Disclaimer: I don't own Junjou Romantica because there would be too much random shit like this.
I totally butchered their characterization here, I know it.
It was a rather nice and peaceful afternoon. Nowaki and Hiroki were sitting in the living room, watching some game show that both of them had lost interest in already. Well, not really sitting. More like lying down, as Hiroki's head was currently in Nowaki's lap, the younger running his hands through Hiroki's hair gently. All in all, Hiroki felt that it was one of the most relaxing and pleasant afternoons he'd had in a long time. Sitting in silence save for the background noise of the television, enjoying each other's company…yes, it was a good life, indeed, and he was too comfortable to say otherwise, really.
Of course, silence was meant to be broken.
"Hiro-san?" Nowaki spoke up, a soft smile apparent in his tone.
Hiroki hmm'ed in acknowledgement, not wanting to say anything for fear of breaking the tranquil air they had established.
"Do you believe in reincarnation?"
What a stupid question, Hiroki thought. Of course he didn't; reincarnation was a silly idea that people who didn't appreciate their lives believed in. But Nowaki must have had some sort of reason to ask that question. Maybe. He was known to ask random things like that occasionally.
Glancing up to see Nowaki's face looking down on him seriously, Hiroki only frowned. "What kind of stupid question is that?"
Nowaki sighed inaudibly, even though Hiroki could still hear it. "Nothing, Hiro-san. I was just thinking…well…"
"Spit it out already!"
Giving him a patient smile, Nowaki answered, "If…if reincarnation were real, then I would want to be able to see you again, Hiro-san. Even in another life."
Cue sweatdrop. Hiroki didn't think Nowaki would say something like that. Most of the time whatever Nowaki said was rather intelligent, though, even if other people didn't think so. It was one of those traits that Hiroki loved about him, out of many others. Not that he would ever admit it out loud, of course.
Hiroki tched, feeling his face turn hot. What a sappy thing to say. "Idiot. Reincarnation isn't a real thing. Don't believe in those kinds of things."
"But what if it was real, Hiro-san? Would you want to see me again too?" Nowaki sounded so damned hopeful, yet so uncertain, like Hiroki would say "No" and somehow crush all his dreams at the same time.
He didn't know how to answer. On one hand, he could just answer in the negative and then deal with Nowaki's sulks but save his pride in the meantime; though, on the other hand, answering "Yes" would most likely result in being smothered in kisses and engaging in an extra-passionate round of sex with Nowaki declaring his love for Hiroki every other sentence. It was known to happen, honestly.
Sighing, Hiroki steadied his voice and mumbled quickly, "Of course, you big lug." It wasn't enough. "And…I'd believe in reincarnation if it meant I could be with you, too." This last part was said so quietly that Nowaki almost couldn't understand it.
Since he did, though, his face lit up in that brilliant smile, the one that made Hiroki's heart skip one or two beats. Nowaki gathered Hiroki in his arms and, with eyes that held love only for him, kissed his lips deeply, holding him so tightly that Hiroki almost couldn't breathe.
Hiroki kissed him back just as deeply, heart beating rapidly and the knowledge that no matter whom they were or will be, they would always be able to find each other.
A/N: Huehue, this is a slight reference to the other fic I have of them, "If Only I Could Stay", about reincarnation and shit. Well, sort of.