More often than not, I find myself dreaming of what could be if my favorite fictional characters from different universes(shows) were connected in some manner. This is just the result of one of those many dreams that bothered me so much I had to write it down. Keep in mind that this is alternate universe so there are slight differences in their personalities and storylines to help the relationships align.

I have no beta so all mistakes are mine. This was written down relatively quick without much thought to exactly what was flowing through my brain as it happened which means there will probably be several grammar mistakes along the way. Please be gentle if you do not enjoy as there is a difference in constructive criticism and just being rude. I have yet to decide if I will continue the story beyond this chapter, but if I do each pairing will be published in the correct show category as not to force those of you who aren't interested in all pairings to read them.

I do not own these characters! They are property of ABC, CBS, NBC, TNT, and all others responsible for their flawless creation.

In three different cities, in two separate countries, sat a trio of friends that had known one another through the trials and tribulations of being born into a family of great wealth and social standing. None of the woman boasted about their bank accounts verbally but their style said it all. From Chanel to Versace all women could very well be walking a catwalk instead of the concrete sidewalks to an office every morning. In all actuality, all the woman could very well not have to walk anywhere and be completely comfortable financially throughout their years on earth.

A prada pump dangled from the manicured toes of one of the most respected medical examiners in the United States as green eyes studied her most recent findings of a homicide victim. It was rather grim how the person met their untimely demise. Just 72 hours prior the body of a young healthy college freshman had been found floating the Charles River. Peers, friends, and family alike had all been concerned for the girls well being with finals putting an amount of pressure that could have very well led to what some considered a way out. However, the indication on the brunettes body spoke different. Alyssa Brandon suffered a horrific death caused by a sharp object being stabbed into her chest, multiple times, before being disposed into the river several hours postmortem. No matter how many years one worked with death it never got any easier to deal with the loss of a life.

The ringing of skype on the desktop computer brought a rather large smile to the medical examiners face. Swiftly, petite fingers moved the mouse to hit the green button that would connect the video conference.

"Well aren't you two a sight for sore eyes." A brunette started the conversation off with a soft tone that failed to lace the underlying tension from her day at the office.

Laughter echoed through the speakers from the red head on the other side of her screen. "Of course we are! We're hot."

"Hello, Agent Prentiss and Doctor Hunt." Came out of the honey blondes mouth a little more seductive than planned. Especially when there was a file containing the results of an autopsy in her hands.

For a few seconds the women were silent. Each took in the appearance of their longest acquaintances with appreciation. Once a month these skype calls were penciled into schedules in order to keep some form of relationship going in each of their lives, despite all of their colleagues claiming they had no real friends, but often they were cancelled due to work interference.

Emily Prentiss is the Chief of the London Interpol Office, former BAU Supervisory Special Agent, and before that former JTF-12 member; not that the latter was ever really spoken of. Working for the FBI didn't exactly leave much time for social interactions with those she didn't already know. Of course, daughter of an ambassador often stole what little time off she did have due to the need to keep up appearances at events and gatherings she didn't particularly enjoy. When working for the FBI stateside, Washington DC, Emily wasn't one to please her mother, or anyone for that matter, but when she made a career change it was important to have high power people in her corner - even if the snobbing around with them made her feel ill at times.

Megan Hunt was a brilliant, world class neurosurgeon until a life-altering car accident prevented her from continuing that career. A bus slammed into the side of the neurosurgeons car in Santa Monica resulting in minor nerve damage in her hands which is needed to be successful in the practice of surgery. Now, the doctor uses her vast medical knowledge and investigative instincts to solve the medical mysteries of the dead and bring those responsible to justice; a medical examiner. Being the daughter of a federal judge was anything but glamorous, especially when it came to saving face after the accident. That fateful day caused her to lose a marriage, one her friends weren't exactly fond of, and custody of her teenage daughter. Though most look down upon her decision to not hide behind malpractice attorneys when she killed a girl on the operating table, Megan is proud of herself for sticking to her morals and coming clean about why that girl lost her life. Trading OR hours and on-calls rooms for a cushy office with very little stress is definitely something she can't bring herself to regret. Especially now that she has her daughter back in her life.

