I really enjoy reading the stories about Bella Baggins and Thorin Oakensheild. I was re-watching DoS and the scene where Thorin tells Bilbo to go with Balin stuck out to me as an opportunity for an adorable moment between our favorite Hobbit and Dwarf.

I will definitely continue the story if people like it. So be sure to favorite and comment to let me know! I hope you all enjoy this little snippet.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. All credit to the great Mr. Tolkien

They rounded the corner gasping for breath as heavy boots echoed around the corridor walls. Thorin suddenly took a sharp left causing Bella to skid to a stop with Balin yanking on her arm and coming to a stop beside her. Bella started to head after Thorin when Balin yelled from behind, grasping for her arm.

"Wait, this way!" Balin cried. Bella and Thorin stopped, both turning to look back at the older dwarf who was waving his hand at them to follow. Bella turned back to Thorin and their eyes met and she noted a fierceness that had never been there before. Curiously there was also panic in those bright blue orbs as they searched her face. Thorin opened his mouth to say something when a terrible cry echoed through the hall making them all turn to their right, in the direction of roar. Thorin's eyes grew wide, flying back to the hobbit before him, fear filling his blood as he took in the soft woman before him. Bella moved with a cautious step backwards, her breath becoming unsteady again. She turned watching the emotions playing on the dwarf King's face; fear and worry emanated from his person, enveloping her in its grasp. Her heart beat wildly, if the great King was frightened, then she was downright terrified.

"Go with Balin," Thorin said hoarsely, glancing up towards the growing sound of the approaching dragon, turning back to Bella with an expectant look. She simply watched him with a frown and searching eyes; biting her lip, her frown deepening. He waited on bated breath, she looked like she wanted to say something but fear held her back.

Bella stared at Thorin, he'd said to go with Balin but the thought of leaving Thorin without a guarantee of seeing him again halted any motivation she had to move away. Her legs were simply refusing to even budge a little bit. There was a strong pull between them holding fast to her body, not allowing her to move away from the King. In the background her mind registered that the dragon was getting closer to the hall they were currently in and if she didn't do as Thorin said they'd surely be discovered and killed by the beast. She felt desperately torn between running to Balin and stubbornly refusing to leave Thorin's side. She knew he'd protest and demand Balin throw her over his shoulder if only to get her to leave with him. He'd probably yell at her for causing an inconvenience with her defiance.

"Bella! We must hurry! Please, come quickly!" Balin pleaded desperately, taking a step towards her, arm extended. The old dwarf looked frantic, his gaze flying back in the direction of the hall they'd just come down before locking back on the small hobbit woman again.

Bella glanced back at the older dwarf then to Thorin again. She seemed to make a sudden decision from the look on her face. Thorin watched with confusion as Bella began walking briskly towards him, skirts hiked up in her fists on either side to reveal her abnormally large, furry feet and a look of determination in her eyes. Thorin was about to ask what she was doing when the hobbit, having made her way over to the King, released her skirts and grasped the collar of his clothes. Surprise and shock took him when her hands yanked him down towards her.

Then there were soft lips pressed to his; a vastly different feel against his own weather roughened ones. He was frozen to the spot, to utterly shocked to even breathe. He could feel her small hands knotted in the fabric near his throat and the softness of her skin brushing against his bearded cheek. The tingle running down his spine made him shiver slightly. He'd never imagined his burglar would show him any form of romantic interest after he'd been so harsh to her until recently. He tried to reason with his frozen limbs that they should respond in some way but remained stock still. The warmth against his lips was suddenly lost as Bella pulled away allowing Thorin to take in a deep breath and stare with wide eyes down at her.

She felt a slight heat on her cheeks but chose to ignore it. Her lips were swollen from their kiss and her heart began constricting painfully at Thorin's dumbstruck expression. She'd probably over stepped her bounds by her actions but she may never get a chance to do this ever again. She refused to allow the last moment she had with the dwarf to be one of desperate yelling to run away from a great fire breathing beast. She knew it was very remote that Thorin even thought of her as more than a part of the company. She'd finally gained his favor after saving his life, but she doubted he felt the same ache in his heart as she did. Still she did not want to die without knowing the feel of his lips on hers. "Don't you dare die, Thorin Oakensheild," She said in a sternly, "I did not trek across Middle Earth with you lot to watch you lose your life in a vain attempt to reclaim your home." Fresh tears began gathering, stinging the corners of her eyes. With one last sorrowful glance, she took a step back, releasing his tunic, turning to head towards Balin. The old dwarf was even more dumbfounded then Thorin, staring at her with a gaping mouth and wide, unblinking eyes. His reaction made her sigh and doubt her actions had been that welcome judging from the reactions of the two men, but she did not regret choosing to perform them.

She hadn't taken more than a step when she felt a strong hand enclose around her right elbow and pull her back. The force of the pull made her whirl around so she was again facing the King. Her eyes met his for a brief second, a raw fire burning brighter than she'd ever seen before. Then his hand was gripping the back of her neck and pulling her face upward. Their lips met in a desperate deep kiss that made Bella grip the front of Thorin's tunic tightly in her fists. His strong arm wrapped around her waist while the other buried itself in her curls. This kiss was rougher than the first, the scratch of his beard caused goose bumps to rise on her skin. The touch of his hands on her body was pure fire, a searing heat that burned her skin.

All too soon, Thorin pulled away, leaving both of them gasping for air. He gently rested his forehead against hers, wrapping one arm completely around her waist while the other cupped her face. Bella kept her eyes closed, breathing in his scent and memorizing the feel of his firm hold on her body. "I would not let such a thing come to pass. You need not worry," Thorin whispered, his breath ghosting over her lips.

Bella hadn't even dared to hope that Thorin did in fact feel the same in his heart, let alone choose to act on his own accord to return her embrace with one of his own. She gulped down a sob, taking in a steadying breath. "Promise me that I will see you again. Safe and well?," she whispered back, the despair evident in her voice.

Thorin's arms tighten their hold, "I promise, amrâlimê." Bella wished more than anything to ask him what he had said, but she knew there wasn't time for such things. Reluctantly, she released her hold on his tunic and took a step back from him. He gently pulled a bead from the end of one of his braids and pressed it into her hand then grasped both of her hands in his.

"Keep this as a sign of my promise to return to you," he said softly. Bella stared down at the delicate bead in her palm taking in the beautiful colors of the tiny gems embedded around its design. She looked up with a teary smile. Just then the sound of a loud crash behind them forced Bella to pull back completely to look in that direction. The glow of fire approaching grew brighter as the ground shook.

Turning back to Thorin, he gently cupped her cheek, wiping the tears away. Her eyes never left his as she moved backwards towards Balin. Allowing her hands to remain in his until their fingers slipped apart and she was forced to turn and run towards the older dwarf. Just as she reached the doorway, Smaug rounded the corner, spying Thorin standing there. Balin quickly wrapped a hand around her waist and pulled her in the doorway. Her last sight of the man she loved being his terrified expression as he watched the approaching beast glower down at him.

I have a great story in mind if that is what people would like to read and I'd be more than happy to write it but I won't waste time if people don't want to read it. I'm a busy person after all. Please favorite and leave a message in the comments if you'd like me to continue! Thanks all :)