I own nothing

All the grueling, sadistic torture that our precious 'sensei' put us through was finally going to pay off.

I was about to finally exit the god forsaken hole in the ground called 'Konoha'.

It wasn't for long, it wasn't that far, but being able to wake up and not see a giant rock with the face of murderers that ruined the world was going to be much appreciated.

It was my first step towards greater things—towards regaining my power and restarting this pathetic world.

"Come one Kaguya!" the orange one yelled.

That bastard... who gave him the right to say my name.

He doesn't deserve to say it!

"Do not rush me dog! Unless you want to die prematurely..."

He wasn't even fazed in the slightest by my words. Luckily he stayed quiet... I had my chakra ready to extend my bone and just spear him in the chest and then take-

I needed to calm down. It was my first trip out of the village in years—and I was not going to let the rats ruin it.

Just like they ruined everything else in my life.

Tazuna, the 'client', was a honestly weak individual.

He hid behind his boasting and alcohol—among pretty insults and sudden signs of fear. He was a man who didn't fully signify what I wanted to change in this corrupt world, but who I wanted to change in all the corruption.

People like him are born to follow. It wasn't an insult—it was cold, hard facts.

Deep down inside, he wanted someone to rule him... to exert the control that he didn't want to.

As much as he preached that he was his own man—he was a man who lived to follow orders, to be told what to do and give little argument as he did it.

And that was the subconscious mentality of everyone in the nation, of all these nations. The few who decided that they wanted to control themselves, those were the ones who found themselves in the position of power.

Because deep down inside, they WANT the power. They WANT to take all those in their way out of it. Because they chose their own goals—and they weren't going to let anybody stop them.

It wasn't a good quality. How many people, innocent people, did the Hokage kill to 'protect Konoha'? How many people will the Uchiha trample in his quest to kill his brother?

And how many dreams will the orange one destroy to become the Hokage? To bring 'peace'? How many people will he subjugate to give up on their own dreams and follow his instead?

Become loyal to the future of Naruto Uzumaki, not the future of yourself.

They needed to be ruled. They needed someone to exert control so they didn't have to—so they could deal with themselves, not something petty like 'other nations or other ninja'.

So why didn't they just understand?

"Kaguya?" A voice asked. I vaguely placed it to the orange one. "We need to meet up with Tazuna at the gates, we can't just be standing here staring at space."

I stared at him—and I could see exactly what he was.

A leech.

Someone who 'got their power through bonds'. Who cherished friendship among anything else.

I didn't even need to destroy this village myself. He would ruin it when he becomes Hokage.

And he would become Hokage—because he would drag the power out of his close ones and use them to win against his enemies. His own strength would be nothing without trivial things such 'friendship' and 'loyalty.'

In my own experience: Friendship brought lies and loyalty could crumble like a handful of wet sand.

I just couldn't wait for the day he does something absolutely evil for his friends. When his personal loyalty will destroy everything he ever stood for.

And I would stand there and watch—I didn't even need to be one of the causing factors. I was more than happy enough to laugh as the world they created turned him into nothing less than a monster.

Poor kid never stood a chance.

It was a shame he survived.

I was never a fan if killing people—the ones I did slay were warranted completely. But the fact that the... the faker managed to live was actually a tad annoying.

Maybe it was a mindset of ancient times, but when someone mentioned a 'demon' then there was some bad things going on.

Not to wannabes trying to kill a simple bridge builder—real demons were much more dangerous than a person who was almost defeated by the Uchiha of all people.

It was a simple ambush, the puddle of water we happened to walk over suddenly erupted into chains that shredded our oh so unknowing sensei into pieces. Then two idiots—not the idiots, the orange and black one—but two older, more threatening(in looks not skill) idiots that rushed us head on.

Did they not know that we were already in a defensive position?

The black one got into a confrontation with one of them, while the other one...

The other one was mine...

He rushed forward—literally flying through the air.

I just waited—taking full advantage of my child body to make my opponent underestimate me.

And he did underestimate me... the final mistake he will ever make...

I simple raised my arm and released my Shikotsumyaku spear towards him... momentum did the rest.

Unfortunately, I was not tall enough to stab him in a guaranteed fatal spot. The stomach—where my bone did pierce—had plenty of effective spots to end him with, but it seemed like he managed to escape sure death.

Instead he would bleed out painfully.

"Are y-you sure we're just leaving him?" A terrified Tazuna asked. "He's bleeding pretty badly."

