Sorry for the slow update this week! Thanks so much for reading, I'm loving your reviews :)
Chapter Eleven
Morning broke silently over the small hospital room. It cast dark amber hues across the bed, settling in the golden tones of Kate's hair. It was the vibration of Kate's phone on the small table that pulled them from their restful slumber. Kate nuzzled her head back into the warmth, refusing to rise to meet the day. She felt surprisingly well rested. Stretching out slowly she felt the warm form next to her begin to move. It sent a quick jolt through her as she remembered where she was. She was actually in bed with Castle.
Kate peeked up to his face, hoping to steal a glance, but his eyes were already open, their stark blueness staring into her. A slow blush covered Kate's cheeks as she gave him a small smile.
"Hi." She spoke quietly, shyness overcoming her.
"Hey." He replied, his eyes filled with warmth as he looked at her.
Around the room the remnants of their date remained littered as evidence. The empty popcorn bucket stood on the small table next to the TV remote. They'd only made it thirty minutes into the first movie before exhaustion claimed them both. Kate couldn't remember who fell asleep first, she just remembered the heat of Castle from beneath the blanket, his scent filling her nose and his heartbeat soothing her.
The buzzing phone recaptured Kate's attention and she sat up in order to reach it, her side instantly missing his warmth. Seeing the caller ID, Kate cleared her throat, sitting straighter as she did. Castle watched her, amazed at how a few movements could change her from the woman who had been sleeping carefree in his arms only moments before, into the form of a hard edged cop.
"Captain Gates." Kate answered the phone in greeting.
"Detective Beckett. So you are alive." Kate could hear the annoyance in the hard tone of her captain.
"That I am."
"Were you planning on gracing us with your presence today? There is a suspect waiting for interrogation and I just can't wait to take your statement."
Kate pressed her lips together, dreading the conversation that would be coming. Rising from the bed and beginning to pace the room, Kate replied.
"I'm on my way now."
The phone cut out. Kate breathed out a heavy sigh, dropping the phone back onto the table as she turned to face Castle again. He watched her carefully, his bright eyes now filled with concern.
"Everything okay?" He asked, his hand reaching out for hers. Kate stepped over to him pressing her hand into his, relishing the touch.
"She wants to take my statement." She paused before continuing her sentence, watching Castle's eyes carefully. "And Slaughter's ready for interrogation."
Kate watched as the breath caught in Castle's throat, she could see his eyes darkening immediately. His gaze fell to her bruised eye again, before falling down to her bandaged arm.
"Hey." Kate murmured quietly, raising her hand to touch at his cheek. "I'm okay."
Castle watched her eyes, seeing the truth in them. The turmoil that had been haunting them for weeks was beginning to fade.
"Be careful?" He asked.
"I promise." She replied. "You rest up. I'll be back soon."
Kate hovered near his head, they still hadn't kissed properly yet. They'd both been so tired the night before that sleep had claimed them before passion could even begin. Kate held Castle's eyes for a moment, seeing the desire in them as her own heart pounded nervously in her chest. Kate ducked her head, losing her nerve, and pressed a quick kiss to his forehead. She pretended not to see the flash of disappointment in his eyes as she turned to leave the room. There'd be time for that later, she told herself.
Castle watched as Kate left his room, longing to feel the sweetness of her lips pressed against his. Instead he let out a soft sigh as he leant back into his pillows, trying to clear his mind from images of her in the interrogation room with Slaughter. He let himself relive the memory of their date, the sweet nervousness that had overtaken her as she revealed her plans to him. He couldn't wait for the next one.
Kate stepped into the familiar hall of the precinct, for some reason she felt a flash of nerves race through her as she began down the corridor. Ignoring the sensation she continued, stopping only when she reached the spot where days before Castle had lain on the ground. She froze where she was, the sound of his voice calling out for her echoing in her mind. She clenched her hand shut, forcing herself to remember that he was okay now, but she couldn't quite remove the image of Castle laying ashen faced and crumpled from her mind.
A hand touching Kate's shoulder caused her to flinch as she spun around. Espo stood behind her, his hands raised as concern flashed across his face.
"Sorry, didn't mean to make you jump."
Kate smiled at him, taking in the swollen lip that marked his face.
"You okay?" She asked, her heart rate beginning to slow again to a normal pace. He nodded at her.
"Yeah. How about you?"
"I'm okay."
"And Castle?" Kate couldn't stop the quick smile that flashed across her face, she bit her lip, trying to hide it.
"He's good."
Espo smiled back at her, his facing falling quickly when he heard the shout from behind her.
"Detective Beckett."
Kate closed her eyes for just a moment. When she opened them she met Espo's gaze.
"Wish me luck." She said darkly. He shook his head and elbowed her gently.
"You'll be fine. Just tell it as it is."
With one last nod, Kate turned and headed towards Gates' office. She stood watching, leaning against the door frame, her arms folded across her chest.
"Take a seat." She instructed as she gestured towards the chairs before following Kate into the room, shutting the door and drawing the blinds as she did. Kate watched as she sat behind the desk, her fingers tapping over the dark wood. For a fleeting moment Kate's heart clenched as she wished Montgomery was still alive. She could imagine how the conversation would go, an official line with an unofficial celebratory beer and pat on the back. She missed her captain.
