Daario was right when he said that it would be her first time having intimate relations with another person other than Oberyn and Ellaria and frankly, she could start to understand why they liked having others. Although the act of love was more or less the same, but there was a lot to be said about how Daario had differed from them both. Daario was a conquerer, so to speak. He was dominant, but did not expect her to be completely submissive either. They were a good match, but at the same time, he was Daario Naharis and not her Dornish prince. Daario's kisses were heated, erotic, but held no promise nor sweetness as Ellaria's did.

"I don't match up to your loved ones, don't I?" Daario asked her, nuzzling her forehead as she sat on the edge of the bed, drinking the Meereenese equivalent of Moon Tea. She was undoubtedly beautiful, tragically so even. The way that she had touched him in response to his ministrations had told him volumes.

"Please," Sansa rolled her eyes although she did not imagine that she was capable of doing so to anyone other than Oberyn. "You were wonderful."

"But, it was all just business, wasn't it?" he replied, giving her a small kiss.

"You want the Queen, not a princess," Sansa replied. "I'm just a homely Northern girl at the end, you wouldn't want anyone like that."

Daario chuckled and wound his arms around her waist. There was a strange comfort for her when he did that, although she did not know why. "You speak with such belittling humility, princess, but everyone else knows what a true force you are," he said. "Why not tear down your act and be the strength that you hold?"

In all her years, she had never heard such words before. To Oberyn's eyes, she was magnificence to behold, a concealed weapon to be wielded in the most opportune moment. It was because this was his nature. He and Doran had worked to undermine their enemies over a span of twenty years. Yes, he was a man of fierce temperament, but among many of such nature, he was also capable of long-wearing patience if he was coaxed to. With poison as his greatest talent, he worked in the shadows. He was fascinated with her because he could see the strength that she had held hidden behind her sorry state and her enchanted words that kept those around her fooled about her true nature. Those around her kept her strengths hidden for her safety, for her protection.

"What do you mean?" she asked him, blue eyes directly looking towards him, brows furrowed in an almost stern expression.

"I mean that you should put off all the pretenses that you are a delicate flower and show the world what you truly are," Daario said, now pressing a kiss on her shoulder and played with the pendant that rested on her collarbones. "Like this... direwolf that your family takes as its symbol." He had seen her direwolf before, and he swore that he had never seen a wolf so large in his life. There was a quiet fury that lied behind the beast's demeanor, one that was waiting to be stoked and released. It seemed to him as though Sansa had the same qualities.

"I think your words are better heard by the Queen," Sansa replied, kissing him softly on the lips. "Although I thank you for them. No one's ever said them to me before."

Daario returned and gesture and said, "I meant every word, princess. You Westerosi are a strange lot. You gather so much strength yet conceal it when it is a hard fact that others can already see. What use is there in hiding? You can only use the element of surprise once. Are you Westerosi so dumb that you are caught like bolting sheep at every turn?"

"No, but we have different surprises at every turn," Sansa replied with a chuckle. What he said was true. Not only she was like that, but all of Westeros were. Margery played the act of a caring noble to win the heart of the smallfolk, the Dornishmen played the act of passionate rogues uncaring for the troubles of the Seven Kingdoms when they have practically monopolized the trade of salt and exotic goods from Essos while her brother played the act of the young greenhorn challenging the likes of Tywin Lannister in politics and governance. "You can't let everyone else know what kinds of cards you have in your hand, or they'll just play to your weaknesses and strip you of your advantage."

"In my books, the best defense is the best offense," Daario grimaced, now inhaling the scent of her hair. "Strength and valour cannot be hidden, and once others have seen them, they will cower and submit if they cannot overcome such a force."

"Like the Targaryens and their dragons," Sansa surmised. "Aegon Targaryen emerged from Dragonstone with his three dragons and brought Westeros into a chaos of fire and blood and reigned for three hundred years."

"One single show of power and they had everything for three hundred years," Daario added in earnest. "Wouldn't that be an easier job?"

