Chapter 8: Life Goes On

***Early Morning, Fenton Works Lab***

Slowly, Johnny 13 managed to become conscious of his surroundings. The first realization was that he was still strapped to a testing table. Second was how cold he was from the air circulating through the basement laboratory. Finally, that he was completely naked.

"What…is going…on?" The biker said, his speech slurred as though he was drugged.

"Test subject has woken up." Said the voice of Maddie Fenton. She appeared before him, dressed in her usual ghost hunting garb while a surgical mask covered her face.

"Good. I was afraid we would have to start while he was still out cold." spoke up Penelope Spectra. She was wearing a medical smock, gloves, and a mask over her face as well while her eyes glared at him.

"Let…Me…GO!" Johnny said, trying to sound threatening but failing.

"The sedatives seem to have taken full effect." Maddie remarked. "Prepare to execute Test number 1"

"Executing Test number 1." Penny replied before walking to the side of the lab. Johnny noticed his Shadow was still contained in a canister, attempting to reshape itself but unable to because of the amount of water that melted it.

Spectra put on a pair of heavy chemical gloves before picking up and opening a vial of red liquid.

"Adding Blood Blossom extract, now." She said before pouring the fluid into the container holding Shadow.

Johnny felt a dull throbbing pain course through his body while the shadow writhed and shrieked in pain as the extract coated him.

"Test subject seems to be reacting negatively to the Blood Blossom extract." Maddie commented aloud.

"Stop…You'll kill my shadow!" The biker pleaded.

"Good." Penelope commented before picking up a much larger beaker full of the Blood Blossom extract and pouring the entire contents into the vessel holding Shadow. The shade shrieked and writhed in pain, an ecto green mist now coming off the ghost before fogging up the container.

Even while he was heavily doped up, Johnny 13 still moaned and writhed in pain from what his Shadow was experiencing.

Agonizing minutes passed before the pain finally receded. As the pain ebbed away, so too did the fog that clouded the container holding Shadow. Once clear, all that remained inside was ectoplasm.

"Conclusion. While small doses of Blood Blossom paralyze and hurt ghosts, massive quantities are able to reduce them to ectoplasmic residue."

Johnny was panting heavily, feeling as though a part of him was permanently missing now that his Shadow was gone.

"It's gonna take…more than that…to break me." The biker said defiantly.

While he couldn't see their mouths, the manic gleams the ladies gave him told him they were merely getting started.

Maddie pulled out a small remote from her pocked before pressing a button. Johnny felt the table being moved upwards while a small screen lowered itself from the ceiling a small distance away.

The screen was blank for a moment before a video began to play. There before him in some abandoned section of the Ghost Zone was his precious bike. The thing that had carried over from his life to his death to his afterlife. The camera then panned back, showing Kitty…holding one of the Fenton's ecto launchers.

She said nothing, simply smirking at the camera before turning an aiming the bazooka at the bike. A pull of the trigger and a rocket zoomed towards the motorcycle before blowing the vehicle into a thousand tiny pieces.

"That fucking cunt! I'll get her…back for that! I'll make her…regret doing that!" Johnny said laboriously, trying to sound intimidating despite the effects the drugs were having on him.

"Sure, you will." Penelope said as the screen went black before showing Johnny on the slab.

"What…What are you doing now?" The biker said, panting heavily.

He gasped in pain when Maddie stuck a needle into his neck and depressed the plunger. Seconds later, his body felt completely numb and he felt light headed.

"Subject is now thoroughly sedated yet awake for the next test."

It was then that Johnny noticed something strange.

"Why…am I manscaped?" He asked with difficulty.

The Fenton mother didn't answer as she walked over to a table and picked up a scalpel.

"Catheter ready for insertion?" She asked the Spectra.


"Cauterizing tool?"

Penelope smirked evilly under her mask before holding up a blowtorch.

Even in his doped-up state of mind and body, Johnny 13 tried struggling out of his binds.

"Top to bottom or work my way up?" Maddie asked.

"Work your way up." The redhaired ghost replied.

"No! Please! I…I'll change!" Johnny pleaded.

"You certainly will change." The Fenton mother replied before quickly and cleanly separating Johnny's testicles from his body. As soon as she was done, Penelope quickly hit the now bleeding wound with the blowtorch.

All the while, Johnny was screaming. Not so much in pain, though he was experiencing a dull pain and throbbing from the severed flesh and subsequent burn he had received. No, it was because he saw it all happen on the screen. As if his eyes were telling him how much he should be hurting and him reacting accordingly.

Another needle pierced his neck as yet another wave of painkillers began flowing through his body.

