In his last moments before all consciousness was lost, Yue looked upon his young mistress. Daylight glowed through the room as a new day approached. Sakura appeared magnificently beautiful as her magic circle glowed around her, and as light highlighted her features in an ethereal halo.

"You'll be okay, Yue."

I'll be okay, he repeated, thankful beyond relief at her mercy and graciousness. He succumbed to the magic as his mind fell in a place beyond time and space.

With subdued consciousness, Yue hazily remembered a library filled with albums. Clow, his dear and beloved master, drifted into the old memory as he stepped into a row of book-lined shelves. The sorcerer glanced at Yue, offered a cunning smile, and stopped to pluck a thick book from the myriad of choices. With his back turned, he casually flipped through the pages, sending off little specks of dust into the sunny outlet. Yue recognized the keepsake and knew it well enough: in it lay postcards from adventures, both past and present. Some of these places were unknown to Yue, while others were quite familiar. He enjoyed looking at the pictures of places he visited with his master and brother. Yue would gaze upon the postcard and reminisce about each trip. Warmth settled into his skin as he recalled the memories.

Remembering Clow's book of postcards churned a strange emotion in his heart. The places appeared so familiar, yet foreign. He recalled some trips better than others, but knew the overall glow of familiarity that came with these very pictures.

Yue's thoughts drifted back to the present, even as a familiar sensation settled within his chest. Much like his travels with the former card master, Yue was in a place that was both familiar and foreign. And, like his good memories with Clow, the feeling was content. Peaceful.

While his eyes remained closed, Yue instinctively knew he no longer stood in Yukito's bedroom. The Dream Card had transported him to an unknown plane in his mind. It had been so long since his mind was his own, and he relished the long-awaited peace.

" are waking, Yue."

The moon guardian stirred at the sound of the voice. He was becoming 'physical' in this space, like stepping into the role of a dream. His body drifted upward until he was in a standing position, and his limbs tingled as he felt sensation return to them.

"That voice…" So familiar, yet foreign. Yue had not heard it in years – not unless present in a dream, at least.

His eyes peered open as he glanced into the empty space. There was nothing but bleak whiteness around him, as if he were transported into a vacant, stark room. Yet, not far off, a lone figure stood before him – a tall, cloaked man with his back turned from the moon guardian.

"Clow?" Yue breathed, confused and relieved at the site of his former master. He went to take a step forward, but the man immediately held up a hand to stop in. He turned his face to the side so that the slimmest view of his profile came into view.

"This meeting isn't about me, Yue," teased the magician, a light tone overtaking his voice. He put his hand down, apparently pleased with Yue's quick realization to stop, and continued speaking. "What did I tell you, hm? Sakura's got one powerful invincible spell in her arsenal."

You will be fine…You have love, my moonbeam…

"So it was you in the dream." Yue spoke as images of the abandoned, grey shore formed in his own mind. Clow, with his back still turned to the moon guardian, nodded his head.

"Nothing ever gets passed your nose," Clow replied, chortling at his former protector. "That's why you were so good at identifying those postcards. You remembered everything, even if you didn't want to."

"Unfortunately," retorted Yue, more to himself than to Clow. Unpleasant images of the evening's events began to replay silently in his head, and he imagined a new postcard in Clow's album: one with shattered glass and a bloody forearm.

Clow must have heard the remark, for he began to chuckle. The sound reverberated through the empty space as the man's shoulders shook with mirth. His laughter, so pure and nostalgic, churned Yue's stomach with an array of emotions.

Before he could further question Clow's intentions, the magician's laughter faded off, and he turned his profile towards Yue once again. "Are you ready to see your reflection, Yue?"

Yue's vision began to swirl before he could answer. He felt himself being pulled upward as the ground spun beneath him; he shut his eyes at the overwhelming sensation.

Then the sensation stopped just as quickly as it began, slowing into a steadier pace as Yue's feet touched the cold ground. Regaining composure, and eyes remaining closed, the guardian realized he couldn't sense his former master anymore.

