AN: So, so sorry everyone! (avoids the tomatoes and pitchforks) only four chapters in and already the update speed is terrible. Life has been getting in the way it seems, you guys know how it is.

And now, onto the reviews! Or rather, review….

bcsclaymore: The sense will be knocked in eventually, I repeat, EVENTUALLY, but don't respect things are about to change right off the bat. Most of Naruto's information is coming from Kyuubi around now, his parents aren't exactly about to go and trust the beast that razed half the village.

Immediately the pair got to work with deadly efficiency as Inu made a good amount of distance between himself and the pair to provide long range backup if needed, throwing all thoughts of chit-chat away as they began to subdue the jinchuuriki currently removing itself from the rubble. A single one handed seal and Shisui became nothing but a blur as he flickered away before appearing in the air above the chakra possessed Naruto, tanto in hand. "Sorry Naruto, but this is necessary at the moment. Uchiha Style: Halo Dance!" He would yell, swinging his weapon back and forth in rapid suceesion, blades of fire extending from the tip and crashing into Naruto's back with great speed, pushing him into the ground and preventing him from firing off more projectiles lest he get the ground to blow up around his face.

That didn't stop his other limbs, though. With a muffled roar an arm made of corrosive chakra would swing towards Shisui who would grimace before flickering away, only to be replaced by Itachi soon after. Dull, blank black eyes would stare into emotionless white pupils as Naruto removed his face from the rubble as Itachi raised a single finger into the beast's field of vision. The world suddenly would begin to crumble beneath Naruto's feet, the earth shaking and cracking beneath it's feet as it would suddenly released a shockwave of chakra shattering the genjutsu and sending Itachi flying a good ways before he was able to regain his footing, quickly dashing back up towards his teammate.

"Shisui, it seems that he has some sort of innate defense against genjutsu. I can get him, but anything stronger I need to get in closer. Hold him down." And with that he would be off, firing off a Fire Style: Dragon Flame Bombs to combine with Inu's Fire Style: Phoenix Flower in order to create another massive explosion to ward off the beast and create an effective distraction for Shisui. Flickering towards the beast and unsheathing his tanto again, he would begin to slash at the tendons in Naruto's limbs and lopping off the extra tails as he spoke. "It's said that the Uzumaki have incredible rates of healing. Well, for your sake Naruto I prey that they're right. Dropping the beast's rapidly recovering but temporarily useless limbs and regenerating limbs as he put him into a headlock, the beast howling and roaring as it tried to squirm out of his grip. "Now, Itachi!" he would yell as the other Uchiha would suddenly appear before the jinchuuriki and stare deeply into those soulless white orbs, black eyes turned an entrancing crimson as he spoke words that would put Naruto to sleep instantly.


And with that Naruto's vision would blank out, the last vision in his eyes being that of a red mist evaporating around him and three ninja standing above him with concerned looks on their faces, another figure in the distance with blinding speeds.

A good few days later and Naruto's consciousness had finally resurfaced from the dream world of Tsukiyomi groggy but none the worse for the wear, however it seemed that his body had taken a much heavier toll as he was seemingly unable to wake up, his current form trapped in his mindscape which of all things had to be a sewer. Honestly, a sewer? He knew many people whose minds were definitely deep in the gutters half the time, why was it that he of all people was stuck with a mind that resembled one? Grumbling halfheartedly he would settle for walking the long and winding passages until he woke up, noting eventually that there seemed to be some sort of path of sorts, as though it was some sort of indicator. A sound of dripping water, one that would completely cease from where the original direction was once he hit an intersection and beginning in a totally new place soon after. His curiosity eating at him, he stumbled off into the dark towards the sound.

Eventually the dark sewers began to fill with a red light and he was reminded of his original visit to his mind when he had met the shell of what had been the kyuubi as he began to hear a rather rhythmic sounds that coincided with a blast of warm air each time, almost as though a giant creature were breathing close nearby, each breeze becoming stronger and warmer as the sound got louder until he eventually found himself within a great chamber, the pipes branching down from the sealing and towards the ground and walls towards one rather large cage that was partially flooded by water. And in that cage….