Gates studied Kate, taking in the wounds that marked her body as she leant back in her chair.
"Detective Beckett. Do you care to tell me how an assault arrest ended with a bar brawl in broad daylight?"
Kate pressed her lips together, her hands flat in her lap.
"Sir, we received information on the location of Slaughter and went to apprehend him."
"And you neglected to call it in because?"
"The suspect was on the move, we needed to move quickly."
Kate held Gate's eyes, her voice unwavering as she spoke.
"You then arrived at the scene and somehow ended up with three of my detectives being assaulted, and another member of the NYPD unconscious on the floor?"
Kate cleared her throat, her fingers pressing harder into her legs.
"We arrived at the scene. Ryan covered the front, Espo and I approached from behind. We wanted to lay eyes on the target before calling it in. When we saw the suspect, he noticed us so we could not pause to call it in without risk to ourselves."
Gates held her eyes, her respect growing as Kate returned the stare without even a flicker. Kate prayed that she believed her.
"And then?"
It took everything within Kate not to release a sigh of relief, instead she continued in the same flat tone.
"We entered the bar, I went to clear the back and Espo the front. In the back I found Slaughter who-" Only now did Kate's words begin to falter. "Who resisted arrest."
Gates drummed her fingers along the edge of her desk, watching Kate carefully.
"And that's how you ended up injured?"
Kate nodded, the memory of the glass glinting in the grimy light causing her breath to catch in her throat.
"How did Slaughter end up unconscious?"
"He was on me. Pinning me down. I couldn't reach my weapon. He reached for a broken bottle, the glass was in his hand…" Kate trailed off, as she drew in another steadying breath. "Espo came in and stopped him with the necessary force."
Gates watched her carefully, seeing the truth of her words in her eyes. Kate sat, staring straight ahead, waiting for whatever would come next.
"Well, Detective. I should consider suspension."
Devastation and anger flashed through Kate's eyes, her body tense and ready to jump up in reaction.
"However, considering the-" Gates paused to find the right word. "-Incident, involved finding a rouge NYPD detective, I shall let it go. This once." A clear warning shone in Gates' eyes and Kate nodded quickly.
"Thank you, Sir."
Gates stood and moved towards the door, pausing for a moment to rest a hand on Kate's shoulder.
"Good work, Detective. I'm glad that both you and Mr. Castle are okay."
Before Kate could respond Gates was at the door.
"Are you joining me in this interrogation?" Gates smiled, the message clear in her eyes. Kate grinned.
"I wouldn't miss it."
Castle was watching the flight of a small bird from the window of his room. The doctor had just left and had seemed happy with his progress. He'd stood with a team, poking around the incision, checking the new stitches as Castle tried not to wince with pain. After some happy murmuring, the doctors had left and a lone nurse remained who quickly changed the dressings on his wound. Since they'd left, he'd tried to stop checking his phone, now only allowing himself to look every five minutes. He was sure Kate was fine, but the thought of her alone in the interrogation room with Slaughter had his heart pounding afresh. A knock at the door drew him from his thoughts and he called out permission for them to enter.
A smile spread across his face as he saw the head peeking around the door. A pale face stared worriedly at him as red hair swept forward as she moved.
"Dad!" Alexis called out as she ran to him, pausing only to throw herself at him.
"Hey, pumpkin." Castle wrapped his arms around his daughter and held her close. She pulled back to look up at him, worry still clear in her eyes.
"Are you okay? How are you feeling?"
Castle squeezed her hand.
"I'm okay. A little sore, but okay.""
Alexis squinted at him, biting into her lip.
"Do you feel hot? Confused?"
Castle squeezed her hand.
"Stop googling things. I've got great doctors who are looking after me. In fact they just left."
"I know."
Castle raised an eyebrow at her as she looked down sheepishly.
"I, um, checked in with them."
Castle shook his head before pulling her back in for another hug.
"There is one thing you could help me with." He began. Alexis looked up at him, concern flooding through her eyes again.
"Got a pack of cards?"
Alexis sat perched on the visitors chair, her face still with thought as she studied the cards in her hand. Castle smiled to himself, reading her tells easily as he checked his cards again.
"I raise you two gummy bears."
Castle raised his eyebrow in challenge, pausing only when he saw the screen on his phone light up. He grabbed it quickly, reading the words on the screen.
'Survived Gates. Heading into interrogation now. Hope you're resting. K. x'
Castle clutched the phone, wishing he could be there with her. God he missed her.
"You in?"
Alexis' words drew him from this thoughts, nodding as he threw in some gummy bears.
'Be safe. x' He typed back.
As the game continued Castle began to lose, his gummy bear stash becoming depleted as his mind wandered, filled with thoughts of his wide eyed detective with an insatiable smile. He prayed to himself that she was okay, the memories of her panic still haunting him. Looking down at his cards, he tried to close down his mind, but he could only hear one thought over and over in his head like a heartbeat.