Maura Isles is a Doctor of Forensic Pathology and the Chief M.E. of Massachusetts. The honey blonde was adopted by a wealthy couple, Mr. Isles and Constance Isles, at birth who gave her every opportunity in life. It wasn't until she was well into her adult years that the medical examiner came in contact with her biological father and mother, part of her wishes she never had. Patrick Doyle, her biological father, is an Irish mob boss who has no issues with putting ice picks in the hearts of men who he believes the city of Boston needs to be rid of. The man made enemies along the way which has bled into Maura's life on more than one occasion causing much conflict. Her biological mother, Doctor Hope Martin, and half sister are a different story that comes along with one of Maura's kidneys and a trail of tears along the way.

There are several things the three women sitting in front of their computers have in common from childhood until now, commodities that have bonded them for life. Though most look at each one of them with pity, assuming them to be rather cold, none really understood the inner workings of their hearts and minds aside from each other. It was both a blessing and a curse. The silence was not awkward but comforting for the women. It had been years since they were all gathered in the same place at one time, after Megans horrific accident, which made these small moments all the more important. Each one could read the face of the other and instantly know what was lying underneath. Words were never really needed.

Emily broke the trance first with a small smile upon her lips. "We finally closed the case today." Though they didn't physically talk on a daily basis an group conversation was always in play on their iphones. One where the women often vented about the cases they had without giving much detail, they didn't fancy time behind bars. "Which means I start my vacation in exactly…" Brown eyes moved to glance at the watch upon her wrist even though there was a clock on her computer screen. "…an hour and a half ago." The women all laughed softly.

"Why have you not run out of that office yet? There would be a hole in the shape of my body if I were you." Megan replied with a smirk of her own. "There may be one just when I leave the office this evening."

"Kate giving you a hard time again?" Maura asked as she closed the file she had been holding onto and laid it upon her desk.

Emily rolled her eyes. "You two just need to fuck and get it over with."


"SHHH!" Green eyes quickly moved to scan the hallways around her office to make sure that no one could have overheard. Not that they would have been able to hear a thing since the door was closed and the computer was up just enough that her ears could make out what was being said. "She's straight. She slept with my ex husband. I'm not interested."

"I have spent many years studying body language, Megan, and I've known you since we were barely 4 years of age." The honey blondes eyebrow rose.

"She's trying to say you're lying." Emily cut in with a smirk. Megan rolled her eyes and moved her arms to fold under her chest. "Look at you getting all protective of yourself!"

Both Emily and Maura found themselves laughing at Megans expense which didn't bother the Philly resident in the least.

"Everyone is interested in Kate." Megan admitted as a blush crept up her neck and splashed across her cheeks. Only these women could get her to open up about things so easily. "She's breathtakingly beautiful, intelligent, witty, funny…"

Emily placed her elbow upon the counter of her desk and moved her chin into the palm of her hand. "I'm beginning to think this isn't just a crush anymore. What do you think, Maura?"

Megan opened her mouth to speak but didn't get the chance. "I don't think I've seen her blush in years."

"Okay! Can we change the subject?"

"Do you get flustered around her?" Emily ignored her friends question.

"I am willing to take an educated guess, due to our past experiences with Megan, that she does. Judging by the way she looks now…" Megan narrowed her eyes dangerously at the two women on her computer screen practically daring them to continue. "…that she can barely stand in close proximity to the other woman with her paresthesia flaring up."

And continue on they did as they weren't scared of Megan.

"It acts up when shes nervous, right?" Emily asked unsure of what all the condition entailed.

"The most common, everyday cause is temporary restriction of nerve impulses to an area of nerves, commonly caused by leaning or resting on parts of the body; which would be hands in her case. However, anxiety and panic are two very common as well. Other common examples occur when sustained pressure has been applied over a nerve, inhibiting or stimulating it's function. Removing the pressure typically results in gradual relief of these paresthesias." Maura explained as pointed to the side of the screen Megan was on with a smile. During her google mouth definition to Emily, the red head had begun to rub the palms of her hands. "Like that." The doctor smiled smugly.

"She slept with Todd." Was all that Megan said in response to her friends teasing. Of course the words were followed by a rather heavy sigh and green eyes looking out into the lab from her office, thanks to glass panels, just to see if she could get a glimpse of the blonde beauty that was her boss.

Maura and Emily shared a look knowing that something of that magnitude was never easy to deal with.

