Heeeeeeey! So, this is the first fanfic I'm posting here and I decided to write for Nozomi's birthday! I mean, who doesn't love that lovely purple head? She's just adorable~ And so, I decided to write and post an multi chapter fic for the week before her birthday. It'll be 9 chapters on the end, one for each character. Enjoy!

Nozomi's birthday – Chapter 1

'8 days'

'8 days until my birthday.' The purple haired idol thought as she smiled slightly to herself. She propped her head up with her hand, forgetting momentarily of the homework she was doing. "I'm glad to have such nice friends to spend my birthday with…" She muttered.

Her mind travelled back to her childhood, when she was still moving to different places and didn't have any friends. Since her parents were always working, she often would celebrate her birthday alone at home. But ever since she came to Otonokizaka High School, she never felt lonely again. She smiled wider, lost on her mind.

A knock on her front door brought the purple head back reality as she put her homework away. "Coming!" She said loudly as she went to the door. As she opened it, she was surprised.

"Maki-chan?" The spiritual girl looked at the red-head, confused as to why her fellow idol friend was in front of her apartment.

"Hi… Nozomi…" The composer waved awkwardly to the purple haired girl, her face flushed lightly.

Nozomi wasn't sure why Maki was there, so she only smiled. "Come in." She opened the door wider to let the other girl enter the apartment.

The red-head walked in slowly, taking off her shoes at the doorstep. She was wearing the same clothes from when she discovered about the spiritual girl's past. She seemed to be a bit nervous as she looked everywhere besides the purple head's face, which said girl noticed.

"Would you like some tea?" Nozomi asked, already walking into the small kitchen.

She heard a hurried 'yes' from the red-head as said girl followed her and sat on a chair. The spiritual girl glanced quickly at the composer and saw her fidgeting uncomfortably.

"What brings you here, Maki-chan?" The purplenette questioned and the other girl was surprised.

"C-can't I visit my friend?" The red-head reasoned herself as she twirled her hair with her fingers. She looked out the window.

It was silent for a while and Maki started to wonder if something had happened to Nozomi. She turned her head to look at the kitchen and found the purple head's face right in front of hers, their noses bumping. The spiritual girl was smirking and the composer blushed.

"Ohya? Does Maki-chan consider me her friend?" Nozomi teased. She had her hands on her back, since she had already placed the tray of tea on the table.

"I-if I didn't, I wouldn't be here!" The red-head said, looking away from the other girl. "I really like you…" She muttered, but the purple head heard it.

The purplenette sat on a chair directly in front of the other girl and sipped slowly from her tea as Maki did the same, still blushing lightly. The spiritual girl smirked and looked at the composer amusedly. "So, Maki-chan likes me, huh?" She asked teasingly.

The red-head almost spitted her tea, but instead chocked on it as Nozomi laughed softly. When Maki finally regained her breath, her face was as red as her hair.

"I wonder if you like me THAT way…" The purple head continued on teasing, but the composer had had enough. She suddenly got up from her seat, gripping the table tightly. Her face was one determination and a bit of anger, completely red.

"What if I do?! Is that so wrong?!" The redhead almost shouted to the spiritual girl, who looked at her in shock and surprise, her mouth agape..

"M-Maki-chan…y-y-you…" Nozomi stuttered.

Maki growled and circled the table, stopping right in front of the purple head, cupping her chin gently, both the girl's faces were red as tomatoes.

"W-what are you doing…?" The spiritual girl asked but was cut off when something soft touched her lips. The composer was kissing her, her amethyst eyes closed, while Nozomi's own turquoise orbs were wide.

The purple head slowly closed her eyes and started to kiss back. The redhead was surprised when the other girl started to kiss her back and lost her balance, stumbling forward and making both of them fall on the ground, Maki pinning the purplenette down.

The spiritual girl stared at her friend in surprise. "…Maki…" Her face was a bright red and she was panting lightly from the kiss and the fall.

The composer blushed even harder at the sight of Nozomi and quickly remover herself from said girl, covering her face. "I-I'm sorry. I-I-I have to go now." She started walking to the door, still covering her face.

The purple head didn't know why, but she wanted to kiss the redhead again. And so, she got up from the ground and ran to the other girl, who was at the door already. "Wait!" She called out for Maki, which successfully made her turn around.

The spiritual girl crashed her lips onto the composer's. This time, turquoise eyes were closed while amethyst ones were wide open. Soon, the redhead closed her eyes and enjoyed the kiss before she pulled away. Nozomi looked at her confusedly.

"Expect another surprise tomorrow." Maki smiled and exited the apartment.

END CHAP 1 - NozoMaki

So, what did you guys think? Please leave a review or comment on what you thought about it and warn me if I did any English mistakes! Hehe anyways, hope you liked it and see you (not really) guys tomorrow when I post the next chapter!

~ VariousShipper out!