Time and Wisdom. A Rosario Vampire: Brightest Darkness Side Act

Written by PhoenixHelix
Approved by A.G Fanfics (Previously known as Lord Daemon)

Disclaimer: For those whom read these, these days: I do not own the Rosario+Vampire franchise; which rightfully belong to Akihisa Ikeda. Please support the official release.
I also do not own the Brightest Darkness fanfiction series; which rightfully belongs to A.G Fanfics/Lord Daemon, as do the original characters of his creation.

Previously, in Rosario Vampire: Brightest Darkness...

"Complica would you give us the honour of joining us for one last baseball game?" Ceal asked.

"B... baseball game?" Complica asked softly. Ceal nodded then glanced back to the others.

"It wouldn't be the same without you," he said gently. Complica looked around at everybody, all of them nodding and smiling at her.


"She's smiling, she's happy now; even in the face of annihilation she's still being strong. All we can do for her is make her final moments in this world count" Luna said while holding her tears back as well.


"Complica?" Luna asked worriedly. The young girl slowly got up on her knees and coughed a few times before looking to Luna with a worried smile.

"I... I'm sorry... to ruin the fun... this has been... the best night of my life," She said softly.

Chapter 0: Not Quite Erased

The ornate marble hallways bustled with the servants and maids, as they would every morning; each knew their tasks intimately as they continued their routines. But today, however was different, today was the day that their master's daughter would be arriving, with the newest addition to her own family, having been born several weeks earlier.

"Oh, I can't wait to finally see Lady Bloodriver's new baby!" A maid giggled as she folded the soft cotton sheets in front of her. Her declaration was responded with a playful rolling of her friends eyes but with a convinced nod as she continued wiping the dust from the windowsill.

"It'll definitely brighten the master's spirits; ever since the passing of Lady Izumi, he's been completely...hollow."

"Mm...to lose his wife after only so few years...and the baby too..."

"You would be wise to refrain from such discussion." A stern feminine tone, broke the two young maids from their conversation; both faces paled as they beheld the beautiful, but fierce gaze of the one they recognized as the master's lieutenant. Adorn in light armor, with her pale blue hair and piercing green eyes conflicting the brilliant shine of the armor she wore, this was the Valkyrie, Eris; their master's appointed lieutenant.

"Lord Apollo's state due to the loss of Lady Izumi should not be a matter of concern of either of you. Do change your topic and return to work, lest you dare step your boundaries." Eris instructed in her known regal manner and tone; her hand resting atop the pommel of her sword, which hung, as it always did on her left hip. With one final sharp glance, the Valkyrie turned and left the room to resume her inspection of the estate.

Eris made a quick reminder to reprimand the two maids as she heard them whisper 'Pompous bitch' as she left. It was not so much the insult that would see them both stare down the point of her blade, but rather the insolence behind their disregard of respect. Eris however put it to the back of her mind as she approached the beautifully ornate staircase and proceeded to climb.


She had forsaken just how long had passed since this purgatory began. Her vision spun and focus seemed impossible from the moment she recalled hitting that baseball. She continued to hear an unending orchestra of drowned voices; so many speaking in unison at incomprehensible speeds as her very surroundings swirled sickeningly. All she could do was curl into a ball and cry for the mental torture to end.

Complica's last focused thought, was the face of her sisters, just as she believed that she was beyond destroyed and lost to the tides of time. Death, it seemed was either not so peaceful as many had long since believed, or as her torment in this hellish place continued and she began believing; she was, somehow, still alive.

"Please, just stop!" The Chronofly screamed once again; she had lost count of just how many times she had begged for such reprieve until she felt a sensation that was physical; the sensation shocked and surprised her, as she had felt no such sensation after what seemed a countless endeavor.

The feeling, was of cold; cold and hardness, pressing against her cheek and entire left side. As she finally gained a clear vision from all the voices and the world ceased to spin for a brief moment, Complica realized that she was in a wide, unlit chamber; the floor and walls made of polished marble tile.

'Ok, just where am I?! This isn't where i was! Where are the others?!' Complica panicked and almost lost her breath as she looked around, her heart beating fiercely in her chest. She noticed a huge set of doors to the far left end of herself and to the far right was an incredible sight; she beheld a colossal throne made of white marble and adorned in gold and countless precious other metals and stones. She took a moment to admire the wondrous sight before reminding herself to find out just where she was. And more importantly, how this was possible.

'Ok, so I don't have a clue where I am...' Complica allowed herself to theorize as she rushed to the door, only to find it was locked tight.

'Ugh! figures...' The Chronofly growled as she unfolded her wings and began hovering in a bid to find an exit. 'There's gotta be some way I can...huh?!' Complica's eyes shot back to the door as she heard several locks turn before the huge doors began to open.

'Getting the feeling I'm not supposed to be here...' Complica panicked as she flew nearby; noticing a statue of a maiden drawing water, where she would hope to hide just as the visage of a young woman entered the room; with a raise of her hand, countless candles immediately flickered to life, radiating their light against the mid blanket of darkness.

Eris quickly scoured the throne room and despite of there being no signs of inhabitation, the Valkyrie drew her sword regardless; the blade's silver-like luster, glistening from the candlelight. She couldn't help but house the uncanny feeling of being observed and so with sharp focused eyes, she continued to scour until the faint sound of wings beating against the air reached her ears. Eris immediately looked up and stared intently at the statue where the Chronofly had so desperately tried to hide from the fierce warrior's' sight.

