I Do Not Own Harry Potter or Gargoyles

A few notes about gargoyles before I begin, Fans of the series may or may not know this, as some of it is mentioned in the comics and not in series, or because the information about gargoyles is so spread out, may not remember.

Now for the gargoyle information. Gargoyles age at half the rate of humans. So a ten year old gargoyle, would be physically five, a twenty year old gargoyle physically ten, etcetera. So a gargoyle that appears twenty, would be forty years old. The reason for this being that gargoyles are only flesh and blood half the time, turning to stone the other half.

Gargoyles can mate to produce eggs for four nights, every twenty years at the autumn equinox (Years ending with 7, specific years include 1987 and 2007). Six months after conception (roughly the spring equinox), the female lays the egg and ten years later, the egg hatches. This translates into, roughly, every ten years, either eggs will hatch, or gargoyles will mate. So every generation of gargoyles has a twenty year age gap, at least, between them. And that, though considered adults before this point the, without the aid of magic or science, earliest a gargoyle will conceive an egg will be when they're 49, the egg being lain at the age of 50. This would make them physically 25 when the egg is laid.

Females can generally lay (Again, without the aid of magic or science), three eggs in their lifetime (exceptions being rare, and thus far not seen or mentioned in series, of cases of laying more than one egg at once). These would be at the ages of 50, 70, and 90 (25, 35, and 45, physically)

Now that that's out of the way, I need to say this. Very little is actually revealed about gargoyle mating, beyond what I've stated above, besides the fact that Gargoyles don't only have sex on the nights females are fertile. So I am taking certain liberties, and to give credit where it is due, borrowing some traits the author Tribun used for his Broken Mirror Saga (A fanfiction must read in my opinion, at least if you're a fan of the Gargoyles series), specifically the ideas of 'scenting' mated couples and females being more elastic than humans…You can probably guess what that means. The reason I'm using these two things, is that they make sense. It's already shown in series that gargoyles have more sensitive noses than humans. And as for the elasticity…

Picture a male the size of Goliath (arguably the largest gargoyle in cannon) and a female the size of Lexington (who as far as I know is the smallest adult gargoyle in cannon), or even vice-versa with the large female and small male, as mates. Now imagine that their reproductive organs are proportionally sized, without the elasticity.

Not a fun picture is it, though admittedly one would be more painful than the other.

Lastly, this story takes place after Hunter's Moon. Aside from The Journey, which is cannon in both the TV series and the Comics, nothing else from either the comics or Goliath Chronicles has happened.


Now many of you might be upset that I'm posting yet another story. My only defense is that I love this idea. That said, while I am posting the prologue and first chapter, I am several chapters into this story already. My hope is that this will give me a cushion of a few chapters if my muse leaves me suddenly.

And as I said, I love this idea.

Anyway, on with the story.



The Weird Sisters, Luna, Phoebe, and Seline, were among the most powerful of the third race. Only Oberon, Titania, and a few select others were more powerful than the three sisters.

And though very similar, each sister had slight differences from the other two.

The most noticeable, and often believed as the only, difference was that each sister had different colored hair. Luna's hair was silver, Pheobe's golden, and Seline's black.

But the most significant difference, and the most subtle, was the fact that each sister's powers were geared in different directions. It was one reason they most often acted as one. With the combined focuses of fate, grace, and fury, they were formidable enemies and powerful spell casters.

Perhaps their greatest accomplishment, or at least their most fun, in their minds at least, was the enchantments they had placed upon the mortals Macbeth mac Findlaech and Demona, a human king and a temperamental gargoyle.

It was during the time between taking the three artifacts of power (The Grimorum Arcanorum, Eye of Odin, and Phoenix Gate) from the gargoyle Goliath and his clan, and the agreed upon meeting with the Archmage, that the three sisters used an opportunity presented to them by holding the three artifacts, specifically the Phoenix Gate.

With its power, they traveled several years back in the time stream, taking Macbeth and Demona with them. Using their power, they bound Demona in her human form, wiped their memories, and turned them to infants, placing them with human families and altering memories so that said families believed them to be their respective children.

It was thus that James Potter and Lily Evans were born.

And twenty-three years later, when they were 'killed,' the sisters bound their memories and returned them to their proper time, to await the Archmage.

But not before leaving their infant son, Harry, a gift, one which would manifest once he met his parents once more.


Please Review and Checkout the Challenges in My Forums and the stories I have up for adoption, posted under the title Please Adopt Me!