A/N: I'm glad you're all enjoying this. The reason for the sudden splurge in posts probably has something to do with the fact I just played (and finished) Arkham Knight last weekend. The game and the storyline of all the Arkham Games is awesome! My only problems with it was, not enough opportunity to play as Nightwing (if you do play the video game, do the fight modes with Nightwing. Zapping people with the escrima sticks is soo much fun).

greengirltalks, thanks! jdcocoagirl, thank you too! kagome04, I love Batman and the way he secretly cares about everyone but he'll never actually show it. Guest (chapter 2 review), thank you! I am keeping it up. :D Guest (chapter 4 review), (I don't know if you're the same reviewer) but yes, Chapter 4 is one of my favourites too. Kessy Rods, glad you enjoyed. Here is more! Callian31, lol. Batman is emotionally constipated.

The Requests of A Robin

From: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

To: Huntress (helbat(a)clocktower-dot-com)

Subject: Returned Favour

Dear Semi-Decent-But-Not-Entirely-Painful-Half-Sister-From-A-Not-Entirely-Horrible-Mother

I seem to recall you owe me a favour for procuring you information about a certain shared acquaintances birthday gift.

It would seem the honourable thing to do by returning said information with your exact birthdate.

It would be in your best interest to do so promptly.



From: Huntress (helbat(a)clocktower-dot-com)

To: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

Subject: RE: Returned Favour

Dear Flash-Ruined-The-Flow-Of-Time-So-Now-I'm-Stuck-With-You-Half-Twerp-Baby-Bro,

Wow. Laying it on a bit thick there, Demon Brat.

Why do you want to know?

Are you going to *gasp!* buy ME a present?



From: Huntress (helbat(a)clocktower-dot-com)

To: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

Subject: RE: RE: Returned Favour

Dear Not-Horrible-To-Look-At-With-A-Half-Decent-Personality-Sister-Who-Is-Half-Related-To-Me,

No. I will not be procuring a present for you, unless of course it is your birthday soon and then I may consider gifting you if you give me the answer within due course. It is just information I need to know. I also must insist you give it to me because you are in my debt.



From: Huntress (helbat(a)clocktower-dot-com)

To: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: Returned Favour

Dear Strange-Child-Of-My-Sort-Of-Kind-Of-Father,

Haha. Okay. But only because I owe you, Brat.

7th of September.

Love you dearly,


From: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

To: Flamebird (flamebird(a)thecave-dot-com)

Subject: How is that you are my cousin?

Dear Flamebird,

I have been told we are related. After watching you fight a few times, I do not believe it. You are inferior compared to me.

How is it that we share DNA?



From: Flamebird (flamebird(a)thecave-dot-com)

To: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

Subject: RE: How is that you are my cousin?

Your grandmother and my father were brother and sister.

From: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

To: Flamebird (flamebird(a)thecave-dot-com)

Subject: RE: RE: How is that you are my cousin?

Dear Flamebird,

Yes, but no one ever discusses who your parents actually are. What is your father's name?


From: Flamebird (flamebird(a)thecave-dot-com)

To: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

Subject: RE: RE: RE: How is that you are my cousin?

No secret identities over Batmails, remember?

From: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

To: Flamebird (flamebird(a)thecave-dot-com)

Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: How is that you are my cousin?

Dear Flamebird,

I am only asking for a first name. Not a last.

It's not exactly national security, is it?


From: Flamebird (flamebird(a)thecave-dot-com)

To: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: How is that you are my cousin?

Why are you so interested all of a sudden?

You usually ignore my existence.

From: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

To: Flamebird (flamebird(a)thecave-dot-com)

Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: How is that you are my cousin?

Dear Flamebird,

Never mind!


From: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

To: Cat-girl (catbird(a)thecave-dot-com)

Subject: Relations

Dear Cat-girl,

Are you by chance related at all to Catwoman?


From: Cat-girl (catbird(a)thecave-dot-com)

To: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

Subject: RE: Relations

Dear Robin,

Um… No.


