EDIT: I had a character mess up right in the middle of this story which Ssa104 pointed out to me. A special thanks to you!
This is an AU story that will take scenes from the movie. This is after Thor 1 and before the first Avengers. I've also taken Loki's history from the comics and use his original title (God of Fire).
This is crack-ish which all my stories have been lately but there will be moments of seriousness.
Sif is a jerk in this one.
Thor is a bit over protective.
There might be more tags later.
Fury and Coulson watched, eyes fixed, on the portal that was glowing and making horrible terrifying sounds. Guns were drawn, and they were ready for whatever emerged though they had no idea what they were going to encounter. Since Thor's appearance they have had their share of aliens coming to destroy the Earth thinking that Thor wouldn't be able to protect it without Asgardian armies. They had been dead wrong, but Fury wasn't cocky. He knew it only took the right foe and he would take no chances.
A bright light lit up the room causing everyone to turn away until it died down, leaving two bodies at the portal, both with smoke rising off them, one of which, held what looked to be a weapon.
"Sir!" Fury called out. "Please put down the spear."
It seemed instinctual that the taller one, the one with the spear, stepped in front of the shorter one as if to protect him from the guns pointed at them. He looked at the spear then back at Fury. "No."
The shorter one giggled in a non-threatening manner .
The speared man stood up straighter. "I am Loki, of Asgard, and I am burdened with an elder brother."
The shorter one laughed out loud now looking even more nonthreatening.
"Loki? Brother of Thor?" An older man said.
"You know Thor?" The one behind Loki asked. "Father sent us to find him."
"Stand down." Fury told his men. Then he looked to the older man. "Go find Thor."
The two aliens looked around the room at the weird looking humans thinking that their guns would protect them. Baldur was near invincible and Loki's healing power was unmatched. Still, Loki admired their attempt to protect their world, feeble though it was.
"Oh," Loki added. "We also need the tesseract back. I kind of destroyed the bridge that joins our worlds."
"Destroyed is an understatement." Baldur stated with a proud smile.
"BROTHERS!" Thor thundered as he entered the room. "How did you get here?!"
Balder jumped off the portal and ran into Thor's waiting arms. "Loki and Father need the tesseract."
Loki wasn't so quick to go running into his older brother's arms, but he was smiling from ear to ear. "Father believes I can be of some assistance to your mortal peasant girl in building a new bridge."
"That is wonderful!" Thor exclaimed. "But please don't call Jane a mortal peasant girl when you meet her brother. She wouldn't appreciate it."
Loki shrugged. "We're hungry. Feed us."
"Of course! I will take you to meet the Avengers! We will order the most delicious food and share stories." Loki followed behind Thor and Baldur towards the exit eyes fixed on the one eyes man glaring daggers at him.
Loki wasn't interested in exchanging stories, but Midgardian food was too good to pass up. Unlike Asgard, Midgard had a wide assortment of seafood. As much as he loved Asgard, he missed his Jotun diet.
This was Baldur's first time on this planet and he seemed very impressed by everything. The Avenger Towers was an impressive building. Loki certainly wanted a building with his name on it. It was so sleek, and sexy and had so many fascinating toys. He couldn't help but press buttons and wait excitedly for something to happen.
He didn't get through many buttons though before Thor stopped him. "Stark does not like it when his toys are played with." The oldest brother warned. "You should be careful."
"Is he an only child?" Loki asked? "Problems with sharing are common issues with only children." He continued to press buttons. Lights dimmed, televisions came on, music played. Everything was activated with a push of a button.
"Um, excuse me. Who are you? What are you doing with those buttons?"
Loki turned to face who he guessed was Stark. "Pressing them. That is what buttons are for yes? To be pressed? Why make a button if you don't want me to press it? That seems like psychological torture. Are you a psychological torturer?"
Tony blinked. "I don't… I haven't… no I am not."
"Then let me press the buttons."
Tony blinked. "No."
"I have not come down to Midgard to be put under restrictions." Loki pointed his scepter to Stark. "You must be killed."
Tony had only a seconded to be worried before Thor grabbed his brother's arms. "Loki, we discussed this. You cannot kill people just because you want to."
"I don't want to. He won't let me press buttons." Loki explained as if it made perfect sense, as if being told not to press a button warranted death.
