"Now, Isabella, I understand that you've been having some bad dreams. Care to share them with me?" A wise, old male Angel with a soft smile asked the young angel. With bright blue eyes, deep black hair and perfect yet tiny wings, she appeared as a pure picture of innocence and childhood beauty known only to the creature she was - an Angel.

Little Isabella Marie, the youngest Angel to date, stood exquisitely with her hands folded just right in front of her. Like all Angels, she had no parents. She was simply a pure being that was given life as an Angel, and so cared for by her kind. But behind her sky eyes, was a terrified little girl, currently plagued by reoccurring nightmares.

"It starts calm, like a slow river moving gently over the ground. I'm with a boy - and his parents - he is about my age at first. I don't know how I know them... Yet, I feel like I should love them as my family." The little girl began, and paused as she'd recentlybeen taught, to await any questions.

"A boy and his parents? Are the humans or angels?" The elder asked, astonished. Angels rarely dreamt, if at all. Nightmares were seldom heard of.

"No, sir. There are never Angels in my dreams. No one ever swoops in to save me, as I've heard other's should happen." The girl looked down, saddened, then remembered her manners and looked the man in his eyes once again.

"Please, continue." The elder said softly after a moment of thought. He was utterly captivated, and wished to truly study this young one properly.

The girl nodded and did as she was told. "I watch as they grow, yet I do not. The parents grow old and tired, the boy grows tall and strong. I stay small, I believe I'm also invisible."

The elder nodded. "Human life spans are shorter than our own." Invisibly from humans? Perhaps this is some kind of reliving projection?The older Angel did not speak his inner thoughts aloud for fear of asking too much of the girl

"Over time," She continued after being signalled to. "They all become very weak - ill. The father dies first. It's quite saddening. The mother and child cling to life. Well, he's not a child anymore, nearly a man." The elder noticed an odd change in the little girl's voice when she spoke of the boy, but he paid it no mind. "Slowly, the mother too could no longer hold on. She begins to slip away, then there's another man. Skin as white as snow and hair shining brighter than gold. I only see the back of his head and his arms. He promises to care for the boy, in all his power. Then, I'm standing over the boy's cradle. He's sad, but happy. He looks straight at me, like he can see me. But, he's ignored me all the rest of his life. I don't understand it. He holds a peaceful expression, and I begin to feel lonely and afraid as I feel him slipping away from me. Then, there's the man. But after, all I feel is burning. Constant burning, like fire is eating away at my whole self." The elder nearly chuckled, for it was impossible for an Angel to be harmed by such a simple thing like fire unwillingly. He watched as the girl seemed to awaken from a trance, and realised she had finished, or neared the end. "Then I wake up to people hushing me, because of my screams." She finished.

The elder moved to comfort the young Angel, as he'd noticed the tears gathering in her eyes.

"I cannot help but wonder if what I'm experiencing is real for someone. Don't Angels feel their humans?"

"Only when they've been assigned to protect said human, you know that Isabella." The girl nodded and said her apologies. "I'm not sure what you're experiencing, Isabella, but for now we must believe it to simply be a phase, and hope that it will soon go away. Remember, if needed, I can call an audience with God himself, but only if you're sure."

Isabella shook her head. "No, no I'm sure he has more troubling matters. The vampires who call themselves the Volturi have allowed one of their immortal child's to escape, again, have they not?" Isabella immediately went to bit her lip, feeling she's definitely crossed the line this time.

The elder just simple nodded. "Indeed, they have. Too many innocents already." The elder sighed. "Off with you now, you have studies to do."

Isabella nodded and left, soon finding her friends and rushing to the school grounds. All young Angels, which was a surprisingly large amount, were expected, like humans, to attend school. An odd idea, but Angels are expected to be all knowing and be exceptionally taught in kindness, patience and magic. Since they had no parents, their whole young lives were spent in the great school, for their was only one.

Isabella giggled as she ran along to the school. Her wings were still growing, she was not to use them until her body was near maturity. So they billowed out behind her like a majestic white cape.

Isabella's time growing up was wonderful, and joy filled. And soon she was able to perform magic and fly. She still had her nightmares every night, but sometimes she would have lovely dreams. Dreams of racing through a forest at high speed, or reading in a beautiful meadow. She found though that, eventually, the burning would return. Whether it be for one night, or ten, the burning nightmares would always return.

Isabella, secretly, hoped that she would always have her dreams and nightmares. She had grown attached, in an odd little way, to the boy in her dreams. She could never find a reason to not like him, and dreaming of him brought a smile to her face, even after the burning nightmares.

Isabella felt safe, as long as he was there.

(Too-long) AN:

Hey everyone! New story! This idea struck me a few weeks ago and I decided to start posting now before my self doubt kicked in. I hope to aim the chapters 1000 words and below. Longer chapters means longer wait for you readers, I'm afraid!

I'll hope to update this every Wednesday (ish), though someone may have to send me the equivalent of a kick in the behind through a PM if—tempted to say when—I forget to post. I may also end up posting a few times randomly, as I often get bored and decide to post early with my stories!

Also, this story follows no religion specifically at all. I simply use "God" because I've been raised a Catholic and it's the name I use to refer to him in real life and I don't see why that should change here. And I use Angels for the same reason, though I've adapted my taught view of them to my preference.

Anyway, love or hate this, I want to hear opinions on this please! Whether it's a fave/follow or a review or PM, I'll appreciate being told how you think of this! Constructive criticism is very much appreciated.

Last thing (I hope), Bella's POV is third person and Edward's is first. If they're together then it's third. For some reason I just ended up writing it like this. Hope it doesn't get confusing! :)

(Also AN's will not be this long again, I promise!)