Hello! I know, I have a lot of stories to write- and Deja Vu is getting real intense! This idea was in mind though, and I had to get out before I could lose it. Don't worry about me posting some chapters late though! I'll try to update a chapter once a day!

I am finally doing a Lab Rats three-shot. (AKA Not a multi-shot!) I have always felt like I am obligated to write multi-shots for the Lab Rats community. This time, only three.

So I'll try not to have as many author's notes during this fiction. I will have this one at the very beginning and one at the very end of the last part. The whole thing will be in no particular point-of-view, so yeah. It's third person.

Let me explain who the "bad boys" are in this, exactly.

Sebastian is the so-called "leader of the pack." Owen is the co-leader. (Nobody knows why, Owen is a big softy in my opinion.) Jake Chambers, Marcus, and Ethan are just regular group members that just… commit, I guess. Spin is the runt of the group. Don't judge me, I had to add little termite here. Nothing between Marcus, Sebastian, Spin, and Chase have happened, so it is a little AU.

Enjoy Bad Blood!

Disclaimer: I do not own Lab Rats or anything you may recognize.

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School was never hard for Chase Davenport. He got all A's in everything, including gym (which was his worst subject). Every school wallflower adored him. That must be saying a lot, since one of those school wallflowers just happened to be Caitlin -one of the smartest nerds in the school. That was until Chase came along.

Not everybody seemed to care about Chase, though. In fact, a certain group of boys just happened to be the exact opposite from him and the people he hang out with. Chase could only simply ignore them. Whether it was from the different desks in the classrooms or separate tables in the lunch room, they were always divergent to each other.

The group of boys had no interest in Chase at all, until the one day Ethan and Owen had finally told the group about how he showed up Principal Perry. The one person who loved and adored Mr. Trent -whom everybody had absolutely hated. The whole table at lunch that day burst out into cheers of laughter, except for Ethan and Owen.

"Guys, we're not kidding!" Ethan exclaimed. "It may not seem like it happened, but it really did! I'm not lying and I mean it!"

"Yeah, it's true! It happened once during the Talent Show a few years ago! Almost everybody has video proof!" Owen added. "Oh come on, Jake, I know you were there."

"Didn't you play against the shrimp the first time it happened?" Ethan argued.

"Not that I remember." Jake replied with a burst of laughter. "He probably lost."

"He did, but him and his siblings did pretty good." Owen said. Marcus nodded.

"Yeah, I bet they did. Especially with Adam on their team." Marcus said. He patted Spin on the back. "But termite would do better than Leo or the girl ever would."

Spin just stared at Marcus in shock and anger, with a little bit of what seemed like disgust.

"Oh, give Bree a break man." Jake mumbled. He smirked. "She's pretty hot for being related to a nerd."

Sebastian and Owen nodded in agreement. Marcus laughed, and Ethan snorted.

"I went out with her once. Pretty sweet girl. But then she missed so many days and then poof! The Bree plus Ethan turned into a minus. I just don't know why." Ethan sighed.

"She's a big wuss," was all Marcus had said.

"Look, whatever you wanna think Marc," Owen said, raising his hands in defeat. "I just think we should try to see if we can, you know, recruit Chase or whatever we do."

"Whatever, there's no problem with giving it a try." Sebastian said. Spin laughed, for the fifth time in a row.

"You're giving that dork a go?" Spin laughed again. "You must be stupid and blind if you can't tell how wimpy he looks -with just one glance!"

"Spin," Sebastian rubbed his face with one of his palms. "We'll never know if we never try. Come on, let's just go sit over there and see if we can dig something up about chemistry or biology or something smart."

The group stood up, and with all the swagger they could muster, headed over to Chase's table. Bree, Adam, and Leo were sitting with him, but Leo and Adam scurried away like mice. Correction: Leo scurried away and Adam followed because he thought it was a game. Bree just sat and stared dreamily at the group of boys in front of her. Spin rolled his eyes, as he was the only one who noticed the attention from the older girl.

"Bree," Sebastian cleared his throat. "You're cool and all, but could you please go sit with one of your friends? Like maybe that perky one you always sit with?"

"Sure. You said that I was cool. I'll take that as a compliment and leave." Bree giggled and skipped over to her friend, Caitlin.

Sebastian, Owen, and Marcus all sat. The other three pulled up a chair and sat around Chase, completing the circle. Chase looked at all of the boys in front of him.

"Are you guys wanting to sit here? Because I can easily move, if you really want me to." Chase said reluctantly. He laughed nervously and began to leave the table.

Jake, who was sitting closest to Chase, pulled Chase down by his shirt sleeve. "Just… sit."

"What do you guys want?" Chase's eyes widened and he put his hands up. "I'm not going to buy any drugs."

"We're not selling drugs!" Sebastian shouted. He lowered his voice. Thank goodness for the loud conversations around him, or else somebody would've heard and that would make for some very awkward 'interviews' later on. "Just sit down and let us talk to you!"

Chase complied and sat down slowly. "Okay, this is weird. I thought we were avoiding each other, and-"

"We came to ask you a question." Marcus interrupted. Chase squinted his eyes in confusion.

"Did you really show up Principal Perry one day?" Ethan asked. He added, "Or were Owen and I just hallucinating at different times?"

"I did, but it's not my fault! I have anger management issues, and it causes me to blank out and my- uh- my split personality kind of goes out of control."

The whole group began to whisper to each other, in a huddled group. It was what most football players and groups did.

"Okay, that seems believable enough." Sebastian said as the group separated. Chase sighed in relief -his back up plan had worked!

