New Home, New Life, New Friends
Normal pov
Lucy woke to the screech of the stopping train. She stood up and stretched, and pulled her blond ponytail tighter. Slowly, she walked off the train with her luggage. I can't believe I'm finally in magnolia she thought to herself. Looking around she spotted the building she was looking for. Fairy tail high. She began to walk towards the school. She saw so many things, and people, on the way.
When she finally arrived she searched for the office. She wasn't paying attention, when she ran into someone.
"ow" she said
She looked up and saw a boy with pink hair. His beautiful onyx eyes were looking down at her. He wore a scaly looking scarf and a goofy grin.
"I'm so sorry!" he exclaimed with an extended arm.
"It's fine. It was my fault anyway. I should have been paying attention." She said as she slowly grabbed his hand.
"are you new here?" he asked her with a smile.
"maybe… I'm actually looking for the office." She smiled back at him.
A pink tint grew slightly on his face, but she didn't notice it. "oh. It's down the hall to the left and It's the first door on the right." He said to her as he began to walk away.
"Thank you" she shouted to him. She turned and walked down the hall to the office. When she reached the office she slowly grabbed the handle and pulled the door open. She looked around the room and saw a desk and a few chairs. It was a modest looking room. At the brown desk sat a woman with snow white hair and crystal blue eyes.
"hello" the woman said in a sweet tone "may I help you? Do you have an appointment?"
"no.. I just needed to see if there was anyway I would be able to get into school here." Lucy said in a nervous tone.
"oh. Alright then, my name is Mirajane strauss. But everyone just calls me Mira. I only work here part time and I was just getting ready to leave lucky you got here when you did. I'll go see if master can see you." Mira said.
"ok thank you very much" she said and bowed slightly.
Mira walked into a separate room and spoke with the person inside. She turned' looked at Lucy and said "master can see you now. Right in here."
"alright thank you Miss Mira." Lucy said nervously
In the masters office Lucy's pov
I walked slowly into the room and glanced around. I hope this all goes well. She thought to herself. She looked at the small man behind the desk he had a strange mustache and a silly hat. "Please have a seat dear." She did as she was told. "My name is Makarov Dreyer, but most people call me master or gramps. Feel free to call me what you wish deary. I'm the principle of this school."
"H-hello I'm Lucy.. Lucy Heartfilia." I stuttered this.
"Heartfilia? As in the heartfilia railway?" he asked her in an interested tone.
"y-yes.. that's me. I-I ran away from that place and that name about a year ago." I told him.
"and why is that dear? What happened?" gramps said in a tone that suggested he was worried.
"M-My father he… He would beat me and force me to do things. I was so tired of living like that I was tired of the abuse. I wanted out of that house and away from him. I wanted to find my own path in this world. I couldn't do that there.. Not with him beating me and holding me back. So, I left" I said as tears slowly rolled down her cheeks.
"I see." He said in a sympathetic tone.
"I'd like to attend school here, but I don't want people to know who I am. I would also need a place to stay. I don't have any money right now but I'm going to get a job and I'll pay tuition." I said softly.
"Don't you worry about any of that dear. I will take care of everything." Gramps said to me. He pulled out a sheet of paper and wrote some things down on it. "this is where you will stay and the names of the other people in the house. They are good people, and will protect you very well. I promise." He handed me the sheet of paper with a smile.
"thank you so much" I said to him with tears streaming from my eyes
"you're welcome child. Now, go meet your new family. Be ready for school on Monday alright?" he said with a grin and a happy tone in his voice.
"Ok. Thank you again." I said while leaving the office. I looked at the paper and read the words on it. It gave directions and the address to my new home. The families name was the Dragneels.
I began to fallow the directions to the house and hoped that I wouldn't get lost.
At the Dragneel home Natu's pov
Wendy was sitting on the couch next to me when we heard the doorbell ring. I stood to go answer it Wendy fallowed me, her blue hair swishing and her black eyes staring at my back. I don't really know why she is fallowing me it's probably just Gray at the door. I wrapped my hand around the door knob and pulled it open. Standing in front of us was NOT Gray.
This person was a girl with shining golden blond hair and beautiful chocolate brown eyes. She wore a short tight skirt and a shirt that read 'I only date bad boys'. She looked surprised and looked down at the paper she held in her free hand. In the other hand she held a suitcase. She had a backpack on her back.
"um… is this the Dragneel house?" she asked softly.
"yes it is dear. Please come in." said a voice from behind me. I turned to see my mom and dad standing there. Mom motioned for me to move. I did. She walked forward and grabbed the girls hand and pulled her in the house. Wendy grabbed the girl and started bombarding her with questions.
"Wendy, let the girl breath for a moment. I'm sure she would like to settle in a little bit before you start asking so many questions." Dad said.
"Wendy why don't you take her to the spare room next to Natsu's room" mom said.
"ok!" wendy practically screamed and grabbed the girls hand. She dragged the girl to the room.
"who is that girl? What is she doing here?" I asked my parents after the girls were out of ear shot.
"Her name is Lucy. She will be staying here for awhile." My mother said with a small smile.
"why?" I asked confused.