"Thor who are these people?" Tony asked. "The red head looks like you but the dude with the glowing stick seems a bit more…"
"Psychotic?" The red head offered happily.
Tony nodded. "Let's go with that."
"They are my brothers!" Thor answered with pride. "This is Baldur, my youngest brother, and this is Loki."
Tony nodded at them both. "Well, take the glow stick of death away from Mr. Trigger happy and let's get some lunch!"
Loki squinted. "Will there be sushi?"
"There can be, if you don't shoot me." Tony promised.
"You are an excellent negotiator." Loki handed his scepter to Thor.
Satisfied that he wouldn't be shot, Tony went to order Japanese food.
It was just like being at home. Thor had never felt so comfortable at this table than he did while sitting there with his friends and his brothers. Baldur spoke about some of the craziest things the three of them had been through while Tony encouraged him no to spare any details. Even Bruce laughed at the idea of Thor dressed in a dress and dancing a seductive dance for the dwarves.
Loki for his part was quiet, as always, seemingly uninterested in the conversation. But Thor knew better. Loki was not one to ignore people; he didn't trust them enough to ignore them.
Thor remembered the day Odin came home with Loki. He was only four, turning 5, and Baldur was just born. He was sitting with his mother, Frigga, when Odin returned, victorious over the Jotuns. He was cheered when he arrived back and Thor watched as Odin bypassed his cheering people and ushered his small family into private chambers.
"We have organized a banquet." Frigga told him. "Has something happened?"
Just then, the heavy doors opened, and in came a solider and at his side a small blue Jotun with black hair and clutching a white grizzly looking stufftie. Thor remembered looking up at his mother, who looked down at the Jotun child with her mouth hanging open.
"This is Loki. Loki Laufyson." Odin told them.
"Laufyson." His mother gasped. "Loki Laufyson?"
"His eldest, cast aside because of his mixed genes. Neglected and abused." Odin explained further. " We found him in a temple and snatched him before his father could wake. Runts aren't missed."
At the time Thor didn't understand those words his father used, but as they grew older and he saw the scars for himself he understood. Though Loki was never forth coming about his short time on his home realm, Thor gathered it wasn't pleasant.
When Loki first came to court he was quiet, always under Odin. Soon he branched out to Frigga and then to Thor. But he bonded the most with Baldur, perhaps because Baldur was too young to know that he was the son of Asgard's greatest enemy.
When Baldur cried, Loki was the first to him. As they grew, Loki taught him magic, as Thor taught him the ways of a warrior.
He was drawn back to the conversation at hand when Jane appeared at the front door.
"Jane, my love, meet my brothers, Baldur and Loki." Thor placed a kiss on her forehead.
Baldur and Loki rose from their chair, the youngest brother kissed her slender hand. "My Lady, Thor failed to speak of your beauty."
Loki blinked. "He failed to mention how tiny you are."
Jane whipped her head to him. "And what's wrong with being small?"
"Nothing at all." Loki answered. "I am just surprised. You are nothing like the women my brother usually beds."
She raised an eyebrow and went to ask questions, but Thor stopped her. "This is not a conversation I wish us to have."
Jane pursed her lips. "Secrets huh? Loki, we will be talking later."
"As you wish my lady." Loki answered, a wicked smile on his face.
She smiled. "I'm going to go wash up."
The moment Jane was out of ear shot Thor sent a murderous glare to Loki. "If you utter one word about…"
Loki's green eyes opened wide. "What brother? What will you do when I tell her about the servants, Valkyries, and princesses you convinced to spread their thighs for you? Please tell me because I'm just dying to know."
Thor was twitching as Baldur started goading him on. "Are you going to let him out you to your lady friend?"
"Don't tempt me brother! Mother is not here to save you." Thor threatened.
"And Father is not here to save you! What are you going to do? Are you going to cry to your Avenger friends about how your little brother is bothering you?" Loki teased.
"See," Tony interrupted amused by the back and forth. "This is why I'm happy I'm an only child."
It wasn't long before Barton and Steve came in for their usual lunch date. For a little while, Jane was the only female there, listening to these men talking about how great they were. She was so happy when Pepper came in with Natasha and Wanda, who everyone called Scarlet.
All three women stopped in their tracks. Scarlet raised one brown eyebrow. "Oh my, they come in different flavors."
