Disclaimer. I own none of JE's characters, I just like playing with them.
A/N: This is the epilogue. I really appreciate your comments and encouragements. Good, bad, positive or negative, I liked the opinions you guys gave me on this story. I started writing it when I was in a bad mood, and now I am feeling mellower. See below. Thanks for reading!
Edna POV
I stepped into the Tasty Pastry with a stack of newspapers in my arms. I have been just about going door to door handing out the news. I am just tickled pink! The ladies at the apartment building were so much fun. I hand a few papers out to random people, but my favorite delivery is going to the man who just stepped into the bakery. I get into line just before him and start humming. I am buzzing with excitement.
"Hello, Mrs. Mazur! It is good to see you!" I love this Miranda girl. She has a good head for gossip. I do not live around here anymore. I travel a lot, but I am based in Miami. I cannot wait to visit Mabel and the girls at the Clip N Curl! It would be a hoot!
"Hello, dear. Give me two dozen. No, you better double that. I feel like having two of everything!" I giggle and drop my papers.
Being the nice boy he was raised, Joe Morelli helps me pick up my papers and I give him one. There on the front page states "Security Expert Sees Double!" There is a picture of The Package holding two blue bundles and grinning ear to ear. It still does not mention who the mother is, it just states that he had married his longtime sweetheart almost a year ago and they were very happy and no longer living in Trenton. I hear growling so I pay attention.
"He, but, what?!" Now that is a shame. It looks like Mr. Morelli still has anger issues and now he is speaking gibberish. I never liked this boy, especially with the way he treated my baby granddaughter. He is really turning colors there.
"Wow, is that Ranger, Mrs. Mazur?" I love this girl. She has great timing. I nod and hand her a paper and she hands me my donuts.
"Doesn't he look hot? What I would not give to see that package, but I have been banned. I behave myself whenever I see him, but he is great to look at and he smiles so much nowadays. It must be the nice weather. Or maybe it is his beautiful new wife. Who can say for sure?"
Miranda leans closer to me. "Mrs. Mazur, it might be because of those twin boys he is holding." She giggles. "Wow, they must be adorable if they look like him. He sure is a hunk!" I wink at her.
"Well, maybe you are right. The Package is thrilled with twin boys plus his daughter that he already had. They spend so much time together. She helped name the twins, you know. Well, I gotta go dear. I am only here for the day, and then my ride will take me to the private plane. Hal dear!"
I wave and that nice Hal comes over and takes my donuts. I slip him his own bag. We have decided that I won't grope him and he won't tell everything I do to Ranger and maybe I slide him a snack or two. He is a nice boy. He shoved his new partner Linc at me when they picked me up at the airport. That boy has a tight behind. Whew.
We left Morelli standing there. I did not come out and say it was Stephanie, but who else would give me Rangeman guards and I talked about the kids and all like I have seen them. I think it was just enough for the eavesdroppers. I did a good job in there. I winked at Hal as we got into the car. Linc refused to get out of the car. The poor thing. Now, on to the police station! This was such a hoot.
Frank POV
I was sitting with my homies at the police station when Edna came in. She looked happy and she handed out newspapers to people and waved like a celebrity. There was a Rangeman guy following her around. She gave me a paper and winked at me, then she handed all of us a donut and talked to people. We ate our donuts and waited. Sure enough, Vinnie came inside and he was no longer smarmy. He was in a nice suit and he had filled out some. I heard that he and Lucille go on dates once a month. That's nice.
I am seeing a nice nurse myself. She is five years younger than I am and she is in great shape. We do Pilates together. She said it is good for balance. I just like her little outfits. She calls me Frankie and with her help, I am no longer paunchy. My hair is salt and pepper, but I am kind of a catch. I hope Jasmine does not flip out about my getting arrested.
Vinnie gets our charges reduced to a misdemeanor and we have to do time at the community center for five weeks. No problem. The new Center that was sponsored by the Salvation Army and Rangeman is a wonderful little hangout and the kids were so smart and attentive. They loved fishing and baseball, too. We took them on a couple of trips this spring. They had a ball.
The door slams open and she stalks inside. Uh oh. She sure was pretty when she was mad. Her hair was all flying. She said it got wilder with her moods and I believed her. I had missed our date last night, but I had a good excuse. My Jasmine was a mixed race lady and she was sexy. She loved to cook, she loved kids and she was not afraid to tell someone off in public. She had snapped on Mrs. Mancuso at the Shop Rite when she called her a home wrecking tart. She really went off on her and since then, no one has bothered me or her about our relationship. They still talk, though because Jasmine was feisty and she was pretty. Go me.
She strutted up to me and stood there glaring. "Frankie, you stood me up last night! I was pissed, then worried, then pissed again! What do you have to say for yourself?" She was tapping her foot and she had on her scrubs. They were baby blue with little cars all over them. She was a nurse in the pediatrics section. I smile a huge smile at her and hand her a cigar.
"What is this? You know I don't smoke, Frankie!" I wait for her to figure it out, then I hand her another one. Twins. Heh heh.
