Hello everyone. Long time no see huh?
I understand that there's a distinct possibility that most of you simply forgot about my existence, but there have been a few who messaged me, so I know there are some who still care. It is those people who I feel I will let down the most.
Since this clearly isn't a chapter, you've probably realised why I'm suddenly back all of a sudden.
I will no longer be writing Fanfiction stories, at all. No Rest for Wicked will be cancelled, all future plans are bottled away and put on the shelf.
There are a few reasons why, but ultimately it boils down to one-thing: I don't want to anymore. Haven't for a while. The limitations of working within a pre-made universe, made by someone else, grates me too much.
Which is why for the past few months all my creative energy has been directed towards something a bit more original and creative: Worldbuilding.
Being an Author is one of my dream jobs, so this will help me immensely, as FanFic writing has helped me, no matter how brief it was. You may catch me over on the reddit forums for worldbuilding (r/worldbuilding) occasionally if you're into that sort of thing. I'll still be under the same username as usual: PaperKaine
Before I move onto other topics one last thing about Fanfiction writing I realised after I 'hit the wall'. There is a fundamental flaw with the way the system works. The best books are those that are well written, and to be well written, you have to know everything about your world and your story back-to-front, long before anyone ever reads it. It must be absolutely air-tight. doesn't really allow this. You are encouraged to write and post one chapter at a time, when the whole book should be there from the get go. But if you do decide to follow that route, it won't be up in the new section for very long, and thus won't gain as much followers as it could. That's not to say great stories don't exist here, because they do. It's just really easy to slip and make mistakes, which I did a lot of thinking back on it. Oh, and don't think I'm putting the blame on the website either, because I'm not. This is 100% on me.
But anyway, deepest apologies for not being to follow through on my stories. I wish I could, but I wasn't able to. While I'm sorry to anyone and everyone I disappointed, I regret neither starting Fanfiction in the first place, nor cancelling it.
Though I may adapt some of my story ideas for more personal creations. Who knows, you may see some novels on a shelf one day written by a 'Kyle N' ;)
A guy can dream.
And since NRftW isn't going to be finished (I'm NOT putting it up for adoption, but feel free to use any other idea I planned to write), I'll summarise what my plans for the story and the sequel were.
That 'Sean' guy who was going to show up? His ghost would possess Percy, and while possessed, Nico and Thalia keep him subdued while Percy digs around in his memories. Nico then exorcises Sean, and thanks to his memories, Percy knows how Thalia can use that Mark thing. Shortly after this, Percy and Thalia would become an actual 'thing'. For the end of the story, Percy takes a blow for Thalia, dies, and then Thalia saves the day, but is obviously very sad (understatement).
Basic idea for the sequel revolved around was Sean coming back and somehow stealing the godhood from Artemis. The quest line for Heroes of Olympus would be condensed into a single book, cutting away the parts I don't need. Mortal Artemis would take the place of Annabeth as part of The Seven, and Thalia would replace Percy. I toyed with the idea of pairing off a now mortal Artemis and Thalia, but I can't remember if I settled on it or not. And FYI, when I say mortal Artemis, I mean it. No 'demigod powers' or anything. Standard "Ambrosia will disintegrate you" kinda mortal. For what would've been the sequel, I needed to consider what made NRftW what it was. Of course, it was having a largely powerless mortal amongst monsters, demigods and powerful beings. For the sequel which would have been called 'No Forever for the Flipside', it was instead going to be having the powerless mortal be an ex-all powerful being, and how they cope with their new situation (Artemis' identity was going to be largely a secret to most people. To the rest of the gods, she simply vanished and never returned). I still really like the basic idea of NFftF, so I'm probably going to adapt that one into my own creations
Well, that's all there is to it really. And yes, this AN is way overdue, I should've written this months ago. For a while I was lying to myself and saying that one day I might come back. But it's pretty clear to me now that I won't.
Before I go, I have a few people to thank in no particular order, mostly for the kind reviews and support back when I was still writing:
Vexy Minion
Shigure Toshiro
Ice 88
Halesia Carolina
Guest 52
Biggest thanks goes to TashaMoon. You were pretty much there from the start, and always there to just talk to. Sorry I sort of... fell behind on reading your story, and never really picked it back up. That one's more my problem than it is your story's. Regardless, I've never really had anyone I could consider a friend who I knew from purely online stuff. Thanks for being the first.
I wish everyone the best in whatever it is they decide to pursue.
Happy Easter everyone.