Natasha and Pepper giggled as the women found their seats.
"Avenger ladies these are my brothers, Loki and Baldur."
Baldur smiled a dashing smile. "Pleasure to meet you."
Loki shrugged. "I'm fairly indifferent."
Scarlet pointed her finger at him. "You look like trouble."
Loki put his hand to his chest. "Me? No, not even a little bit."
Thor stood up pretending to get something to drink but stopped behind his brother's back shaking his head and waving his arms miming that Loki would kill her if need be. It brought a chuckle out the group causing Loki to whip around and see his brother.
He smirked and leaned over to Jane. "Has my brother ever told you about a warrior woman named Si…" Before Loki could get it out, Thor was shoving sushi down Loki's throat.
"Mmmm, brother delicious fish." Thor said shoving another one in. "You should eat it all!"
After the giggles died down, Loki was still trying to take the excess food from his mouth while Baldur asked, "And what are your names. Beauty, Beautiful and Stunning?"
All three girls swooned. "I'm Pepper, Tony's wife."
"Natasha, Bruce's wife."
"Scarlet," He motioned to Loki. "His wife."
Loki coughed up the remaining fish. "Must we get married? Can't I just bed you and keep you as a mistress?"
"Do I look like a whore to you?" She asked?
"I am a sorcerer. You have magic as well, I see. Red magic. You're a very angry woman."
"And your magic is green. Is that not the color of envy?" She countered.
"Envy? Norn's no! It's the color of greatness." He smiled. He didn't believe his own lie.
Scarlet smiled and rolled her eyes.
"So how long will you two being staying?" Tony asked. "We have the room."
Baldur smiled. "I wish to see the great sites of Midgard."
Loki shrugged. "I wish to annoy Thor."
Thor had been translating Loki for years. If he said that, it was because he was missed him since Loki had a legitimate reason for staying; he was to assist with the Bifrost. He hadn't needed to mention Thor at all.
"Also, Jane, Loki believes he can assist you in building the bridge between our worlds." Thor informed her.
Jane perked up. "Really?" She turned to Loki. "Really?"
"Yes." Loki answered. "But first I must inform Mother and Father of our safe arrival." Loki stood up. "You know Mother will send an army if she believes us hurt."
Baldur and Thor both nodded their heads. Frigga was a worrier, as many mothers were, though in Thor's opinion she fretted over Loki more than any of them and perhaps with good reason. After Loki's fall he was never really the same again.
As Loki exited Bruce asked, "How does he contact Asgard? Do you guys have inter-realm cell phones?"
"Magic." Baldur answered. "He can use magic to connect to other magical beings."
Scarlet raised a brow. "Really? How interesting." She was going to have to start picking Loki's brain.
"You know he might come in handy." Bruce started. "Especially when those intergalactic foes come to Earth again."
"Yes, Loki is well traveled. He has a wealth of information." Thor boasted proudly.
Loki returned. "Mother said she doesn't love any of you. She only loves me."
Baldur snorted. "No she didn't."
"Who was the guy with the eye patch?" Loki questioned sitting back down at the table. "I don't like his face."
"That's Fury." Natasha answered. "He runs SHIELD."
"Well he's got a terrible way of welcoming visitors to this planet. I am thinking that perhaps I should kill him."
"You took us by surprise brother." Thor answered. "I am sure now that he knows you are a friend of Earth he will be more welcoming.
"Who said I was a friend? I've never proclaimed friendship. In fact, I think I should over throw their government and rules them all."
Tony shook his head. "Tried that, doesn't work."
Loki thought about it for a moment. "Well then perhaps I should set up trade relations with their fishing industry. This sushi is superior to any made on Asgard."
Thor rolled his eyes. "You must be exhausted from using all that dark magic."
"Don't tell me what I must be." Loki replied followed by a yawn. "Glowing chest man. Show me to my room. Baldur and I must rest."
Scarlet watched the three brothers and Stark leave. She turned to Natasha. "Things just got interesting in this tower."
Night fell too soon for Thor's liking. His friends took to his brother's well, even Loki who often made a terrible first impression. He wasn't as charming as Baldur and his standoffish behavior made people keep a distance. But his friends took his comments as jokes, as they were meant to be and questioned him about his travels and magic.
