The Birth of the Goblin Prince Part Two:
Arigatōgozaimashita~ Thank you
Goburin ~ Goblin
Goburin Nihon no kokka ~ Goblin Nation of Japan
Hairu ~ Enter
Okasan ~ Mother
Tempus Realm~Time Realm
Ares dodged the blow that looked as if it was aiming for his head, sending an uppercut to his opponent. He smiled when his opponent doubled over. But a headbutt to his chin turned his short-lived smile into a grimace. His head snapped back, and his world spun for a few seconds before he regained his senses. A quick backflip got him out of reach of his opponent's next attack. He licked his lips, tasting blood and smiled. He didn't take long to relish in the adrenaline pumping through him and attacked his opponent with a sidekick to his opponent's stomach. His foot caught in his opponent's hands, Ares thought quickly and used his momentum to dislodge his foot and back flipped, kicking his opponent in the face. He landed on his feet and readied for another attack. He did not have to wait long, and his opponent came at him with a sword swinging. Ares dodged the first and second attack, he dipped down and swung his foot out kicking at his opponent's feet, sending him backward flat onto his back. The sword clattered to the ground, the hard landing sending it flying from his opponent's grip. Ares picked it up quickly and held it at his opponent's neck. His lungs burned from exertion and sweat coated his body.
"Well done, my Prince." Haru, his teacher, told him with a smile on his face. "You bested me this time. I'm proud of you."
Ares smiled and banished the sword, then extended a hand to help Haru stand to his feet. "I'm good now, but not good enough for the Master."
Haru snorted, "Not even I'm good enough for the Master."
They hobbled over to the chairs and sat down. "How long have I been in here?" Ares asked.
"You know time stands still while you are in the Tempus Realm. While we are in here, time does not matter. But once you are able to leave, it counts as only a few hours a day at most."
"How is Okasan?" Ares asked after the Empress.
Haru's smile brightened. "She worries, and misses you. But understand that you need to do this." Haru looked at him. "Your Japanese has improved, as well."
Ares smiled and bowed his head respectfully. "Arigatō," he told his instructor and friend.
Haru got up and cleaned the sweat off his face. "You have thirty minutes before Akane returns."
Ares groaned, "Please, tell me she is in a good mood?"
Haru barked out a laugh at Ares's dismay. Akane was his instructor in Japanese culture and history. Haru was his kung fu instructor, Garo was his instructor in Japanese magical arts and weapons. Sakura was his instructor for Japanese magical and muggle history. He was also learning to read, write, and speak Japanese, which he was picking up much quicker than his instructors expected.
In the time since he entered the timeless Tempus Realm, Ares's only interactions were with his instructors. He slept, ate, and trained. Nothing more, nothing less. He missed his mother and her comforting arms. Ares has spent most of his life alone and without love; he doesn't know if he could endure the loveless existence he had before. His mother's love was a drug and Ares didn't want to live without it. But this was what he wanted, what he needed. He was learning to harness his magic along with his creature inheritance. He was a Dark avenging Angel. According to his mother, his mate would be a White Angel. Ares closed his eyes and thought about how his life changed since he literally crashed into Gringotts. He opened his eyes and looked at Haru.
"Why must you always laugh at me? Akane is your wife is she not, how do you deal with her?"
"Yes, she is," Haru answered with a pleasant smile on his face. "Why do you think she is hard on you? You beat me up every time we meet; you're a bully, my Prince."
"I'm the bully? You realized you cracked three of my ribs just a few hours ago?"
"But you heal quickly," Haru says with a smile. "So you torture me, and she tortures you as payback." He said with barking laughter.
"But why," Ares whines. "What difference does it make how I serve tea, or how I walk or how I stand?"
"It matters a great deal. Important topics are always agreed upon over a well-brewed cup of tea." Haru said seriously. "My Prince, I have worried over the Empress since the day she took power. There are many who would like to take her kingdom away from her, simply because she refuses to marry and have an heir of their choosing. But now because of you, I can sleep at night and not worry. You have not only saved us, but you have saved the Empress. She loves you, as a mother should. She sits by the door waiting just to catch a glimpse of you. I have not kept any of your injuries from her. Each time I tell her about your injuries, I've been threatened with having my head removed from my body. And if you know the Empress, she does not make threats lightly." He winced. "But she understands. We understand why you are embarking on this journey. It is more than simply revenge."
"And what of my friends? Do they feel the same way I do?"
"You have very loyal friends, my Prince. They have agreed to endure the same training as you. They are loyal to you and your cause. The young lady is eager to see you and has taken to magical healing far better than the others. They are currently on the search for their shikigami as you will be soon."