"Relax." Spectra hissed in his ear. "We're doctors."

All the biker could do was close his eyes as he felt the surgical blade cut off the remains of his genitals. The catheter was inserted before the bleeding flesh was once again cauterized by the blowtorch. The only hope Johnny had was that he would permanently die from shock or loss of ectoplasm.

Yet as the table returned to its horizontal position again, he was given bags of fluids and ectoplasm by Penelope while Maddie walked to the table and set aside her scalpel and picked up a strange needle like tool that looked almost like an ice pick.

"You know…" The Fenton mother said as she slowly walked towards the now dickless biker, "This would normally be the part where I would ask if you had any last words before I lobotomize you, make you a vegetable, and use you as a living test subject for experimentation…but after the spiteful things you have done to my son as well as abusing and raping the Manson girl…You don't deserve any. By the time your body is useless to us, you would be begging us to send you to Hell…if you had the ability."

One final needle was stuck into Johnny's arm. The combination of pain, painkillers, and newly introduced sedatives quickly put Johnny 13 to sleep.

After the lobotomy, the body that formerly belonged to Johnny 13 was used as a test subject for study of the ghostly anatomy, research on various diseases and ailments that plagued the ghostly community, and finally weapons testing. It wouldn't be until 5 years later that his body finally gave out and died. It was dissolved by Blood Blossom extract before being incinerated. No ghosts mourned for him nor did they really care that he had been missing.

***One Week Before Christmas***

While the rest of Amity was in the Christmas spirit, there was one family that was not. Plowing through the decorated streets of town in their Cadillac, the Manson family made their way to the Mayor's mansion. Very few people had heard or seen them in the past week but there were rumors spreading that something sexually deviant had happened to their daughter last Monday. The parents denied such claims while showering money upon the media and rumor spreaders to silence them.

Upon pulling into the driveway of the Mayor's mansion, they were displeased and annoyed to see the Fenton's tank like vehicle parked there. The Manson patriarch was dressed in a fine Italian suit while the matriarch was sporting a mink fur coat. Samantha, despite her rebellious streak, was sporting a luxurious parka over her usual garb.

They solemnly walked to the front door before knocking on the door.

Wadsworth the butler answered the door. "You are here to see Mayor Masters, yes?"

The Manson parents nodded yes.

"Follow me." The manservant said. He took their coats and hung them upon a rack before leading them through the mansion. A grand pine tree, dressed in ornaments, lights, and tinsel stood in a corner of the living room while a Nativity Scene was placed upon the mantle of the fireplace. The parent's annoyance grew upon seeing the Fenton children relaxing on the couch and watching tv.

Leading them down a hallway, the butler opened a door at the end, revealing the Mayor's office.

"The Manson family to see you, sir."

"Thank you, Wadsworth." The Mayor said before smiling politely at the Manson family. "How may I help you today?"

"We want something done about the ghost that raped our daughter!" The father said.

"That thing cannot go unpunished for what it has done to my Samantha!" The mother added.

Vlad nodded his head in agreement. "I agree. It is a genuine problem when a ghost commits such a violent act upon one of the citizens of our town. Luckily, I've gotten just the experts to look into solving your problem."

The corner of his mouth quirked up in a smirk when Penelope and the Fenton parents walked into the room.

"You know, I think we have made some real progress with this annual Christmas argument the two of you have." Penelope said cheerily as the parents nodded.

Mr. and Mrs. Manson were fuming upon seeing the Fentons while Sam remained emotionless.

"We are not leaving the fate of our daughter's rapist in the hands of these bumbling idiots!" Pamela exclaimed while her husband nodded in agreement.

"I'm sorry you feel that way. My old college friends are some of the best private ghost hunters and inventors of ecto technology. Adding to the fact that they are both locals and they would have an easier time at tracking down this ghost, I fail to see why you wouldn't want their help." Vlad commented.

The Mansons opened and closed their mouths to counter the Mayor's argument but could not find the words.

"There is also the fact that we don't know what diseases or ailments that ghost may have been carrying." Maddie said casually, quickly gaining the center stage.

"What?" Mr. Manson asked.

"I'm simply saying that if the sexual activities of ghosts are comparable to the living, then there might possibly be diseases that could be spread among them and now to your daughter."

The family hadn't thought about that. Sure, they had the best doctors look over their daughter and help her on the road to recovery…but the thought of some unknown disease secretly infecting her made them uncomfortable.

"Add to the fact the psychological trauma your daughter must be feeling, having been raped by a ghost she seemed to have an attraction to." Penelope spoke up. "If you would give us some time with her, we could check her over and make some recommendations for her to get proper treatment."