"What makes you think they had intercourse?" Maura remained rather hopeful that, perhaps, the object of her friends affections hadn't crossed that line. "Did one of them confirm?"

"They didn't have to." Megan glanced back at her friends forcing a small smile.

None of the woman sitting in front of their webcams had a right to comment on love lives at the moment. Emily Prentiss had moved halfway across the world to get away from the first woman she fell in love with right after she got married in hope of getting completely over her so she could move on to the woman that had fallen in love with Emily. Maura Isles hid behind science and a slew of men, and women, to try and cover her affections for the brunette detective that, more often than not, basically lived at her home. Megan Hunt had fallen off the romance train when neurosurgery took over her life which left her feeling baffled and confused when it came to a love life in general. Concealing their true fondness for others seemed to be the running motto of the group.

"I'm starting to think Elsa has it right. Conceal don't feel." Megan snickered softly.

"Who is Elsa? I don't like that motto." Maura's face pulled to one of confusion mixed with distaste.

"Elsa is a Disney character, Maur." Emily replied fondly. "Henry was obsessed with that movie the last time I visited the states." Just talking about the blonde boy of the woman she had once been in love with was difficult. Speaking about the bubbly boy only brought back the reminder of the 5 years of unrequited love. "I agree with Megan, though. Sometimes there are situations when things are better left unsaid."

This conversation was meant to be lighthearted, fun, mood lifting for them all but somehow it took a turn for the pits of despair.

"I miss you both." Megan admitted with a long sigh. "It's been far too long." Regardless of the fact they had daily conversations though texting and emails. "When can we get together?"

"I'm on my way to the states in a few days to waste these vacation days they're telling me I have to use." Prentiss rolled her eyes. "You would think they would be more than happy to just let them expire." The other two women laughed and waited for her to continue on. "I would love to come see you and Lacey, if that's alright?"

The mention of Megans daughter caused her smile to light up her entire face. Never a day went by that the medical examiner wasn't immensely proud of the young woman Lacey was blossoming into. "I'm sure Lacey would absolutely love to see you! It's not everyday that her god mother comes into town to spoil her. I wouldn't mind spending a bit of time with you either." The last part was husked out with sexual undertones oozing from every syllable; followed by a wink.

"Are you two planning on having sex without me?!" Maura practically gasped out, rather loud I might add, causing all three women to release loud barks of laughter.

"I wouldn't dream of it, Dr. Isles." Megan tried to sound seductive but the laughter still leaving her mouth made it damn near impossible in the moment. "Which just means you two need to coordinate dates for the visit to my humble abode."

For the next 15 minutes, the three women went through their calendars to find a few dates that would work for them all. Though Emily and Maura planned on visiting Philadelphia Megan still wanted to take a few days away from the office to spend with her nearest and dearest friends. Coordinating was proving to be a bit of a nuisance with custody schedules, trials, and vacation dates of others. With their skypes still connected, each woman took the time to call and/or email their bosses with their requested dates before falling back into conversation. Maura spoke what she could of the most recent case that had left them at a dead end, Emily mentioned the job offer in New York City, and Megan brought up the most recent love scandal in her life.

"I can't believe Tommy really came to Philly." Emily mused with a shake of her head. Everyone knew that the whirlwind romance of the pair was anything but tender. Tommy, albeit not a bad guy, didn't exactly have Megans best interests at heart in their short time together. "Does he expect you two to get back together?" The words hung in the air like a black cloud of doom. "You didn't."

Megan dropped her head into the palm of her hands, suddenly feeling rather vulnerable. "I don't know what happened."

"You acted on impulse." There was no question in Maura's tone. "Transference, the redirection to a substitute. You weren't ready to deal with everything you discovered about your fathers death, not to mention what could have been your own…"

"MAURA!" A voice in the room with the honey blonde boomed from the door that was ignored.

"…so you redirected your emotions towards the nearest thing which happened to be Tommy." She finished before glancing up at the brunette detective that had entered her office moments ago. "Hello, Jane. How can I help you?"

Emily Prentiss had to cover her mouth to stifle her laughter while Megan Hunt kept her face in her palms but began to giggle. They were a mess. All of them. A hot mess.