From: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

To: Cat-girl (catbird(a)thecave-dot-com)

Subject: RE: RE: Relations

Dear Cat-girl,

Then may I inquire as to why you use the moniker, 'Cat-girl'? Not even the half-daughter of my father's misguided indiscretions from another universe uses the name, and she is the Catwoman's daughter.


From: Cat-girl (catbird(a)thecave-dot-com)

To: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

Subject: RE: RE: RE: Relations

I like cats.

From: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

To: Cat-girl (catbird(a)thecave-dot-com)

Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: Relations

Dear Cat-girl,

While I cannot argue for your choice of animal, your use of rollerblades and preference in long-range weapons makes you a poor excuse for a hero.



From: Cat-girl (catbird(a)thecave-dot-com)

To: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Relations

It's always such a pleasure to hear from you.


From: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

To: Batwoman (batwoman(a)clocktower-dot-com)

Subject: Alice

Dear Batwoman,

I was looking on the Bat-computer about Alice. I couldn't access the files. They seem to be under some sort of lock. As she seems to be your nemesis, would it be possible for you to unlock them for me.

Thank you,


From: Batwoman (batwoman(a)clocktower-dot-com)

To: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

Subject: RE: Alice


Has she reappeared?

Robin, don't go after her on your own.

I've called Batman. I'm coming to the cave.

From: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

To: Batwoman (batwoman(a)clocktower-dot-com)

Subject: RE: RE: Alice

Dear Batwoman,

There is no need to rush over here. I am simply curious. There is nothing wrong. Do not alarm my father.


From: Batwoman (batwoman(a)clocktower-dot-com)

To: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

Subject: RE: RE: RE: Alice

Why do you want to know about Alice?

From: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

To: Batwoman (batwoman(a)clocktower-dot-com)

Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: Alice

Childish curiosity.

From: Batwoman (batwoman(a)clocktower-dot-com)

To: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Alice

Does this have to do with Family Week at your school?

From: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

To: Batwoman (batwoman(a)clocktower-dot-com)

Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Alice


That is not happening.

That is not a thing.

From: Batwoman (batwoman(a)clocktower-dot-com)

To: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Alice

Her name was Elizabeth Kane.

We called her Beth. She was my twin.

From: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

To: Batwoman (batwoman(a)clocktower-dot-com)

Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Alice

Dear Batwoman,

That is irrelevant information to me.

Good day,


From: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

To: Spoiler (blondebird(a)clocktower-dot-com)

Subject: Documentation

Dear Spoiler,

You weren't never adopted nor fostered by my father, were you? If you were, can you provide documentation as proof?



From: Spoiler (blondebird(a)clocktower-dot-com)

To: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

Subject: RE: Documentation

Um, no. I was never adopted or taken as a ward by Batman. But I lived above the cave for long enough to think of myself as apart of the family.

From: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

To: Spoiler (blondebird(a)clocktower-dot-com)

Subject: RE: RE: Documentation

Dear Spoiler,

And of course if I left you out of the family, you would be shocked and offended and Father would glare at me.

Why are you so difficult?


From: Spoiler (blondebird(a)clocktower-dot-com)

To: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

Subject: RE: RE: RE: Documentation


What crawled up your butt and died?

From: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

To: Spoiler (blondebird(a)clocktower-dot-com)

Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: Documentation


Leave me alone!

From: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

To: Red Hood (angrybird(a)thecave-dot-com)

Subject: Answer this for me

Dear Red Hood

If I was to leave you off a family tree, how emotionally mortified would you be on a scale of 'Nightwing will frown at me' to 'Nightwing will make me apologise'?



From: Red Hood (angrybird(a)thecave-dot-com)

To: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

Subject: RE: Answer this for me

Hmmm. I'd say a solid, 'Nightwing will try and comfort me until I death glare him away because I don't actually care. Then he'll tell you to talk to me but I'll punch you in the face if you try'.

