Here is the very first special chapter for the story! I'm pretty excited to release this super long chapter, hopefully it'll make up for all the short ones I've been doing. Don't forget that if you have any requests, send them in! Please enjoy!

Happens around three years after the story. Castiel and Kira with Poppy and Demon have a happy life in their apartment. The place isn't too small, nor too big and it's perfect for them. They visit Kira's aunt from time to time, and Castiel's parents whenever they're home. Castiel has a job, Kira has a job and they're just your average happy family. However, Kira is wanting children, unlike Castiel. He probably wouldn't mind them but... you know how it is. One day, Kira feels nauseous and gets severe stomach pains. She ignores this but it happens again. She figures it out fearing for the worst. She goes to the nearest pharmacy store and buys a pregnancy test.

This wasn't supposed to happen. Not yet. Not so early! We aren't even married! Kira pushed her sweaty black bangs away from her forehead, just so she could place a cool hand on the feverish skin underneath. She felt incredibly hot, and a part of her was shivering from elation. Kids, she would have a child soon! But this wouldn't just be her raising them, Castiel had to hear about this as well.

Trembling at the thought, a whimper escaped. What was he going to say? Even the thought of telling him made her want to throw up again. It's not like he had been entirely against it. No, Castiel had just waved it off saying they were too young, a lot was happening, and a bunch of other excuses that had severely dampened Kira's dreams at the prospect. It wasn't unlike their conversation about marriage that had been just a few minutes earlier. She was used to Castiel's casual and joking manner towards almost everything, but she had expected him to take the subjects a little more seriously.

The brush off could have been for her benefit, hiding how much the idea of raising kids disgusted him, but he didn't want to hurt her feelings. Castiel had matured and with it, the sharp words and rude actions had lessened with time. His protectiveness of her and her feelings had only seemed to grow. Kira couldn't complain because it seemed her tendency to get in trouble where her small frame would endanger her has increased. Kira had to smile at the thought of Castiel having a daughter who he protected just as much. Just because he would be a great dad, didn't mean he wanted to be one.

She still had time before he got home. Pulling out her phone, she sent a quick text to Lysander asking if she could come over. Perhaps talking to Lysander would help her figure out what to say to Castiel. The two still talked all the time, and Lysander came over for dinner about once a week to chat with them. It was on her way out that she saw Demon and Poppy curled up on one doggy bed together. They both perked their heads up but didn't move from their spot when she approached.

"Would you guys like having a kid running around in the apartment?" Of course the dogs didn't answer but Kira felt happier seeing them wag their tails at her words.

Vibrating, her phone rang with a rock tune Castiel had written. He had been adamant about saying that he wasn't going to let her keep it as her ringtone. He's so cute when he's embarrassed, but Kira had her ways of convincing him. A soft smile had graced her lips hearing the sweet melody, and she continued to smile when she read the text saying that she could come over right now if she wanted.

Kira gave each of the dogs a chew stick before heading out of the apartment. She sent a quick text telling Castiel that she was out and she might not be home when he arrives. I have no idea how long I'm going to be there.

Lysander lived with Rosalya and Leigh near the community college where he was studying to get a Creative Writing degree. While Lysander lived with the two of them, the house was practically his since Rosalya and Leigh had apprenticed themselves to Kira's aunt and traveled with her everywhere. So, it wasn't surprising to find only Lysander in the two story house.

"What brings you here today, Kira?" Lysander asked when he got up to give the quivering girl a hug. He noticed her red, puffy eyes and concern filled his features. This was unusual. Kira rarely seemed frazzled. "Did you have a fight with Castiel?"

Shaking her head no, Kira collapsed on the couch. She hadn't realized she'd been crying on the drive over until he said that. "Has Castiel mentioned anything about having kids?"

While the silver haired boy was one of the most forgetful, oblivious ones on the planet, he had an inkling where this was going. Not like he would say anything until Kira was ready to tell him herself, though. "He's mentioned that you were talking to him about it," Lysander started, deciding to sit on the couch with her instead of the chair across.

