~Hello! So sorry for the long wait!I had all the chapters written but my phone had broken and all of them were lost! ・゜・(ノД`) Now that I have moved I'll start updating more often probably 1 chapter per month (give or take). Whlep here is your long awaited chapter! it's been so long!~

Ciel spent most of the week in the room, Sebastian just outside the door pacing. Every time Ciel was in the bath Sebastian would sneak in with food setting it on the bed to encourage eating, but Ciel mostly ignored the food setting it aside most of the time. Sebastian worried for the health of his Mate and their child. Ciel on the other hand was still suffering the pain of rejection. Soon Ciel had to mature and he knew it. He had to eat, only for the baby. He told himself when he stared at the food. When Sebastian started to receive empty trays, he knew it was good that Ciel was eating. Ciel started to get more and more comfortable with Sebastian again. He knew it was childish to stay mad at Sebastian but he couldn't help himself.

Their first conversation in the week ended with a door slammed in to Sebastian face and Ciel ignoring him again. But Sebastian slowly could take baby steps to Ciel. He couldn't help but encourage Ciel to come out of the room. When Ciel took his steps out side, he made a comment to Sebastian. "You look like shit." Sebastian ran a hand through his hair. "Yes, well... I've been worried about you." Ciel looked around. "Looks like you didn't destroy anything." Sebastian chuckled. "No. I didn't, not yet." Ciel giggled at him. "I see." Sebastian couldn't help but stare at Ciel, he seemed tired. His stomach quite big for only a couple of weeks. "What?" Sebastian smirked "I see you look like shit also." Ciel laughed into his fist. "Yeah... I feel like it."

Sebastian knew that he couldn't quite touch Ciel, yet. He had to remind himself that baby steps needed to be taken.

Ciel walked throughout the house. "I have a question." Ciel whispered, even though it was quite Sebastian could hear it as clear as day. "What is it?" Sebastian moved closer to Ciel. "When do you think this will be all over and things will go back to the way they were?" Sebastian paused not knowing how to answer. "I... can not tell you." Sebastian stepped closer, Ciel was too busy looking down to notice. "But I know, that if we try things will get better." Ciel looked up, his eyes shone with hope. "Okay" Ciel said slowly. After walking around for a bit Sebastian noticed Ciel's attitude lighten, he wasn't as sour as he was locked in that room.

By the beginning of the next week, Sebastian had worked his way up to where He was sleeping in his own room with Ciel again. Ciel had become larger in the week, Sebastian had just assumed that it was his small frame that was making him look bigger. When they had their first outing in the week, it had ended with a fight. But Sebastian wasn't kicked to the couch at least. One day with in the week Ciel had requested that they go to Lucci's. Sebastian had sighed and agreed, he found that arguing with Ciel would just end up with the demon getting upset and locking himself up.

Ciel walked with Sebastian to the Castle, his mods seemed to lighten when he stepped out the house. Sebastian turned to look at him and let out a deep sigh. Ciel was still much of a child, forced to grow up too soon. Soon they had stepped in front of the gates leading to the castle. "Here we are. Now let's go." Ciel rolled his eyes and pressed on the gate. "Don't be ridiculous. We only just got here." The gates opened and Ciel stepped forward, Sebastian followed after the demon. Soon they were inside and Ciel had paused for a breather. "Why... am I... so out of... breath?" Sebastian watched him carefully. "Maybe because you're-" Ciel looked at him "Don't remind me" Sebastian Looked ahead. "You can go on Sebastian. I'm going to sit down for a breather." Sebastian sighed and headed off.

Ciel sat there with a hand on his stomach breathing for a moment. He slowly got up and Lightly touched the wall. "This is too much work. I feel like I have asthma again." He hears the crackle of undertakers, and the soft faint laughter of someone else. Ciel wondered around following the voices till he reached what looked like a drawing room. He paused and slightly opened the door. Undertaker was speaking someone, it looked as if they were comfortable with each other. Ciel pushed open the door, and there sitting on his thrown of lie, was Vince. Undertaker turned to ciel with surprise but Vince just smiled. Ciel walked towards Vince and the look of surprise was evident on his face. Vice looked at the Small cat demon.

"Hello Ciel~"

Ciel didn't know how to react, there was the one and Only Vincent Phantomhive. Ciel eyes started to water and he couldn't control the loud sob. Vincent stood up and gave Ciel a soft pat. "H-...how could you!" Ciel said with venom over lapping the relief. Vincent smiled and held Ciel close. "I couldn't exactly tell you, you're still a child." Ciel cried more and undertaker stood up to leave and Ciel turned to him. "And you! How could you!" Undertaker sighed and shrugged "Told not to... I would have but I was told not-" Ciel clenched his fist. "Why?! You were a demon this entire time?!" Vincent held his Son closer. "I'm sorry. Your so grown now, I just couldn't cope with it." Ciel paused and looked at him "So what you said that one day..." Vincent nodded "I was watching you from the sidelines, as much as I didn't want to see you suffer I had too. I did a lot of evil things as a human. As punishment I'm a demon." Vincent turned and kinda chuckled "Though not much of a punishment, my only punishment is seeing my son and my wife disappear from my eyes."

Ciel sniffed and hugged Vincent, sniffing his jacket. "I laid this upon you Ciel. For that I'm not sorry. But you have done so well." Ciel pulled away. "I need time to process this..." Vincent smiled and took a step back. "If you need me I'm here." Ciel turned to undertaker and snorted. "It's great here I get a free supply of jokes!" Vincent chuckled. Undertaker giggled "Does Cats run in your family?~ because look!~" Undertaker smiled and grabbed the scruff of Ciels neck and Cat ears as a tail popped out. "Oi!" Ciel cried out and hissed. Vincent laughed lightly covering his mouth with his fist. "Now now~ let's not torture my son." Ciel was let go. Ciel hissed at them and looked at his father. His mind going 100mph trying to cope with what's going on. "I have a question" Ciel let his feelings do all the talking. "Were you pulling the strings behind the scenes?" Vincent paused and sat back down on his chair. "Depends on what you mean." Ciel wasn't satisfied by that but let it go. He turned and promptly left, going to find the one person who he could cry and scream too.

He trailed the Thick scent, his senses going out of wack with the scent. He found the source of the Thick scent and started to cry loudly. The hushed voice calling him over to the darkness, he couldn't help but move. His mind processing the familiar scene.