He couldn't help but tremble as he watched the casket slowly decent into the ground. Unlike most around him, he chose not to use an umbrella, letting the rain mix with his tears; hopefully hiding them.

"Neji….we're gonna get going" a female softly called from behind, drawing his attentive look away from the disappearing grate, "Are you coming?"

"Just give me a few more minutes" His hoarse voice answered, making the girl nod.

He waited patiently for everyone to clear out before he let himself fall.

"Is this really it…" he asked aloud, hoping to god that someone somewhere might have an answer.

"This is all your fault…." He couldn't help but think as his eyes ran over the headstone, the name boldly standing out amidst the rain.

"Hinata Hyuga"

If you'd asked him to recall what happened, you'd most likely get nothing but a glare. Even so, as much as he'd like to forget everything that had happened in the past week, he couldn't. A lot had changed….things that he wished wouldn't.

"Naruto Uzumaki…." He spoke quietly as he stared into the hole, "Was he truly this important…"

Suicide had always been up in the air, yet he had hoped they'd finally made it past that. She was doing better…or so he thought…and wished.

No matter how much he attempted to wrap his head around the whole situation, he still couldn't figure out why the blond headed buffoon had meant so much to his cousin.

"Suppose I'm not supposed to" he sighed as he slowly stood up.

He shut his eyes in pain as his mind flashed back to two days ago.


"Hinata….PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR!" he yelled loud enough to wake the neighborhood as he pounded on the door.

Ever since Naruto's funeral, Hinata had become even more of a shut in, if that was even possible. After finding her in the woods, Neji had tried to apologize, but his sorry fell on deaf ears.

"FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PLEASE!" Neji's wide eyes conveyed just how worried he was. He was honestly hopping after a few days she'd be willing to talk, but it seemed his hope was denied.

"Fine…if you won't let me in then I'll break the door in" he said as he slowly stepped back, and with a harsh twist, kicked the wooden door in.

"HINATA" he said as he rushed into the small house, twisting his head about.

He stopped suddenly when he heard the rushing of water. Turning his head to the side he slowly followed the noise, coming to a halt at the bathroom door.

"H-Hinata" he said as he gave the door a knock, pleading to the gods above that he'd hear her soft voice.

After a minute of silence, he grabbed the handle and pushed with all his strength; already anticipating his fears.

Said fears were met when he walked into the room, his lavender eyes tearing up as he looked into the bathtub, his hands clenching by his side.

She lay there, peacefully; still clothed as the water ran over her pale body.

"H-Hi...Hinata…" he broke as he slowly walked forward, eyes already catching a glimpse of the sharp kitchen knife, still gripped in her small hand.

"N….No….come on" he pleaded as his voice gave way to a wail. He fell to his knees neck to the tub…hair falling over his eyes as he began to cry.

The large slits on her wrists were deep….blood had stopped coming out, only to mix with the now cold water.

He couldn't help but check for a pulse, already knowing he wouldn't find one.

When his suspicion was confirmed, he let out another wail; this time pulling her body from the water.

"God damn it….." he cried weakly as he held her almost frozen body against his own, giving no attention to his clothing.

"I'm s-so sorry" his usually calm voice broke loudly as he cradled her head, wishing to anything that this wasn't happening.

"This is all my fault" was the only thing he could recall as he struggled to hold her tight enough, crying into her damp hair as he stroked her lifeless body.

"I should be the one in that grave" he said with a shake of his head as he looked towards the sky.

He could make out the faint glow of the moon. The very moon he had time and time again admired with his cousin…his now deceased cousin.

He watched as the rain fell, the almost dark sky admitting its own glow.

He couldn't help his eyes widen when he suddenly saw a bright flash of yellow dotted on the moon, and he squinted to see just what was happening.

"Huh…." He murmured as he slowly stood up, rubbing his soaked hair, "M-Maybe you two can finally be together…"

Giving a nod to the grave he promised he'd visit often, and slowly turned around as he made his way towards the waiting car.

"This time…" he whispered as he looked back up at the moon, "This time I'll stay out of it…"

Do to request I made a second part.
I hope everyone enjoyed and sorry if you got a little too sad.
Anyways, thanks again for reviewing.