There was a different, distinct aura in the space, however.


It was a meek greeting from a recognizable voice. But instead of sounding into his stream of thoughts, the voice traveled at him, as if from across a room.

His mind whirred in anticipated possibilities as his nerves solidified. Yue knew he must face the reality of the moment.

It was time he truly met his other half.

Reluctantly, Yue lifted his head, and shifted his eyes to gaze at his counterpart.

Indeed, Yukito stood in his line of vision. Yet instead of a broken, weak, waif of a man – the very man that Yue had fended off mere hours ago – an elegant figure stood before him. The Dream Card had mended Yukito quite nicely. The young man was outfitted in an angelically-hued attire much like Yue's, only tailored to fit like a suit rather than traditional garments. There were no signs or signals of stress, physical or otherwise. And, most ironically, Yukito was smiling. He was smiling.

Yukito must have sensed the moon guardian's disbelief. He chuckled, charmingly placing his fingers to his lips in amusement. His eyes danced in pure mischief as brotherly affection radiated from his features.

So this was the fated moment of recognition. Standing before him, in a literal mindset of calm and composure, stood Yue's biggest threat and ally.

Yukito's calm appearance seemed nothing short of peculiar. Even though this was the first time meeting Yukito face-to-face, the boy was so uncannily familiar. Yue felt as if he knew Yukito, or at least, had become acquainted with him in a past life.

Then the memory of Clow's book of postcards once again seeped into his mind. Clow would grin mischievously as he plucked a beautiful scene from a page, ruining its homemade adhesive in the process. He would quiz Yue on each place, every landmark and native plant. The brilliant moon guardian knew them all, of course, but sometimes he would purposely answer incorrectly. Clow would respond with that smug grin, and patronize Yue for 'slipping up' so easily. While Yue was a creature of pride, if nothing else, hearing his beloved master tease in such a manner made him feel quite at home.

As his thoughts drifted back to the present, Yue realized a similar reflection stood before him. Yukito's smile was not quite as cocky as the ancient magician's, but the golden warmth shone like a beacon. Yukito's eyes even crinkled in a similar fashion as he stood in perfect posture.

The comparison couldn't be helped, and the words tumbled from his lips before they could be stopped. "You're very much like Clow," Yue murmured, half hoping it was low enough to be missed.

Yukito's smile faded, and was soon placed by a look of genuine contemplation. "Huh," Yukito said plainly, as a slender finger moved to touch his chin in wonder. "I suppose that's possible. You may have added some of his influence when you created me."

The false form's words pricked at Yue. Indeed, before him stood a comparable image of Clow. Yukito was, admittedly, shorter than his former master, and his smaller physique dwelled against Clow's perfectly sculpted body. Yet, the mannerisms – oh, the mannerisms! It was as if Yukito was Clow's kinder, willowy son; still maintaining a sense of good humor, and still likely to tease in any situation.

When I created you

It made Yue come to yet another realization – something he had forgotten in his own episode of discovery. "I did create you," he verified, "didn't I?"

"You did," confirmed Yukito. "You created me - from my purpose, to my imaginary family, to my memories. You created me…" Yukito's voice trailed off into silence. He nervously looked away, shook his head, and took a steadying breath as if to gather strength.

"Have you finally decided to get rid of me?" Yukito asked, confronting the unspoken, loaded question. His tone was deceptively tranquil despite the manner at large. There wasn't a trace of animosity or anger in Yukito's voice. It may have been a question about a favorite restaurant or recipe.

Yet the moon guardian's answer hung between the space like a rumbling rain cloud. Yue tried to open his mouth to answer, but the very site of Yukito silenced all thoughts.

For the first time in their joint lives, Yue stood and truly studied Yukito. Their minds had always been separate, but their bodies remained one. There was never the opportunity to speak face-to-face like this.