From: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

To: Red Hood (angrybird(a)thecave-dot-com)

Subject: RE: RE: Answer this for me

Dear Red Hood,

Will you cry after Nightwing leaves you alone?

Because he knows these things, you know. I'm quite certain he has some sort of precognitive ability to sense emotional distress.



From: Red Hood (angrybird(a)thecave-dot-com)

To: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

Subject: RE: RE: RE: Answer this for me

I don't cry.

From: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

To: Red Hood (angrybird(a)thecave-dot-com)

Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: Answer this for me

Dear Red Hood,

I thought this would be the case.

But I'm going to have to mention the fact that you're dead.



From: Red Hood (angrybird(a)thecave-dot-com)

To: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Answer this for me

Have you been drinking straight out of the Lazarus Pit? You know that will turn you into your mother.

From: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

To: Red Hood (angrybird(a)thecave-dot-com)

Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Answer this for me

Dear Red Hood,

Shut up.



From: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

To: Nightwing (boywonder(a)thecave-dot-com)

Subject: Pets

Dear Nightwing,

Do you think 'Pets' count as family?



From: Nightwing (boywonder(a)thecave-dot-com)

To: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

Subject: RE: Pets


Does this have anything to do with all the weird emails you've been sending everyone?


P.S. Also, yeah. I think your pets count…

From: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

To: Nightwing (boywonder(a)thecave-dot-com)

Subject: RE: RE: RE: Pets

Dear Nightwing,

There are no strange emails. Those are just rumours.

Thank you for your opinion.


From: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

To: Blackbat (quietbat(a)thecave-dot-com)

Subject: Important!

Dear Blackbat

What colour are your eyes?



From: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

To: Blackbat (quietbat(a)thecave-dot-com)

Subject: RE: Important!

Very dark brown

From: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

To: Blackbat (quietbat(a)thecave-dot-com)

Subject: RE: RE: Important!

Dear Blackbat

If I was in a situation where I only had the options between a light brown and black, would you be offended if I coloured your eyes black?



From: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

To: Blackbat (quietbat(a)thecave-dot-com)

Subject: RE: RE: RE: Important!

That's okay.

From: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

To: Blackbat (quietbat(a)thecave-dot-com)

Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: Important!

Dear Blackbat

I appreciate your cooperation.

Thank you,


From: A (A(a)thecave-dot-com)

To: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

Subject: Rules


You are aware of the house rules. No patrol until you finish your homework.

I see your project still strewn across your bedroom floor.


From: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

To: A (A(a)thecave-dot-com)

Subject: RE: Rules

Dear A,

No! Get out of my room! Don't look!

I'm not on patrol. I'm looking for crayons but nowhere in Gotham is open!


From: A (A(a)thecave-dot-com)

To: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

Subject: RE: RE: Rules


Try the twenty-four/seven market on the corner of 5th and Crescent. I do remember getting a lot of Nightwing's last minute project supplies from there.


From: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

To: A (A(a)thecave-dot-com)

Subject: RE: RE: RE: Rules

Thank you, A.

I'll be home soon.


From: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

To: Batman (batman(a)thecave-dot-com)

Subject: School Project

Dear Father,

Attached is a photograph of my school project. I do hope you will approve. I have attempted to include all of the Bat Family, but I cannot explain all of their relations. Please tell me if this is unsatisfactory.



From: Batman (batman(a)thecave-dot-com)

To: Robin (demonbrat(a)thecave-dot-com)

Subject: RE: School Project

Dear Robin,

The commentary on the Tree isn't need. You also might not want to reference your Grandfather as the Head of the Demon, no matter how accurate that is.

But other than that, it's nice you included everyone.


A/N: If you want to see what Damian drew, you can either find this story on Ao3 or on Deviant Art (there's a link in my description to both).

This might be the last one for like a fortnight. I need to update Other Version of Events and Letters (dear God I need to update Letters)

Happy Reading! :)