"Now, Jazzy, I am so sorry I stood you up. I just got caught up in celebrating when I got the call that I totally forgot to let you know. Twins! Can you believe it? I am tickled pink! So me and the guys were dancing outside the club, then a crowd came and they were dancing and some cop arrested us for inciting a riot or something. I am sorry dear." I wink at her and she winks back and then kisses me.
"Well, you are lucky I am off today. Come along, grampa and show me the dances you were doing. I want to see if you can still work it." She turns and walks away knowing that people overheard her and knowing that I am watching because she looks over her shoulders at me and blows me a kiss. Hot damn. She is my kind of woman. Between Edna and Jazzy, everyone should be talking. I nod at my friends and give them the donuts and I leave. I know the girls will be thrilled when I tell them about their little cousins.
Joe Morelli POV
I cannot believe Manoso married Cupcake and they have twin boys. Edna did not come out and say the babies were Cupcake's but she dropped a lot of hints. There was some speculation when he left town last year, but people just thought he had some Latina in Miami. What Edna is saying makes more sense, though. I am glad she is leaving town today. I do not miss her wandering hands. Come to think of it, she did not try to grope me.
I hope Grandma Bella does not hear this news. It will put her into a frenzy. She is still mad at me for breaking the heart of that "nice plump woman". I knew she was talking about Lula, but I acted ignorant. Lula left the hospital and never came back. That Connie was indicted on federal charges and she went away to do time. Vinnie was the only one out of the bond's office to be doing well. He uses his connections more and his clients don't go FTA as much. They like him. I have not had a date in over ten months. Terri moved to Chicago and broke things off with me.
Maybe I should have left town like Ma said, but I stayed. I grew up here. After I bought a condo, I tried dating around here, but the herpes rumor was well known. It turned out, me and Mooch were both allergic to some makeup or wax shit those girls used on us that night after the Rangers game and once we had the right medicine, the sores went away.
I am glad to be disease free, but I am lonely, though. I started volunteering at the community center. Manoso's money or not, I love kids. They respond well to me. I even stopped drinking. I don't want any more nights that I don't remember. When will I find love? I just shake my head and go into the station for my shift. At least work was going great.
Helen POV
I was just coming back from walking little Lisa to daycare when I saw a large black car drive up to the house. I had moved in with Valerie and the girls permanently when Frank divorced me. I keep the money he gave me as a nest egg and now I work part time at the library three days a week. I don't even get upset when I see him and his new lady friend. She can have him. The back door gets opened by one of those large men and my mother jumps out of the car.
"Helen!" She runs over and hugs me. This is different. What is she up to? I look her over and she is wearing a nice blouse and jeans and her hair is not pink. She is not showing cleavage or anything and she is really smiling at me.
"Hello, Mother. Would you and your friends like to come inside for coffee or something?" I can be polite. She smiles and hugs me again. I had learned a lot about myself with my court mandated therapy. I had a little bit of road rage when I found out Stephanie got married right after I got served with divorce papers. Valerie was divorcing. It was just one thing after another and I snapped and drove into a bridal shop.
The owner understood about my problems, but I still had to do community service and pay for the damages. I lost my license for six months, too, but I have it back now. My charges were reduced if I went to therapy. It really did help, especially since Valerie never did get remarried. Dickie said he would always take care of his kids, and they still saw each other, but he was not getting married again. Valerie said that was fine with her. It took me two months before I was able to speak to her without growling or drinking. Oh, here I am daydreaming.
"No, thank you. I just wanted to stop by and give you a hug. It has been a few months since I last visited." I nod and smile. That was quite the visit. Mother had come to see Valerie's baby and she spent time with Mary Alice and Angie. They were doing very well in school.
To my knowledge, Mother behaved herself around town. She even gave gift cards to me and Valerie to go to the spa and gave Mary Lou gift cards as well. She really takes an interest in the girls. When I asked her where she got her money from, she said her boys paid her not to grope them. I thought she was joking, and she said she was a little, but that she had hit at the casino and now she just went about relaxing and traveling.
"So, here is a newspaper, Helen. You look better these days. I am proud of you for taking care of yourself and I heard about your job. I gotta go, but you be happy and I will see you for Thanksgiving." She hugged me again and handed me an envelope and the one guy helped her into the car while the other one was a little scared of her. She was so funny.
I opened the envelope and there were gift cards to Macy's and the mall. That was nice of her. I opened the newspaper and read the story. Wow. I guess she really is happy. Good for her. It was my new mantra. Instead of saying why me, I was told I should think of others first. So far it was working.
Three months later…
Steph POV
I was going to shoot one of them. Right after I finished taking pictures. I was standing in the nursery doorway looking at my husband and his friends while they tried to put diapers on the boys. There was baby powder everywhere. Why didn't they just ask me or Ella for help? I sighed and took the babies and handed Nicky to a waiting Julie and I picked up Johnny and handed him to Ella.
My babies were three months old and they were adorable. They both had a slightly lighter complexion than Carlos and they had my eyes. Their hair was the same as Carlos and Julie's. My babies did not fuss a lot. They were not even crying. I woke up because the four stooges were bumbling around the nursery and I could hear them on the baby monitor.