Damn, that was one big fox.

Gone was the pitiful mass of chakra that had been inhibiting his mind all these years, standing before him was a proud and stately being, one that was much more corporeal than the previous form. Bright orange fur lead to black around the eyelids and red eyes with slit pupils gazed upon him and he couldn't help but feel a shiver go down his spine, as though he was having his very own soul examined right down to the very bone. So this was the Kyuubi. Naruto thought. A lot more impressive than before.

A throaty chuckle would resonate throughout the chamber as the giant fox chuckled at the remark. "Yes, I do seem much better than I did before, don't I?" Naruto would stand flabbergasted, not at the fact that the beast was laughing but at the fact that he had just read his thoughts. How did he do it? At that the fox would laugh even harder, as though he was trying to keep in a secret and failing ever so horribly. "Alright, alright I give. It's your mindscape kid, that means your thoughts are broadcasted everywhere. You dig?" A stiff nod from Naruto and a sound like a loud sigh would come from Kyuubi. "Oh come on, grow a pair already kid. You look ready to wet yourself." Naruto would embarrassedly try to regain composure while Kyuubi would mentally laugh at the small boy trying to look big and important in front of the mighty Kyuubi. Ah well, he got point for trying though. "Alright kid, as much as I would love to exchange the whole pleasantries, introductions and the ever so charming threats of bodily harm and death we currently have much more pressing issues, both for you and myself. That being, all this new chakra. At that, Naruto would become a bit confused. Deciding to speak his thoughts rather than think them, he would begin. "How exactly does that work? I thought that you were supposed to get better once we pumped you full of chakra?" Another sigh from the fox followed by a grunt of frustration. "That's the thing kid, we absorbed uneven amounts. Something must have happened to the chakra, maybe there was some sort of plant life that absorbs only a specific nature of chakra like the chaka kanoshi trees or possibly some of it was swallowed by the shinigami when that hairless monkey sealed me away, but the problem is that we now have an uneven chakra in our system. And that will definitely be bad for us in the long term." Naruto would try to begin but Kyuubi would cut him off before he could begin. You see, my chakra is now fighting itself. I have ever so slightly more Yin than Yang chakra in my body, so my chakra is quite literally trying to destroy itself in an attempt to fix the problem and it seems that it's affecting yours as well from when my chakra flooded your system when you lost control back there. Nice going by the way-"

Now Kyuubi would suddenly be cut off as a great crash would be heard and the wall to the right of Kyuubi's cage would seemingly turn to water, revealing a new passageway of finely polished obsidian and the pipes now sparkling as they were brand new to the point that they were translucent somehow, showing their dark red payloads as it pumped deeper into his body."Naruto, I wouldn't go there if I were you." Kyuubi warned but Naruto paid the beast no mind, waving him off as he paraded into this new and interesting hallway, finding that this one too had a sound that invited him to come closer, however this one was a distinct clanking noise like metal against metal which eventually became replaced by a loud whooshing noise as he found was seemed to be an infinite expanse of void, completely uninhabited except for a dark figure enshrouded by darkness, speaking in a deep, regal voice.

"So, it has finally come…" The shadowed one would say to nobody in particular, waving his hand towards Naruto. ""A gift for the one who possesses the power and the bravery to seek me out." Naruto would suddenly be surrounded by a comforting aura, as though he were in the embrace of a loved one or perhaps settled in a warm corner reading a good book. But then the being moved his hand again. "And a curse for the one who would dare disturb a god!" It would roar as the void of this dark place suddenly lunged at Naruto, becoming liquid somehow and washing away the boy out of his mind and into the real world. Bolting up out of his hospital bed and absolutely scaring the daylights out of the nurse who was checking his condition Naruto would have no idea about his now solid pitch black eyes, or the ominous large black dots on each of his palms.

The Kage no Me was released.