Disclaimer~ I don't own Ouran Host Club Content-Toodles :D

"Haruhi! I'll do it!" Tamaki fumed watching as his pregnant wife attempted to lift stacks of books beyond her capability.

Haruhi simply rolled her eyes, "Its fine Senpai-I've already put three quarters of the amount of books back on the bookshelf," steam seemed to burst from Tamaki's ears, he snatched the books from her hands coursing with bloodlust, there is things Haruhi shouldn't do during the course of her pregnancy and because of her stubbornness, or nature to be independent she continues to do these things…and its driving the protective father-to-be insane.

"You have to be more careful stacking books onto a shelf its dangerous did you start from the bottom or top of the bookcase-" Tamaki froze in his rant, "Wait! We don't even have a bookcase?!" suddenly Suoh lost all composure spinning around staring at his wife accusingly the books tumbling on his feet-he didn't even flinch.

"Haruhi did you go out and buy a bookcase?!" his rage festered even more.

Unbeknownst to Tamaki's near explosion she simply shrugged, the blonde haired man continued to get flustered, "You're angry at me aren't you Senpai?"

He took deep breaths trying to calm himself, "Yes-and no, why can't you depend on me? Haruhi-just depend on me for once in your life."

Haruhi was now filled with embarrassment, of course its no secret Haruhi is independent, but she could at least calm him, "All I did was buy it, some men from the store came and put it in the apartment and did all up, and I took multiple trips with only few books," that no less calmed Tamaki's rage.

"That doesn't make it okay Haruhi, you should have woken me, I'm your husband," yes it seemed unorthodox that Tamaki had been ignorant to multiple people constructing a bookcase in their house while he was just in the other room recovering from a hard day at work.

"You are my husband Senpai-And I do depend on you…"

"When?" he muttered childishly.

"Well-whenever it is a thunderstorm you're always there for me-umm…when I need something to eat, even if you're not good at it I depend on you to make me food-and when I get sad about my mother I depend on you to comfort me."

Even if Haruhi was no poet the words that awkwardly festered from her mouth caused Tamaki's heart to wag its tail.

"Good-I do believe I will continue this job, go to sleep my love-I shall have you a slice of cake waiting on a plate when you awaken-oh and a kiss to go with it," the pair came together sharing their hearts with a simple kiss.

Relax once in awhile-depend on someone else for once. Tamaki thought as he picked up the scattered books before turning purple as he saw that there was a small stepping stool placed in front of the large bookcase-not in fact suitable for a pregnant woman.

Anger came back with a vengeance.
