Before Starting I would like to say I had changed the last chapter to change the part where I tried to add a cliffhanger, since I didn't actually know where I was going with that. Sorry... But chapter 4 is here. This will show more of Tsukimi's anxiety towards the situation and some fluff 3 Thanks for the nice reviews. I love my readers bunches :3

Chapter 4: late ngihts

Tsukimi's POV:

My eyes were fogged up before I could even fully wake up. I was already crying. My stomach hurt, it was all crampy and stuff. Not to mention I had just woken up from a horrible night mare:

In my dream I had woken up on a ordinary day, and out of nowhere Kurenosuke was yelling at me, he kicked me out on the streets telling me I wasn't worth constant agony i was causing him, and he kept kicking me in the stomach with his fancy designer boots.

I knew the dream wasn't actually real but what if that happened, my anxiety had gotten the best of me. I defiantly couldn't get back to sleep. I ended up vomiting and then headed down to the kitchen for a snack, still crying over the horrible memory.

I was sitting in the dining room dipping a pickle into peanut butter. Then Shu walked in.

"Note to self buy more peanut butter." He said staring at me bitterly before walking away.

I started crying even more from embarrassment.

Kurenosuke's POV

I felt someones hand wiggling me trying to wake me up. It couldn't have been Tsukimi's her hands were small and dainty.

I roll over to see my half brother trying to wake me up.

"What the hell do you want? Its 2:23 in the morning?!" I groan.

"I just thought you would like to know that your girlfriend is crying in the kitchen and ruining the peanut butter.."

I look to my side, Tsukimi's not there..

My stomach sinks. Tsukimi is up in the middle of the night all the time but why is she crying?

My brain skips to conclusions thinking our kid is comingeven thought she is only 5 months along,prematurely, or she's having a miscarriage.

I put my slippers on and run down to the kitchen.

"Tsukimi!" I scream. "Whats wrong?"

Her glasses are fogged up sobbing and stabbing pickles into the peanut butter jar.

She just looks at me with this look of lost hope on her face, she was drowning in her own tears.

"I'm fine." She lies.

I roll my eyes.

"Your tears could fill a swim pool.. something is obviously not okay."

"I'm not feeling well.." She paused before saying "And I had a bad dream."

Before she could say anything I swooped her up into my arms, bringing her to the front room couch.

I told her I would be right back and kissed her forehead.

I came back with a bowl of cheerios and a blanket.

"No wonder your always barfing your- I mean our kid probably can't stomach these your gross snacks." I joke as i give her the bowl of cereal.

She smiles. I don't know why but her smile is super cute.

"Now tell me about your nightmare."

She avoided telling me, just curling up in a ball of pain as she started crying again.

I could only hug her, I think its bad that the poor girl has been keeping me up all night, but she has been going threw more then I have, kicked out of her house, dying from pain, barfing.

"Please tell me Tsukimi."

"You didn't want beat me.." She said threw tears and deep breaths.

"Tsukimi! That's morbid!" I screamed. "I love you! I would never do that!"

"I love you too." She said.

I turn red as blood apple lip stick. I don't think she ever really said that before.

"I'm sorry.. for all thats happened..." I say.

"Its not your fault." She says.

I find that stupid, yeah it is, I kissed her, which turned into making out with her, which turned into having sex with her, and I didn't even think of using any protection.

"It's not like you raped me, I loved you, I have for so long, I lost control, I went with it without even knowing what I was doing."

She had this look of happy and sad on her face.

"I promise you Tsukimi, I will make sure everything's okay, This was unexpected, but I will take care of you, until the end, not even just until our daughter or son is born but forever." I say, I look at Tsukimi, she fell asleep again. I notice that I probably need to sleep too, my lack of sleep is probably whats making me feel so emotional. I crawl up next to her, and fall asleep.

This was a bit out of character twoards the end on Kurensuke's part, I feel, but pretty adorable anyway.

Review or You will never eat anything but PBANDP ( Peanut Butter and Pickles)