The girl unknowingly placed a hand on her stomach as if to soothe the baby inside. "Can you tell me exactly what he said?"

Lysander would be the first to admit he was terrible at remembering things, but such an important conversation such as having kids with his best friend wasn't something he could easily get out of his mind. Kira took his silence as a bad sign instead of him just trying to remember the exact words.

"I know he is terrible with commitment! I mean, we've been dating for almost four years, and he still hasn't asked me to marry him."

Lysander knew that Castiel was already completely dedicated to Kira, but Castiel still was worried that something was going to happen and she would leave him. The concept of being left behind once again made him fear proposing. Fear, not lack of dedication, was the problem. Kira couldn't have known that. She lavished him with attention and was a great girlfriend. Castiel couldn't hurt her by saying that he thought one day she was going to abandon him for someone better.

"If he doesn't even want me to marry him, how should I expect him to act when I say I'm having his baby?" Her words may have been garbled, but Lysander heard them. Now it was his turn to speak.

Hugging the tiny woman to his side, Lysander patted her shoulder. "Castiel never said he didn't want to have kids with you, Kira." Occasional hiccups was the only sound he heard, but he guessed she was at least listening to him. "He isn't going to leave you because you're pregnant. Castiel is completely in love with you, Kira. Never doubt that."

"But why does he act so negatively when I bring up marriage or kids, then?"

Lysander wanted to hit his best friend at that moment. Of course Kira was going to be terrified about his reaction of her being pregnant when she thinks Castiel doesn't even want to marry her. Neither Castiel nor him had expected Kira to get pregnant before Castiel had the chance to talk to her about marriage. His heart ached for the usually happy, calm, green-eyed girl. What she must have been feeling when the slightest notion of carrying a child hit her. What must have crossed her mind when she went to the drugstore by herself to see if it was true. What must have ripped her apart when she found out she was with child and didn't even know if the man she loved wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. Before Lysander could answer her question, the house door swung wide open to reveal Castiel.

"Hey, Lys I left my guitar here-" speech became foreign to the red-haired man as he stood trying to figure out why his girlfriend was clutching his best friend's shirt and sobbing almost hysterically. Lysander's arms were tightly wrapped around her in the form of a hug. Castiel couldn't help but send an accusatory glare towards Lysander assuming the man had made his long-time girlfriend cry.

Kira noticed her boyfriend at the doorway and quickly wiped her tears away. Trying to appear strong even when she felt so weak. Even when he was the reason she was crying, she still wanted to run to his arms for comfort.

"I wasn't the one who made her cry, Castiel. She was already crying when she got here," Lysander sighed while removing his arms.

Kira nodded in confirmation, still too startled to speak. She hadn't even planned what she was going to say!

Pain sporadically radiated from Castiel's chest. So when Kira had been so vulnerable, she had gone to Lysander for relief. Not him. He swallowed roughly. No, he didn't have time to be hurt, Kira was the one in pain. "What's wrong, babe?"

His gentle inquiry was what broke her. A fresh new wave of tears broke and began rushing down her cheeks. "Castiel," she whispered running to his arms.

"I'm going to be upstairs. Kira, don't forget what I told you," Lysander tipped his head in Castiel's direction before going up.

Lifting Kira up like a child, Castiel had to withhold the growl that wanted to escape at Lysander's words. He hated the thought of his girlfriend sharing information that she was too scared to tell him. One arm was supporting her butt and legs while his other hand was cupping her face gently. Kira's nose was buried in the crook of his neck, so he could only stroke her hair in an attempt to calm her down. "Can you tell me what's wrong?"

Kira fiercely shook her head no. She didn't want him to get mad at her. What if he didn't want it? No. Not it. Their baby. What if he didn't want their baby?

"Why can you tell Lysander but not me," he almost whined. How was he supposed to find the solution if he didn't even know the problem?

Kira removed herself far enough away that she could look up into his steel eyes. "Because I only care about your reaction and thoughts."

"Are you afraid I'm going to be mad?"

