him in his youth on a burning day, and bound him to the old man with a slave bond. Neither of them knew how it had been broken, and Harry simply chalked it up to being one of his strange pieces of miraculous luck.
Strange but fortunate things had a habit of happening to him when he was at his lowest, such as the Philosopher's stone spontaneously creating Elixir of life to heal Harry from the fatal cutting curse Quirrel had been able to cast without him using the required rituals, or the Basilisk somehow not landing a single blow on him until they ended up stabbing each other.
He'd also had the fortune of finding a basilisk egg in the old nest behind Slytherin's stone face, which he'd hidden in his trunk under protection charms until he found a way to hatch it. He was trying to keep it a secret, since Britain wasn't exactly approving of people who tried to raise XXXXX rated creatures.
The whole Sirius Black incident had been horrible though, nothing good ever seemed to happen that year, apart from Harry getting the Marauder's map and meeting Lupin and Sirius. He hadn't actually bonded very much with Sirius though, and that had shown during the summer of his fifth year, when an awkwardness fell between them when they tried to talk to each other at Grimmauld.
The fact that he had discovered that dragons spoke Parseltounge had been another of those lucky breaks, and Harry had been able to both talk the Hungarian Horntail into giving him the fake egg, and made a lasting friend, having snuck into the forest to spend time with her before the dragons went back to their reserve. Ron had never been his friend since, yelling at him for using so called 'dark magic' to win. Harry didn't understand the problem that wizarding society had with Parseltounge. So what? He spoke snake. It was just a language, and there was no reason for it to be called dark other than the fact that Voldemort spoke it.
The new wand had been an interesting turn though, Fawkes had flashed back to Dumbledore's office shortly after they had bonded, bringing back the knobbly wand that Dumbledore always used. Fawkes had said that it wasn't actually the old man's, and that it was a powerful artefact that empowered spells. The fact that it hummed when near the cloak was another mystery, but he hadn't had any leads on that front, so he'd put it out of mind. His old wand was stashed with his cloak, he didn't really need it for magic while he had this new one, but it was sentimental, and he needed to use it when he was at Hogwarts to keep up appearances.
Voldemort's return in the graveyard had been rather odd though, Harry's blood had somehow refused to take part in the ritual, rolling into the dirt and avoiding the cauldron at all costs. Wormtail had been forced to kidnap a random muggle and use their blood instead, and as a result, Harry had managed to destroy Voldemort's right arm when the freak had tried to touch his forehead. Wormtail had paid for that blunder with his life, and Voldemort had been forced to make himself a silver replacement arm. The monster had forced him to duel then, but Harry had managed to escape with Cedric's and Wormtail's corpses, securing Sirius's freedom and his own condemnation in the process. Fudge was an utter coward.
Fifth year was hell, with the trial almost getting him kicked out of the entire wizarding world for defending his cousin if it hadn't been for Dumbledore, the subsequent summer at Grimmauld, which had been awkward for everyone involved, and the reign of Umbitch. Umbridge had done her very best to make life hell for every student whose parents didn't bribe the Ministry, such as Malfoy, and Harry had a nasty scar on his hand from her detentions. With the constant visions of Voldemort, he'd been angry and frustrated all year, and it took the vision of Sirius being tortured, only to find him sitting in front of the fire at Grimmauld, to admit that they needed to stop.
Apparently, the last vision had been a trap for him, and several high-profile Death Eaters had almost been captured skulking around the mysterious Department of Mysteries waiting for him. They would have been caught if it weren't for Voldemort appearing personally to rescue and torture them, finally opening Fudge's eyes and forcing him to admit that he was wrong, and Voldemort had indeed returned. He'd asked Madam Pomfrey for dreamless sleep potions for the holidays, and so far, they'd stopped any visions.
~Harry? ~ Harry snapped out of his tired brooding to face Fawkes. The bird was looking at him kindly, and spoke again gently ~It's almost midnight, don't you want to wait for your birthday and inheritance? ~.
Harry started, he had completely forgotten about that. Fawkes had said that wizards' magical inheritance, the maturing of their power and unlocking of any family secrets, was on their 16th birthday, and he had almost fallen asleep! "Thanks Fawkes, I almost forgot" Harry rubbed his brow awkwardly.
