'blah blah' = thoughts. Enjoy. Don't own, never will.

Raph was angry. No, not just angry. He was furious. He was furious at his family for not being furious, he was furious at the world for how it kept on moving, he was even furious at the sun for shining everyday. But most importantly, he was absolutely, no doubt about it, downright loathing himself for feeling that way. And he wasn't sure why.

Currently, the red-banded turtle was sitting on an abandonded aparment building, leaning up against the fire exit door.

Car alarms blared, dogs barked, and sirens wailed. Someone screamed in the distance, and Raph found himself not caring. Why should he? It wouldn't make any difference. Sure, he could go and beat the everliving shit out of some low life criminals, but it wouldn't bring his big brother back. Nothing would.

It wasn't like he could get up and beat up a building. Intimidate some smoke. Kick some ashes to death. Punch a piece of metal until it begged for mercy. He couldn't do any of those things.

So here he was, alone, in the rain, with no one to care enough to scold him for it. Raph, the big, tough, don't take shit from no one, was alone. Just sitting, cold, in the rain, waiting for the familiar blue to come around and lecture him for running off for the fifth time that week when it had only been a two day week so far.

He gave a bitter, hollow laugh. 'I hear ya Fearless. But I'm not moving until your sorry ass shows up and kicks me back home.'

Raph's laugh turned into a small cry. If he had the chance, he would have traded his life for Leo's any day.

He sniffled. 'Don't go and catch a cold, now, Raph.' A three fingered hand dragged itself across his face. Thunder boomed in the distance, and Raph slowly stood up. He had been out there for a few hours now. Splinter and the two brothers he had left might start to worry. Not like there was anyone willing to come out and even try looking for him.

It was then Raph realized that Leo cared. He cared far more than he had given him credit for. No one else even tried looking for him when he ran off. It was all Leo. All because he cared. And what had Raph done? Cursed him for it. Insulted him. Basically treated him like crap. All because he cared when no one else wanted to.

Raph pushed himself off of the wall he had been leaning on. The rain had gotten heavier. It mixed on his mask with the tears that decided to show up.

He turned his head towards the sky, and screamed. He fell to his knees, feeling more helpless than ever.

Raph was furious. And what scared him the most, was that he didn't even know why. And yet, not one part of him seemed to care.

From above, Leo looked down and cried with his brother, knowing the red turtle would join him soon.

Kinda anti-climactic there, I know. I've been feeling angsty. There. Hope you cried, doubt you did. It's good for the soul. Anything I need to fix or work on with this, tell me. Otherwise it's complete. You can thank Rascal Flatts' 'What Hurts the Most' for this. So yeah. Night.