"I just came to see if you had the file on Alyssa Brandon." The lanky brunette moved further into the office as her eyes curiously went to the computer in front of her best friend. "Did I interrupt something?"

Maura picked the file up from her desk and held it out. "Not at all. I was just catching up with a few friends." Friends? Jane wasn't aware that Maura had any friends outside of the precinct and her own family. "Emily. Megan. This is Jane." Maura couldn't help but feel her heart swell with pride as she turned her laptop around so Jane and the ladies could see one another. The tall brunette was not dressed to the nines, like those on the screen, but she still looked gorgeous in her black pants and lavender button up.

"Is that your shirt, Maura?" Megan couldn't help herself when she recognized it. Just a standard light purple button up but it was far from normal for the wardrobe of the Isles woman, which is why it stuck out to the red head last time she visited and raided the closet.

This time Emily didn't try to stifle her laughter as her hand fell down to her lap while brown eyes took in the sight of the woman standing in front of her. "You'll have to excuse Megan's blunt tongue."

Jane clutched the file nervously as her eyes bounced from the screen to her friend who was still beaming. Why was she smiling like that? "Uhh. Yeah." She glanced to the shirt she was wearing. "I fell asleep at Maur's last night and didn't have time to stop home for a chance of clothes." It was the truth and a decent excuse, in her mind. "It was far better than some of the other stuff she was trying to put on me this morning. Sometimes I think she feels as though I'm her personal barbie doll." The blush that was taking over her face was not covered by the roll of her eyes.

"While I do admire your love for all things comfortable and cotton there is much to be desired with some of your clothes." The medical examiner walked around the desk to stand in front of the brunette. "Especially when it comes to footwear."

Neither woman on the computer screen missed the childish face the brunette made when her taste had been insulted by their doctor friend. It was rather amusing.

"Did you really ask for time off? You never ask for time away." Jane asked forgetting their conversation wasn't so private.

Maura's brow shot up as she delicately folded her arms across her waist. How had Jane already heard about the request when it was emailed merely moments ago? Interesting. Although, it wasn't as if she had to ask for time off at the precinct so much as tell them the dates she would be out; she just preferred to keep things on an even ground. "I've decided to take a small trip. It will only be four days."

Janes face soured at the thought. The pair hadn't spent more than two days apart in what felt like ages. It was definitely normal for best friends to miss one another when the 48 hour mark rolled around, right? Even the 24 hour mark. "What about mom?" She practically whined. "You can't leave me to deal with her by myself."

Laughing, Maura reached out and brushed her fingers comfortingly along Janes arms. "Then come with me."


Maura was a bit taken aback by the quick response of the detective. In fact, she actually took a step back causing her arms to fall at her sides with a look of shock on her face. "Okay?"

Jane couldn't help but smile at the reaction. Most of the time they were dragging her ass out of BPD so there was no doubt in her mind they would grant her ask for vacation without much debate. "I'll talk to Cavanaugh and let you know. Just text me the dates."

"You don't even know where we're going." Maura sputtered out, completely baffled.

Jane shrugged. "It will be an adventure. Anyway, I need to get this to Korsak. I'll see you tonight." And with that the detective made her way toward the exit only turning around to say she would bring dinner this evening so not to worry about it before disappearing completely.

The room remained silent for a few minutes before Megan spoke up. "And you guys were giving me a hard time?"

Laughter rang out from each office as Maura settled herself behind her desk.

"I love her." Was stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world; and to most it was. "I'm just not sure she feels the same." After the disastrous relationship with Ian, if it was even completely over, Maura tried not to rely on her feelings much when it came to the dating scene. One didn't need to be in love with the person they shared their bed with as long as they enjoyed their company.

Emily shook her head. "She turned down a marriage proposal for you. She wanted to raise a baby with you." The fact were just that. Okay, maybe the first was a guess but the second was very true. "People don't just ask their friends to be a mom to their child." Not in their worlds anyway. The chemistry between Maura Isles and Jane Rizzoli was noticeable to anyone who spent time around them, or even glanced at photos. The detective and medical examiner just fit together.

"Opposites attract." Megan put in with a simple shrug. "Speaking of detectives…" The red head trailed off with a smile on her face.

"How is Olivia?" Maura asked knowing exactly what Dr. Hunt was about to say.