Kira's face scrunched up in despair. "I'm afraid you'll hate me and leave," her voice was so delicate, like it would break any moment.

Castiel's breathing hitched and he had a hard time facing Kira. What had happened? He could only come up with one scenario. "Did you," he grimaced, even the words tasted bad. "Cheat on me?"

Horror. All she felt was horror. Did Castiel really believe she was capable of that. Well, the way she had worded things could lead to that conclusion.

Taking the disbelief in her eyes as if she was taken back that he figured it out, Castiel dropped his head down on her shoulder with a sob.

"That's not it," Kira placed her pale, small hands on each side of his face and lifted it so their foreheads touched. "I would never cheat on you, Castiel. I love you and only you. Please believe that, if nothing else." Hesitating, she bit her lip. "I'm actually pregnant."

Castiel almost dropped her. "Wait, what?"

Forcing the words out, it felt like her tongue had stopped working. "I'm pregnant with your child."

Fumbling, Castiel, Kira still in his arms, sat on the couch. He was too stunned to think. He was going to have a kid? "Why did you think I would hate you and leave?" That was his first question. The notion of leaving Kira wasn't one he could comprehend, for sure. That was a constant nightmare of him waking up to find nobody beside him in the bed. Hating her? There was almost nothing in this world she could do to make him hate her.

"Because I didn't think you wanted to have a family with me, if ever. You haven't even asked me to marry you, Castiel. What was I supposed to think you were going to do if we hadn't even done that yet?" Rambling, Kira continued to rant. "That's why I came here to talk to Lysander about it. Since you never tell me what you're feeling, I at least thought you'd tell your best friend. Not that he really got to say anything, because that's when you got here."

Castiel squeezed her body closer. "I'm glad I interrupted then. I would rather tell you myself." Nuzzling the crown of her head, he scooted her farther up his chest. Cradling her face, he kissed her everywhere. "I love you, Kira. I would never leave you because I can't live without you. I could never hate you because loving you brings me the greatest happiness in life." He snorted, blowing a few strands of Kira's hair out of her face. "See what romantic gooey stuff I'm saying? Look at what a softie you've turned me into."

"You're rarely romantic or a softie," Kira giggled at her scowling boyfriend. "Most of the time you act like a tough, badboy."

Running his thumb over Kira's jawline, Castiel took a shuddering breath. "And that is why I have a hard time telling you what you should hear me say. I try to be strong for you, and instead that just pushes you away."

Kira shifted uncomfortably his his lap. Seeing Castiel acting vulnerable and apologize was a anomaly. Not that she minded seeing him so exposed.

"I was afraid to ask you to marry me because I didn't want you to regret that decision in the future." Before Kira could protest, Castiel rushed on. "Being by your side for the rest of our lives is something that is almost too good to be true, and having a kid with you is a miracle I'll never think I deserve." Tears were beginning to appear in the rebel's eyes. "But if you want us to become a family, then I'd love for us to get married and have this kid." He rested his palm on Kira's still flat abdomen. "I love the baby already. I could never hate something that was a part of you, Kira, ever. Just knowing that we created this precious life," suddenly Castiel could barely speak, and he closed his eyes as if not seeing the puffy-eyed girl in front of him would make talking easier.

Latching her arms around Castiel's neck, Kira pressed her whole body close. "You're the only person who I want to marry and raise this kid with, so please don't doubt yourself." Kissing the tip of his nose softly, Kira got Castiel to open his eyes. "I'm so excited to have a kid with you, and knowing you feel the same, that brings me so much happiness. You bring me that happiness, Castiel. Let's go home. Our home."

Nodding his consent, he allowed Kira to take his hand and lead him out of the house. While Castiel seemed too emotional to do anything but try not to cry, Kira was ecstatic. Making their way to their different cars, Kira suddenly went where Castiel was with his truck. "We can just leave mine here, I want to go with you." Without waiting for a response, the woman crawled into the passenger seat and rolled down the window. "Bye, Lysander!"

Lysander looked down from his spot at the second story window. He was glad to see that Kira positively glowed from joy, but it was interesting to see Castiel's face covered in tears from his breakdown. They're going to be fine.