Kakashi only shrugged.

"His well being is not my problem, he attacked us first—remember that."

Finally the stupid cyclops did something worthy of my respect.

Part of me—probably the mother and princess inside of me—wanted to show mercy, to give him a second chance. But the scorned and shrewd queen inside of me knew... people like them are stains on the planet.

And if they were actually demons like they claimed, the one I stabbed should be fine.

It was a good hypothesis to put to the test.

I didn't like to agree with the orange one—especially when most of the things he say are completely ludicrous.

But I knew he was a leader in the future, and that every once in a while he would have something somewhat relevant to speak about.

So I agreed with his idea to continue to Wave despite the fact that Tazuna lied to us. They needed help, and even though I know... know that there are places that cannot be helped—I couldn't help but feel that I could help Wave.

Tazuna's sob story actually did convince me quite a bit. I didn't find it touching or moving in anyway—I found it as perfect evidence that this world was nothing more than a cesspool of horrid people and no opportunity.

A man so desperate he resorts to tricking children into helping him.

A queen could fix that.

Another demon.

"-otherwise known as the 'Demon of the Hidden Mist. Am I right?"

I felt like sighing as sensei so calmly announced the name of our possible demise.

He, Zabuza, only chuckled.

"And you are pretty well known yourself, Kakashi Hatake... the-"

I threw a shuriken at him. The talking was making me sick.

I winced in pain.

"Shut up!" I hissed viciously at my teacher.

"Hey!" he called. "It's your fault he came after you. You could have—I don't know—let us finish the pleasant conversation we were having?"

"You were just preening each other... why on earth do you flatter and give more confidence to the enemy?"

He shrugged and stared at my limp right arm.

"So why does it hurt?" he asked.

That bastard!

"Because it is a BONE! And when he attacked me—when you should have been protecting me—he snapped it with that stupid massive sword he has! Who on earth carries a giant sushi knife with him!?"

I could see the orange one lean to the black one and whisper something along the lines of, 'Dude, you ever see her this angry before?'

I glared at him with malice.

"My bone is broken!"

"Can't you just grow a new one?"

"Yes, but-" I raised my hand threateningly to make sure he doesn't interrupt me, "-I still have the bones in my arm. I grew a separate piece to block his... I'm feeling phantom pains right now ... phantom pains," I spat out.

How pathetic was that!

"How do you feel any pain from the extension," the black one dared to ask. "You're not growing nerves with it, are you?"

I froze.


"How is climbing a tree possible going to help us fight Zabuza?" The black one asked.

The full story of the Zabuza fight in a slight paraphrase:

I threw shuriken. Fight started. Cyclops said he would protect us. Does not protect us and I have my bone spear snapped. Cyclops shows off. Zabuza apparently dies. And a hunter from Kiri comes to take his body back.

The actual story involved everything except the ever so crucial 'Zabuza dies' and 'hunter from Kiri'.

Because according to the cyclops, who has led me astray many times, hunters will cut off the head and only take that.

"Well," sensei started, "I simply do not have the time to teach you anything that can help you deal with Zabuza, but even the slightest help in chakra control can go a long way."

He then placed his foot against the trunk of a tree and started to walk up it.

"I don't understand," I stated. "How on earth does your chakra stick to that?"

"What do you mean? It just does..."

"No!" I growled. "Because chakra is our life energy, it is us. Why on earth does it stick to a tree of all things? The only plausible explanation was if we mold our chakra with the tree, but you didn't become part tree though... because the tree should reject your chakra because it doesn't want to meld with you..."

"Kaguya, you're overthinking it."

"But it doesn't make sense! Unless you are making serrated bladed on the bottom of your shoe to hold yourself in... but there is no marks from where you are standing..."

Kakashi sighed.

"Kaguya," He stated firmly to get my attention. "Stop. Don't ask why, just do it. Chakra sticks to surfaces, we don't know why, it just does."

I frowned.

I was still frowning.

"I am so confused," Kakashi mused. "How is it that Naruto managed to stick to the tree before Kaguya?"

"Because the concept is so stupid it takes idiots to comprehend it!" I growled out.

"But if an idiot can understand it and you can't—what does that make you?"

If I wasn't raised so well and above throwing and wasting the food of my host, Tazuna's family, I would have thrown my food at him.

I gave up on tree climbing, I couldn't even stick in the slightest.

And I had no idea why.

"Maybe because you are questioning the fact on how we wall walk that your brain refuses to do it know without a proper explanation."

