In Samathas room I looked at her photos and sawn my reflection. "N...n...I'm...not human her..." I mumbled. "I'm a Noivern." I said looking at my hands. I began to be sarcastic. "Wonder when I'll be able to fly...maybe in a day or so..." I said trying to get myself happy. As I said that I sawn Chris peaking his head from the door.

"Joe...?" He said speechless.

"Hey...Chris..." I answered.

"You...look..." Chris said.

"I know amazing..." I said.

"Hey! You guess it!" Chris said pouting.

"Adorable. I said with arms leaning against my knees now realizing how tight my cloths are from me constantly growing and changing. "Hey...could you ask if your grandma has any other clothing or the manager...?" He nodded and ran to them and as I sat there he quickly came back with the manager telling him that he has spare cloths that were left out in the building years ago. So then I waited again for an half an hour till instead Chris the manager showed up. He was just peaking through the door was a terrified expression not moving any closer. "Hey, I'm sorry back there." I told him. "I heard you were gonna kick Samantha and his grandson out when they didn't had anywhere else to go so..." That made the manager move closer to me with less fear.

"You did that...for Samantha?" He asked.

"Yes, she was the only one that took me in when I was becoming...this..." I said looking at myself. Finally he was at the bed where I am at and laid the cloths down.

"That's funny your story sounds like mine with protecting Samantha." The manager said.

"Really?" I asked.

" was years ago when I was in collage and she was one of the teachers. I went passed the office hearing the boss talking to Samantha and that she needs to quit her job even though she didn't had anything else, enraged I..." He clenched his fists together making me notice. "I...wasn't stopped like you were...lets just say." I then knew what he meant.

"You" I asked shocked.

"Yeah, I walked in screaming what he was thinking when he said that and he said, 'it's part of our business' so enraged I grabbed the scissors of his desk and stabbed his hand to the table, and after that I lost everything, collage was gone, news got out so no one would get me into a job, this was the only job I could find myself...I didn't wanted to lose got to me..." The manager said with tears. I moved my tail towards him and wrapped him gently with it.

"Seems we are very familiar...even if I'm not so human anymore..." I said with a slight smile. The smile caused him to also smile wiping his tears.

"Yeah, human...and whatever your becoming." The manager said confused.

"Noivern." I told him.

"Oh...ok, human and Noivern."

Why can't I be with my kind? "Noooivern...NOOOIIIVERRRN!"

"Noivern (silence)" I turned to see a green Noivern in front of me.

"Noi? (Who are you?)"

"Noivern noi...Noivern? (I am the leader of the Noivern, who are you?)"

"Noivern (I'm a Noivern just like you)" The leader then glared and pointed at the human figure.

"Noiiiiveeern Noi? (If you are a Noivern then what is that?)"

"Noivern (I don't know it's blocking me)"

"Noivern Noi Noivern (It's a sign that your a human being)

"Noi! (Bu-)

"Noivern! (Silence you filth! Unless you decide to give up your humanity then we...will hunt you down...and slaughter you...with anyone else that are close to you...) Then the Noivern disappeared.


"Noi...Noivern...rrnnnnnnnnn..." I then woke up. "Noi?...Oh...I'm in Samantha's room I must've fallen asleep." I then noticed the clothing beside me. "Better get dressed up." I said as I took the cloths and tried finding the bathroom and when I did I locked the door and tried my best to take off the tight clothing and ended up tearing most of it off. "Ah...jeez I'm sore from those things..." I said but before I putted on my new clothing I sawn my newly formed body. "That's...scary to look at..." I said and noticed there were scales growing a little on my chest. "Well it can't be my tail now can it." I said as a putted on the clothing and surprisingly they fit and hid my tail under my arms under my shirt and when I looked at the mirror you couldn't only notice lumps in the shirt. I sighed in relief but having scales against my chest was not the most comfortable thing in the world so as of right now I pulled the tail out because I won't need to go anywhere at the moment. Suddenly something began to screech in my ears causing me to quickly cover them and look outside. "What is that terrible noise!?" I screamed.

"T.V!" Chris said cheerfully watching it.

" ears..." I mumbled in pain as he got another glance at me he said.

"Oh no! I forgot about their hearing!" Chris yelled in panic as he turned off the T.V making me not in pain.

"Wait, where did you found that out? I thought you only battle them." I asked.

"PokeDex." Chris said as he got his 3ds and showed the entry for Noivern.

It is extremely combative toward anything that wanders too close to it. It flies through even the darkest nights using ultrasonic waves it emits from its ears. Noivern loves fruit, and feeding it fruit will keep it calm.