Ares was happy to hear that. He wasn't sure if they would agree to side with him. He'd taken a gamble sending them a coded message and prayed to Kami-sama they would go along with his wishes.
Haru went to his knees, and it surprised him. Haru placed a hand on his chest and bowed his head in front of him. Ares felt uneasy seeing his friend and instructor bowing down to him, but he understood that this was just formalities. "Thank you for saving my queen and our kingdom, Prince Ares Mazikaze."
"Stand, Haru," he told his instructor. "I am indebted to her; she saved me as well." He stood to his feet and hugged his friend. "Thank you for your guidance," he said separating from their hug.
Haru nodded and backed away, "Enjoy your break."
Harry smiled and nodded. He watched as the room changed the minute that Haru exited the Tempus Realm. A bathroom and a change of clothes hung on the rack. He shed his soaked clothes and sat on the stool, cleansing himself before showering. He walked over to the bathtub, filled with hot water, and stepped in, slowly sitting down. He leaned back and got comfortable, letting the oils and minerals heal his sore muscles. His life really had changed. He was a Prince twice over and had a mother that doted on him to embarrassment. But it was not always that way. The kindness the Express had given him won't erase the past. She understood that he wouldn't merely forget his abusive past.
"That's simple, I have adopted you. You are now my son in name and blood."
"What did you do?!"
"I saved your life, my son." She told him.
"Saved my life! Saved my life! You did the same thing that Dumbledore and everyone else did. You took over and decided for me. Why didn't you just let me die?" Ares was angry, and he knew his anger was misplaced. The Empress saved his life, and there was no logical reason for his anger. But he could not help it. He cannot understand why everyone wanted to decide what was best for him. "So now I owe you? What more do you want from me? Am I to kill all the wizards and witches now because I am more like them than you?"
Ares did not see it coming, but he felt the sting on his cheek and saw the shocked look on the Empress's face. Her lips trembled as she shook her head.
"What have I done?" She whispered. "I have done the same thing that your family did. I raised a hand to you in anger. I am ashamed of myself and my actions."
She went to get up, but Ares stopped her. He was not sure why he did it, but he pulled her into his arms, and they both started crying. He saw something in her expression he never saw in Petunia or Vernon's. Regret and hurt. He saw how horrified the Empress was that she raised her hand in anger to hurt him.
"I'm so sorry, my Ares." She cried in his shoulders. "I don't want anything from you. I just want to love you the way a mother should have loved you. You have been hurt too many times. I am ashamed to have raised a hand to you."
Ares held her in his arms. He would not apologize for his words. But he accepted her apology for her actions. She was sincere in her regret; Dumbledore only falsified caring and regret. He was tired of everyone deciding what they felt was best for him. It was time he took his life into his hands and stood on his own. He wouldn't turn down their hands to help him, but from now on he was in charge of his life and actions.
"Ares, listen to me." The Empress raised her head so that she could look into his eyes. "Yes, I might have given you my blood and name without your permission. But I could not stand by and watch you die. I could not stand by and watch the memories of what was done to you. It made me angry, and I wanted to kill those who hurt you. I saved your life because you called out to me and begged me to help you seek revenge. And truthfully, my heart broke into a million pieces when I heard your cry for help."
Ares nodded, no one had ever listened to him cry. Her emotions were coming off her in waves. "I'm not worthy of your love or your blood."
"You're wrong!" She told him. "You are more than worthy. I curse the ones who made you feel this way. I want to kill them and watch as demons feast on their flesh."
Ares chuckled. "Sounds good to me." They stayed that way for a bit longer as the silence washed over them. "I want to kill Harry Potter," he said, breaking their silence. "I want him dead. I want them all to feel the abuse I endured and suffer as they cry out for help. I want them to know how it feels to come to the realization no one will come to lessen their suffering. I want them to feel as alone as I felt."
"If that is what you wish, my son, then that is what we will do," she told him.
"I want to meet my father, but…" he paused hoping to find the right words. "But I want to be stronger before I am in his presence. I know it sounds silly, but I want him to accept me and not see me as weak. I want to be strong enough to join his side and help him to gain the power he needs to win the war against Dumbledore."
She pulled back and looked at him. "Are you sure?"
"Yes," he answered. "I don't want to be a puppet any longer. I want to be the one to decide what happens in my life." She looked down and joined their hands together, a pensive expression on her face. "What is it?"
"I know that I've done wrong by making you my son without your permission,' she said, looking up at him. "But I ask you now, will you, Ares, be the son of my heart and blood? Will you look to me as your mother and confidant, to walk with you? To aid you in your revenge and to be the Prince and one day the ruler of the great Goburin Nihon no kokka? And to carry my name."