I stayed quiet from my position next the the cyclops. Since I had absolutely no chance at climbing the tree, there was no point in me wasting my time.

It stung that the two baboons could do something that I couldn't. That I was so hopeless at an apparently simple concept.

"Sensei," I started. "What does it feel like when your chakra sticks to a wall?"

He looked at me for a second.

"Well... for a tree or wall, because it's easier to stick to a tree than a wall."

"Both, preferably."

"Okay... a tree is pretty easy once the concept is down—no offense. It's kinda like a magnet, the chakra you want to stick to the tree just... sticks. It has a pull to it like it is naturally attracted to the tree, and once you have enough control you can stick from almost an inch away—which doesn't sound like much, but it is."

"And walls?" I needed all the variables before I could make a solution.

"Well my sensei always said to try and visualize the space on the other side of the wall. Like your chakra is on the other side and—going back to the magnet analogy since that as how he explained it—is pulling you towards it."

"And do you do that?"

He shrugged.

"I guess you just invade you chakra into it, your tree theory could be valid—but I have no idea on the subject of nature chakra... I do know a guy though..."

"So why are people disarmed? If chakra sticks than no person can lose their weapon."

He just stared at me with the blankest expression after I said that.

"I... I mean-well I gues that..." he sighed. "If you want we can talk to the Ho-"

"No," I said, coming to a conclusion. "I think I know why?"

"And what is that?"

I stayed silent.

Maybe... just maybe...

'Like a magnet'. Like a magnet his chakra attaches to it, attracted to the tree...

All I had was assumptions, but maybe it was because I was perfect that I couldn't stick to stuff.

Not to be a narcissistic, but maybe it was because I was the first person to ever have chakra. My power was perfect.

It was possible that his chakra stuck to the tree since it was incomplete, it was not attuned to the power of the world—so possibly he was sticking to the tree because his chakra wanted the nature power that the tree had. Which blended well to why chakra couldn't stick a weapon to a persons hand, it was non organic and had no nature chakra to try and take.

And my chakra, which was already attuned to nature, was unable to do that since it didn't have to.

It was all just thoughts in the end though, I could possible just be horrible at controlling my chakra.

But what was the odds in that?

If only the stupid seals would fall off, then I could fly instead of sticking to a tree...

"Hey," a voice coaxed me out of my sleep.

I opened my eyes and stared like I wasn't asleep at all.

It was a trick I learned during my reign—royalty must look flawless one hundred percent of the time, no matter how tired I felt or how bad the situation was.

I noticed that it was Tazuna's daughter—whose name I did not recall—was the one to wake me.

"Yes?" I asked politely, she was hosting us after all.

She smiled gently. "Your team has already left, they said you had troubles sleeping so they let you be."

Showing pity on me? I frowned.

I was thinking of my theory of wall walking and whether or not it was possible for me to do it.

And the results were grim.

"Thank you," I said to her as I started to get ready, "I must be on my way no-"

The sound of the door being kicked in interrupted me.

I sighed as the laughter of an arrogant man rang throughout the house.

"Excuse me," I said to Tazuna's daughter, "As a guest please let me deal with this little issue to repay your hospitality."

I could here the kid scream and run into the room we were in.


I walked over to the door and stood beside it—putting my finger to my lips to signal to the mother son duo to stay quiet.

I could here two distinct footsteps approaching the room.

And slowly the door opened—I was standing in a position behind the open door. So as it opened it shielded me from sight.

"Peekaboo!" The man cackled, obviously thinking Tazuna's family was alone. I could hear his partner snort in amusement behind him.

Tazuna's daughter took her son and backed up against the wall behind them, the two intruders entered the room and started to approach them.

"Look lady, we don't want to kill you. We just need you as hostages..." he suddenly chuckled. "Actually we only need one of you, you guys should decide quickly!"

I rolled my eyes as I slowly closed the door in front of me. The two idiots had their backs facing me—not even a look out.

I was facing amateurs.

"One of you guys has to volunteer to die in the next five seconds..."

What a sick game they were playing. I extended bones from both my wrists as I stood behind them.



I stabbed both of them before he could say 'three'... I just couldn't wait to wipe these pathetic men out of my world.

They both stood, wide eyed, as my Shikotsumyaku went through both of their bodies completely. If they would have looked down in the last few seconds of their life they would have seen my white bone, covered in blood, sticking out of their chests.