"It would be easier," she said. "But no one is as lucky as you have been, Daario. I had to go through... a lot to come to where I am now and I didn't just have everything I have now." Despite what she had said, she knew that if luck was a factor, then she was also impossibly lucky. She dared not imagine what could have happened if Robb had marched to the Twins before taking Casterly Rock, if Oberyn had not approached him. If she was not a Greenseer and a Warg, could she have been so greatly valued by Doran and Robb? Could Oberyn even love her as much as he did now?

In the end, Daario held his peace. He had said what he wanted to say and she heard his words loud and clear. "It is your call to make, princess, not mine," he concluded. "But, you know what? We make good bedfellows do we not?"

Sansa smiled to that. "Yes, we do," she said. As far as men came, Daario was a very desirable specimen. She knew that if Oberyn had seen him, he would have wanted him for himself if Daario was willing. "Why? Would you like to... fill the void in my lovers' absence?" She could feel her cheeks grow hotter as she said those words, a challenge posed to Daario. His eyes bore into hers and she kicked herself mentally for being so forward despite there was a chance that he might reject her.

"My dear princess, you must know something about me," Daario said, hooking his chin to the plane of her shoulder. "I only have two interests: war and women. How can I ever refuse a beautiful woman like you?"

"Even if you're really after the Queen?"

"I will be there if you require my assistance in any way." So there it was. A pact between her and Daario Naharis was born. A purely physical one at that. "Besides, the Queen will have to marry someone one day. I'm just a mercenary whose mother was a whore. I might venture into a Queen's bed and she may or may not allow me into it..."

"So you will settle for a princess for the time being?"

Daario chuckled and kissed Sansa again. "I will help a princess when she misses her beloved family too much," he corrected her. "Especially since she is so skilled in bedsport."

"Can you imagine Jon climbed all the way up here from way down there?" Theon asked Obara as they were following Robb as he patrolled the ramparts of Queensgate. In his absence, the armies of the North repaired the abandoned castle as best as they could and they now had some semblance of a worthy defense. However, they still had to rely on Castle Black for some of the technological advances that were installed in the main stronghold of the Night's Watch that could not be found anywhere else. Robb had a great many arguments with Ser Alliser (with or without Jon's help) and they finally copied the plans to build another scythe for their section of the Wall and in great speed.

"Are the two of you listening?" Robb asked Obara and Theon, turning towards them with an exasperated expression on his face.

"You said something, Your Grace?" Obara asked while punching Theon in the arm for diverting her attention.

"I was just wondering if we should build schools for all the children after the war ends," Robb continued. "We don't only need so many fighters. We need engineers and scholars. How else are we going to maintain and create weapons like the scythe or even to learn how to maintain structures like this Wall?"

Theon burst out in laughter while Obara just raised her eyebrows. "If all the children went to school and became scholars, who would do the other work when they grow up and finish studying?" he asked Robb.

"They could study whatever they wanted to and find any work they want to, perhaps," Robb mused. "Maybe it would take away the hold that the Citadel has on knowledge and wisdom."

"My sister, Sarella is still very keen on becoming a maester," Obara recounted. "She even infiltrated the Citadel under a false name and everything, but Uncle Doran asked her to go home to help Father out."

Thus, Robb looked pointedly at Theon. "Robb, come on, we're at war here and you're talking about children's education? If you don't win the war, there might not be children to educate at all."

Sighing, Robb rubbed his temples. "Your Grace, you can go on making the world a better place once the war is over," Obara offered in the end. At times, the King in the North was a strange person. He only thought of the good things in life, as if their time at Casterly Rock was not proof enough. Yet, when forced to, he could be capable of great and terrible things, like how he had quashed the rebellious Boltons with the help of his bannermen. Robb should not have lived in their time, she mused. He was meant for a brighter future and she hoped that he could survive long enough to see such a future come true.

"Aye, you're right, Obara," Robb said and turned back towards the vast wilderness outside the Wall until they were joined by the Blackfish. "Uncle Brynden, what news from Castle Black?"

The Blackfish shrugged. "Everything is quiet as a mouse," he said. "Oh, Jon says that we probably should flood any culverts, drains or caverns and let the water freeze them solid to prevent any wildlings from coming in."

"It is already done, Ser Brynden," Obara said.