"No, no, NO! We will not have you…" Mr. Manson began to say before Sam interjected.

"Fine. Let's get this over with."

"Samantha. We don't have to listen to these charlatans." Her mother said soothingly while glaring daggers at Maddie and Penelope.

"It's fine mom." The goth girl persisted. "Let's just do this someplace private."

"Excellent. That way your parents, Mr. Fenton, and I can figure out what to do with this horrible ghost." Vlad said while smiling at the Manson parents.

Reluctantly, they allowed their daughter to follow the two women before turning their attention to the Mayor and one of the town's ghost hunters.

Meanwhile, the three women entered Vlad's library and occupied a love seat facing the door while Sam sat in the leather chair facing them.

There was silence in the room, thick and tense while the stares Maddie and Penelope gave the girl were intense.

Finally, the goth girl couldn't take much more and broke the silence.

"Whatever you are going to do, just get it over with." She said. "You'll only prove to me that you two are heartless bitches and are willing to kick me while I'm on the ground and broken."

Maddie and Penelope glanced at one another before rummaging in their pockets. Sam closed her eyes, expecting the worst…only feel a light weight fall onto her lap and what felt like cards placed into her hands. Cautiously, she opened her eyes.

"There are about 30 capsules of Blood Blossom extract for you incase Johnny did have any diseases while having sex with you and those many girls." Mrs. Fenton said as she and the misery ghost sat back down.

"Those cards have numbers for on call rape victim centers and psychiatrists." Spectra added.

The goth girl went from shocked to confused to outraged in a manner of a few seconds.

"What? Why? I…" She spluttered.

"What? You expected some grand form of humiliation as revenge for what you did to my son and his girlfriend?" Maddie asked.

"Yes! I wanted that! Not your stupid sympathy!" Sam said, slightly hysterical.

"Truth be told," Spectra said, "We did have one idea. We planned on asking Clockwork to show you a future where you and Danny got together and the future he will have with Kitty…but you are already shattered and broken without us having to do anything."

"Sure. We could add more insult to your injury but that wouldn't be satisfying for anyone. The horse is already dead, we would simply be beating it to a pulp." Maddie continued with a shrug.

"So, you decide to insult me by giving me meds and help lines?"

Maddie and Penelope looked on the traumatized girl with pity.

"We aren't doing this because we like you or we will forget what you have done…" Maddie said.

"But you have gone through a traumatizing event that no woman should ever experience. We are doing for you what we would do for any women in your situation." Penelope finished.

"You…you're cowards! You said you would get your revenge on me and now you won't because of what happened to me?"

"Sam…" a familiar voice spoke up in front of the goth girl. A moment later, Danny and Kitty appeared before the broken woman.

The girl was initially shocked before she glared at the boy and his lover.

"So…you going to rub things in my face now? Gloat over how happy you and Kitty are now? That I should have known better than to trust Johnny?"

Danny and Kitty continued to stare blankly at the girl.

"Well let me tell you something, Daniel Fenton! This is as much your fault as it is mine!" She yelled. "If you would have noticed me sooner, this wouldn't have happened!"

Sam huffed and puffed after her little tirade, waiting for the boy's response.

"You know what, Sam. You are right. I'll admit that I am a bit slow to realizing things and that I was clueless to many of your advances. For that, I ask for your forgiveness."

"Wha…What?" Sam stuttered, confused now by his reaction.

"In regard to all the things you and Johnny did to me…as easy as it would be for most people to hold a grudge…I forgive you…but things are never going to be the same."

With that, he and his green haired lover began walking out of the library. Confused and angry, Sam bolted out of her chair and faced the coupled.

"No! I refuse!" The goth girl yelled. Danny and Kitty stopped before turning back to her.

"You…You can't do that. You can't just apologize and forgive me…like that! I…I deserve some punishment! I…I…"

The girl collapsed to her knees, tears streaming down her face.

"You can't walk away…I deserve so much after what I've done to you." She sobbed.

"Perhaps." Danny said. "But I'm not going to be dealing that punishment."

They left the room, leaving Sam, Penelope, and Maddie to themselves again. The broken woman cried while the mother and misery ghost remained seated.

Samantha continued crying. She cried over the loss of her innocence. She cried that she had, in some way, led to Danny's attempted suicide. She cried over the loss of the lover she had chosen to replace Danny. The one things she mourned most of all was the loss of one of her best friends.

A moment later, Mr. and Mrs. Manson stormed into the library.

"Come, Samantha. We're leaving." Her father said.

Slowly, the goth girl shakily got to her feet before following them out of the mansion.