When Barton arrived, he and Loki seemed to become fast friends trying to find a way to enchant his arrows. The only problem he could see was Scarlet's flirtatious behaviors. Loki took it as a joke, but Thor didn't think she was joking. He knew his brother was attractive, many women had admired his exotic look, but Scarlet wasn't looking at him with feminine charms and batting eyelashes. She looked at him the way Natasha used to look at Bruce before they became an item.
He would keep an eye on the red witch.
He hoped Loki could fix the Bifrost. As much as he loved Midgard, he wanted to go home. He missed his family and they feasts they would hold.
It wasn't too long ago that his family was almost irreparably broken. During Thor's coronation, Fire Giants found a way into Asgard. They had hoped to destroy both Joutunhiem and Midgard and it resulted in Loki destroying the Bifrost. Many lives were lost on all sides and though Thor felt bad about each fallen solider, what he remembered was that moment when both his brothers dangled from the broken bridge. He had a brother in each hand, both looking afraid and young.
He knew he couldn't save both and Loki's magic was weak and so there was no way for him to teleport to a safer place. He remembered when Loki looked at Baldur. He remembered the look in Loki's green eyes as he looked back at Thor.
"Let me go." Loki told him, his voice so calm and resolved.
"Loki, no!" He knew he couldn't pull them both up but he also knew losing a brother was not an option.
"You can't save us both." Loki told him so calmly. There was dullness in his brother's eyes that Thor would never forget.
"Loki…" Loki released Thor's hand, though Thor continued to hold on. He could feel Loki slipping away. "Please Loki."
He wiggled loosening his grip in Thor's and then suddenly he broke free and he fell into the void.
It was a sight that haunted Thor's dreams still. There was no scream, no dramatic look on his brother's face. He was ready to die and that was sad being as Loki had lived only a thousand years.
Baldur was in consolable, as was their mother. While their father put on a stony exterior, behind closed doors he was a wreck.
And then, months after, their mother sensed his magic again while on a trance. It was a frantic few days as the sorcerers of Asgard tried to pin point where he was. All the best sorcerers tried all their best spells and chants, but it was Baldur, in the end, that Loki's magic went to in a dream and they found him with the dwarves.
He had burns covering most his body and his was unconscious. The dwarves were working on his healing night and day, as Loki had on many occasions used his magic to help them in the past. They assisted him, in his unconscious form, send messages to his family so they could find him and take him home.
They took Loki back to Asgard where their healers worked on him. It took months before Loki woke up. His scars faded but Loki wasn't the same after that. He seemed fearless which caused him to take risks that could end his life. He was bitterer, at times flowing from happy to angry in the same sentence.
And he could control fire, the only Jotun known in the Nine Realms who could conjure both ice and fire. The first time he did it, it scared everyone, even Thor. He and his friends were wandering in the waste lands when night fell. They looked around for a way to start a fire. Loki bent down and breathed fire on the logs. It was a frightening site but no one mentioned it or questioned him.
Mother said it was probably how he survived. Where ever he fell, it must have been covered in flames and his magic adapted to help him tolerate and control it.
With the Bifrost broken, there was no way to protect Earth, so they used dark magic to conjure him to Earth and there he met Jane and The Avengers and went to work as its protector.
"Are you alright?" Jane asked bringing him from his thoughts.
He turned at smiled at her. "I am fine my love. Just happy to see my brothers."
"They seemed happy to see you too." She smiled and walking into his open arms. "I'm happy they are here."
"As am I. Baldur is almost of age. Soon he will be married off. Who knows how long all three of us would be together."
"Well they are here now, and that's what matters." Thor held her for a few moments before she looked up at him. "Do you think Loki will be of much help?"
"If he wants to be." Thor smiled. "I think he might delay just to stay in Midgard longer. He likes the food here."
"He did eat all the sushi. And Baldur is too sweet."
"Always the charmer he is. But he is young. It seems like forever ago that I was his age."
She smiled thinking it probably was considering how slow they age. "Come on. Let's rest up. Tomorrow will be a long day.
Thor smiled his agreement. As long as it promised to be, he couldn't wait for it.
What do you guys think? Do you like the pairing of Loki and Scarlet?
I know I have other stories I should be updating but this has been bugging me.