"Well, Ser Alliser refused to let Jon do it," the Blackfish continued. "He's a stubborn git, that one. Has plenty of bite towards those who are not of his mind and never listens to others."

"Alas we cannot seek to influence him," Robb said, "not that we can, anyways. We've been waiting here for more than a week. I fear that the wildlings are coming soon." He could not explain it, but he felt that something was coming towards them. There was a large gust of energy that he could not name coming in from the North, and he was sure that it was the wildling army. It wasn't even him, even Grey Wind was on an edge. They were coming and they were coming soon.

"They will come soon," Robb replied. "I can feel it. When that time comes, you are to hold this castle, Uncle Brynden. Don't let any of the wildlings through. How many men do you need?"

The Blackfish was silent for a moment, roughly calculating the stakes and numbers but abandoning the deed altogether. "You're heading for Castle Black, aren't you?" he asked Robb. "Is it wise for the King in the North to abandon his position?"

Robb shook his head. "I'm not abandoning my position, and I am lending our support to the Night's Watch," he said. "The wildlings don't know that this castle is manned and they won't attack it. Castle Black will be attacked from north and south. I can't leave the Night's Watch to be slaughtered there. Whatever it is, I will take a thousand men first. If we need more, Theon will come and ask for reinforcements."

"You had this planned all along, haven't you?" Theon asked him.

There was no answer from Robb, who still continued to look directly towards the Blackfish. "If the Watch falls, so will the rest of Westeros. There won't be Seven Kingdoms left for us to fight over," Robb continued.

"Go, then," the Blackfish said and turned towards Obara. "Captain Sand, you're never to leave His Grace's side or it is your snake-hide I'm going after. Am I clear?"

"Perfectly, Ser Brynden," Obara agreed.

"I... is your brother alright?" Sam asked Jon. After Robb had left to see to the defenses of Queensguard, the two of them were immediately sent onto the top of the Wall to act as watchers. It was Ser Alliser's way of dealing the bitterness he had for the Stark brothers and neither of them blamed him for it.

"He's just lost his wife, how could he be alright?" Jon replied. "His son, baby Eddie, will grow up without knowing who his mother was and Volantis... it'll be in mourning too."

"Yeah, Volantis, even," Sam repeated. "How did your brother meet his wife though?"

Jon raised an eyebrow. "Robb said it was at the Battle of Oxcross, some time after they caught Jaime Lannister. He helped her to saw the foot off a Lannister soldier."

Sam did not believe it. "That wasn't very romantic, was it?" he asked. "Sawing a soldier's foot off?"

"Queen Talisa was a healer, Sam," Jon explained. "She was Robb's first..."

"Was she?" Sam almost jumped on Robb. "I mean... King Robb's the King in the North, he certainly could've had anyone he wanted, couldn't he?" Jon only shrugged. "Well, what about you? What was she like?"

Taking a deep breath, Jon knew that this moment would come ever since he got back to Castle Black. "She had red hair," he said. Ygritte's hair was even brighter than Sansa's or Lady Catelyn's.

"Oh? How big were her feet?"

Jon could not find it in him to answer. He had not needed to remember anything about Ygritte until then and he only just realize how much it hurt not being able to be with the one he loved. That was why he could sympathize with Robb. "What do you want me to say?" he asked Sam when it seemed like what he had just said was not enough.

"I want you to tell me what it's like to have someone... to be with someone," Sam answered. "To love someone and have them love you back. You're the closest thing I'll ever get to knowing."

Jon looked at Sam in earnest disbelief. "So you and Gilly never..."

"No," Sam answered with a small whimper. "She just had a baby... and she never offered."

They were interrupted by a familiar voice. "Offer what?" the voice asked, and when the figure came into view, Robb revealed himself, with Grey Wind a few feet behind him.

"What are you doing here?" Jon demanded. "You're not supposed to be here."

"I am King and I go wherever I want to go," Robb answered. "Tell me, are you really going to expect that I'd let the hundred of you defend Castle Black all by yourselves? You know me better than that, Jon."

"Your Grace, Ser Alliser won't care that you're helping us though," Sam offered. "I mean... he doesn't..."

