Disclaimer: Sadly I do not own any of the characters or NCIS:LA

Author Note: Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been on holiday then when I came home I was ill but I'm better now and have got back to writing:) thank you for the reviews, I'm glad people have been enjoying it, to answer the question about the rating the story is rated M for future chapters. Also someone asked if the whole team is going and the answer to that is yes Kensi, Deeks, Sam, Callen, Eric and Nell are all going to Hawaii and there might even be an appearance from others (Hetty maybe?). Anyway on with the story, I hope you enjoy and feel free to give me feedback in the comments! Thank you for reading :)

"You could have been a bit more gentle" Deeks moaned to Kensi as he rubbed his now red arm.

"Oh stop whining Deeks, someone had to shut you up and it was either me or Hetty and if it had been left to Hetty you'd be seeing a lot more red than the dot on your arm-"

"A dot?! It's huge" Deeks cut in indignantly.

"And that red would probably be your blood" Kensi continued, once again ignoring Deeks.

"Let's face it Kensalina, you would never let Hetty hurt me, you'd miss me too much" Deeks grinned at Kensi as he said this, winking at her as he finished speaking.

"If it heps you sleep better at night then you can think that if you like Deeks" Kensi said with a sly grin on her face.

"Oh come on princess, admit it, you'd be lost without me" Deeks quipped, grinning widely at her and trying not to laugh when she glared at his use of yet another pet name.

Kensi just rolled her eyes and continued down the stairs from ops, leaving Deeks to trail behind.

Callen and Sam were a few paces behind them, both sporting a smirk on their face, they found it highly amusing to watch Deeks wind Kensi up and also surprising because he always knew which buttons to press to irritate her. The best part of Deeks annoying Kensi always had to be when she started arguing back because - although Deeks never really meant anything by what he said and their banter was mostly good-spirited - he did have a knack for getting under her skin and getting to her in a way that really no one else could.

"So G, you think you'll be able to relax for two weeks?" Sam asked, eyeing Callen knowingly as they were taking a few things from their lockers before heading home to pack.

"Sure" Callen stated as if it was a stupid question, although in his head he knew that it was going to be difficult, he was just too cautious to be able to relax, especially with the memories of recent events still fresh in his mind.

"Humph" Sam laughed knowingly, they both knew all too well that callen didn't do relaxing or down time or even sleep some nights.

"Oh come on G, I've seen you on a stakeout trying to relax, you're like a caged animal, after a few hours you start to squirm worse than Eric without wifi" Sam laughed.

Callen just raised an eyebrow and shrugged his shoulders at Sam, he knew he was right, there was nothing he could do to change it, it was just his personality.

"Hey guys Deeks and I are both heading home to pack, any of you need a ride?" Kensi asked as she walked towards the locker area while slinging her messenger bag over her shoulder.

"Nah, we're good thanks Kensi" Sam answered. "Callen and I will meet you and the others at the airport at 11am, just make sure Deeks is on time, you know how Nell gets when people don't stick to her schedules" Sam said with a smile.

"Got it" Kensi said with a laugh. "See you at eleven" with that Kensi turned, left the locker area and proceeded to exit the building with an excited Deeks closely following.

"If Deeks is that excited the full vacation I may just have to mistake his mattress for a lilo and send him for a late night float in the ocean" Sam joked as him and Callen also walked towards the car park, matching smirks on their faces as they watched Kensi throw Deeks a glare for a comment he made about her 'bikini body'.

"This is going to be one interesting vacation" Callen laughed as he climbed into his car and began the small journey to house to prepare for what would be his first vacation in so long that he wasn't even sure if he still owned a suitcase. Although he wasn't one for down time he did make a promise to himself that he would try to relax for the rest of the teams sake, after all it would be nice to have a little fun and some team bonding which Callen hoped would get them back to their normal team dynamic.