The disguised flamebird chortled to himself quietly, he loved having such a cute partner, it had been hell living with the old goat and following his every whim, and he was very much glad that it was over. ~Well, it's not long, and you'll be a matured wizard~
Harry glanced at the clock, the only thing he owned other than Dudley's old clothes that the Dursleys had bought him, and that was only for knowing when to start breakfast. 11:58. Blimey, he had almost missed it! He scrunched up his nose, and began counting down the seconds.
Inside the young boy's body, the potion that had laid mostly dormant started absorbing the negative karma that the boy had received. Until now, it had only provided small miracles, and those had been assisted by the boy's accidental magic, but now it was time to release the potions that it had mixed with from his body, and give Harry his reward for surviving the abuse that he had. Destroying the blocks on the boys magic, which had been limiting over 90% of his power, it worked its way into the scar and destroyed the horcrux that had been created when the potion had blocked the killing curse. That finished, the potion found that Harry still had a lot more owed to him, and set out through his blood, searching for powers that had long been lost to his family through interbreeding and bringing them to the surface. It also brought creature blood to the surface, and with the last of its power, destroyed the horcrux in the Gaunt family ring, and sent an image to the bird. Its power gone, the potion faded away, leaving behind a changed person.
Fawkes watched in fascination as his young friend's body glowed with sheer golden power, the bed incinerating and windows shattering. The firebird itself felt the powerful pressure of the magic, despite being a creature of the same origin. Fawkes gave a skwark of alarm as the now unconscious Harry's body snapped and broke to repair and change the damage he had gone through and the creature he was now. A tail burst out from his jeans, scaly and thick, and those same scales started to cover his body until he was coated in a second skin of bright emerald scales. Talons burst forth from his hands and feet and his hair fell out and turned to ash, replaced with a brace of shining golden horns. Wings burst out from his back in a shower of gore, coated in those same radiant scales and tipped with golden talons.
Fawkes ripped his eyes away from the scene at the sound of horrid shouting, and realised what was going to happen. He flew above Harry and readied his talons as the three Dursleys, two of them fatter than sea cows and the other as thin as a twig, burst into the room and screamed. Before Fawkes could even attempt to protect his young friend however, a golden tendril sped out of the still glowing Harry and struck all three Dursleys, turning them to ash.
Fawkes then flinched, almost falling out of the air when an image of a place called Little Hangleton and a ring inside a shack burned their way into his mind. Fawkes then turned around to look at Harry as he fell to the ground, no longer supported by the glowing light, and faded back into a peaceful sleep on his bed of ashes. Fawkes took a moment to digest all that had happened, before sighing and making his way down to the boy's side, laying over him. 'Well, as much as I prefer you to the old coot, you're just as troublesome as he was Harry.'
Dumbledore happily sat in his office eating lemon drops laced with calming potion. Everything was going as planned, Potter was still showing no signs of breaking the power limiters he had Horace put in him as a child, -just another thing for the poor man to hold a guilty conscience for-, Horace would come back to the school so that Severus would finally be able to teach the brats some magic, Minerva was as clueless as ever and the goblins had yet to find his theft of the Hufflepuff cup, which he had destroyed and promptly gloated over with a glass of firewhiskey. Now the only Horcruxes to destroy were the diadem that was hidden in the Room, the snake, the ring, which he was going to collect in a week or so, and the Potter boy. True there was that insolent bird and the elder wand, but those had no effect on his plans to make Potter a scapegoat and take the fall by sacrificing himself to Tom. When the boy was dead, he could easily take the cloak, and the Hallow of Power would make its way back into his possession in due time. Yes, everything was going smoothly.
-this line wants a change in pace-
Harry groaned as he woke up, muscles sore and back aching. He had no idea what had happened after he passed out, but he was dizzy and sore and he had a bad feeling that he was about to find out. ~Harry?...Can you hear me? ~ Blearily, he turned towards Fawkes' mental voice. His gaze found the bird, and within an instant he was pummelled with a big bundle of crimson feathers and mentally assaulted with worry. ~OhmygoodnessHarryIwassoworriedwhatonearthdidyoudoandhowareyouevenstillalive?!~
"Ugh, geez Fawkes, what's wrong? Why're you so upset anyway? Besides, I'm fine, just sore, and anyway, why're you out of your disguise? I thought you were trying to hide from Uncle Vernon by being Hedwig."
