Ashes Secret
Disclaimer: I do not own pokemon
An: The inspiration for this fic comes from Saphroneth's Pokemon Fanfiction Master, Pokemon? I have gotten permission to use this story in case I would have unknowingly broke any plagerisum laws if i didn't since i do not fully understand them, I will try not to, and It will end up different. Also I highly recommend you go read Saphroneth's pokemon fanfiction Master, Pokemon? as well as Ashes of the Past by the same author, both in my opinion are excellent. I hope I can do as good even though this is my first story and therefore doubtful.
Summary: Ash Ketchum has a secret. He is actually a female Zorua pretending to be a human male, how does this change the journey. Fem Ash, Pokemon Ash, Strong Ash and team, Ash will win leagues, and have more pokemon then canon, secret will eventually be revealed, no move limit, strength increases over time.
Professor Oak heard knocking on the door of his lab when he opened it he saw a young women holding a pokemon egg with a scared look on her face.
"Hello, can I help you?" he asked, as she came in and found a empty room with no windows and changed into a black furred red maned large bipedal kitsune after putting the egg down.
"Deliah!" He said " What are you doing here?"
"I've been running ever since those poachers came." The now named Deliah said. "When I recognized the area I came to find you."
Alright." Professor Oak replied. "I can put you up for the night, but we will need to come up with a more permanent solution. That's the third time this month, that poachers have found your den."
"I know."Deliah said, looking at the egg. "And my egg can hatch anytime now."
"Do you know if it is going to be a male or female?" Professor Oak asked.
"I've always wanted a daughter since I grew up as the only girl in the family." Deliah replied. "So I am hoping it is a girl, but I won't know for sure until it hatches, either way I will still love them. They will be my child after all."
"Very well." Professor Oak said as he thought about a solution. About ten minutes later he said "I got it!"
"What is it?" Deliah asked
Professor Oak was about to answer when he was interupted by the egg starting to glow. When it stopped there was a baby Zorua there.
"Congradulations Deliah." Professor Oak said. " Is it a boy or girl?"
"It's a girl." She said after checking. "I think I'll name her Ashley."
"Your naming her?" Professor Oak asked surprised.
"I'm no ordinary pokemon." She replied. "Now what was your idea for a solution."
"Oh right." He said. "Well what if you use your human form to pretend to be human. Ashley will learn illusions soon, and can be your human child. No one will recognize you, and as wild pokemon they will not look for you as a human, Though you will need to figue out a last name, and I can help you find a home tomorrow."
"That's a good idea." Deliah said as she thought, "and I've heard that a pokemon magician can create a necklace that can make our illusions undetectable and more durable, when combined with this form it would be perfect, and as for a last name, I like the sound of Ketchum, Deliah and Ashley Ketchum."
"Alright." Professor Oak said. "Would you like me to scan Ashley to see what moves she has for egg moves?"
"Yeah," Deliah said. "Our family has a lot of different moves in our abilities and have nine specific egg moves that arepossible, and I was born with five of them, my mom eight, my dad two, It would be good to know."
"Indeed" Professor Oak said as he scanned Ashley "It looks like she is level one and knows the moves Leer, Scratch, Captivate, Copycat, Counter, Detect, Extrasensory, Memento, and Suckerpunch."
"Cool." Deliah said smiling at her daughter. "She has seven egg moves and the only two she does not have are also the only two that can be learned with other means as well, Dark Pulse and Snatch."
"I have the TM for Dark Pulse as well as eleven others she can learn, Five attack, and six status." Professor Oak said. "I'll give her one or two each birthday."
"Thanks," Deliah said. "Humans gorw slower than pokemon, so in order for this to work, I will need to avoid training her until she is close to hman adulthood, at least this way she's not defenseless in that time. I can also take her to move tutors to learn some other moves so she has a wide range without getting closer to evolution."
AN: As you can see in this fic ther is no move limit since if pokemon was real there wouldn't be. Ash and team will be powerful but only go all out and use strongest pokemon against strong trainers, leagues, and other instances where either powerful pokemon are needed or they are the only ones she has, also Ash will start next chapter Level 15 with 32 moves, but remember it is after 10 years of time, and most are TMs spread over time without any training.
AN:The pairing for Ash will be decided by vote, either Ash/Pikachu, Ash/Latias (Femslash), or Ash/male Zorua. If Ash/Pikachu, Ash will not evolve, if Ash/Latias, Latias will travel with them as both a pokemon and a trainer. One vote per person per chapter. I will add a poll to my profile as well and the results will be added to the reviews, if no one votes by end of voting when Ash's Secret is revealed, then it will be decided by coin toss between two then the winner and the third.