I wriggled the bones around a little, just to make sure I destroyed some of their sensitive organs.

Just had to make sure they died—it would be embarrassing if they suddenly stabbed me in the back.

It would be rather ironic if they did.

I pulled the bones out—the blood being scraped off the bone by my skin as I retracted them.

I frowned as I looked at the blood on my sleeves.

"These are my sleeping clothes," I said, upset.

I was hoping that would break the family out of the stupor they were in.

"Excuse me," I started, stepping over the two bodies and towards my stuff, "but I have to change, would you please leave?"

They continued staring as I picked up my usual clothes, which was my usual dress that I wore all throughout my reign—albeit a tad more suited for combat. I groaned as I looked at the specks of blood on it—the material stained easily.

I looked at them one more time to realize they were traumatized and wouldn't move before walking into the bathroom to change.

"Hello Tazuna-san," I said as I approached the bridge builder. "Quite misty today, isn't it?"

"I-it's Zabuza!" he yelled in fear.

I frowned. "I was trying sarcasm... never again."

I stood next to him as I attempted to wipe the blood off my clothing.

"Are you going to help!?"

I felt the Kyuubi's chakra go rampant.


We stood there for a little longer.

"Are you sure."

I looked at him blandly.

"Do you feel that terrifying power?" I asked.


"That is the orange one."


I sighed as I gave up cleaning my clothes and looked out into the thick mist.

If only I had any of my eye powers. My eyes still had the same milky color as ever, but the once non existent pupils were as normal and visible as any other human. And worst of all my third eye was completely locked—I couldn't even feel it.

"Kaguya?" Tazuna asked.


"Why is there blood on you?"

So he noticed.

"I... ran into some enemies on the way here."

It was somewhat true. It was better that he didn't freak out that there were two corpses sitting in his guest bedroom—maybe his daughter would move the bodies by the time he gets there.

The blood on his floor would be an issue... the smell might linger for a while also—it was pretty humid.

But it was better than a dead family.

And suddenly there was chirping.

A very familiar chirping.

It was that technique... the lightening one.

I smiled as the mist vanished—revealing the cyclops stabbing the fake hunter in the chest.


I was about to call this entire debacle uneventful.

"All in all—the mission did pretty well."

I rolled my eyes in cyclops' attempt to lighten the mood.

The orange one was rather somber, for the most idiotic of reasons.

He became friends with the enemy. Was he an idiot?

Of course he was, but that BIG of an idiot?

As a queen, I made a lot of 'friends' with rulers of other lands. Yes—I would laugh with them and reluctantly share a drink, and when the occasional one came with a marriage proposal I would try to act remorseful as I reject them—but I knew they could be an enemy at any given moment. I never stayed close, never become attached with someone that could, and would, put my people in danger at a moments notice.

When a powerful person was actually friends with another power person—not acquaintances or allies, but friends... that's a truly dangerous combination.

And so very rare. The only real example I've experienced was Team 7 with the pink one...

Sensei seemed to notice my unamusement.

"Think about it," he started, "I beat up Zabuza, Sasuke and Naruto beat up the other chick-"

"Haku," Naruto cut off angrily. "His name was Haku."

"-yeaaah... Haku. And Kaguya, in a bit more brutal fashion, beat up the two guys trying to kidnap Tsunami and Inari!"

So that was their names.

"Excuse me," I cut in. "The term 'beat up' sounds rather physical. I stabbed them, they didn't even know I was there. It was more 'assassinated' than 'beat up.'"

"How could you just kill them!?" Naruto yelled suddenly.

I looked at him confused—oh I knew why he was asking that, but I just wanted to make him feel even worse.

"Was I suppose to let them kill little Inari?" I hope Inari was the boy, "Or Tsunami instead? I'd rather have the murderers be killed than the innocent."

Naruto shut his mouth, but I knew he was still angry.

He wanted to know how and why I could kill so casually and not be affected by it.

Because the end justifies the means. I will destroy anything or anyone who tries to stand in my way to regain control of this world.

"Now it's morbid... thanks Naruto. Out of all three of you—who would have expected that Naruto would be the one to kill the mood?"

I sighed at my sensei's antics.

"I mean, Sasuke literally screams 'depressed', and Kaguya gives of the vibe of-"

"Quiet you sniveling rodent!"

His amused chuckle made me grit my teeth in anger.

Authors Note: There is a chance that the amount of errors are higher than previous chapters, I apologize—I didn't want to wait another day to release this.