"if you want to know the story you can ask her yourself. We don't know anything else about her." Mom said "Now go make sure Wendy isn't suffocating the poor girl."
"do I have too?" I asked just wanting to go back to watching tv.
"yes now go!" mom said.
I walked up the stairs to the room and sure enough Wendy was still in there asking questions and talking non-stop as the girl unpacked.
"Wendy leave the poor girl alone." I said
"I'm not doing anything and besides Lucy likes talking to me." She retorted.
"let her be I'm sure she wants time to unpack and get her head together. She needs space to breath wens." I said in a brotherly tone.
"fine." Wendy said as she exited the room.
When Wendy was out of earshot the girl, Lucy said "I really didn't mind her at all. I've always wanted a little sister."
I looked at her with my signature grin. "she can be a handful though and I figured you'd want to be alone to breath for a little bit." I turned to leave but she stopped me before I could.
"actually I don't want to be alone. I've been alone for a long time and I don't like being alone anymore." She said in a soft voice.
"why is that?" I asked curiously.
"i… I spent the last 12 years of my life a lone." Lucy said looking down at her feet.
"No parents?"
"Well my mom passed away when I was younger. And my dad….. he just was never really my dad I guess.." she said and I swore she was about to cry. Then without my consent my hand reached out and grabbed her pulling her into an embrace. I hadn't even realized I was close enough to do that. Soon her arms wrapped around my waist as she hugged me back sobbing into my shirt.
After about twenty minutes she calmed down and pulled away. I was sad that she did. "I'm sorry about that" she said turning to put some of her clothes away.
"I don't mind it" I said honestly. "Dinner should be ready soon. Do you want me to stay here with you 'till it's time?"
"If you wouldn't mind. I would actually really love that." She said with a slight smile.
"ok. Well then first things first. You need a nickname." I said thinking
"Wh-what? Why? Can't you just call me Lucy.?" She asked. I ignored this.
"I got it!" I shouted. "Luce, I'll call you Luce!"
A slight blush crept onto her face, and she stared at the floor. "Can't you just call me Lucy? That is my name after all."
"But Luce is so much more fun."
"ugh fine call me whatever you want" she said exhaustedly
We spent the next 20 minutes talking about everything. "Lucy, Natsu! Dinner is ready!" I heard mom yell.
"Comin" I responded
Both Lucy and I ran down the stairs to the dining room where we found mom, dad, and Wendy sitting all ready to eat. We took our seats and food began making its way around the table. "So, Lucy, my name is Grandene and this is my husband Igneel, but you can just call us mom and dad. We would love to know more about you." Mom said with a smile.
"oh.. um what would you like to know.?" Lucy asked in a slightly nervous tone.
"well let's see where are you from?" dad asked with a wide grin
Lucy's pov
"Well Let's see where are you from?" the man named Igneel asked me. Oh no what do I do? I can't tell them who I am.
"Hargeon" I said actually not lying. I don't know why I told them but I guess they couldn't really figure out who I am just by where I lived
"isn't that where the heartfilia's live?" Igneel asked his wife.
"I do believe so. Oh. We haven't seen them since Layla passed away. Maybe we should visit them soon." She said thoughtfully
"Wh-what? You know the Heartfilia's?" I was shocked. I don't recognize any of them.
"I went to school with Layla. We were very good friends. It was a shame when she passed and even worse that her husband was so awful to their daughter. I wonder what she's up to now a days." she said never once breaking eye contact with me.
"oh." I said looking away.
The rest of dinner was silent. After dinner everyone went to their respective rooms except for me and Natsu.
Normal POV
They sat in the living room not speaking. Natsu playing video games and Lucy reading on the couch. Finally Natsu looked up at her and said, "do you want to play with me?"
"oh.. um I don't know how to play." She said looking up from her book slightly.
"oh come on it'll be fun I'll teach you how" Natsu said with a smile.
"Fine.." she said not really wanting to argue with him. He handed her a controller and showed her what to do. The two sat and played for a long time. Finally around two in the morning they went to bed.
The next morning Lucy woke up around 8. when she got down stairs she realized only Mrs. Dragneel was awake. she went to the fridge and pulled a few things out and began to make breakfast for everyone. Mrs. Dragneel looked up at her.
"Dear, what are you doing?" she asked Lucy curiously.
"I want to make breakfast for you all. you've done so much for me it's the least I can do Mrs. Dragneel." she responded with a smile.
"Call me mom. You don't have-"she was cut off by Lucy.
"But I want too!" she said.
"Ok dear." the older woman said with a smile.
Soon the rest of the family began to make their way into the kitchen. Each one commenting on the wonderful smell. When Lucy was finished she brought everything to the table that had been set by Wendy. Everyone thanked her for the food and began to dig in.
"This is amazing Luce!" Natsu said excitedly just then the doorbell rang.
"Natsu would you get that please" The older male said. Natsu got up to open the door. When he opened it he saw-...
A/N: Hey guys sorry about the cliff hanger. the person isn't really that exciting but a big part of what I have planned. Anywho I just wanted to let you all know that this is my first fanfiction so i'm really nervous. Please review and tell me what you think. I'll update as often as I can. Thanks! Bye guys!