Whats up peeps dis me new story about Fairy tail x Akame ga kiru enjoy!
Natsu knelled, his tear stricken face for all to see as he watches the last breath leave his adoptive father. There was no no greater sorrow he had ever felt in his life than now. And that sorrow quickly turned to blind rage. Heat, every thing was getting hotter and and fast.
"Natsu calm down!" Erza tried yelling over the sound of the roaring frames that were spreading so quickly.
Soon everyone had no choice but to retreat as the heat became to much to bare with. Space seemed to almost bend and twist to Natsu's anger soon the heat became to much to bare even a glance at. With in the inferno Natsu still blind by rage could only see red, red, and black? What is this Natsu began to wonder as he looked around. Soon all traces of red was gone and all Natsu could see was black. He didn't like it, not one bit, something was wrong. With in seconds a small light appeared in the distance, soon that light is all Natsu could see. It all most felt like he was falling...
"Oh shit I'm falling!" Natsu yelled. thinking fast he quickly concentrated his magic to his feet creating a mini jet propulsion to slow him down. It didn't help much. Going who knows how fast he slammed into the ground feet first creating a decent sized crater. Quickly standing up he check him self over for any injuries. After finding none Natsu quickly set out to figure out were his blind rage sent him.
After stumbling through the the thick forest he landed in for a while Natsu eventually came across a path and saw a traveling couple just up the road.
"Excuse me sir could you tell me were the nearest town is or witch way to get to Mongolia?" Natsu asked.
"Wow you must be really lost the capitals just up the road a few miles and sorry to say I've never hear of Mongolia." He replied back with a confused face.
"Wait witch county is this?" Natsu questioned?
"The Empire of course, you really must be lost!" The mans partner answered back,"Do you want a ride there to make shore you don't get lost?
Natsu suddenly made a sick face and made a run for it up the road.
With in a hour and a half an our Natsu found him self face to face with the massive gates to this supposed Empire. With a quick check on their list the guards let him in and for the first time Natsu got an idea on how big the Empire truly is.
Okay what do you think is it any good should I keep going got any ideas of your own!? Anyway if you like it chapters might get longer if not I wont continue at all okay? Bu-Buy!