Hey guys! Finally got the chapter 4! Sorry for the wait, I had a crazy busy (vacation) week at my parent's, adding to the mold problem in my appartment, yada yada...

SO. Here it is, hope you enjoy. Sorry for the angst, please try to not throw rocks at me, the story just pop out of my head like that. The same warnings apply here.

AND. THANKS SOOOOOO MUCH for all the reviews (you are the bests!), the favorites and (YAY!) THE -OVER- 100'S OF FOLLOWERS! You guys are ACA-MAZING! :) *Dancing and jumping around*

Oh! Last thing, sorry for the mistakes. Since this isn't my native tongue, i'm not sooo good. Hope you still enjoy, though. Love ya'll, and i'll try to update faster next time :)

Beca couldn't manage to get a hold on herself to talk to Kommissar. Yeah, she had helped her, but she also had touched her without her permission.

She still didn't get why she'd come to help her thought. Maybe if she texted her, then she could have answers? At least, it would be easier than having to confront her if she came all the way here.

Since the Bella had found their sound at Aubrey's boot camp, they had to rehearse, in order to get ready for the world. It was only a month away, and they had to be perfect, since DSM was the favourite group.

And Kommissar was their leader.

I can't fraternize with the enemy, Beca told herself.

But it was ok to get answers to her questions, wasn't it?

She took her phone and scroll down to her contact list, to "K".

"Why did you came over, last time?" It was pretty rude, but it goes straight to the point. Beca pressed send.

She was staring at her phone, biting her lip, waiting for an answer. After almost a minute, she got a hold on herself and decided to head to the shower. At least it would be more productive than waiting there for an answer.

She got a text one hour after hers.

"Because I was afraid that you would have done something stupid. And I was right."

What was that? What does that means? She was afraid? Being afraid for someone was a way to tell her that she cared. Was it even possible?

Theses thoughts were running in Beca's head. She had to get answers, she had to know. So she typed a new text message.

"But you aren't afraid about what I do to myself."

The answer came shortly after that. Maybe that DSM rehearsals were over by now.

"No, I'm not. Why? Should I be?"

Beca took the time to read her message again, and again. It looked like a trap, and Kommissar was good to send her to a mice trap. After all, she wasn't the little Maus for nothing! The brunette wasn't used to talk about herself, and there's only Chloe that knew about a part, and only a part, of her past. The beautiful blonde couldn't take any of that. She was in control, but proud and fearless, all the opposite of what Beca was.

At least, Kommissar deserved to know the truth, before she shut her out. Well, people were shutting themselves out, in fact.

"Well usually, people ran away screaming when they found out."

Her text seemed odd. It looked like she was talking to a lot of people, but she wasn't, in fact. To correct her mistake, she shortly send another one.

"It's not that they had been a lot, but the few that knew went away. Chloe is sticking around, and she's the only one."

Now that the German girl knew, she would probably get away. If her burden is heavy enough to make everyone run away, the beautiful girl wasn't the exception. But what a surprise! Her phone vibrated.

"I just don't want you to get more hurt than you already are, Liebling."

God, that was impossible, wasn't it? She was worried for her, for REAL. She had come over to look after her, to take care of her wounds, of her, to make sure Beca was safe. So that meant -…

"Cause you care?" The Bella asked.

Did she wanted to know the answer? She would be disappointed if it wasn't what she expected.

"I already told you that you are a great competitor."

That wasn't even the beginning of a proper answer. It was like she cared only to get a good competition. Well, maybe it was? She had to get that clear, to get rid of that weight starting to push on her stomach.

"This is not an answer to my question."

The answer was long to get in. It was a torture. Writing yes or no wasn't that hard and that long. Probably that what was coming was bad. Pretty bad. The weight gained pounds every seconds passing by. She was about to crawl in her bed to cry when she got an answer.

"See you at the world."

DAMN. The mass in her belly turned metallic, cold and eager. She felt the bittersweet taste in her mouth and the salted water running under her chins. How could she possibly move? Her body was stoned, curved in her bed, biting her lip not to cry too loud.

