"If it's alright with you, I think I'll have that drink now."

Hulk growled and Clint kept his bow strong. Rogers attached handcuffs to Loki. He is gonna suffer for what he's done. A couple of S.H.I.E.L.D agents came up, I recognised them as Level 5, and took Loki away.

"Right, shawarma." Stark announced moving towards the door with the others. Clint had put his arrow back in his quiver and his bow was by his side, but he was still in the same position just looking at where the demigod had been.

"Clint, are you coming?" Steve asked. He remained to look at the floor. I came around to his left and delicately placed my hand on his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him.

"Clint?" I whispered and he snapped his head around, looking straight at me.

"Yeah?" he asked quietly.

"Are...you coming?"

He looked confused. "To what?"

My eyes glanced up to the others, who were looking a bit worried at Clint's reaction, and then back to Clint. "Shawarma." I said, answering his question.

He nodded and forced a sarcastic grin onto his face. I knew that he was hiding his real emotions, but I couldn't say much. I always knew when he was lying or trying to cover something up. I will bring it up later. "Yeah, course. You're kidding right? Never had shawarma." he replied and went into the lift with the others. They didn't say anything to him, but their eyes were filled with sympathy form him. Even Stark.

Clint has lost Coulson along with part of his own mind. Derren Brown Bullshit.

"We're closed." the waitress said. We piled in and she was sweeping up the shop with her back to us, not realising that it was the Avengers.

"We want shawarma." Tony stated.

"Have you not been here to see what's happened?" she said, her back still facing away from us. "I said we're-" She stopped when she turned around and saw who we were. She stood there wither her mouth wide open and her broom now on the floor.

Stark handed the girl a cheque with a considerable amount of zeros on and said "For repairs. Now shawarma?" as if it were normal.

The waitress' eyes nearly fell out of her head when she saw the cheque and the looked up at us. "Sure." she said simply, completely spaced out, and turned around to tell the chefs to start cooking.

We sat down at the table and Stark said "So...recovery at mine for a few days?"

Steve looked at him. "Don't see why not."

"Rage man?"

"Mmm...I'm not sure that would work out so well."

"Oh come on." As they debated about whether Banner was staying or not, I noticed that Barton wasn't engaging in any way. He was looking down at the floor, eyes slopped and his hands hanging aimlessly by his sides.

I tapped his foot with my shoe and he looked up at me. You okay? I mouthed to him.

He just nodded and then turned his head back to the ground. He got up, probably to leave, but immediately grabbed the table for support. He groaned in pain and I went to help him.

"What's wrong?" Steve asked him. All the Avengers had gotten up, just out of their seats, apart from Tony of course, who didn't worry about anything.

"Nothing, I'm fine." Clint said, squinting slightly.

"Bullshit." I said, pushing him back down on the chair and lifting his left leg up to put it on my chair. I could already see the relief in his eyes. He didn't thank me. And I knew the reason why was because he wanted to get away from here. I could imagine him going up to the rooftop like he does on so many other missions. He just sits there, staring up at the sky, thinking. What about? I don't know. I tried it once with him. I didn't work.

"So you two. Staying or going back to the flying fortress?" Stark asked.

I looked over at Clint who just seemed to be looking down at the table. I nudged him and he looked up.

"What?" he asked, obviously not listening to the question Stark just asked.

"Khotite, chtoby poyti i zhit's nimi?" Want to go and live with them? I asked in Russian.

"Vy sobirayetes'?" Are you going?

"Ne bez tebya." Not without you.

"No vy khotite , chtoby ?" But do you want to?

"Ya ne vizhu , kakoy vred on mozhet sdelat' , yesli my sdelali." I don't see what harm it would do if we did.

"Khorosho" Okay.

I turned round to look at the others, who had confused expressions on their faces, and replied "We're in."

From then on we ate out shawarma in silence, just over-viewing in our heads what had happened. Clint tried to kill me. He would never do that in his right mind. The thought kept replaying in my head. Imagine if I didn't stop him.

After shawarma, we went back to Starks place in some smart Audi's that were waiting outside the shop. We all had individual cars. Personalized to us. Mine being classic red. Obviously. He didn't need to buy us anything. He knew that. He just likes showing off.

I noticed that in the car was a video calling system, to call the other avengers on.

I clicked the square that said Contacts

Five icons came up:


Rage monster



Lover boy

You've got to be kidding. "Are you serious?" I said outloud.

I clicked on 'lover boy'. The video call rang out a bit before it came up saying Call declined.

I wasn't really surprised with Clint. He lost one of his best friends. Coulson. I say that he is his best friend, because I don't really count. Yeah, he was stuck with me all those years ago to be his partners, but that doesn't mean that he wanted me to be that. I spend the most amount of time with him out of everyone, but I don't think he likes me that much. Not in the way I want him to anyway.

We got to the front doors of the tower, which opened and the floor sunk into the ground, revealing a secret garage underneath the building. He's been expecting us then.

I drove my car into the spot that said Widow and stepped out. The guys were already out of their cars and heading towards the lift. I caught up with Clint who had dried blood on his hands.

I looked into his eyes, trying to find some kind of peace with the world, but I saw nothing. Not anger. Nor vengeance. Nor forgiveness. Nothing.

I grabbed his arm, but he just shrugged me off. I got the message.

We got into the lift and whilst Tony babbled on about cars to a confused Thor and Steve, I looked at Clint, who now had his hands clenched into fists by his sides.

I glided my arm down his and put it around his hand. He seemed to relax for a moment, his fingers opening slightly, but then he shook his head and pulled his hand away from me.

He's never left me out of the loop. About anything. I knew this was about what Loki did, but I thought that he would at least talk to me about it. Then again, Clint has always been a stubborn bastard.

The lift doors opened and Stark led us out of the lift to go and look at the bedrooms of where we would be staying. I walked out with them, but turned back to look at Clint. The lift was shutting, slowly concealing his face.

"CLINT!" I shouted, but it was too late. The lift doors were already shut. "JARVIS, where is he going?" I asked, desperation filling my voice.

"The rooftop, Miss Romanoff." I turned to Stark.

"Stairs. Where?" I said desperately. He quickly pointed to a door next to the lift and said "Keep going until you reach the top." Before he even finished his sentence, I was out the door and running up the stairs frantically, jumping four at a time.

Why is he going to the rooftop? Please don't be too late. Please. I ran so fast that I couldn't feel my legs anymore.

I burst the door open and shouted "CLINT!" seeing that he was near the edge of the building.