It was around midnight when the guardians returned to the Milano. Groot had taken a hung-over Drax to bed while Gamora and Peter returned to their rooms. Rocket and Vixen were outside the Milano, slowly making their way through the woods to work on their gun.
Rocket looked over at Vixen who was shivering, "What's with you?"
"I'm not used to the cold," she answered before sighing, "Why couldn't we do this in the Milano?"
"Don't be stupid, Groot and Gam would hear us and rat us out to Quill."
"Fine, but why do we have to be out in the cold like this and not in some hotel?"
Rocket groaned, "Would you stop complaining?! It's not like you're going to die, and even if you did it'd be a weight off my back."
Vixen flattened her ears, "Real nice, Rocket."
"Hey, you started it."
She just shrugged, they walked in silence for about fifteen minutes before Rocket stopped.
"What's wrong?" Vixen questioned as Rocket looked around.
He was silent for a second, his ears twitching as the cold wind ran it's fingers through his fur.
"Nothin', I just thought I heard something," he answered before shaking his head, "This is far enough."
He laid down his tools and what he constructed of the gun before kneeling down.
"Here," he held up a wrench, "Take this and get to work, if we're quick enough we'll be able to finish this before sunrise."
Vixen nodded and knelt down next to him, they both sat in silence with the occasional hum of Rocket or squawking of bird like creatures. Rocket's ears kept twitching and he would sometimes pause what he was doing to look around, by the tenth time Vixen finally spoke.
"What the hell is with you?"
"It's nothing," he snapped, "This damn wind is getting to me, da'st all."
She growled, "I told you we should've went to a hotel!"
"Stop bitching at me!" he barked before looking over his shoulder.
Vixen did the same and saw nothing, she looked back at him and sighed, "Maybe we should just head back to the Milano-"
"No! Everything's fine, just keep going!"
"It's not Rocket, if it was you wouldn't be acting this insane. What's going on?"
Rocket was silent for a second before opening his mouth to speak. They both suddenly tensed when they heard a twig snap. Rocket grabbed his gun and slowly walked towards where the noise came from. Once Rocket got within arm's length a low hissing could be heard. Vixen stood up with her gun in hand as Rocket jumped back. The hissing got louder and deeper as a tall creature stood from behind a bundle of bushes.
It was black with pus like sap leaking from its back where stones, bullets, bottles, twigs, and leaves where dug deep into its flesh. The creatures long claws ran along the ground as saliva dripped in pools from its tooth filled mouth.
Rocket and Vixen fired but the beast was still standing, more pus came out of its stomach and chest as it was imbedded with bullets.
"Rocket?" Vixen question in a sing song voice as they took a couple steps back.
"Head to the Milano!" Rocket shouted before they darted back to where they thought the Milano was.
The creature was hot on their trail, screeching like a banshee and footsteps like thunder. Rocket gripped Vixen's wrist and ducked into a tree with a large gap in it. They panted hard before taking a second to stop now that there was a little distance.
"Where are we, Rocky?" Vixen panted.
"Um..." Rocket answered before hearing the beasts screech.
He took her wrist again and darted in a random direction. They ducked under branches and bushes but no matter what they did they weren't able to get rid of the beast. They soon halted to a stop when they reached a cliff with a large running river below it. Rocket looked over at Vixen, chest heaving and throat burning.
She looked back at him and understood what his look meant, "You better be joking."
Before Rocket could answer the creature had caught up to them and raised its clawed hand to strike.
"Shit!" Rocket yelled as he struggled to pull out his gun from its hustler.
Vixen held her eyes shut tight before making the leap of faith. She grabbed onto the back of Rocket's jumpsuit and pulled him down off the cliff with her. The beasts claw dug into the dirt and roared when it realized its prey wasn't there.
SO, SO, SO, sorry this chapter took so long to post. I've been having a lot of family issues going on so I've been pretty depressed to write. But I'm back baby! So hopefully the next chapter will be up sooner, hopefully. I hope you all liked it and I'm sorry for any misspelling or OOC moments. Comments are always helpful and thanks for reading! :)