"I knew we shouldn't have gotten our hopes up when the Fenton family was involved." Pamela added as they hopped back into their luxury car and started driving away. What confused Sam was when they passed the turn back to their mansion. Instead, they continued driving to the executive airport where their private jet waited for them. While confused, the girl followed her parents onto the plane.

Once they were in the air, the parents sat in front of their daughter and placed two folders onto the table between them and their daughter.

"Samantha…" Mr. Manson said firmly.

"This is it. You now have a choice to make." Pamela said while she pulled out a pen and laid it between the folders.

"What? Where are we going? What is going on?" The girl said, a nervous and anxious tone in her voice now.

"We are going to our Boca home…where we will be living from now on." Her father said.

"But…but what about our home in Amity? And my friends? And school?"

"The mansion will be auctioned off and our important belongings will be shipped to our new home. As for friends and school, you can make new friends at the prep school we selected." Her father said.

"No!" Sam said, weakly yet defiantly.

"ENOUGH!" Both parents shouted at her. The girl cowered back in fear, an emotion she had never truly experienced regarding them before. They inhaled deeply before exhaling.

"We are done playing nice and allowing you this rebellious phase, Samantha." Mr. Manson said.

"But after this little incident…No more." Her mother added.

"I don't know what you are…"

"Inviting a ghost into our home. Having unprotected sex and orgies under OUR ROOF. And do we even need to go into the school incident?" Her father listed off.

"You forgot the part where I WAS RAPED!" The goth girl yelled as fresh tears fell.

"By the same ghost you willingly hid from us for a month. Sweetheart, we want you to recover from that horrible experience but everything leading up to that event have lead us to this decision." Pamela said.

Her father opened the first folder. Inside was what looked like a contract.

"These are the rules you will have to live by once we get to Boca…if you decide to live with us."

She quickly skimmed over the rules.

"Dress properly? Eat a balanced diet of meats, fruits, and vegetables? NO BLACK?! And what do you mean IF I decided to live with you?" She asked.

"We are putting an end to this phase, Samantha. Once and for all. If you live with us, we promise to get you looked over by the best doctors and psychiatrists money can buy to help you recover. You will be raised a proper lady and go to the finest schools."

Her father opened the second folder. Another contract and a check for 7 million dollars was inside.

"Your other option…is your emancipation." Her mother said, now a little hesitantly.

"What?" Sam asked, now softly and anxiously.

"If you can't follow our rules…Then we release you. To live as you would with the money we provide you." Her father said.

"You…you would disown me?" She whispered.

"We have tried very hard to show our love and affection to you, Samantha…but you have rebelled against and rejected us at every turn. At least with the money, you can live as you see fit." Pamela replied.

"There is one stipulation to that option…You never return to Amity."

"Wh-Why?" Sam asked, a tremor in her voice.

"To both protect you from that horrible ghost if he is still lurking around that town…and to save you the painful memories associated with that place." Mr. Manson said.

"You have a week to think this over…but we will have our answer." Her mother said before she and her husband walked away to the plane's bedroom, leaving their daughter alone with her thoughts.

The girl glanced over both pieces of paper, weighing her options.

What should she do? What was the right choice? What life did she deserve after orchestrating the destruction of her previous one in Amity?

To this day, nobody knows for certain what became of Samantha Manson. Some say that she lived with her parents and abandoned her rebellious ways as a form of penance. No longer did she wear black. Instead, her wardrobe consisted of bright and summer colors. Meat became a regular part of her diet. Those who believe this story even say she became one of the most popular girls at her new school. All in all, a proper lady as her parents had always wanted.

Another theory was that she rejected her parents offer and moved out to California. For a while she lived fairly well of the severance money she was given but eventually fell into the wrong crowd. That story goes to say she became addicted to substances to drown out the pain and remorse over what had happened, eventually leading to an overdose in the lonely confines of her rented apartment.

The final and perhaps most grim of the rumors was that the night after she and her parents arrived at their home in Boca and while her parents were asleep, Samantha Manson hung herself from her shower rod. Whether it was out of guilt or desiring some punishment she felt she deserved, none of the followers of this rumor can agree upon.

What is known is that Sam and her rebellious ways were dead to the town as soon as the plane left the airstrip.

***Epilogue, 1 Year Later, Fenton Works***

Christmas day. A day of celebration. A day of giving. A day of joy. This was true for all homes in Amity, Fenton Works included.

"Danny. Kitty. We are opening presents!" Maddie called up to her son and his lover.

"We know, mom." Yawned the black-haired boy as he walked downstairs. He was dressed in a t-shirt and plaid pajama bottoms and had an arm wrapped around the waist of Kitty. She was wearing a black wife beater and plaid pajama bottoms as well. In her arms, she carried a sleeping baby boy.