The boys were just calmly watching the whole crazy episode. Their names were Santiago Nicolas and Xavier Alejandro Manoso. Nicky was older than Johnny by two minutes. Gram gave them their nicknames. We tried to tell her it was not pronounced like that and she just blew raspberries at us. I loved my sons. I did not gain a lot of weight with the pregnancy, but they were too much like Carlos already. I craved salads with them, I loved granola and I could not eat donuts or ice cream or I would be sick. They were born at freaking 5am. Carlos thinks they are perfect. Julie and Ella dealt with the babies and I faced the fools.
Bobby, Tank, Lester and Carlos stared at me with baby powder all over themselves. I sighed and hugged them. "Guys, I love that you tried to do this to help me so I could sleep, but I would have gotten up anyway. I am nursing the boys." They nodded and smiled at me. I kissed Carlos.
"I hope you guys are staying for dinner." Lester asks, "Is Edna coming?" I laugh at him.
"Nope, she has plans tonight, Les. Are you really still afraid of Gram?" He nods at me.
"I sure am. She is a menace!" Tank laughs at him. He gets along the best with Gram. They move to leave the room and I clear my throat. Bobby looks scared.
"Gentlemen, you will clean up this mess at once." They nod. "You will learn to diaper the babies before you try alone again." They nod and I glare. "You will not buy them any more toy guns or cars before they are a year old." They grimace, but Carlos is not ashamed. "Babe, they need to train." I just shake my head. My husband is a crazy person. "You are ridiculous, Carlos." He smiles a huge smile at me.
"I am the favorite, Babe! Twin sons, a wife and I live near Julie! Mama and Abuela love me!" I laugh at his silly antics and leave to find my babies. I had to stay vigilant. One of these days, Julie was going to put one into her bag and take him home.
I joined them in the family room, where the babies were being fed by Ana and Maria, Carlos and Lester's mothers. Ella and Julie looked a little irked. I love that Ella and Luis moved to Miami with us. Ella said when Tank told her to pack, she just automatically packed for her and Luis and she got her cousin Juanita to take over for her.
"Hola Estefania, did you tell them they cannot buy more toys for the nietos?" Ana was worse than the guys. She is the one who said they were taking up the storage space in the garage. She brings toys whenever she comes over. She also brings food, so I forgive her. I nod at her and mentally take a number.
When will I get to hold my babies? I only get them at night and Carlos is there then. Am I being selfish? Ella hands me the breast pump and shoos me into my bedroom. These women are wonderful and they have kidnapped my babies, but I love them. There is not one judgmental bone in their bodies and they love to cook. They are not overbearing either. Ana and Maria begged me for my opinions on things so I am not left out. It's a nice feeling.
While I am in the bedroom, I call Mary Lou. She always tells me the scoop without the drama and I like it that way. I still laugh with her about Gram and her paper route.
I am happy for Daddy and his new relationship. I still call him Daddy. He is the only father I have known. We had met last Christmas and he apologized again. He had been apologizing a lot and he showed me that he changed.
He said he was not mad about the house and that maybe he needed those demons to be exorcized. I had laughed and told him that Gram had gotten all of the important things out of the house and that his clothes were not all gone. I told him it was good he made up with me because I was pregnant. He was thrilled. With every update, he would call to chant for at least one boy.
When I finally told him it was twin boys, he sent me a fruit basket, roses, two baseball mitts and cigars. The cigars were for Carlos. He was so silly. He made friends with Carlos' dad when he visited for Easter and they went fishing. He said he likes coming to visit. He really has changed in a year. I hung up with Mary Lou and turned to see my husband watching me.
Ranger POV
"Babe, I love you." She smiled at me and finished with the baby bottles. I pulled her into my arms and kissed her.
"I love you, too." Her figure was just about back, but I did not care about ten pounds here or there. She was amazing and she was my wife that just gave birth three months ago. She worked out every day and did her investigations from home for now. She was a PI.
I am so proud of my Babe. Sometimes, Silvio will call her for help and she always comes through. I kissed her neck and swayed with her to music no one could hear but me. She let me and Julie name the boys. It was a great bonding experience for us and Julie and Ella designed the nursery.
Mama asked Steph what she was doing and she said, "Ana, I am making the babies. That is enough work for me." We had laughed, but she let Mama, Tia Maria and Abuela make blankets and little sweaters and she let me and the guys buy clothes and bibs. She just smiled and took pictures of everything.
Steph finally confronted me for being overprotective. I promised to try to tone it down, but I didn't. How could I? Babe was beautiful and she had looked amazing pregnant. I know she is on birth control now, but I want her pregnant again. I will ask her later.
I frustrate her, it's true. She smacked me for sending guys to shadow her, and I know she gets irked about the trackers, but I told her she was my wife and she would have security no matter what. Just yesterday she asked why she had guys with her when she got a pedicure. I just kissed her and said she married me, so she has to put up with me, and then I used my handcuffs on her. Heh heh.
I am happy and I think it is my turn with the babies. Julie and Ella need to learn to share. I kissed Steph again and took the bottles with me. I might be horrible at diapers, but I can do bottle feeding. This is the life.