Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter!
Rated M for mature, so don't read if you don't like that kind of stuff.
A/N: This is my first fanfic, so it may not be the best, but try and give it a chance! I'm sorry that it has taken so long to post this, but I re-wrote it several times on google docs, thinking that I would be able to upload it on, for some reason it wouldn't let me so, here I am re-writing the first chapter for the third time, and I might not even be as good as the first time I tried to write it! Anyway, I hope that you enjoy it!
Hermione made her way across the grounds. It was mid-October and bright colorful leaves were littering the ground, reds, yellows. browns, fading greens, and oranges. Others still clung to the branches of their trees. The sun was shining brightly on the lake, making it glitter like a thousand diamonds.
Birds flew over the glimmering lake, chattering happily before disappearing into the colorful masses that were the trees. It was nice to get away from Harry and Ron sometimes, to have some time on her own. Just to read or take a walk across the grounds. Hermione made her way over to a bench near the lake and sat down, watching at the smooth surface of the lake was briefly disturbed by one of the giant squid's tentacles flailing in the air before disappearing beneath the surface, the lake once again becoming calm.
It was hard to believe that everything could be so undisturbed here, when somewhere else people were getting tortured and killed by Voldemort and his awful Death Eaters. Hermione was jolted out of her thoughts by someone sitting down on the bench beside her. Hermione swiftly turned her head to see a strikingly handsome young man around seventeen or eighteen. He looked strangely familiar, but she couldn't quite remember where she had seen him before.
"Hello, are you new?" Hermione asked, raising a brow curiously.
"You're Hermione Granger, Harry Potter's mudblood best friend," the man stated, ignoring her question.
"I prefer muggle-born if that's okay with you," Hermione snapped, glaring at him. "Who are you anyway?" she added, still trying to remember why he seemed so familiar.
"Tom, Tom Riddle," the man said. Tom Riddle. . . .Fuck, that's Voldemort isn't it? Fuck.
"Tom Riddle. . . .Fuck that's Voldemort isn't it? Fuck," Tom said echoing her thoughts, looking. . . .amused? Hermione, not amused in the least, more like scared to death, sprung out of her seat, drew her wand and taking a few steps back. She glanced nervously at the school, then at the group of five third years studying under the old oak tree, then back at Tom.
"Wh-why do you look like that?" Hermione asked, if she was going to die she was going to get some answers first. She took a small step back, Tom's calmness was unnerving. Tom waved his hand over his face and Hermione gasped as he turned into Voldemort, almost falling over as she took yet another step backwards.
"Someone will see you," she warned, surprised that her voice didn't come out as shaky as she thought it would. Voldemort waved his hand back over his face, turning back into Tom.
"If they see me they die," he said. "Lower you wand," he added. He expects me to lower my bloody wand when I'm in front of the bloody Dark Lord. That seems like a great plan, that's if the plan is to die! Tom smirked eyes twinkling with amusement. Slowly Hermione lowered her wand and re-built her walls so that Tom wouldn't be able to look into her mind again.
"Why are you here? To kill Harry? Because I assure you that Dumbledore won't allow it, I'm surprised you even got onto the grounds!" Hermione asked, taking a small step backwards. If he tried to Avada her she would dodge it, jump into the lake and swim as far away as she could under water, maybe find time for a bubblehead charm. . . .
"I am here to gather information. Come here and sit down," Tom said the last part in a commanding tone.
"No," Hermione refused, taking another tiny step backwards, ready to jump into the lake when. . . . .
"Accio Hermione!" Tom said with a wave of his hand. Hermione let out a small squeal as she was dragged over to the bench, where she quickly sat down as far away from Tom as possible, fear coursing through her body. All she wanted to do was get up, throw a few choice hexes at Tom and run away as fast as she could to get Dumbledore, that however did not seem like a possibility at the moment.
"Aren't you going to kill me?" Hermione asked as she nervously played with the edge of her dark purple and white sweater that Mrs. Weasely had knitted her.
"Hattie!" Tom said, ignoring Hermione's question. A small female house elf appeared before them. She bowed low, her nose nearly touching the ground.
"Is Master needing of anything?" she asked in a small high pitched voice.
