Danny blinked before looking around in shock. Dan moved much faster though, quickly putting up a ghost shield as the strange teens attacked. After a few minutes it became clear that nothing was working so it turned into a staring match.
Danny moved slowly as he took a breath before moving to stand in front of his family. He stood strait and proud much like the king he was. He looked at the boy dressed like a traffic light and gave a soft and curious glance at him. "Forgive our intrusion. We did not intend to arrive inside your.. home. I am King Phantom and this is my family. Princess Danielle and her son Prince Dante. And Behind me stands our royal Guard and adopted Guardian Dan." He watched as Dani and Dante both gave a small bow at their names and Dan just huffed and rolled his eyes at his.
The teens had calmed a bit but it was the flying red headed girl who caught his attention as she smiled at him. The traffic light stood straighter as he took up command and began what Danny could only compare to a peace treaty agreement... in other words a pain in his backside...
Robin didn't like this strange group. First they appear out of no where then the big one shows such power even able to hold Ravens magic back! Now they are claiming to be royalty?! As if! Still He had to be sure. Bats would have his head if he found out he started a war with an alien race by attacking their royal family. "Tell me King Phantom. Where did you come from and just how did you get inside our tower?" He kept his voice calm and level. He had to keep this situation under control or this could go very badly.
The young man with white hair seemed to smile a little a soft chuckle leaving his lips. "We are from the ghost zone, or as some call it the realm of the living dead. We arrived by one of my portals. I am simply here to show my grandson what the human word is like. The young lad has been pestering me for the last 50 years to bring him to the human world." This of course was not what anyone expected. Beastboy looked ready to freak out. Cyborg looked equally freaked buti t was Ravens look that really caught my attention. She looked confused and a bit amazed. Was that a good thing though?
Danny sighed as he watched their reactions. "Dan Lower the shield. They couldn't hurt us if they wanted to anyways. Well... Most of them." Dan nodded reluctantly and let the green shield fall as the royal Pantoms all gave soft smiles and Dani hugged Dante close much like a over protective mother. "Now look. We didn't come to cause trouble. I simply came to show my grandson you humans have grown smarter than the last time i was here... We don't want to fight with you. Only to explore and enjoy the three week vacation we've finally managed to get after almost what.. 300 years?" He was looking at Danielle for conformation but she just shrugged not really sure herself.
He sighed again but smiled at them. "If you like your more than welcome to keep an eye on use. If you don't mind showing us around a bit. I really want to just enjoy this vacation. Though... I think Dan.. might need a cave away from everyone.." Danny stared at Dans strained look and sighed. "He isn't exactly fond of humans after... well... let's just say humanity didn't react well last time we came... We did nothing wrong but.. because we were in their minds dead we simply didn't belong here... and well.. we lost a lot of ghosts back then..." He though back on Tiny a young ghost who had wondered into the human world after the treaty just before Danny left the human world behind. The poor child had been killed before he could do anything. She had only been 20 years old... and for a ghost.. that was young.