A soulmate AU where the person's heart visibly glows when they first meet their soulmate. From Castiel's PoV.

I did a little bit of Kira's PoV. Hope that's okay

"It was the first time I saw it with my own eyes, Castiel. Both of their chests just lit up like a lightbulb. Without any warning or sound. It me a bit too," Lysander added. Sipping his tea, his eyes scanned the coffee shop. "Makes me wonder when I'll find my soulmate."

Unlike his best friend, Castiel was drinking coffee. His eyes didn't wander to the people inside the shop with them. No, his eyes never even left the screen of his phone. "Sure, Lys. Your soulmate is just going to wander into the one building you're in, not even an hour after your brother found his." A smirk appeared on his lips, and his eyes flitted up to Lysander's before going back to their original place. "I'm just worried you're going to lose her like you do your damn notebook everyday. Too bad you can't make your heart glow whenever you want to. That would be a huge help if you were looking in the dark."

Ignoring the jabs directed his way, Lysander continued on. "She had a friend with her when she entered the the shop."

"Wouldn't have surprised me if that turned out to be your soulmate. I mean look how enchanted your brother is with… Rose?"

"Rosalya. This is probably a good time for you to break up with all of your… flings. I'm sure your soulmate wouldn't want you sleeping around." It was rare for Lysander to reprimand his friend on his behavior.

Castiel knew this and took notice of the disapproving tone in his friend's voice. "She will know that I didn't actually care for them. Besides, if she's my soulmate she'll accept me for who I am." After shutting his phone off, Castiel took a big swig of coffee. "I need to go home. Demon will be begging me to take him on a walk."

It couldn't help but be on Castiel's mind as he drove home. Soulmates. He knew that not everyone found theirs. His parents weren't soulmates. The idea did seem a bit tantalizing. Someone that wouldn't leave his side because they were destined to be together. The idea seemed too much of a romantic mess that Castiel, himself, would take any part in. He had reached the age of nineteen. Three whole years of his body having the capability to recognize his soulmate without any luck. Twenty-two was the cut off. His parents had always claimed that they were soulmates, they just didn't meet each other in time to have their hearts glow in sync. But how could they be sure? Neither of them had proof that it was true. Not like Rosalya and Leigh did now.

Demon was aware of the heavy thoughts burdening his owner. It seemed to be occurring more often and with more ferocity. Wagging his tail, Demon hoped that a good walk would cheer him up. It always did for him.

He was starting to become like Lysander. Searching for his soulmate within each passing person. A desperation that only came when you heard of someone finding theirs. Castiel didn't care, or at least tried not to. As far as he was concerned, it gave him a free pass to have open relationships with every girl he wanted to sleep with. They were both waiting for the 'one' and were just using each other till that time came about. No need to devote himself. Lysander warned him that never wanting to be with a single person was going to make having a soulmate hard. Of course, then Lysander admitted you weren't even supposed to want to be with anyone else.

Demon was being freakily compliant as they walked along the trail. It gave Castiel room to think, which he didn't want at all. Why wasn't his dog trying to drag him along the ground like normal? Fine. Then he'll just have to mess around with his phone.

Because of his eyes glued to the screen, trying not to think about anything really, he didn't see the girl chasing after a Cocker Spaniel headed towards his direction.

"Poppy!" Was all the warning he got before a black dog tried to tackle Demon.

Of course Castiel wasn't worried about his own dog. Demon could take care of himself. What he was worried about, however, was the tiny dog getting its leash tangled with his. That didn't matter to it running around Demon's legs. Getting into a rough house mood himself, Demon began leaping around, body wiggling the entire time.

"Demon sit," Castiel commanded.

The command didn't matter to Demon. The fluffy thing running around him was way more exciting than Castiel's order.

"I'm so sorry," a girl caught up to them. Pantin, she kneeled down to catch her breath, giving Castiel an eyeful of her disheveled black locks. When she stood up to her full height, which wasn't much he mused, her green eyes made him catch his breath.