Robb nodded and put his hand on Sam's shoulder. "I know, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't need the help," he said. "Now, the two of you were talking about girls, yes?"

"Well, yes, but..."

"Go on then," Robb encouraged. "What about them?"

Jon rolled his eyes but continued anyways. "So if Gilly did offer you, you would've... you would've broken your vows?"

That was the point when Sam's face lit up. "The interesting thing is, our vows never specifically forbid intimate relations with women," he said, watching as the Stark brothers look at him in utter disbelief. "'I shall take no wife', yes, that's in there, there's no denying that. 'I shall father no children', that's very specific. But what do our vows have to say about other... activities is open to interpretation."

Robb broke into a small chuckle and gave Sam a good nudge while Jon grimaced. "I don't think Ser Alliser cares much about interpretation," he told Sam.

"Anyway, there's nothing for him to interpret," Sam continued with a low, defeated tone. "We didn't... so what's it like?"

"Yes, Jon, what's it like?" Robb added, obviously egging Jon on.

Jon looked as though he was going to punch Robb's teeth in if he wasn't the King in the North. "It's..." there was first a pause. "There's this person, this whole other person, and you're wrapped up in them and they're wrapped up in you and you... for a little while... you're more than just you." He looked towards Robb for help but Robb didn't even move an inch. "I don't know... I'm not a bleeding poet."

"No, you're really not," Sam observed.

"What did I get for it? An arrow six inches from my heart."

"Oh, come on, it's not so bad," Robb comforted Jon. "Sure, Talisa's gone, but it's the memories that count. Who knows? Jon, you may get to see your wildling girl again and Sam, you'd get along well with Gilly." Gilly had been sent to Mole's Town which was kept under heavy watch by the northern armies and for everyone's sake, they hoped that the defenses there would hold.

"Go and get some sleep, Sam," Jon said, "I'll take this watch." Once Sam had went down on the lift, he turned to Robb. "You shouldn't encourage him."

"You shouldn't doubt him," Robb returned. "Everyone deserves a shot at love. Look at where it brought Sansa and I? She's now in Meereen as the Lady Ambassador, seeing things that all of us can only dream of and I now have a son."

"But your..."

"I'm alright, Jon," Robb told his brother. "Arya didn't believe me, but I guessed that you would. Even if you're right, now is not the time for me to mourn those that have already passed. Things are very different when you are a king. You can't show anyone that you are weak, not because they'll turn their backs at you, because they look up to you. They'll be expecting you to lead them and you have to, because you're their king. Remember what Father used to say? A lord is the father to his people and a king is the father to his country. I miss Talisa, and I've mourned for her and now, it's time to lay her to rest. For the North's sake if not for mine."

Jon gave Robb a big hug. "The North couldn't have had a better king then," he said.

"Would your girl be out here fighting?" Robb asked.

"She could be," Jon answered. "She'll kill me for sure the next time she sees me."

"Isn't that the most frightening thing in the world?" Robb asked. "The prospect of your lady love angry at you. It's even worse than facing a whole horde of wildlings."

"Did you ever make your wife angry?"

Robb nodded and chuckled mere seconds after. "It's always the smallest things, like how I made the bed wrong and how hopeless I was in High Valyrian," he answered with a smile. "It made us look... normal. Like we didn't have a care in the world. Ask Sansa and she'd have some thing that Oberyn does and she doesn't like."

"Ygritte always said that I knew nothing," Jon sighed. "It's as if there's so many things in this world that she knows."

"The wildlings live different lives than we do," Robb replied. "Whenever a woman argues, always give her the right of way. It'll save you more headaches in the long run."

"Aye," Jon nodded. "I couldn't agree more."

There, on the top of the Wall, the Stark brothers stood shoulder to shoulder, talking about their lady loves. Little did they know that the greatest fight for their liveswere coming sooner than they had expected.

HAN: This is a pretty adorable calm before the storm no? What did you like more, that little bit of Daario/Sansa or the bromantic moment between Sam, Robb and Jon?

The fight for Castle Black will come up next so stay tuned!

This chapter's pop culture reference comes from X-Men: the Last Stand and LOTR: Return of the King.
