Disclaimer: No. I don't own it. If I did, I wouldn't be on here obsessing for the better part of a decade.

A/N: I'm going to come clean now. I hated drabble fics until a few months ago. I hated that they seemed to have no point, and just when something got interesting, the author would cut it off with squealing delight. It was maddening when all I wanted was long stories with solid plots. And then I forced myself to read a few drabble fics and they grew on me before I knew what was happening.

With so much going on in my life, I know I shouldn't be writing FFs but here I am anyway. I should be finishing up book two… but writing is writing… right? Bleh… really, it just boils down to me needing a vent for some insane amounts of stress, and it emerged in the form of drabble-length, giddy spurts of inspiration.

This will be a collection of modern day drabbles that are related, will be presented in order, and will form the skeleton of an actual plot. To challenge myself, the PoVs will vary from drabble to drabble, and will sometimes be inspired by a song I have playing on shuffle. Rated T for Sano's mouth. :)

I think that about covers all of it. Happy reading!


End Transmission


After they'd been strapped in, Kaoru shifted her head carefully until she faced Sanosuke. "Are you ready?" she giggled.

"I'm beginning to think you weren't entirely honest with me," he groused.

Kaoru grinned. "What do you mean?"

"I mean," he grumbled irately, "that you never thought to mention this thing is going to go upside down."

Kaoru couldn't repress her snort. "What gave you that idea?"

"Oh, I don't know," he retorted curtly. "Maybe the fact that three different seatbelts are required before they shoot us out of here. If this were a perfectly normal roller coaster, it wouldn't need all this."

Kaoru grinned at him as the coaster car jerked into motion. "It's too late to turn back now," she cackled.

"DAMNIT, KAORU!" he shouted as the cart wove around a short bit of track before reaching the famed ascent. It clicked forward, propelling each thrill seeker higher and higher by the moment.

Sano fumbled violently with his harnesses, but didn't make much progress before the coaster car reached the top of the peak and hung them over the edge of the precipice. There was a deliberate delay as the car hung precariously, giving everyone a chance to witness the chaotic web of tracks they would be sent plummeting into.

"I HATE YO-" Sano yelled just before the coaster released the brakes and flung itself downward into a series of twists and turns and vicious loops that had Kaoru giggling insanely and Sano slamming a hand over his mouth to hold back a stream of illness.

"See? It wasn't so bad!" Kaoru laughed once they slowed.

"Yeah- not yet. Just wait until I get my hands on you," he hissed, and then immediately threw his hand over his eyes to abate his dizziness.

As the cart was pulled to its final stop, Kaoru unfastened her seatbelt and darted away before Sano knew what was happening. It was too late by the time he reached her and Megumi's grinning faces. To his horror, they held a photograph of him- the great Zanza- actually green in the face, beside a Kaoru who was so filled with mirth that she had tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Quite impressive," Megumi told him with a catty smirk.

Red-faced, Sano locked in on Kaoru, and she had half a second to leap out of the way. "COME BACK HERE!" he screamed, trailing after her for a short distance before his stomach threatened to rebel. Sinking to the ground, he watched helplessly as she disappeared into the crowd. A stream of giggles informed him that she had bigger plans… damn her.