"Feeding me fruit will keep me calm...hmmm...that's useful." I said reading it. "Any time I end up turning more into a Noivern can you see if that works?" I asked.

"Sadly we don't have any fruits at the moment." I snapped my fingers in disappointment.

"Damn" I said. My stomach then growled and looked in the kitchen for some food it was the afternoon after all. Until I began to smell something causing me to turn my head and look outside. "There's a hotdog stand!" I said amazed. I quickly ran to the bathroom and hid my tail and got my scarf and ran out but quickly forgotten about finding boots, and when I did I ran straight out. Wearing boots in the state I am is weird but as I got outside everyone sawn me running and moved away from the line to let me through. "One hotdog in the go!" I told him giving him money.

"Alright, is that with ketchup or mustard sir?" He asked.

"Ketchup." I said jumping inside from hunger. As he made it the scent of the hotdogs was driving me crazy until.

"Here you go, have a ni-"

"Thank you!" I said taking it and running towards the apartment room. As I got their I began eating it right away.

"You must really be hungry Joe!" Chris said.

"I know...I've been really hungry lately." I said to him as I ate. As I finished more scents were in the air causing me to sniff them out in the kitchen. "Poptarts!" I yelled in happiness eating some. I began to keep eating more and more from the kitchen till my bones shifted and grown causing me to run to the nearest garbage and puke as I felt my body twitch and I quickly then went to the bathroom and locked it. My body grew to 6'8 and my neck began to grow longer. "Calm...Noivern...Noi..." My arms then grew in length and my chest grew larger.

Keep have order to save yourself...from them... A similar female voice said Save your friends...they'll find them's the only way to protect them...

My legs began to grow in size as well as my arms with little black scales growing before it stopped again. I heard the voice again and I knew I could trust it. "Joe?" Samantha asked.

"Samantha...I need to do protect you guys." I said to her with a little tear.

"Joe what do you mean? What are you planning to do?" Samantha asked.

"I'm gonna lose my humanity...Samantha." I told her.

"Before you it out here, it would be more better for you to know that we are here with you." She said. I stand there for a bit thinking it and then I nodded.

"Alright." I walked out of the bathroom and walked in the living room with the manager, Chris, and Samantha. I sat there on the ground and closed my eyes thinking of the memories of all these people.

"You sure you want to do this?" The manager asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, it will help you guys out I promise you." I said as I began to feel bones cracking again, it's time. My skull began to thicken and grow in size as I loss hair causing in to grit my teeth in pain with the rest of my body growing up to 7 feet as black and purple scales grow all over my body. "Guy...s...this...Noivern...maybe,...the last, Noivern..." I said now permanently lost my human tongue. My ears began to move to the top of my head and expand causing me to screech louder than ever. "NOOOOOOOOOIIIIIIIIIIIVVEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRREERRRRNNNNNNNNNNNNNN" Causing all glass to shatter even the other buildings. My nose then redden and stretched across both sides of my face as my skull forms my eyes began to grow larger and are completely yellow with round pupils. They began to wonder what the sound was coming from when they heard tears in my clothing I looked down and wings began to form from my body to my arms as my own arms extended from my body. Growing 7'2 feet my back grew and bent over scales began to cover my entire body and my tail began to grow from 5 feet to 6. "Noivern! NOOIIVERRN!" I said as I flapped my newly grown wings lifting me up a little. "Noivern..." I said thinking of Samantha looking at her.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." Samantha said walking up to me and holding me hide and laughs. "Now go on, fly." She said making me smile and enjoy the goodbye with a laugh. "Noi!" I said nodding.

"Wait Joe!" Chris said making me walk towards him on my feet and wings.

"Noi?" Then Chris putted a paper ribbon on me and I questioned it. "Noi Noi?"

"It's a ribbon to show people that your the best Noivern out there!" Chris said happily. Looking back at it I laughed and I went to the shattered window before I flew out from the apartment I looked back at them and smiled.

Becoming afternoon I flew up high staring the city lights below. "Noivern! (So you finally shown your filthy face here!) The green Noivern said to me flying overhead.

"Noi...Noivern Noi! (I did as you asked...see! No more humanity is left of me!) I said with anger. The green Noivern glared and said.

"Noi...Noivern...Noi noi...Noivern...(No...not everything is still have must have those memories erased...) I growled at her in anger.

"NOI! (No!)"

"Noi...Noivern Noi! ( it now filth!) The green Noivern said to me.

Do it it's the only way...

I shook the voice from my head and dove to the ground below.