Chapter 6: Am I Dead?

Edward and I sat up all night trying to figure out what was going. I just don't know what is going on I am just so confused. Nothing was making any sense. We both feel like we've met before but neither of us can figure out where or even if we have actually met before.

"Maybe it's a crazy theory and we are just over thinking good old dejavu" Edward sighed throwing my stress ball up in the air and laying down on my bed next to me.

"Yeah maybe we've just spent the best part...Oh 5 hours trying to figure this out. It's 1 am I'm sorry that you wasted your time here must have been boring" I awkwardly laugh, he stares at me with a half smile that could break hearts.

"It wasn't a waste of time and I couldn't be bored I got to spend the evening with you" He whispers looking away like he was embarrassed to be opening up like this to me.

"Well It's late your parents must be wondering where you are" I say getting to my feet and clearing my throat.

"Nah they probably haven't even noticed that I'm not there...But i can go if you want" He smiled getting into sitting position.

"No, you can stay" sighing "I get what you mean my parents don't notice me eiether"

"that can't be true"

"You've been up here for 5 hours and its 1 am and neither of them have thought to come and be like oh the boy we've never met in your room should go home" I laugh but it feels kind of forced.

"Yeah good point" we sat in silence for the longest moment. But it wasn't awkward or uncomfortable it was just nice. Knowing that someone else out there understands the emptiness that I feel.

"Edward. I'm not sure whats happening whether I have met you before or not, I'm just glad that I've gotten to meet you now" I hadn't realised that I said those words out loud. But he smiled and held my hand.

"Bella, I that day that I found you" He pulled away from me "I saw you that day" He looked guilty "You looked so lost and sad you was walking the forest line then you walked into the trees" he was now stood by my window looking out at the trees "I followed you, you didn't fall" he turned to look at me and I could see he was going to cry.

"What do you mean I didn't fall! are you saying you pushed me" What was going on I could feel panic rushing across me is this it am I in my room with someone who tried to hurt me.

"No! don't say that I would never do that...You didn't fall because falling implies that it was an accident" The tears slowing running down his cheek his perfect cheek "Bella you stood by the edge and you just jumped" getting to my feet I make my way over to him to comfort him. Had I jumped? "You didn't come back up...I couldn't see you so I got lower down the cliff and I saw your body floating being bashed by all the waves and I just jumped in after you I don't know what it is or was but I just couldn't loose you not then not now. I know we've only just met but I can't loose you Bella. Whatever is going on here I feel we are connected somehow and I can't loose you" He embraced me and was sobbing into my jumper.

"Shhh" I tried to comfort him "I'm not going anywhere. I didn't want to die I just wanted to escape" I say forcing him to look me in the eye. His eyes were dark almost black he looked so vulnerable. I couldn't take it anymore I had to kiss him. It was perfect he was perfect. "I'm not going anywhere" I breath into him.

"Don't ever leave me" he whispered back. We decided that he should stay the night.

The trees billowing in the wind from the sea my hair swirling around my face the ocean was so dark. I can feel the stones and the mud from and the edge of the cliff under my bare feet.

"You're in danger!" Edwards voice echoed around me. But I couldn't see him.

"Bella" a voice that I hadn't heard in a long time whispered behind me. I turn to look and no one is there. My back is to the ocean but I can hear the waves crashing against the edge of the cliff at the bottom.

"Who is out there!" I scream out wanting to know what is going on. "Hello!"

"Don't close your eyes Bella" It was Edwards voice I could hear now but it sounded different. He sounded lost.

"Bella" The other voice chuckled into the night.

"Edward?" I whisper the fear was taking over me.

"Bella don't move" He yelled from the tree line that's when I noticed him. Jacob Black Stood by the fallen tree smiling at me.

"Jake?" What was happening.

"No Bella don't move" Edward edges forward.

"Bella I almost got you again" Jake smiled but it wasn't a nice smile it was so sinister what did he mean almost got me again. "The car, the roads were so wet" He chuckled "I'm coming for you" Jake moves towards me as does Edward. But I'm falling now I can feel the wind rushing past me.

"Bella Wake up you're having a nightmare" It was Edward he was shaking me.

"Edward I died...Am I dead?" I'm crying he flicks on the light and Jake's face flashes in the darkness of the window "He's coming for me"

"Who? Whoes coming for you" Edward was trying to get me to answer but I couldn't take my eyes off of the window.

"I know what's happening" This can't be true but it explains so much.


"Why we feel like we know each other" I could feel my face getting wetter "How did you get me out of the water" he looked so confused "Think about it how did you get me out of the water the day you saved me"

"Well I...Umm"

"You don't remember anything after hitting the water and then being on land giving me CPR do you?" I could see the fear in his face.

"No...I can't"

"I think we died...and something happened in the water that brought us to the land...but now someone isn't happy that we didn't stay dead"

"what do you mean someone?" He whispered.

"Death, isn't happy that we got out and he wants us back" I don't know all the details but this is one thing I am sure of I'm meant to be dead. "There was a storm the chances of us surviving that on a good day is like 1 in a million. We should be dead and I get the feeling that this is just the begging"