Ares stared at her for a long time as he sorted out what she just asked him. She wasn't telling him that he had to do but, rather he had the option and could say no. Few in his life-and no one in power-had allowed him to choose. "Would you still want me in your life if I said no?"
She touched the side of his right cheek and smiled. "I would still be your mother even if you said no. So yes, I would want you in my life, nothing would pull you away from me."
Hearing that made him happy and it also helped him make up his mind about what he wanted. She wanted him even if he turned down all the other things she offered. "I, Ares, accept your offer to be my mother in heart and in blood. I accept your offer to walk beside me and aid me in my revenge on those that have hurt me over the years. I accept your offer to be the Prince of the Goburin no Nippon and to one day be the great ruler it needs. I humbly accept your love and give mine in return." As he was talking, Ares felt a tingle down his spine as a light surrounded them. The Empress's eyes started to glow a bright green, and a white light engulfed them. Harry felt his canines elongate and on instinct, he brought his wrist to his lips and bit down on his flesh. He watched as the Empress did the same. Ares removed his wrist from his mouth and brought it to hers as the Empress mimicked him.
"I, Queen Yukiko of Goburin Goburin Nihon no kokka, freely give my blood to the child of my heart and soul. " She bit down on Ares' wrist taking his blood.
"I, Ares, take Queen Yukiko's blood freely and become the child of her heart and soul."
Ares bit down on her wrist and moaned when the surprising taste of ginger hit his tongue. He closed his eyes and felt like a babe sucking from his mother's tit. His inside burned, and the ache in his heart stopped, as if it was starting to mend. He released her wrist and licked her wound closed as she did the same to him. The light slowly descended as the air around them started to return to normal.
"The ritual is complete," she said. Yukiko stood and walked over to the door that looked out at the balcony and opened it then turned and extended her hand to Ares. "Come, my son, see the world that now belongs to you."
Ares stood and walked over to her, taking her hand. Walking out to the balcony, he gasped as he spotted rows of goblins, in all sizes, colors, and shapes, standing below looking up at them. There must be millions of goblins looking up at him.
"How?" He asked.
"They felt the awakening and birth of their new Prince," she answered. "Goblins are connected by magic and blood in many ways. They have been waiting and planning for this day."
"They have accepted you. There will be some who will rebel. But my son, look at the people who will revere you. I know you must and will prove yourself to them, but from today forward you are their Prince and they are your people." She turned and faced the crowd, waving her hand. "My people, today I present to you my son, Prince Ares."
"All hail Prince Ares!" someone shouted, and the rest of the crowd joined in.
Yukiko raised a hand, and the crowd quieted. "Today we will celebrate the birth of my child. I declare today a national day of celebration!"
The crowd cheered, and music began to play, Yukiko and Ares walked back into their room. He was starting to feel overwhelmed and tired.
"I think I'm going to rest for a bit," he said looking back out towards the balcony. He wasn't expecting their acceptance or joy when he was announced as the heir to the throne.
"Take all the time you need," she told him. "Tomorrow we will plan the death of Harry Potter."
End Flashback
That day felt so long ago to Ares that sometimes it all felt more like a dream than reality. He gained a mother and much more in one day. A few days later, Ares found out when the empress felt that he was ready to rule the kingdom, she'd hand the crown over to him. Ares hoped that would be many years away. Goblins lifespan were longer than muggles and even the most powerful wizards. The oldest goblin to date was born about a million years ago. Ares breathed a large sigh of relief that his okasan could live quite a while and was not ready to relinquish the throne, because he needed the chance to grow as a person.
He was still considered a baby to the goblins. It was also apparent that since he wasn't given the lessons, most goblin children learned while growing up that Ares would need a vast improvement in his education as well as training in physical, mental, and magical arts. It was part of the tutoring lessons she'd mentioned a few days earlier. The Empress was not happy when Ares told her he wanted to return to Hogwarts. She thought the magical school was highly overrated and would not be the right fit, especially for his new stature as a Prince. However, once Harry explained why he wanted to return his okasan smiled with menacing glee over the possibilities of getting revenge on his enemies.
It was agreed that before he left for school, he would be prepared for everything. He wondered how he was going to learn everything he needed to know in the short amount of time they had before he was to start school in September. The Empress told him not to worry and that there are a few secrets only known to the royal family that he was a part of would be shown to him. The Tempus Realm that he was currently in was one of those secrets. It was magical and was created by the strongest members of the clan. The two strongest by far were his mother, the Empress, and King Ragnuk, who told him to call him uncle and nothing else.