"You asked your question. May I leave and go sit with my siblings now?" Chase asked as he started to slowly gather his things, not breaking eye contact with Sebastian. The group leader laughed.

"That wasn't the real question, Chase. Ethan is just a -well, he's an idiot." Sebastian smirked. "How about you come hang out with us sometime?"

"What do you mean?" Chase asked. He raised an eyebrow. Nobody, except for the math and debate team, asked him to hang out. And Chase would've never expected it from this certain group of boys.

"I mean hang. Actually hang out, like cool people do." The group all began to nod their heads as Sebastian spoke.

"Cool people." Chase tried out the words, trying to see if he could fit into the category. "I don't see that happening. What exactly do you expect me to do with you when we hang out?"

"Join the football team. Skip school, skateboard, go to parties! You know, the cool stuff." Marcus explained. He shoved Chase's shoulder. "Don't be a buzzkill, Chase."

"I'm not a buzzkill!" Chase shouted. He took in a deep breath, and then continued. "Look, I'll give you a try. But only if you guys don't force me to do anything really bad. As in, enough to be grounded bad. If I get grounded once, that's a warning. The second time, the deal's out."

-Page Break-

"Okay, this is how a skateboard works." Spin explained. He put one foot on the skateboard and pushed off with the other. He got the skateboard going and soon enough he was riding it like Chase had seen people do in movies.

Spin turned back around and skated back to Chase. He placed his foot on the ground and skidded to a stop. He slammed one foot down on the end of the board and it popped up and into the Spin's grasp.

"So now that I know how that works, can I leave now?" Chase asked. Spin shook his head.

"You need to try." Spin said. He handed the skateboard to Chase.

"Do you always talk so loud?" Chase asked. He placed the board on the ground and placed his foot on it. He sighed. Here goes nothing.

Chase fell off almost immediately. He shook it off and tried again. Spin's shouts of encouragement didn't help one bit. They only distracted him and he fell off again. One more time and you'll get it, Chase thought. Maybe you can use your bionics.

No, he didn't need his bionics. It was only a skateboard. Chase looked straight ahead and took in a deep breath. He watched the skateboard for a few seconds, then back at the sidewalk ahead. He needed to see what was in front of him more than he needed to see the skateboard.

He pushed off and soon enough, he was riding it just like Spin. Spin was still cheering Chase on in encouragement, but Chase ignored him. He didn't need a distraction like that right now. He slammed his foot on the ground and halted to a stop. The bell for free period rang, and now he only needed to go to history. Then he'd be done with all of this. He hoped.

As soon as he was in history, he took his seat and took out his books for that class. Somebody interrupted him by tapping him on the shoulder and coughing. Chase turned around reluctantly and jumped a little when he saw Jake Chambers' face right in front of his. Jake made a motion with his head to a few desks on the opposite side of the room.

Chase understood and nodded, grabbing his things before moving to the group of bulky boys with Jake on his heels. Everybody stared at him as he took a seat right behind Owen. Jake sat next to Marcus and didn't do anything to acknowledge that this was classroom he needed to learn in.

"Hey," Chase whispered to Owen. People were still staring. "Aren't you going to take out your stuff?"

Owen turned around and glared at Chase. "What stuff?"

"Textbooks, pencil, paper. The necessities of history class."

Owen shrugged. "What's the point? Put your stuff up, Chase. You're one of us -for now at least."

Chase sighed and tapped on the desk nervously. He looked around and everybody blinked, as if they were contemplating what he would do next. He saw Leo from just across the room, and he was staring wide-eyed at his bionic brother.

"Don't worry. This won't get you grounded!" Owen said, smiling and laughing a little. "It won't get you in any trouble at all. Besides, Mr. Stanley doesn't even care. Not even a tiny bit."

Chase put his books back into his backpack, slowly. Almost as if he were a sloth. The whole classroom burst into shocked gasps and "I can't believe it!".

Mr. Stanley, the ancient history teacher, rapped on his desk with a yardstick. "Settle down students!"

-Page Break-

Chase rushed outside, looking everywhere for his siblings. His siblings who cared enough about him to make sure that nobody would hurt him. Right?

Something slammed into his shoulder and he stumbled forward. He held in a scream as he turned around and came face-to-face with Sebastian. He was smiling, so Chase forced a smile before turning around and continuing to walk. The 'jock' just grabbed his shoulder and turned him back around.

"There's a party Friday night." Sebastian put one hand in his pocket. "You should come -it's at Owen's place."

"I -um- I'm not so sure about that." Chase replied as he tugged on the straps to his backpack.

"Oh come on," Sebastian groaned. He tossed his head back for a dramatic effect. "Marcus said 'don't be a buzzkill, Chase.'"

"I'm not a buzzkill if I took the chance to hang out with you!" Chase shouted at Sebastian.

Sebastian put his hands up and took a step back. "Cool it, Benito."

Chase rolled his eyes. "No, I'm not going to that party." He turned around and began to walk off.

"Are you sure? Because I heard that your siblings were going." Sebastian smirked. Chase turned around and walked back to the so-called badass of the group.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Adam and Bree are going to the party." Sebastian chuckled. "It's quite obvious that Leo's not going."

Chase looked around the crowd surrounding him and Sebastian. When he spotted his two older siblings, he glared. "They never told me about this party."

"That's because they think you're a goody-two shoes. They think you're going to ruin the fun." It didn't seem possible, but Sebastian's smirk seemed to enlarge. "Now are you coming or what?" He held out his hand for Chase to shake it.

Chase looked Sebastian right in his brown eyes. He gripped Sebastian's hand firmly and shook.

"I'll go."