Suddenly Emily's face could rival the darkest shade of red. Sitting back in her office chair, kicking her legs up on the desk, and folding her hands across her stomach, the brunette pondered just how to answer the question. Things never seemed to go smoothly when it came to her love life. Fugitives, co-workers, friends… they all fell into her love category and ended horrible. Bringing a hand to her mouth, she gently began to chew at one of her nails.

"Emily." Was spoken incredibly soft but it sounded like a gun firing right by Emily's skull. "Have you talked to her?" If the two stateside weren't concerned about their friend in London before they certainly were now.

Tears welled in the womans eyes as she gazed at the bookshelf across the room, well out of view of the blonde and red head on her computer screen. Sitting on the middle shelf was a ten by twelve print of a brunette with a smile that could light up the world and a gorgeous child on her lap. It was unbelievably difficult to come to terms with the hell Emily had put the SVU detective through over the years. The strenuous relationship had become unbearable for a number of years due to the intimate nature they had once fallen into. Using Olivia as a surrogate for Jennifer had been one of the lowest moments of Emily's life. A pivotal moment had been attained when three words had been whispered from the lips of the other woman during a weekend away. There was no negotiating with ones heart; it wants what it wants. Falling in love with Olivia Benson seemed impossible years ago. How could one achieve the unobtainable? For the longest time, the heart beating inside of her chest seemed like a lost cause but time had helped her overcome. Time and support in the way of two amazing best friends and the most supportive love interest a person could have. Is that what Olivia was? Titles had never been discussed. Despite the disdain for her previous actions, Emily found herself seeking solace in the arms of the detective every chance she got and for the longest time she didn't understand why. Why would Olivia want to comfort the woman she loved while she cried over another? Why would Olivia want to kiss away her tears? Why would Olivia want to help her forget? Why did Olivia care after Emily treated her with such carelessness in the past? All questions could be answered with one phrase; because Olivia Benson loves Emily Prentiss unconditionally.

"Loving someone means accepting them for who they are. Every part of them." The tears in Emily's eyes caused the hearts of the other women to tighten. If only they could reach through the computer and wrap her in a hug. Chances were the woman would push them away, tell them she was okay, because it's exactly what they would do in the situation as well but it didn't stop them from wanting to try. "Our past helps makes us who we are today. The good, the bad, the beautiful, the ugly… it's all important." Megan's voice was warm as tears filled her own eyes. "She loves you Emily. If she didn't want to be with you she wouldn't have spent 10 years waiting for her chance."

"I took advantage of her so many times." Prentiss's chin quivered as her eyes remained zoned in on the photograph across the room. "And now she has a son. They can both do better."

Maura let out a soft sigh as she took in her friends appearance. "She doesn't want better. She wants you. If you love her, if you're in love with her, give that a chance."

"Personally, I like her better than JJ." Megan stated not caring how bold it sounded. It wasn't like the red head was known for holding her tongue, it was one of the reasons her friends loved her so. "JJ knew how you felt about her and toyed with you. She's a wonderful person, yes, but you deserved so much better." And that wasn't something that even Emily could argue.

"I'm going to see her before I come to Philly." Emily finally glanced back at the webcam and wiped the tears from her cheeks. "Olivia, that is. We decided this would be the time we sit down and discuss what we want."

The sound of heels against linoleum caused green eyes to raise from the computer just in time to catch a glimpse of a tall blonde walking by. The smile that lit up Kate Murphy's face when she made eye contact with Megan caused a warmth to take over her body. "Just make sure you're certain." Though she was speaking to Emily she kept her eyes on her boss' figure as she sauntered out of view.

"I am. It's taken me almost 10 years but I am positive." At least Emily had gone about it the right way. Instead of jumping in a relationship with one person after having her heartbroken, she took time to get over the first and put her heart back together so she could wholey give it to another. "There's no life after Olivia. Or something equally as cheesy that could make one of those ridiculous movies Lacey loves to watch."

"Just speak in drugs. She loves that Twilight stuff and they reference drugs for romance." Megan pointed out with a laugh.

Suddenly Maura realized a very crucial piece of information that was pertinent to their upcoming trip "We get to meet Kate!" All three ladies eyes widened as soon as the words sunk in. "She must come out with us!"