The Tempus Realm would be explicitly designed for Ares training, days, weeks, and maybe years would pass in the Tempus Realm while outside of the room time would pass normally. If he were to calculate correctly, he'd been inside the training Tempus Realm for three months. Truthfully, the Jikan rūmu reminded him of the Room of Requirement with one stipulation. He would not be able to leave until his training was complete only then would the door appear for him. Ares would be able to train and not worry about missing anything. Once his training was completed, he would be coronated as the rightful Prince and would be ready to start his new life. But before he could start his new life as Ares Mazikaze, he needed to be rid of his old life as Harry Potter.
They came up with a plan to completely eradicate his old life. He thought it was crazy the first time he heard it and he also couldn't believe it would work or his hoped it would. He was completely cut off from the outside world, only focusing on his training. But he couldn't help but wonder what he would face once he leaves the bubble. Before he entered the Tempus Realm, he gave his mother specific instructions on a few things that he wanted to be done while he was training. She looked at him oddly when he handed her his instructions.
They also went over his inheritance from the Potter and Black vaults. On the advice of his Okasan, he accepted them but closed off all access to them, taking away one of the powers Dumbledore had over him. In a few days, the Weasley's and Hermione would receive a letter informing them that they would need to return all the money they took from his vaults. Failure to pay the amount in full with interest could result in their deaths or servitude to the goblin nation. Ares made it a decree to happen after Harry Potter's death.
"My Prince," Ares heard Akane call him.
"In a minute," he shouted back as he got out of the bathtub. He watched as it disappeared and then he got dressed in his kimono. The door opened, and Akane stepped in; he was able to get a glimpse of his mother before the door closed.
"Look at you," she said with a sigh and a shake of her head.
"What?" He asked looking down at himself.
"I swear," she huffed, but Ares didn't miss the smile on her face. "You need your mother to fix your hair for you."
"I don't have my wand," he told her, sitting down.
"You don't need your wand," she told him. "Do as I taught you; it is a simple thing a youngling can do."
Ares nodded and concentrated, goblins were skilled in all sorts of magic. They were easily the strongest creatures and certainly more knowledgeable than the wizards who prided themselves on their intellect. Ares closed his eyes and then shook his head, drying his hair completely. It was magic of thought and wished that every goblin child was taught from birth. His new goblin blood was tied within his new creature inheritance, making him more powerful than the average goblin or wizard. He was learning how to control both powers and abilities. To the goblins, he was still a baby just being born and learning how to walk, which was true in a sense. Until he reaches the age of two hundred, he would be seen as merely a goblin child.
I guess by then I will be learning how to walk in their eyes.
There was so much that he needed to know. Politics, law, war. The lessons taught about the goblin rebellion at Hogwarts left out so much that at times it sounded like fairy tales to Ares. Students were told to remember dates for exams, but there was much more to the rebellion than dates. It was about the survival of their people. Like all creatures, goblins were seen as the most dangerous. It's not written in the textbooks that the goblins did not raise the white flag of defeat but got what they wanted. Goblins were feared and held the finances of the wizarding society in the palms of their hands. No witch or wizards were allowed to make a financial move without the goblins knowing approval. Without the goblins, the affluent Lords and Ladies would crumble without the goblins keeping track of their gold. Goblins were greedy, which was the only truth, they valued gold, but the life of their children was worth more.
"Good," Akane said to him. "Now sit, and I will fix your hair before we get started on your studies."
Ares sat down folding his feet under him. "What are we working on today?"
"Japanese feudal history," she answered, adding his crown to his hair. "It is said that your many great grandfathers Oda Nobunaga was a powerful Daimyo…" Ares closed his eyes as Akane started to tell her tale, it was how she started all of her lessons. This way he could envision the battle scenes and put a name to the faces he'd heard so much about. He loved hearing about his goblin ancestors; it was more than he was taught at Hogwarts. He didn't know how long his training would last, but he was ready to learn and excited to see his mother again.
Tom Riddle stood at his window looking out at the world that would one day be his. His mind was far away. Something was bothering him for the past few nights. Lately, he'd been having dreams of a love he thought he'd lost. The love he'd foolishly walked away from out of fear that he wouldn't be able to give his whole heart to the man that loved him. He was not an easy man to love, his current lover could attest to that. Tom closed his eyes and brought up the image of James Potter and wondered like he'd done many times over the years what could have happened between them had he stayed. Tom sighed and opened his eyes.
