This is an ongoing story so if you would like to be updated on the progress of the story. Please, follow the story bellow

This story is not based on the main story of Five Nights, just a fun, not so serious Role-play I just happened to document

This story may or may not contain some shipping so if you have an issue with that, then please, leave now

There may also be foul language; actually, not maybe, THERE WILL BE A SCHMIT TON OF FOUL LANGUAGE. Just a fair warning.

This story will occasionally go to journal POV or into third person. I will try my best to tell you when the switch happens. Okay? Okay.

Also, if you would like to see the process of the Role-plays than please visit the most filled up server on . This is where you will most likely see some, if not all of the players at the plazas pet shop.