It was supposed to be an easy walk. Poppy was lazy, but Kira figured the dog needed a good walk every once and awhile. The shock of having the leash tugged out of her hands delayed Kira before she began to run after her escaping Cocker Spaniel. Having Poppy begain to tussle with a much larger dog and a very annoyed looking owner just had to be the worst luck ever. That was until her eyes began to widen with surprise when she saw his own grey ones.

Warmth began to radiate within her chest, it would have been almost painful if it didn't feel so addicting. A hand pressed against the spot on instinct, and her mouth opened when she realized that her chest was glowing. As if in a trance, she checked the boy's chest. It was glowing, too. Something in her heart melted, and Kira gave him a soft smile.

"My name is Kira."

Castiel felt sick. He was light headed. He felt hot all over his body. A queasiness was twisting his stomach into a mess. Castiel had a fever; that was it. That could be the singular explanation for what was happening to him right now. The glowing that was happening around him helped lead him to the correct conclusion much faster. Castiel had just met his soulmate. Her gentle words guided him to his own tongue that he had seemed to have lost along the way when he saw her beautiful eyes.

"I'm Castiel."

What was supposed to happen next? Castiel had never thought that far ahead. This wasn't even supposed to happen to him. He wasn't the romantic type, but he could already tell he was infatuated with this petite girl.

"Would you like to walk together," Kira questioned him, blushing slightly.

Taking her hand in his as if it had always belonged there, Castiel bashfully grinned. "Yes, that would be nice."

One where Castiel is a father who is playing with the kids when they are really young, or he's being over protective when his daughter gets her first boyfriend.

I decided to combine them in a unique way! Please tell me if you want me to redo it.

Kira was about ready to collapse when they finally reached the park. Two kids were a lot to handle. Castiel had tried to be helpful with making sure they didn't run circles around their poor mother, but when Alona gave her daddy the puppy eyes, he was a goner. He had known all along that trying to scold his oldest was going to be a problem. Alona was almost a replica of her mother. With big green eyes and straight black hair, it was hard to punish a child properly when they looked just like the woman you fell in love with. The only attribute she seemed to have gained from her father was his flirty nature. Not like Castiel was very happy about that. It seemed as if the eight year old was going to give him a heartache before she reached ten.

Their second child, who was now running away from his mother's grasp and towards the swings, was given the fitting name of Cole. He had already obtained his father's steel grey eyes and an air of calculation paired with intimidation. Even at six years old, the two parents could see that their child had gotten his mother's smarts and withdrawn demeanor. Combined with his father's scowl, Kira had joked that he was to be his school's 'bad boy' when he grew up, just like his father.

After getting approval from her mother, Alona followed after her brother. Kira and Castiel both sat on the spread blanket beneath them, content to just watch. Alona was pushing her younger brother on the swings. Cole was smiling gleefully as he waved at his parents. The two of them were going to be occupied for quite some time.

"At least we don't have to worry about them getting into any fights," Kira commented as she watched a woman tussle with two children who were trying to hit each other. "Neither of them got your explosive temper," she teased leaning into her husband's chest.

"I think I would rather have Alona getting angry all the time instead of flirting with all the boys." Castiel wrapped an arm around his wife's waist so he could pull her up farther into his lap. "And she has your good looks. I'm going to have to get a bat or something to keep them all away."

Kira giggled softly. "I wouldn't be surprised if she came over and told me she just got a boyfriend. Do you see her chatting away with that blonde-haired kid over there?"

"If he makes any moves on her, I'm going to go over there," Castiel grunted unhappily. Alona was surrounded by kids her age, being the social butterfly (both of her parents believed she had picked that up from her great aunt), she comfortably teased the boy in front of her.

Kira sighed before grasping Castiel's hand in her own. Cole had left the swings after his older sister had become occupied. Now the boy was sitting in the sand watching an ant hill. His knees were drawn up to his chin as he observed the bug's movements. Wisps of black hair framed his sharp face. As long as he's happy. I'm going to have to see if he has any interest in writing like I did at his age.