Harry closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around the frantic bird, trying to keep Fawkes calm, as he was obviously upset about something. He felt really heavy, as if he was carrying Hagrid on his shoulders. "So anyway, what's wrong? You're always calm and collected so why the panic?"
~Because you were asleep for 3 days Harry, I thought you were in a coma~
Harry's eyes burst open and bulged. '3 DAYS? Holly Shit! What happened? Oh no… Uncle Vernon's gunna be pissed!' Harry quickly let go of Fawkes and got up to get down into the kitchen to make breakfast, only to fall right back again. ~Harry!~
Harry put his hands on the ground to push himself up again, but froze when he felt something scaly under his hand. "F-Fawkes …what am I holding?"
Harry had no idea what to expect, but his stomach grew cold when after a pregnant pause, he heard Fawkes' answer. ~…Your tail…Harry... Harry?~
Harry picked himself up off the floor slowly, minding the added weight and ignoring Fawkes' cautious but panicked tone as he stumbled and wobbled his way out of his room and across the landing to the bathroom, where he stood in shock at the visage in the full-body mirror before him.
Facing Harry in the mirror was something he just couldn't comprehend. It was a strange dragon-man with a crown of sharp golden horns, a bright yellow-green eye and a glowing crimson eye with slitted pupils, a long forked tongue and sharp teeth filling his mouth. Hulking behind the teen in the mirror were two giant emerald wings, scales running over the surface like jewels and tipped with golden spikes.
If that wasn't enough, he could see and feel a large scaly tail coming out of his pelvis. Reaching around with quivering hands, he touched the wings, flinching when scales of the same brilliant emerald rippled into being over his skin. They were small, feeling smooth like snake skin under his palm, but he flinched away from himself when he noticed that his fingernails had been replaced with sharp, inch-long claws, with his toes being replaces with three curved golden talons, a fourth jutting out of each of his strange new ankles. Shaking fiercely, he started as he saw Fawkes alight on the towel rack, obviously cautious. ~Harry?~
Turning to Fawkes, he drew in a breath and asked in a deceptively calm voice, "Fawkes, What am I?"
The Manager of the accounts of the Potter family, Poggle Grimpletoad, swallowed deeply as he anxiously looked into the eyes of Ragnok the Greater, Manager of Gringotts and second only to King Jareth and Queen Sarah. "Tell me Poggle, what gave you the impression that allowing theft from one of our wealthier clients would ever be forgiven by Gringotts?" Poggle gulped again as his superior growled in his face before yelling, "Guards, feed him to the dragons." Ignoring the screaming and kicking of the former employee of Gringotts, Ragnok gestured towards a random human employee before demanding a returning portkey to the Potters' residence, ignoring the Ministry's laws against unsanctioned portkeys. "If no-one can do their jobs, then I'll have to do it."
Harry had calmed slightly by the time Fawkes had encouraged him to make his way downstairs, Fawkes perched on his shoulder as he re-learnt how to make his body move the way he wanted it to. Fawkes then surprised Harry by jumping off of his shoulder and making his way to the fridge and skilfully opening it with one foot. Climbing up and grabbing a piece of cheese, he flew back over to the table and set it in front of Harry, nudging his hand. Picking it up by skewering it on his talons, Harry had just started nibbling on the cheese when the doorbell rang, scaring the anxious boy again. ~Harry?...Harry!~ Harry stopped shaking as Fawkes commanded his attention. ~Don't worry, I'll just cast a glamour on you to make you look normal, ok?~ As Harry nodded and calmed himself, Fawkes reached into the magic at hic core and thrust it at Harry.
Harry shivered as the foreign magic caressed his skin, covering his wings and making his body seem normal. He nodded at Fawkes who quickly re-glamoured himself as a female snowy owl as Harry opened the door. A small, short man in a black suit and tie was at the door staring disinterestedly at the Muggle Street. Harry gathered himself before asking in his most steady tone. "Hello, who are you?"