"Tea," Tom said before flicking his wand and sending a shock at the elf, who quickly disappeared.
"You could have just told her to leave," Hermione muttered. "Aren't you going to kill me?" she added. Tom ignored her.
"Hattie!" Tom called. The small elf appeared, this time carrying a tray of tea and biscuits. She quickly bowed and quickly disaparated, probably not wanting to get shocked again. Tom handed her a cup of tea and a biscuit, that she put back on the tray.
"You think that I'd actually eat anything that you gave me?" Hermione asked. "Aren't you going to kill me?" she asked for the third time.
"Bloody hell, woman! I'm not going to bloody kill you!" Tom snapped in a raised voice before vanishing the tea and standing up. "We're going for a walk," he said.
"No, I'm going back to the castle," Hermione said, anxious to get away from Voldemort. She knew that Harry's scar had to be burning like hell right now because Voldemort was so close by, or was it not because he was in Tom form? Hermione guessed that it wasn't because he never mentioned anything about looking like Tom in his visions.
"No, you will take a walk with me," Tom said, roughly grabbing her arm and forcing her to stand up, Hermione quickly raising her wand. "Lower. Your. Wand," Tom growled, his eyes flashing red. Hermione quickly stuffed her wand in her jeans pocket, wondering why exactly he was letting her keep it, though she decided not to question that.
"What do you want with me?" Hermione asked as she was dragged along with Tom.
"I need you to spy on Potter, find out what he is planning. I have been watching you, you hare exactly what I need in my ranks." Tom said.
"I will not betray Harry!" Hermione said angrily as she stopped in her tracks, turned to face Tom, and glared at him. She opened her mouth to say more, but was when Tom Riddle, the Dark Lord, crashed his lips to hers, his tongue slipping into her mouth. After a few seconds of just standing there, Hermione began to kiss him back, forgetting that she was kissing her greatest enemy, the person that had killed Harry's parents, and had been the cause of the ends of many innocent lives, forgetting that she was kissing Lord Voldemort. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer and he entangled his hands in her bushy hair. Hermione moaned as she finally broke the kiss. Bloody hell! I just snogged bloody Voldemort! Instead of running away though, she crashed her lips back against his. Loving the feeling of their lips moving together. Tom pulled her down to the ground so that he was above here her and captured her lips in yet another searing kiss. Hermione opened her mouth, letting his tongue in and the battle for dominance began, their tongues dancing together. Hermione moaned as his hand reached under her shirted and began to massage her breasts, lightly pinching her nipples every now and then. Tom broke the kiss, only to begin to lightly suck on her neck. Hermione's hand began to wander over Tom's muscular chest and back.
"T-Tom we h-have to stop," Hermione finally gasped out, sitting up and lightly pushing him away. Her shirt was rumples, her hair even more messy than usual, her lips red ans swollen from kissing. Hermione leaned against Tom's shoulder. Right now they were just Tom and Hermione. Not Lord Voldemort and Harry Potter's bookworm best friend. They were just two people bathing in the afterglow of an amazing make-out session.
After a few minutes Hermione stood up. "I have to go Harry and. . ." at the mention of Harry's name, everything went back to reality. Tom's eyes became cold and he pulled out his wand, aiming it at one of the third years, a girl with long brown hair.
"Crucio," he muttered and watched as she convulsed in pain for a minute or so before he released her from the curse. Her friends gathered around her, helping her up and to walk towards the school, all of them looking suddenly fearful. Hermione couldn't help but think about all of the power that he had for just using the unforgivables.
"I'm going back to the castle," Hermione said and Tom just nodded. Hermione was surprised that he didn't object.
"Meet me at the bench tomorrow at mid-night," was all he said before taking a small broom out of his black robes (a firebolt), enlarged it and climbed on, flying off into the bright blue sky. Hermione was left looking up at the disappearing dot in the sky that was Tom Riddle.
A/N: I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter! i know that things are moving fast, but I think that it's pretty good for my first one (that I'm posting on this sight, I used to just write them in google docs, they weren't the best). Keep a look out for the next chapter! It should be up soon, I just have to revise it! Also keep an eye out for new fanfics, I'm currently working on two others! Look for more info about updates in the news column of my profile! XD