Yukito was so simple and human in comparison to his own angelic, majestic appearance. Even in the Dream's elegant clothing, Yukito's plainness felt out-of-place in the magicked space. Before the two recognized each other as part of their consciousness, Yue was aware of everything Yukito was doing. He could see how the young man relished in his favorite onigiri, or comforted a classmate when a poor grade was returned. Yukito was so unnaturally human that Yue always considered him as such.

And yet, those very basic and very human characteristics could be put aside for certain things. Gazing upon the man, Yue realized that he and Yukito, indeed, shared the same pale coloring. The man was built slim and slender, with narrow cheekbones and slim, shapely lips. Yue noted that they were even the same height. It's true, he mused. Sakura used to say we were alike. I can see why now… Standing next to each other, the two could be brothers: perhaps not identical twins, but absolutely related.

The only true difference was Yukito's eyes. They were narrow, but not feline. And Yukito's warm, golden glow complimented his loving personality.

When Yukito questioned Yue's existence for the first time – alone, in the comfort of his own bedroom – Yue revealed Yukito's true purpose. Yukito's role was to aid the new card master (or mistress, in Sakura's case), and remain close to the chosen one. Yukito had succeeded in getting to know the Kinomotos – in fact, he'd done spectacularly. Sakura adored Yukito as her first crush. Touya fell in love with the man, to the point of sacrificing his own magic. His very presence became rooted in the town despite the lack of background and any true, real connections.

But, as Yue reminisced, it was suppose to cease beyond the Final Judgement. Yue was to regain control, and Yukito should have fallen into the shadows. It was only Yukito's real, rooted connections that kept him cemented in reality.

Yue's thoughts were interrupted. Yukito was smiling again, but just so. "You're always doing that, you know," Yukito teased. With his finger, he traced a circling gesture in the air. "Zoning out. It happens all the time when you're hidden away." Without another word, Yukito took a step closer to the moon guardian, still smiling, but taking a sincere tone. "Do you want to get rid of me, Yue?"

Yue's heartbeat quickened as he was propelled into the true reality of his situation. I nearly succeeded tonight, he contemplated. The night rewound in his mind, and he remembered the exhilarating power of full control. To see, feel, touch, and look like he was human – like he belonged! And to know he could push Yukito back so far without consequences…full, glorious, uninhibited control of a dual being and body. It was the taste of forbidden fruit.

And yet…The image of himself as Yukito left him with a heavy, knotted ball of lead in his stomach. It was too unnatural to be so cruel, even to his human self. Yue knew he wasn't made to destroy; it was his nature to protect. And that reality came crashing down, even as he pushed Yukito's consciousness far back.

"Earlier today…" began Yue, "…In my selfishness, I thought that's what I wanted." His honesty left a bitter taste in his mouth.

But Yukito replied, offering an unexpected response. "You still can, you know," Yukito validated in a hushed voice. His tone remained carefully even, and his face was entirely relaxed – almost peaceful. When Yue remained silent, Yukito went on: "I have a life, Yue, but you are the main part of our souls. It's your will that holds us together."

Yukito paused for a second, letting his eyes shift, as if hesitating on his words. But he regained focus, seemingly brave enough to continue."Actually, I was…kind of surprised when you decided to hold back tonight."

"Hold back?" repeated Yue, disbelieving what he was hearing. The guardian's own harsh words reverberated in his mind, recalling the struggle of the two souls.

Get out of me! Get out of me!

"You're mistaken," Yue continued, as the images of a broken mirror seared into his vision. "I eliminated you. I pushed you so far back into your mind that your soul retaliated against my will."

Yukito shook his head, causing Yue to dispel the frightening mental image. "No, Yue, that's just it. I was pushed back, too far to do anything to help myself." The man took a step closer. "It was you, Yue. You stopped yourself from destroying me. I know I'm not describing it right, but…I think you held yourself back."

He stepped forward once more, closing the distance between them. "Even when you hated me, you couldn't get rid of me. But," Yukito continued. He took a deep breath, and closed his eyes for the wicked truth. "You still can, if you want to." He opened his eyes to look at the guardian. "I promise won't resist."

