Chapter one : Stranger

They will never notice me and who could blame them. My folks are way to busy worrying about their divorce, and lets just say I don't really do the whole friend thing. I have tried in the past but people tend to screw you every chance they get. My name is Bella, I've lived a non-existent life for the past 16 years. My parents hate each other and I'm a constant reminder that they didn't work out, my friends bailed out a long time ago and me well I come up here on this cliff at the edge of town and stair into the sea. I find myself wondering from time to time if I just jumped and swam and swam how far I could go and would anyone even care. Logically speaking jumping into the freezing cold sea at this height would not be my best decision.

I take one step closer, I can feel the edge with my toes , one more inch and I would be in free fall and nothing could stop me. I can feel the cold breeze against my cheeks one more step one more and I'd be hitting the cold waves. I can't stop myself from leaning forward, closing my eyes I wait for the water to hit my face.

"What are you doing" the unfamiliar voice behind me gives me a shock, I open my eyes and to my surprise I'm still stood at the edge of the cliff I thought I had jumped. I turn to see one of the most perfect human beings stood about two meters away from me. His bronze hair damp from the rain, he was uneasily pale and he was frowning at me "You should come away from the edge" his voice slightly more menacing than I had expected.

"Why?" is the only word I could squeak out, I wanted to ask why he cared or why he was here no one comes here this is my spot, why was he talking to me. But I could only make the one syllable happen. I stood for a moment whilst he didn't answer and thought about how he was wind swept and damp but he still looks good, then I thought about me my dyed blonde hair fraying at the ends from the damage I've cause to it and how it probably looks ginger as its wet anyway.

"You could fall, and I don't feel like jumping in a freezing cold sea after some silly girl" he mutters, even though he was being rude I could hear the concern in his voice. Why was he talking to me what does he want. Who is he I've not seen him around, it's a small town I would know him.

"It's not falling if you jump" I say turning back to the sea, I don't know why I said it he obviously freaked out because the next thing I know he is dragging me away from the edge. "What are you doing?" I yell angered who does he think he is.

"Why would you jump do you have a death wish? There is a storm you'd be lucky to survive on a clear day" he was close to me now I could see his eyes, they were black was he high? This could end badly if he is.

"Are you high?" I say taking a step back he frowns at me like he doesn't quite understand what I mean "Your pupils are huge" I say clarifying, his brows soften and he smirks for a second, before he gets angry at me again and I know he just wants to know why I would jump. I take a seat and begin putting my socks and shoes back on. "I just, well wonder if anyone would care if I was to disappear, I don't think I would have done it though" I look up and smile softly at him.

"I'm sure your parents would care if you was gone" he takes a seat next to me, and I can't help but chuckle, I furrows his brows at me again "What?" it was clear he thought there was some kind of joke he didn't get.

"They wouldn't even notice I was gone" I look back out to the sea, "There is an entire world out there that doesn't understand what being invisible is like, I want that I want to know what it's like to be noticed. Its selfish and stupid I know but I want someone anyone to just care even for a minute someone to tell me life is worth living" I can't bring myself to see his judgemental stare at my stupidity.

"I noticed you" he mummers under his breath and if we weren't so close I wouldn't have heard it. I glance at him from the side and he isn't even looking at me, "Saw you, I noticed you I cared about what you was doing." He looks at me now, an intense look like he's known me for a long time.

"Thank you" is all I could say, we sat for a moment in silence, I could hear my own heart beating it was so silent.

"My name is Edward, I'm new to town" he whispers like he was reluctant to tell me his name like he was telling me too much. I smile and look at him and he looked back like he was looking right into my soul like he knew me.

"My name is Bella, I've lived here my entire life" I say looking away, the rain had stopped now and the sun was peeking through the clouds. It was such a beautiful sight to see from here.

"This place really is beautiful" he smiles at the view like he was giving me his approval. Something didn't seem right in fact me talking to a really random hot guy on top of a cliff talk about your typical movie moments.

"I've been coming here for a while. I like watching the sea there is just something about never seeing the same wave twice and the endless possibilities" I look down "I feel less trapped in a bad situation you know"

"Tell me what you're thinking" he blurts out to me but I smile. This is the longest conversation that I've had in years and I wasn't going to let it go.

"I'm a constant reminder to my parents that they were unhappy. I feel like they don't love each other anymore and now they don't love me as much as they did. I feel like I've been stuck for so long never moving forward always looking back, stuck in the bad times because I can't let go of the good. I know I should be happy it happened and not sad its over. I know I should move on and be happy again but how can I be happy when all of my friends are gone doing their own things and my parents don't talk to me anymore. I'm thinking I have no one" I could feel the tears pricking at my eyes threatening to escape.

"You will be happy again I promise" he spoke like he knew it would happen. I should be heading home but part of me doesn't want to leave Edward he makes me feel lighter.

"I have to go" I say softly and he nods if I didn't know any better I would say he was disappointed that I was leaving. I get up and make my way to the tree line, I turn to see him watching me closely and I smile back and mouth the word thank you to him.

"I'd notice if you were gone Bella" he smiles at me and begins walking across to the trees on the other side. Part of me was stunned at his forwardness but another part was grateful.