"Girls night!" Emily chimed in with a giddy grin growing across her face.

Megans ears were hot, her heart was racing, and her palms began to sweat. Emily Prentiss and Maura Isles sitting in the same space as Kate Murphy and alcohol was not a good idea. No good could come of that. None. Nope. She wasn't going to let it happen. Ever. "Absolutely not!" The Philly medical examiner practically squeaked. "Kate is not allowed!"

"Kate is not allowed to what?" Came a rather curious voice from off camera.

Suddenly the woman in Boston and London became very aware of their posture and how far away their laptops were.

"Nothing. Nothing at all." Green eyes continue to stare into blue, unwavering. Chances were if they did move they would most definitely check out how amazingly the beige dress Kate adorned hugged her slender body perfectly which did not need to happen with her two nearest and dearest friends watching.

"Come out with us!" Emily practically yelled from her desk in London in case Megan had turned down the volume. Too bad Megan didn't think to do that.

Kate made her way around the red heads desk just to see what all the commotion was about. Placing one hand on the back of Megans chair and the other on the desk in front of the woman, she leaned over to get a better look at the computer screen, unintentionally giving anyone looking in Megans office from the lab a great view of her ass, and Megan one of her cleavage. "Why am I not allowed to do that?" She practically purred as she glanced down at her employee with a sly smile. "Do you not want me to join you for an evening out?"

Shit. Megan couldn't even formulate a proper sentence in the moment so she chose to remain silent knowing one of her friends would have some smartass retort, like always.

"She's afraid we'll gather you up!" Maura stated with a large smile.

"Scoop, Maura. Scoop her up." Emily corrected with a laughter.

"Neither of you are allowed to pick up Kate." Megan barked back with a glare that caused both women to purse their lips.

However, Kate was rather intrigued with the conversation at hand. "Oh? What if I'm interested in one of them, Dr. Hunt?"

"They're both spoken for." Folding her arms over her chest, much like a petulant child, Megan glanced up into her boss' blue eyes with an arched brow. "You've been interested enough in people from my past already." Low blow. Very low blow. The blondes eyes quickly went from sparkling from excitement to dull with remorse. Way to go, Megan Hunt! Recovery was needed and fast so the woman blurted out the first thing that came to her mind. "If you want a part of me that bad then just take the real deal." It wasn't supposed to sound so sexual or flirty but the moment those blue eyes swirled with confusion and desire there was not a regret to be had.

"Maybe I will." Kate's normal confidence faltered but she quickly gained it back with a hint of a smirk. "If I'm allowed." The last word was drawn out with a bit of a twang Megan had never heard in the Chief voice.

Suddenly, the red head became aware of just how close their faces were. All it would take was an inch to kiss the lips she had been thinking of for far longer than she wanted to admit. Slender fingers tightened around the arms of the chair to ground herself in an attempt to not give into temptation, or the teasing nature of Kate Murphy. For a brief instant, everyone else was forgotten in her mind - until someone else busted in her office.

"Megan! We got a body!" Another voice barge into her office causing the two woman to straighten up. "Oh. Was I interrupting something?"

"Aren't you always." Emily muttered on the computer but not quiet enough.

Tommy rounded the edge of the desk, trying to get between Kate and Megan but the blonde wasn't having it, to see just who had spoken to him. "Emily? Is that you? And Maura?!"

"Hello, Tommy." Maura offered a small wave but no smile.

Megan suddenly felt excruciatingly uncomfortable. Ex boyfriend on the other side of the woman she desperately wanted while her best friends rested on her desk. This was a disaster waiting to happen. "I'll email you both later. Goodbye." The red head quickly hit the end button on the skype call and rose from her chair, on the opposite side of the desk as Tommy and Kate not wanting to be caught in that small space. "Let's get to it."

"I don't think Megan liked that encounter." Maura stated the obvious which only caused a laugh from Emily.

"I'm inclined to agree with you." Emily replied while gathering her purse and keys from the bottom drawer of her desk. "Anyway, I need to get home and pack. I will see you in just a few days time."

The honey blonde couldn't help but clap excitedly at the thought. "I can't wait!"

"I can't wait to meet Jane." The brunette smirked causing Maura's smile to falter. "Goodbye, Maura."

And with that the skype call came to an end before a slew of text messages began.