She hated her, in fact. Kommissar gave her number to Beca to get her trough the world as a competitor, and Beca had set her expectations too high. It was always like that, when she was starting to trust someone.

The monster of her mother, her father, Jesse, so many people to remind her that if she was trusting someone, they would use it to crush her.

The pain was so heavy in her chest, she almost couldn't bear it. She knew a way to relieve her pain, to make it a little better for a while. She slowly raised from her bed and head to the bathroom.

If she died that day, it wouldn't matter. So with every cut, she pressed the blade a little bit more inside her skin. They were deeper than she used to make them. The two sides of the skin didn't touched anymore. She made three more of those and said, whispering, sorry, before her whole world went black.

When Chloe heard that noise coming from upstairs, when all the Bella were in the kitchen, except Beca, she rushed through her room, knowing that when the brunette was locking herself in the bathroom, it was bad news. Well, of course, Chloe had a key to Beca's bathroom, and she unlocked the door, finding that her best friend had fallen from the toilet, face first. Blood was all over her clothes.

She reached to Beca's harm, to see how bad the cuts were. When she saw it, she gasped.

The redhead reached to get a towel, and put it over the wounds, cleaned the blood -so much blood - and bring Beca in a hurry at the nearest hospital.

When Beca wakes up, she was in a bed, but the lights were so bright and so white that she couldn't manage to see where she was. Well, it wasn't in her bed, for sure.

The next think she thought about was her harm. It wasn't hurting as it was supposed to, she just didn't feel a thing.

Slowly opening her eyes, she heard her best friend talking.

"It was about time you wake up! I was so worried!"

"Chlo? Where are we? And why were you waiting for me to wake up?"

Her voice was hoarse as if she was smoking 3 packs a day.

"We're at the hospital. You hurt yourself very badly, Becs" the redhead eyes were full of tears, but she wanted to stay strong. "The doctor had made stitches and said that you were lucky to still be alive after losing that much blood."

Ashamed that her friend had seen her in that position, Beca buried her hands in her face.

"Why did you do that?" Chloe asked her, suddenly.

What could she tell her? After all, her best friend had found her, and had always been supportive in the past. But, can she tell her why? Yeah, she had a crush, but how could she tell Chloe that she was ready to die over her? Over a heart break? It wasn't a good reason.

"Please. I swear I won't judge."

"I – I was texting her and she – she just…" The small girl couldn't end her sentence, digging her nails into her palms to help her not to cry. The white, hard lights were helping, but still, some tears managed to roll out of her eyes.

"That German bitch. I'll tell her what I think of that. Don't mess with -"

"No, please, Chloe. I was dumb, and I thought that she cared about me, but I was wrong." Beca told her friend. "It was all my fault, and I deserved what I did. It would have been better if I died."

"NEVER, EVER, say that again." Her friend told her, anger in her voice. "You deserve way much better than all of us, and you are so much stronger. Nobody wants you dead, especially not me. And if she haven't seen all your pretty qualities, too bad for her, you deserve better than her."

A shy, tiny smile painted itself over Beca's lips.

"Thanks, Chlo."

"You're welcomed. Now, get some rest. They keep you until tomorrow, to run some tests."

"'Kay. Dude, can you stay over, for the night?"

"Of course. If I'm not here and you wake up, I'll probably be in the lunch area, and I'll come back as soon as my meal is over."

"Thanks." Tells the younger girl, before drifting to sleep, her eyes closing by themselves.

As soon as Beca felt asleep, Chloe took her phone and got out of the building. Since no phone calls were allowed in the hospital, she would call from outside. She was so mad after the un-brained blonde, since she was the reason her bestie almost died that she didn't think twice.

She called Kommissar's number, waiting for her to pick up.

"Hallo, Klein Maus, is everything alright?"

"It's not her, you idiot."

"Oh, you must be the red girl. Why did you call, from her phone?"

