
Too Sweet, Too Sour

There wasn't enough time. If Draco wanted to do anything with his Saturday morning, it wouldn't be going to the Room of Requirement again. His disappearances were getting too frequent, he knew that a hum of rumours followed him whether he went. But he didn't have time to care about such trivial people. Draco had much bigger plans than a couple of gossiping fourth years.

Draco was lost in his thoughts, so much that he didn't see where he was going, causing him bumping into someone.

"Watch where you're going!" he hissed harshly, picking himself up and straightening his robes.

"Sorry," the person mumbled. It seemed like the person, a tall brunette, had dropped a couple of scrolls when she had bumped into him, causing the floor around him to be littered with parchment.

Draco looked at the girl with only mild interest. She was a Slytherin, by the look of the green and silver charm bracelet she wore on her wrist. It was a beautiful day outside and there was a quidditch match on, so why was she cooped up inside?

Shaking off the thought, he carried on towards the Room of Requirement, until the brunette spoke up again.

"Um, Dr-Draco Malfoy, right?" she stuttered out, her arms full of scrolls again and her eyes looking straight into his.

"Who's asking?" He asked gruffy. The way her eyes stared at him unnerved him slightly. They were too bright and naïve compared to Draco's dull and slowly aging ones.

"Well...it doesn't matter." She was about to turn around, when Draco spoke up this time.

"Just spit it out," he said, making his annoyance evident in his voice. He hated it when people did that to him, especially his mother. Whenever she was about to say something that had an air of importance too it, she would cut off herself off quickly; like something -or someone- was holding her back.

"It's just that...I've seen you reading a book in the common room the other day. You know, Magical Law and How To Understand It." Draco vaguely remember reading it, though it was a boring read. Draco picked up a random book from the library last week to keep his mind off of things. The boring texts actually made him focus on his tasks more in reality.

"I would like to read the book, so-"

"Fine. Whatever. I will give you the book," Draco said, offhandedly, not really caring if she wanted the bloody book or not. Again, he needed to focus his mind on other things.

"Thank you." The girl smiled slightly, catching Draco off-guard. Something was different about her smile. It was innocent. The brunette turned on her heel and walked down the deserted corridor leaving Draco alone with his thoughts.

Draco shook his head again and made his way to the Room of Requirement. That girl wanted to ask him something more, he could feel it. But, as he kept on reminding himself, there were more important things then a clumsy girl to think of now. He was planning a murder after all.

A/N: This is going to be collection detailing the many important event of this AMAZING pairing, Draco Malfoy/Astoria Greengrass. This pairing is also know as Stellar Legends -thus the collection name.

Prompt: First Encounter