"Had I stayed and what? Make his life a living hell by feeling unloved and unwanted. Would there be a child that had his brown eyes? Would I be able to tell him how much I loved him? Or would I have made his life miserable? I am no good for him or anyone. I seek power over love, and it would have ultimately pulled us apart as I am doing now with Severus who wants to give me his whole heart."
Tom sat in his chair and continued the look out of the window. He had learned little from losing his chance with James Potter. He was making the same mistakes again, ignoring the feelings of the man he cared for, but at times he felt as if there was a piece of his heart missing. James Potter died not knowing how much he meant to Tom. More, he died believing Tom cared nothing for him at all. He leaned back in his chair thinking of the moment his heart broke into pieces when heard that James Potter had gotten married and was about to have a child with his new bride.
The times he'd killed Lily Evans in his mind, she would have been dead long before the child was born. Tom had tried opening up to Severus about his past love, but he couldn't find the words to explain what a fool he'd been. Severus deserved more than his pathetic attempts at a real relationship, but Tom couldn't bear to let him go. He'd lost one love because of his pride he couldn't bear to lose another. He genuinely care about Severus but felt as if there was something or someone missing between them. He still yearned to be with James even though he knew the man was dead. But his heart had yet to let go of what he felt for the man.
An eagle flew into his office and landed on his desk, a satchel on its back, drawing his attention away from his thoughts. He opened the satchel and took out the letter giving the bird a treat before the thing flew off. He turned over the letter and saw the Gringotts seal on the back of the closure. Breaking the seal, he pulled out the neatly folded parchment.
Lord Marvolo Slytherin,
Your presence is requested within the hour at our Japanese branch. We've set a safe passage for you to travel. Please be prepared to spend a few days as well. There's an important matter to discuss. When you have made arrangements for your absence, simply touch the seal on the back of the envelope, and you will be taken to the desired room for our meeting.
Yukiko Mazikaze
Empress of the Japanese Council & Nation.
Well, that's interesting, why do they want to see me and it's the Empress no less.
The goblins had stayed out the current war between the light and the dark; it made him wonder what was happening. He looked at the clock on the wall on the far side of the room. He had time to get things taken care of since he will be gone for a few days according to the letter. He rolled up his sleeves and touched his wand to his mark and thought of his two most loyal servants. He placed his wand back down and waited for them to arrive. A few minutes later, a knock sounded at his office door.
"Enter," he answered.
"My Lord, you requested to see us," Lucius said once he and Severus entered the room.
"Yes, I will be going away for a few days. I'm leaving you both in charge," Tom told them.
"Where will you be, my lord," Severus asked him.
"Have I ever told you where I'm going, Severus?" He asked.
"No," Severus whispered and looked away. Tom mentally winced, regretting the way he spoke to Severus.
"I will be meeting with the goblins," he told him. "No one is to know that I am away, is that understood?"
"The goblins?" Lucius asked in surprise.
"Are they finally siding with us?" Severus asked.
"I cannot answer that. Once I meet with them, I will let you know what was discussed. I will be leaving in a few hours and want my orders followed."
"Yes, my lord," they said together.
Tom got up and walked out of his office leaving the two men alone. He went to his room and packed a bag. He felt unprepared and slightly nervous to be meeting the Empress of the goblin nation. He took the time to ensure that his home was secure and walked back into his office and grabbed the letter, touching the seal and was instantly transported. He landed with the ease of a man that traveled by portkey.
"Lord Slytherin," one of the goblins waiting on him said.
"This way, please," the other one said.
Tom followed him, and he was guided to a room that was a sitting room. He stepped further inside the room and saw that there was a bedroom off to the side. He dropped his bag and turned to the goblin who guided him to the room.
"When will I be meeting with the Empress?"
The goblin didn't answer him but instead handed him another letter; this one was thick. Tom took it and looked at the goblin, who nodded and then closed the door. He turned and sat down in the nearest chair and looked at the unfamiliar writing on the cover of the envelope. He pulled out the pages and started to read.
Tom and I met by chance one night and had a short and torrid love affair. As I said before, my son, I knew I was attracted to men. After I graduated from the Auror's Academy and the death of my parents, I told myself it was time to live my life my way. I was young and desirable to all, and I knew it. Men threw themselves at me and some I obliged and others I denied...
Tom's eyes ran over the words as he read the letter and his mind was trying to process what he was reading.
A son. I have a son with James Potter. Harry Potter is my child. I've hated the child since his conception because I thought he belonged to someone else.