"Cole! Do you want to play a game with us?" Alona called out.

Turning his gaze, Cole shouted, "No," before going back to his task.

Unperturbed by her siblings lack of enthusiasm, Alona's eyes searched for her parents. "Mommy! Daddy! Do you want to play a game with us?"

"I'll go," Castiel muttered into Kira's ear, nipping the lobe of it gently. After placing a sweet kiss on his wife's cheek, he got up to go to his daughter's side. "You should go see if your mom has anything to feed them, Cole," Castiel offered, passing his son who was absorbed in his task.

Cole dusted the dirt off of his butt. "That's a great idea, dad!"

Feeling immensely proud for having a 'great idea', Castiel approached his daughter and the boy beside her with a grin that quickly morphed into a grimace. Were the two of them holding hands? Wrapping a hand around her waist, Castiel lifted Alona away from the boy and into his arms. She'd be safe there.

Alona struggled in the grip, wanting to be put down. "Daddy! How are we supposed to play the game if you're holding me?"

"We could be on a team," Castiel offered, kissing her nose.

Alona refused to stop moving. "No. We're playing tag. You can't be on teams for that!"

It was Castiel who finally relented. "Fine," he said as he placed Alona on the ground. Not before glowering at the boy, though. That was his daughter and he would be damned if anyone tried to get too close to her.

More kids joined them after Alona had screamed asking if there was anyone else who wanted to play tag. Bemused by his daughter's antics, Castiel played nicely. Well, he thought he played nicely. Yeah, there were a few times that blonde-haired guy (apparently his name was Samuel or Sam for short) had been tagged just a little harder than the other kids Castiel had touched. It wasn't his fault that he had stepped on some boys fingers who was crawling on the ground (he was trying to look up Alona's skirt!), they just happened to be in the way.

"You're acting like a bully," Kira scolded him after Sam had almost fallen out of the slide when Castiel 'accidentally' bumped into it. Some parents were beginning to notice that Castiel wasn't being the fairest. After a few worried glances had been sent her way, Kira new she had to stop his ridiculous behavior. "Why don't you go over to where Cole is at? Interacting with your son would be good, for both of you," her pointed glare was enough to send Castiel scurrying over to the ant hill his son was still at.

Not wanting to be a nuisance, Castiel gave Cole some distance as he sat down beside him. "Did your mom give you anything to feed the ants?"

Cole pulled his gaze away from the hill to look at his dad. Pointing, he smiled. "She gave me some animal crackers."

"Oh." Castiel didn't know what else to say. He didn't have that peaceful atmosphere with his son like his wife did. Both of them had a tendency to be silent which led to them working together without using verbal communication at all. Alona was great at reading cues from a person and used that ability to her full advantage when dealing with her quiet brother. Castiel had never been one to read people. It didn't come naturally to him, nor he doubted it ever would. This left him in complete bewilderment on how to get closer to his only son.

"You have to adjust yourself," Kira would constantly remind him. "If something doesn't work, move on to another method. You're the adult in the relationship, it's up to your responsibility to find a way to get along with him."

Castiel picked up an animal cracker that was sitting in a plastic bag. "Can I try feeding one of them?"

Cole raised an eyebrow at him, making a face that was eerily similar to Castiel's own when someone said something amusing. "Not just one is going to try to eat it, dad." Cole took his hand until it hovered away from one of the black dots zipping around. "It'll get others to help it carry back to the nest. Watch."

Castiel dropped the crumb. He could see the antennae start to go over the surface of the cookie. Soon, more black dots began to swarm around the food. It was lifted off of the ground and began to travel upwards. Castiel couldn't see the crumb anymore as it disappeared within the hill. "That's pretty cool," he admitted. When he was a kid, the one activity he did with ants was to try and catch them on fire with a microscope. Castiel had never watched them for a long period of time before.

"I have an ant book if you want to borrow it," Cole was beaming at Castiel's comment.

Castiel pulled Cole closer to him and kissed him on the head. "Let's read it together when we get home then."