Foggy days in London town


- Take care!-

- Come on! I'll be away only for two weeks-

- ... We'll miss you-

- And that's why you're the only one here-

- You know your father can't take days off work-

- I know, I know. I was joking-

- ... Come on, now. Go or you'll miss the flight-

- Yes... Ciao zio, thanks for taking me here-

- Careful to not come back with some children, casanova-

- Oh, shut up!-

After waving goodbye to his uncle, the Italian student Caesar Zeppeli headed towards a completely new experience: for the first time in his life he was going abroad. Since he was studying languages at university he took advantage of the offer to travel to foreign countries to learn their language and culture in a better way.

The destination was England.

Caesar would have lied if he said he wasn't nervous: he would have been hosted by an English family, which he knew almost anything about, apart that little information the university told him.

He was also aware that England was a totally different world than Italy and he hope he would be able to adapt.

Oh well, it was too late to go back; he was already in the plane, sitting near the window. It was his first flight too and he was curious if it was like in the movies.

He took is mp3 player out of his pocket; at that point it wouldn't have hurt listening to some music, it helped him cooling down. Even if the temptation was strong, he decided to not listen to "London calling" – really, how predictable it would have been- but, to get in the perfect British's spirit, he went through The Beatles' section. He chose to start with "Get back" and let the shuffle decide what playing next.

Only half an hour had passed but it felt like centuries for the young student, so he decided to review his journey's details.

He would have been hosted by the Joestars, a rich family of London. They had noble origins and they have a very good reputation among their neighbourhood. They were good people and they had a clear criminal record.

Caesar had to act in the most politely way he could; he didn't want to make a bad impression.

He knew also that in the family there was a boy around his age and he was a bit comforted by that: at least there was someone to have some fun with.

The night before he had been too nervous and excited to even sleep, so the sweet sound of "Something" had been enough to make his eyes close and put the young man in the sleep's embrace.

When he woke up the plane was about to land.

Damn, he had slept for all the entire flight! He still couldn't tell if it was like in the movies, but he still had the return journey.

He was in England, he really was there!

However, even if he had done nothing apart sleeping, he was still dead tired, so he quickly gathered his luggage and he searched for Mr. Joestar. He had seen a photo of him so he knew how he looked like.

He was a man in his late forties but he looked younger: his hair was still completely dark brown and his eyes vivid blue. Caesar remembered his face perfectly: he had spent a lot of time to memorize every detail, fearing to not be able to recognize him.

However, there was no sign of him. Maybe he was just late, but the student couldn't help but worry, but it didn't last long. In fact, after some time, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

He quickly turned around and it was truly Mr. Joestar.

- You must be Caesar, right? I'm George Joestar. I'm really late, I'm sorry, but I couldn't leave until I had given a documentation of the flight-, he apologized with a thick British accent.

After the flight? Well, it made sense, since the man was wearing a pilot uniform.

He surely worked at the airport...

- Yes, I'm Caesar-, the student said, stretching his hand, - Don't worry about it. You haven't caused any trouble, Mr. Joestar. Actually I have to thank you for the hospitality-.

The older man squeezed the other's hand and he answered:

- Please, call me George. No need for formalities-.

- Uh... all right-, Caesar babbled.

It seemed better than he had thought.

They went to the Joestar's mansion by car.

Caesar and George talked a bit to better know each other, and the blonde couldn't stop his curiosity.

- Sorry for asking, but do you actually work at the airport?-, he asked.

- Yes-, the other answered, - And I was the one whom they had assigned your flight to-, he added.

- Really?-, Caesar said, surprised.

- Yes, I would have told you, but I found out about it just a few days ago since the pilot assigned was sick. It had been a surprise for me too-, the Joestar continued.

- Did you enjoy the flight?-, he asked, then.


Caesar didn't feel like telling him that he had felt asleep, so he lied:

- Yeah! Actually it was my first flight, so I was a bit nervous too-.

Well, at least he hadn't lied entirely.

The Joestar's mansion was big, very big. Caesar had never seen a mansion so enormous; he was used to his little flat, which he shared with his family, so he wondered about how it would have been like living in a place like that.

He was about to find out.

They entered in the great hall. It was beautiful, Caesar really liked it; all the decorations created a suggestive atmosphere.

- You know, it's nothing like the original. My father was against restructuring it, but he had to change his mind after a part of it was destroyed by a fire about twenty years ago-, George said and the student nodded, too enchanted to say anything more.

Finally he was in the guest room. Mr. Joestar had made a quick tour of the mansion and asked him what he wanted to eat for dinner but Caesar had answered that he wasn't hungry, just tired.

George understood and he let him go to his designed room. It was bigger that the one in his house, in Italy, but Caesar didn't mind at all; he was too tired to make observations.

He didn't even change; he literally fell on the mattress and he immediately collapsed.