To say that Maddie and Jack were surprised when they heard that Kitty was pregnant would be putting it lightly. Maddie had fainted while Jack had to take a stiff drink when they had broken the news. To make a long story short, they made the two lovers agree to not have any more children, at least for a few more years, while also accepting the news and agreeing to help raise the child. It was in late August that the baby boy was born. He had dirty blonde hair, which Kitty attributed to the color her hair was in life while having his father's blue eyes.

Said baby was now waking up and gazed in wonder at the glowing lights on the Christmas tree.

"Merry Christmas, Aaron." Maddie said to her grandson before gently taking him from Kitty.

The two lovers chuckled in amusement before relaxing on the couch. The past year had certainly been a journey for them, but they managed. There had been some backlash and controversy at school to be sure, but it was mostly aimed at Sam and Tuck showing off Danny and Kitty's private life rather than their private life in general. Then there was the pregnancy and all the trials that came with it. Yet, through it all, their love for one another only grew and strengthened.

There was a knock on the door which Jazz answered.

"Merry Christmas." A smiling Vlad Masters said as he and a very pregnant Penelope Spectra entered the house.

"When is the baby due?" The elder Fenton sibling asked as she helped the misery ghost to the couch.

"She'll be coming any day now." Spectra said before letting out a sigh of relief.

Vlad and Jack stood off to the side, sipping on some offered eggnog.



There was a moment of silence before the elder halfa broke it.

"Merry Christmas…old friend."

Much to Jack's surprise, Vlad gave him a brief hug before releasing him. The big man was about to return the hug before Vlad stopped him.

"Your hugs can still crush a trashcan so no."

Vlad and Penelope had been living pleasantly well together for the previous year. Penelope swiftly became well liked and respected at school as the guidance counselor while Vlad became a more loved and respected mayor of the town. When the news came to him that Penelope was expecting, he went to the school during lunch and kissed her for all the students and faculty to see.

"How are you two enjoying your break?" Penelope asked.

"Fine. I think I did well on my exams." The boy replied.

"Still getting the hang of being a mommy." The green haired girl added.

The misery ghost nodded before cautiously looking over to Danny.

"Has Tucker talked to you lately?"

For Tucker Foley, his life had changed drastically. His parents were outraged by his compliance with Sam and her deeds. So much so that they threatened to ship him off to military school. It was only through Penelope's intervention that they were able to reach a compromise. Tucker would graduate from school…but would join the school's JROTC to eventually join the military upon graduation. It was admittedly tough for the boy, what with the workouts and now being forced to eat his vegetables in some shape or form. But he learned, through Penelope, that the military had a great need and use for tech savvy individuals such as himself.

Regarding his personal life with Danny, it was a rough road to recovery, there was still some tension between them, and their friendship would never be as it once was. Yet they chatted every so often when they passed on another in the halls and even partnered back up to hunt the occasional ghost.

"He called me yesterday and wished us a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year." The boy replied.

There was a comfortable silence between them before some giggling caught the misery ghost's attention.

"Sometimes its hard for me to tell who the real mother of your child is." Spectra whispered to Danny and Kitty.

At the moment, Mrs. Fenton was taking as many pictures as she could of little Aaron in front of the tree.

"Yeah. She's gonna spoil him rotten." Kitty chuckled as she leaned on Danny's shoulder.

Penelope nodded her head before getting up to say hello to Maddie and Jazz.

"You know," Danny whispered to Kitty. "I thank God for bringing you into my life."

"So do I." She whispered back.

"Oh my." Jazz said in a voice of mock surprise. "What is that conveniently hanging above you?"

The two lovers didn't even bother looking up before kissing one another much to the amusement of those around them.

***The End***

Author's Note: Thank you all for sticking with me through this story. This was certainly a difficult one to write but I am pleased to have finally finished it. For those wondering why I didn't have some ultimate revenge against Sam, courtesy of Penelope and Maddie, I gave it a lot of thought and actually had an idea of what to do (As explained by the two), but it just didn't seem right, especially with how I ended the last chapter. She is emotionally and physically traumatized by what happened and I don't see Maddie or even Penelope being so evil as to pour salt onto that wound. As to the different scenarios I gave in regard to the possible fate of Sam, those seemed like the most logical and likely results of what would happen to her given both her emotional state and the choices her parents presented to her. Finally, I'm going to be taking a little break from my other stories for a little while in order to write up some one-shots that have been on my mind for a while. Once they are done, expect an update for 'You Just Might Get It'. Thank you all again and God Bless.