The short man raised an eyebrow before asking quickly and in a no-nonsense tone: "Mr Potter?" Seeing Harry's nod, the man continued. "I am here as a representative of Gringotts Bank." Seeing Harry's wide eyes, he grinned, showing off all of his sharp teeth.
A look of realisation came across Harry's face as he smiled and opened the front door wider. "Oh, of course, come in sir." Intrigue over the lack of superiority flashed over Ragnok's glamoured face before he walked inside and shut the door, cancelling the glamour. Now a proper goblin again, he sneered at the home that gave off a sterile, bleak tone, seeing the obviously polished and bleached home.
Following Harry into the kitchen, he briefly scanned the plain interior while Fawkes flew back on to Harry's before seizing Harry's attention and continuing. "While reading your file I came across a number of peculiarities involving unsanctioned withdrawals and have need of your presence at the bank. Are you ready?" while speaking, Ragnok put up his hand in the position of a handshake. Harry, very confused, hesitatingly shook hands with Ragnok before widening his eyes at the feeling of a portkey.
Accidentally flaring out his hidden wings to keep his balance Harry wobbled in place while staring at his new location. He was in a rather spartan office furnished in simple wooden furniture with nothing but a desk, seats, and a glass window showing Diagon Alley. Looking at the goblin, Harry saw that he had wide eyes and shaking knees. Checking himself, he saw with panic that Fawkes' glamour's had disappeared.
Noticing that his guest was panicking in reaction to his own fear, Ragnok composed himself. He certainly hadn't expected the Potter heir to have had a creature inheritance, or a phoenix of all things on his shoulder, but by the looks of it, Mr Potter hadn't expected the inheritance either, and was rather stressed by it. "*cough*Well Mr Potter, I am sorry to have destroyed your glamour, but this room is warded against things such as disguises."
Noticing that he had his client's attention, and that he was slowly calming down, he pressed further. "Mr Potter, I am Ragnok, Bank Manager of Gringotts. I brought you here today because I caught your manager stealing from you."
Harry's eyes widened. "W-what?"
"I was checking the client files and noticed that you were paying an awful lot of money to many people. Furthermore, I also noticed that you haven't been getting your annual reports, which I should have been notified about. Finally, you yourself only came to the bank once a year, but Albus Dumbledore came in frequently with signed notes of consent on your behalf." Ragnok looked up from his papers to see the dragonlike-boy clenching his teeth and shaking with rage. He frowned "I'm guessing from your reaction, this was not authorised." Harry slowly shook his head, and Ragnok sighed. "Because I believe that you don't even know how much you had, I'll just give you a copy of the report." Ragnok handed Harry a piece of parchment with his details on it, and he sighed as the Potter heir fainted from disbelief. Turning to the phoenix, who had been trying to comfort the boy, he said. "There are some rooms you can rest in three halls left out the door, then another four to the right. The phoenix nodded and flashed away in a blaze of fire, and Ragnok sighed again, before picking up the parchment.
Vault 687 – Potter Student Trust Vault
Current Amount – 359,890G -2,798S -500K
- Molly Weasley nee Prewit – 28,869G -7,653S Over 12 years
- Ronald Weasley – 8,798G Over 6 years
- Ginervra Weasley – 6,289G Over 5 years
- Hermione Granger – 2,736G -6,454S -37,475K Over 6 years
Vaults 437 + 32 – Potter Family Vaults
Current Amount – 3 Books – 6 Artefacts – 567G -4,000S
- Albus Brian Percival Wolfric Dumbledore Family Heirlooms – Invisibility Cloak, Family Trunk, Family Grimoire – 2,568 Rare Books – 88 Rare Artefacts 6,743,547G Over 16 years
- Horace Slughorn – 2 Diaries Over 1 Day
- Order of the Phoenix – 683,755,966G Over 15 years
- Hermione Granger -55 Rare Books Over 3 years
Other Owned Vaults (Unknown)
Heh, finally got around to working on this again. Remember, flames are used to cook pancakes, which I will then feed to a chimpanzee. Because flamers don't get any.