A/N: I hope you enjoyed this story. IT was so one sided and no one ever knows what somoene else is thinking unless they are there and they are told. I am sorry I gave you all a coronary but you know drama should always happen or else it isn't a story. Til Next Story~ Much Love! S.K


Regina put the last box down in the living room and looks around at all of the things filling her tiny one bedroom apartment. Her father had insisted on renting her an apartment, still trying to make up for the fact that he had been gone for so long.

The apartment was a garden style apartment not too far away and right in between Columbia and Juilliard. "Ugh Kid, You made a big mess of yourself didn't you?" Regina hears from the direction of her bathroom.

Out walks Emma carrying her nearly naked 10-month-old son. He'd had a diaper blow out while she and Emma were moving boxes. Regina smiles at her little family. Hers and Emma. Regina had taken parental rights for Henry during the summer. Bae had gotten involved in a dangerous drug deal and had lost his life.

It may have been crazy. But If Emma could o it, and her father was willing to help with this apartment. There was no reason not to. She loved the baby and his mother with everything she had. They had lived as a family all summer.

"You ladies are all set." Regina's father says draping an arm around her. "Emma your mom and dad went on the hunt for food."

"Sweet," Emma said as Baby Henry reached out to his grandfather. Henry Sr. gladly took the boy diaper-clad boy into his arms. Emma then turns to Regina and plants a sweet nearly chaste kiss on her lips and holds on to her. "Henry, thanks so much for what you and Regina are doing for Henry and me."

"Emma, Henry is my grandson. I will do my best to be here for the three of you. Just no more babies until after Med School."

Emma smiles. "I think I can make that happen."

Just then The Nolans walked into the apartment. "We brought Pizza!"

"And a Salad for The ballerina," Ruby says coming in right after.

"Oh hell no, I'm eating New York Pizza," Regina said letting go of Emma and taking the food from Emma's mother. She headed to the kitchen and looked through their drawers, for something she had hidden away there when they had first arrived.

Everyone was settling down with their slices, and Regina approached Emma with a paper plate for her slice. "Emma," Regina said softly pulling her aside just a little. "I love you so much you know?"

Emma smiles. "I love you too, Babe," Emma says as she realizes Regina is dropping to one knee.

"You are the mother of my Son and my brightest day. And nothing in this world would make me happier than if you could be mine forever. Marry me, Emma."

Emma is crying. She never cries. Everyone looks on in awe. Emma gets down on her knees to be face to face with Regina. "Anytime, anyplace," she answers, and Emma kisses Regina soundly and without reserve.

The room is in stunned silence until they break apart, and baby Henry lets out a giggle and a clap which breaks the tension and all the parents in the room gather around the two with congratulatory remarks.

Ruby sits on the couch holding Henry on her lap. Emma notices and squeezes Regina's hand. The newly engaged couple walk over to their friend. "Ruby, What's wrong?" Emma asks.

"I just realized that I won't have any friends anymore now that you are gone, and I'm stuck in Storybrooke," Ruby says.

"You are welcome on our couch anytime," Emma says.

"It's a pullout." Regina amends.

Ruby laughs a tearful laugh.

"You know, Ruby… They might need an Au Pair." Emma's mother suggests.

"A what?" Emma asks.

"I can help pay… And You can stay with the Ruby." Henry adds.

"Daddy?" Regina asks.

"You have to focus on your studies, and daycare is expensive, Plus an Au pair is a live-in nanny, you can use 8 hrs. A day and all you have to provide is food and shelter. We will pay her salary."

Ruby gives the parents a wolfish grin. "Granny is going to flip when she hears I got a job in New York." She hands the baby to his Blond mom and walks off to call her grandmother.

The young mothers look at each other, and then at their parents in gratitude. Then leap up to hug them all. They may just be alright after all.

The End.