"She can't talk to you. I called to warn you. Cut your crap, and leave her alone."

"Is she hurt?"

"Yeah, like you care about her." Said Chloe, angrily

"Yes, I do. So please tell me what happened."

"I won't tell you shit since it's your fault that she's in hospital and that she almost died."

"What?" The German blurted out.

"Shit. Listen close. I don't want you to contact her anymore, you're hurting her more than helping her."

"Where are you now?"

"Bye." Answered the redhead, ending the conversation.

She closed the phone, knowing that she already had told too much and that the blonde wouldn't stop to call until she knew what was going on. It was easier that way. She got back in Beca's room, sat on the small couch, and felt asleep.

On the hotel room, Kommissar was walking over, going out of the room, and tried to call again her little Maus. When she didn't get any answer, she got back in the room, walking in, and doing it all over again.

Pieter was in the room with her and he was worried about the leader. She was always taking on her, this pattern wasn't like her. She looked worried, and that was so much unlike her.

He took her by the arm and sits her down on the bed.

"What's that worrying for?"

"Meine Kleine Maus… She's hurt. And her friend told me to stay away, because it was my fault she almost died."

"How do you know it's true?"

"She asked me if I cared about her and I freaked out, so I avoided the question and I said that I would see her at the world."

"And you do care?"

"Of course! But how can I tell her that?" answered the Kommissar, a sad look on her face.

"I know it's hard for you to express these things, but you should try to get this right."

"Well, I was trying, just before, but the redhead closed the phone, and my calls are going straight to voicemail."

"You got to go out there and get her" said Pieter, fiercely.

"But I don't even know at which hospital she is."

"Well, you should text her and wait for an answer. Her phone will not be closed forever."

"And what should I tell her?"

"That you DO care, in fact, but you're afraid to tell these things."

"Danke, Pieter"

He nodded, a small smile on his face. In fact, he was happy that his best friend was opening up to someone. She deserved it.

He looked at her while she was typing on her phone, and thought that this mouse was a great thing in her life. Maybe she'll loosen up if she got her at her side, putting her over-protective side on the Bella and not on DSM anymore.

When Beca came back at the Bella's house, she went straight to her room, to look at the stitches. It was itching, and the doctor had told her to keep them clean, neat, and that they would dissolve in a week or two.

He also asked her if she was alright, since they weren't the only ones on her body. She had answered a small yes, and even with that, he wrote her up on a waiting list to see a psychologist. That was the bad side of going to hospital. At least, they didn't called her parents, and didn't get her in the psychiatry aisle.

It would have been catastrophic, two weeks and a half before the world.

With a sight, she dressed herself in other clothes, with long sleeves, to hide the recent scars. She opened her phone, even though she didn't remembered closing it.

What was her surprise when she saw that she had 20 missed calls from the beautiful German, 4 vocal messages and one text from her.

She listened to the four messages.

"Hey, Maus… How are you? Call me back, please."

"It's me again. Please pick up the phone."

"Hello… I know that your ginger friend don't want me to contact you anymore, but please, call back."

"Maus, I'm worried. Call me back as soon as you hear that."

Her voice was more high pitched and seemed... concerned as the messages were going on. But Beca told herself that Kommissar should stop doing that, it was getting her deadly sick. Chloe had also made herself clear, as she understood in the messages.

The German didn't get what was going on, and Beca was walking over egg shells. She wanted her, oh, so badly, but the other wasn't interested. She was pushing her away, and that was bad for the brunette. She wanted more than just a friendship but it was a one-side crush.

Still, she unlocked her phone to read the text of the german girl.

"You wanted to know, and I'm not sure how to tell you that… but I do care about you. More than I should, but I get that you don't want me to."

Tears were running down Beca's cheeks. She do care, she doesBut how could she think that I'm not into her after all that?

The Bella wanted so badly to text her back, so she did.

"Safe and sound. And I care, too."

After a slight hesitation, she pressed send. Come what may. She tought to herself.