Tom couldn't reconcile his feelings. He placed the letter down after reading it for the fifth time. Each time, reading the words broke his heart into a million pieces. For so long, he'd hated his own child going as far as trying to kill him. Many believe it was because of some prophecy, but in truth, it was out of jealousy. Jealous that James dared to love another and brought a child into the world. His heartbreak slowly turned into anger. He'd always hated Dumbledore from the first time he met the older wizard at the orphanage, but reading the words of his late lover strengthened his hatred for the man.
Tom stood quickly with a mission in mind. There were things he needed to do, he needed to find his son and repair the damage he'd caused to their relationship and he wanted, no needed to kill Dumbledore. He went to the door and opened it, as he was about to step out he stopped in his tracks when he saw a regal female standing on the other side of the door. He'd heard of her description but seeing her up close was something else entirely. She was taller and more slender than the average goblin with jet black hair and gray streaks. She wore a hunter green and silver kimono that should have clashed with her skin tone yet it only enhanced her beauty.
"Empress Yukiko," Tom said with a slight bow before standing up straight, looking at her.
"Lord Slytherin," she said to him. "May I enter your quarters?"
"Yes, please," he said stepping back, giving her room to enter. He closed the door and stared at her as she made herself comfortable.
"I have tea and biscuits coming," she told Tom.
"Thank you," he answered as he walked over to the chair he was sitting in earlier and sat back down.
She picked up the letter, and Tom clenched his fingers together in a fist at knowing that she was reading his private letters. "You must be in shock?"
"That's an understatement," he said before his brain could catch up to his mouth.
"I understand your anger, Lord Slytherin, it was how I felt when Ares read the letters to me," she told him.
"Ares?" Tom asked in confusion.
"Yes," she answered. "He has decided he no longer wishes to be Harry Potter and has taken the name he was given at birth."
"How do you know?" Tom asked.
"Weren't you listening?" She scoffed. "I was there when he read the letters."
"What business do you with son?"
"Oh so now he's your son?" She asked, and her face turned menacing that would have scared him if he wasn't the Dark Lord. "Does that mean your days of trying to kill him are over?"
"Yes," Tom answered without needing to think about it.
"How quickly you change your mind simply after reading one letter," she commented.
"You sound positively disappointed," Tom told her.
"That's because I am, I wanted the pleasure of torturing you. But I suspect my son, the prince, would be angry with me. I do spoil him so," she finished with a sigh.
Tom was confused by her words and the faraway expression that crossed her face. "Prince? Who's your son?" Tom asked her.
"Why Ares of course, that is who we are talking about," she answered him.
He was about to ask more questions when there was a knock on the door.
"Hairu," the Empress said telling whoever it was to come in.
The goblin walked in with a tray following behind him and also handed the Empress a parchment. "Today's report, my lady."
"Thank you, Wintonhawk." She set the parchment down and went about preparing the tea for both herself and Tom. "A few days ago, I was in Britain visiting my cousin when the most miraculous and strangest thing happened. A child appeared inside of the bank. He was bloodied and dirty and looked as if no one in the world had ever cared for him. Immediately, my heart reached out to him, and I knew that the reason why I was there that day was so that I could meet the child and become his protector." Tom noticed as she spoke she slipped into Japanese and was quite glad that he'd learned the language a long time ago. "I had the boy whisked away to my home and started to cleanse his body myself. I soon realized that he was riddled with scars and some were fresh and some as old as he was. I could tell the ones that were infected and were never able to heal properly." She looked up at Tom. "I wondered who would let a child suffer in such a way or who would hurt him and not care for him. There were burns and open gashes still fresh from the last beating he took."
She took a sip of her tea and stared off into nothing, Tom took a sip of his tea and waited; he knew she wasn't done telling her story. He'd already figured out who the child she was talking about. Merlin, he was tortured growing up, his child, Tom was furious. He wasn't sure if he was angry at himself or his son's abusers.
"He's so remarkable, and I'm not talking about magic, any other child would have tried to kill themselves after what he's gone through. I'm astonished that he's able to stand let alone walk with the fractures we had to repair that should have healed when he received his magical inheritance. Have you ever heard a blood-curdling scream that made me at the time want to run and hide, but there's nowhere to run or hide?" she asked him.
Tom didn't answer; he wasn't sure if he should. Usually, when he heard screams like that, he was the one causing them.
"It's the most heartbreaking thing to hear," she told him. "I suppose you wouldn't understand," the Empress said sheepishly. "But let me tell you, it's not the most pleasant sound when that scream is coming from a child, and all you want to do is comfort them to take away the pain." She stood and walked over to the large bay window and looked out. "One day he will be the ruler of this kingdom, he is what this country needs. His compassion to see inside of a person's heart and soul. But he wears his heart on his sleeve, which could be his downfall. I want him to hold onto his strength, but I worry that what he has planned will fail."