This can't be, thought Yue as guilt settled into his gut. "You're being unfair," he protested. But Yukito only stepped closer. The two were face to face – so close that Yue could see the other man's pupils contract with emotion. Without a word, Yukito reached and grabbed Yue's two hands in his own. Sakura did this earlier, Yue reminisced. As their palms and fingers intertwined, a soft pulse of pure magic passed through them, like a soothing wave. In a second, Sakura's pink magic circle formed beneath their feet, and dispersed into cherry blossom petals that floated into the windless space.

Yukito held onto Yue's hands. "Yue, if it's one thing you've taught me is that I am you. We are separate minds, but the same in body, and so we support each other. If getting rid of me would help you find peace, then I can accept that."

Without missing a beat, Yukito continued. "You are truly beautiful, Yue," he mused aloud, letting his face fall into a wan smile. The guardian ignored the comment, even as a blush creeped into his pale cheeks.

There was a wave of unfamiliar emotion that washed over the moon guardian. The heaviness in his chest hurt from the pressure, and he wished he could sink into a small space to let it burst. But he remained holding onto Yukito's steady hands, even as his own trembled.

As strange as Clow was, Yue knew his master's love. And although Cerberus was a loon most of the time, Yue felt his brother's love, too. Sakura loved him, even if it was tough for Yue to acknowledge sometimes.

But this was Yukito – his self. This was the part that Yue regretted; the part that Yue dismissed as his weaker half and lesser being; the part that Yue tried to kill tonight.

But this small, unmagicked creature…knew him, and accepted him, and cared for him, even in the most rigorous display of doubt.

Yukito would sacrifice himself for Yue. Yukito loved him.

Yue shut his eyes as he felt the damp pricks threaten to leak down his cheeks. He grasped onto Yukito's hands for balance as he steadied his breathing. "Forgive me," he whispered, his voice hoarse with unshed emotion. "Yukito, forgive me, please." He felt Yukito's hands squeezed harder as the moon guardian leaned in for support. "I do not want to, Yukito. I will not rid of you. I know that now." Yue wanted to force himself to look at his counterpart, but shame seared into his being. He could only gaze at their embraced hands. "I don't think that I can get rid of you," Yue continued. Yukito's words of pure love still rippled the surface. "For your sake…and for mine."

Silence passed as Yue steadied his breathing. He shut his eyes, willing the tears to remain, and listened to the sound of his own heartbeat. Eventually, Yukito loosened his grasp and took Yue in an embrace.

"Yue, it's okay. We'll be okay."

Yue took a breath and a step back, letting his hands to rest on Yukito's arms. Finally, he found the strength to gaze up. Yukito was still smiling, only now his eyes shone with emotion.

The guardian regained his composure, and tightened the grip on the other man's arms. "Yes," Yue breathed quietly. He shook his head, as if to confirm his thoughts. "Yes, we will overcome it."

Yukito's grin widened a bit. "Together?" he asked.

Despite the sincerity of their situation, Yue, too, offered a smirk. "Yes, Yukito. Together."

The young man chuckled, tears brimming in his own eyes. "Sakura says you're quite guarded with your feelings, you know…"

Yue couldn't help but smile – a small crack in his iced composure. "I am well aware you do enough of that for me, Yukito."

There was a rush of unseen magic, and the two men stepped back from each other. Sakura's magic circle reappeared, brighter this time, and Yue felt a moving sensation envelope him. Gusts of magic encircled Yukito as well; evidently, the Dream was pleased with how the situation panned out. Yue and Yukito were allowed back to the present.

As the pressure shifted, Yue realized he may never be able to speak with Yukito like this again. The moments of the transition passed, and Yue gazed at his reflection one last time before being propelled back into reality. Yukito was still smiling, his hair and clothes rippling before him as strong tendrils of magic whipped around them. "We'll be okay," Yukito mouthed again, the vision fading further into existence.

"Yes, we will be okay," smiled Yue, finally at peace with his own self.

A/N: Thanks for sticking this one through. Part 5 will come eventually, as the conclusion. ~ Xoxo Chella