"Come out!" The Valkyrie commanded coldly; her voice booming like thunder, causing Complica to flinch and unintentionally give herself away. In moments, the Valkyrie was upon her at sword point.

"How dare you enter the master's throne chamber without consent!" Eris angrily boomed as the Chronofly landed on her backside. "Identify yourself, girl!

"I-I-I'm just lost ok?! I don't know where I am, or why I'm even here! Just tell me, and I'll be on my way, just please don't hurt me!" Complica stammered, surprising herself somehow; this armed woman was frightening by way of voice alone and if looks could kill, the Chronofly believed the glare the Valkyrie was giving her could have killed her ten times over.

"Do not LIE to me girl!" Eris boomed and gripped her sword in an unmerciful grip. Complica simply snapped her eyes shut, waiting for the blow that never came.

"Please, stand down." A masculine yet kindly voice spoke out from the entryway of the chamber and immediately Eris stepped back and lowered her sword, as if instinct.

"My master." Eris replied respectfully, causing Complica to open her eyes to behold the owner of the voice. Her eyes widened in awe; before her was a middle-aged looking man with an moderate build, wearing dark, open chested robes while resting his hands on a cane. His deep blue eyes, which betrayed many years of experience startled the Chronofly as he looked right at her inquisitively; his platinum blonde hair reaching his lower back billowing slightly as he stepped forward. The man continued staring intently at the Chronofly, as if studying her before crouching before her.

"Lady Eris, please leave us and let none enter this chamber lest I say otherwise." The man instructed politely. To her amazement, Complica noticed the Valkyrie sheathe her sword and bow respectively before leaving the chamber and shutting the doors.

"My apologies, Lady Eris has a rather demanding persona but when it comes to duty; there is no one more trust worthy then my lieutenant." The man began kindly before offering his hand to Complica, who simply continued to stare at her new company perplexingly. The Chronofly could not help but be astounded that her would be attacker; brazen and merciless had become so docile with nothing but a word from this stranger whom she had called 'Master'. Complica, for a brief instant found herself puzzled; she would have thought that being so close to this man would have filed her with anxiety but instead she felt bizarrely at ease.

"You have no one to fear, here, my child. I am Apollo and I am the owner of this estate and Emperor of the Yokai world." The man continued politely, his hand still stretched in offering.

"I never even believed the Yokai world HAD a ruler...other then the Dark Lords..." Complica spluttered. In the back of her mind, for some unknown reason, something was telling her that where she was, was not quite the world she knew. As she looked down in contemplation, Apollo continued to stare intently and suddenly nodded as if he had read her very thoughts.

"You have no idea of what you have become...and you do not belong to this world, do you?" Apollo stated bluntly all of a sudden; snapping Complica out of her thoughts.

"You know what's happening?! Tell me! Please!? The last thing I remember was being surrounded by my friends and my sisters; they were worrying about the invasion of Babylon and how to deal with Pandora and with Hex and...and..." Complica suddenly gasped for breath. As she tried to recover, she noticed Apollo's eyes widen with realization.

"Hex... I should have known. You are definitely not of this world...dare say this dimension." Apollo stated again as he suddenly was overcome with sympathy for the young girl. "Well then, my child; I shall do my best to instruct you of the situation you are in." Apollo gently offered, gesturing to his hand with courteous insistence. Complica hesitantly reached for her host but just as her dainty fingertips met with his, the Chronofly's mind suddenly rushed with images of surroundings of varied time and place; her heart raced with countless emotions as they continued to flood in. Joy, despair, grief and hope jumbled her very being and as she tried to drown it all, she saw visions of Apollo at the forefront of these experiences. Were these phantasms merely a conjuration of her mind, or the witnessing of actual events in time?

"By my word, your powers will cease within my reign." Complica's bombardment instantly slowed to a halt at those words and as she looked up; realising that she was now being cradled by Apollo, she beheld the uneasy glance his face while she tried in vain to catch her breath.

"What was that?! What's happening to me? What did i see? Was it you? Was it before this? After? Why do I feel so much pain? Misery? I don't want this! I...I..." Complica's breath became more haggard as she began venting all her questions, her body trembling as she felt her consciousness fade.

"Shh...quiet now child. Let yourself rest, there will be time for answers." Apollo softly cooed as he stroked her cheek as if fatherly.

"Hex, what have you let this girl endure...?" she heard him thinking aloud before she was lost to darkness once more.

Authors Note: You're likely to only see a handful of these throughout the main story after this. For those wondering; yes, Apollo is the very same character you may have read in several other stories on this site including: keithallen's 'Capu' series, 'The Harbinger's Lament' by myself as an Omake series based on the latter and ACookieZ's 'Angel vs Devil'.

As the creator of Apollo and his race, I have; with approval of A.G Fanfics (Formarly known as Lord Daemon) began this sidestory with the persona, and background of my character as originally intended. keithallen and ACookieZ made their own spins on Apollo naturally as comes with the plot so many of you, who are already 'aqquainted' as such with him; be prepared to know (If i may say so myself) Apollo in his true character.

Anyhow, I've gone on one for long enough; Chapter 1 is up next!