"What does he have planned?" Tom asked intrigued.
"I think it's better that he explains it to you," she said looking at him, then smiled. "I suppose he will have a few sharp words to express to you. However, he asked that we work together and dispose of Harry Potter before he returns."
Tom nodded, he didn't have a comeback for that, his son had a right to be angry. He would stand there and take all of the insults and curses that would be thrown at him. "So he wants to be called Ares?" He asked instead.
"Yes, that was one thing he was certain of," she told him.
"How long has he been here? And where is he now?" Tom asked.
"He's been here for a few days, and he's in training, his choice, not mine." She answered, lowering her eyes.
"What do you mean training?"
"He wants to embrace what and who he is completely," she told him looking up. "Since he took my name and blood, and will one day take my place, he felt he needed to learn all he could before returning to Hogwarts as Ares Mazikaze…" Tom hissed, and the Empress growled at him in retaliation. "You have no right to be angry, and you certainly might not want to hear it, but this is what he wants," she snapped.
Tom didn't realize how it affected him so quickly to know that his son didn't want to use his name. "I apologize for my outburst," he told her, looking down at his hands. Shame wasn't an emotion Tom is used to feeling; he wasn't used to feeling any emotions but anger. "I have no right to be angry. I gave up the right long ago." He lost his chance when he rejected James.
"He will forgive you one day," she told him.
"I will have to earn his forgiveness," Tom said, looking up at her. She was curiously staring at him.
"Why have you been trying to kill him?" She asked.
"If I told you that I haven't been trying to kill him but scare him to back down and stay out of this war between Dumbledore and me, would you believe me?"
"I'm not sure what to believe where you are concerned, Lord Slytherin," she answered.
"I know the lies he's been told about me, and after reading the letter, I just hoped that he would listen to me."
"That is one thing he will definitely do," she said with a smile. "In the short time I've come to know him, he's taken over my heart."
"Why did he agree to take your blood, and why am I just being told about this?"
The Empress expression changed to sadness. "He wasn't conscious the first time," she walked back to the table and sat back down. "He was in so much pain, and had lost so much blood after what he'd done to his muggle relatives…."
"What did he do?" Tom asked cutting her off.
"He killed them, he has given me permission to show you the memories," she answered. "He's quite proud of that, but what he did was reckless. I've already taken care of the problem, but it's only a short-term solution. There were so many spells and potions inside of him, I don't know how he was able to think. He must have thought he was seeing or hearing things after a while. We placed him in the cleansing chamber and used the blood of Lily Potter we had on hand. He started screaming and tearing at his skin I thought he was going to kill himself. We didn't know what to do and my heart," her lips trembled and her eyes pooled with tears.
Tom had never seen such emotion coming from a goblin. They were fearless creatures, known for their cold and greedy hearts.
"I acted quickly and ordered my royal doctors to use my blood. They took what they needed, and I waited with my heart in my chest to see if it was going to work. The second my blood entered his system, he calmed and finally started healing." Empress Yukiko stopped talking and dried her eyes. "He wasn't happy when I told him what happened. He accused me of wanting something from him. But that's to be expected. H said I was like Dumbledore, and I struck him."
"What," Tom said getting up from his chair.
"It broke my heart to raise my hand to him, I was angry but not at him. I was angry with myself that I could raise a hand to such a special child. I apologized and vowed to myself to never lay a hand on him again. We talked for a bit, and I asked him to accept my blood properly this time."
"And he accepted, after what you did to him?" Tom asked his anger cooling as he sat down.
"Yes," she answered. "I should not have done what I did, and he understood that. Which is why I know he will forgive you if you explain your side of the story. But others who have hurt him out of malice and hate, he will never be able to forgive."
"Thank you, Empress," Tom said to her.
"For what?"
"For saving him," he answered. "I am regretful for everything I have done to him, and I know my actions must back anything I say to him. But I also want to get to know him. There is so much I want to tell him." Tom lost James, but he won't lose their son. It won't be easy though.
"I'm sure when he's ready he will want to hear it," Empress Yukiko told him. "And I think it's safe for you to call me Yukiko. We share a son after all."
Tom smiled along with her. "And you may call me Marvolo."
"He truly is a remarkable boy. I suspect that once he emerges from the Tempus Realm, he will be a man."
"Tell me about this Tempus Realm?" Tom asked.
"That is a secret I cannot reveal. You must have the blood of the goblins flowing through your veins."
"I see," Tom said giving in for now. "Well, then why don't you show me the memories of him killing his relatives."
"Now, that I can do." She stood and walked over to extending her hand. "This way follow me."
Tom stood and took her hand. In a time span of a couple of hours, he found out that he was a father and before the end of the night he will have the goblin nation standing behind him.
"How long have I been in here?" Ares asked Akane. She had returned for their next lesson.
"It's been almost one week, my young prince," she answered.
"Why does it feel like it been years to me?" He asked.
"Because in here it will feel that way to you. You have grown in body and intellect, my young prince, which is a good thing. You are learning at an alarming rate, quicker than most goblins your age. Once the room feels you're ready it will release you, don't worry I have a feeling it will happen soon. You might not realize it but while you sleep you're learning," she told him.
"No wonder, I thought I was going crazy about my fascination with certain Emperors," he said with a smile.
"You have already mastered three languages since you've been in here, we've switched from speaking Japanese, French, and Latin in the time we've been speaking." That surprised Ares. He thought they were speaking English the entire time. "I feel by the time you leave the room will have mastered three more."
"It felt as if it was yesterday you told me I was a baby," he said with a smile.
"Oh, you're still a baby," she said tapping his chin with a smile. "Your next lesson we will be adding more wizarding magic along with potions. They will be more advanced than what is being taught at Hogwarts."
Ares groaned. "I hate potions," he told her. "I'm not good at such things."
"I think you are underestimating yourself, my young prince. You must remember you are not a mere wizard but you a Dark Angel with the blood of one of the oldest, strongest, and smartest goblins in our nation. Rely on that strength. You remind me of my descendant Oda Nobunaga, because just had he'd done by unifying Japan, you will do the same by unifying the world."
"That's a lot of pressure to put on me," Ares whispered.
"You will not be alone, just like Empress Yukiko, I will be by your side. I have made a request of the queen to be your godmother and Haru to be your godfather." Harry gasped, but Akane continued as if she did not hear him. "We will also be with you when you travel to Hogwarts. Your lessons will continue."
"Why would you do that?" Harry asked her.
"Because you have won our hearts over by simply being yourself."
Ares didn't know what to say, he's gotten and felt more loved and wanted since the day he appeared in Gringotts than he had in his entire life before. "Thank you," he told her.
"There is nothing to thank me for, I am simply doing what is in my heart," she told him. "There is one other thing you should know; your father arrived a day ago."
Ares looked away from her; he had confided in Akane and Haru about who he was if they were going to be working with him. "Tell me they are getting along. I hope okasan didn't string him up the second he walked through the door."
Akane chuckled. "Surprisingly, they are getting along."
He turned to look at her and knew she had something on her mind. "What?"
"By the end of the night Harry Potter will officially be dead," she told him.
Ares gasped. "Already?"
"Yes," Akane answered, "Your mother and father have taken care of everything."
"Tell me," he ordered gently.
"Well…" she began.
Albus Dumbledore, or should he say Gellert Grindelwald, sat in his office stroking his long beard contemplating how to 'train' Potter for the coming new school year. Gellert was having fun making the child's life miserable. He supposed he should pay a visit to the young man and continue with the grandfatherly act. He dreaded, but it must be done. Harry was his tool for the world to continue to see him as the light Lord. After escaping from his prison in Germany, Gellert had a mission in mind, but first, he had to get rid of one nuisance. Killing the fame Albus Dumbledore he had to think quickly before he was found out, he had many more plans that had to accomplish before he revealed his true identity. He detested portraying Albus Dumbledore, but his former lover had the world at his fingertips, and he wanted inclusion. He'd had a school that he could turn into his own army and he wasted it.
What a daft old coot.
It was only after he killed Albus that he found out that the man had his own secrets, he wasn't as light as he wanted the Wizarding World to believe. If only Albus had confided in him, they could have ruled the world together. But truth be told Gellert wasn't keen on sharing so, in the end, he would've killed Albus. However, he will use what Albus did not. The children. They were really the future of the world and his new army. And Harry Potter would be their leader. Gellert chuckled at his thought and then it turned into a full-blown cackle. He had everything working for him and nothing working against him.
Harry Potter felt he was beholden to Albus for saving his life every summer from his dreaded aunt and uncle. If only the boy knew what the loving grandfather Albus Dumbledore was setting him up to die for a world that would never love or appreciate him. Potter was young and naive, starved for love and attention. Which was why the attention of Molly Weasley easily swayed him. Another annoyance Gellert couldn't wait to get rid of; the day when he could silence her screeching by taking her head off her body would be a good day indeed. It's a wonder Arthur Weasley puts up with it on a daily basis.