A/N: Last chapter y'all… enjoy, it's been fun.
Disclaimer: I don't own Glee, any characters, or any quotes used.
Chapter 9: Epilogue- Going All the Way
But tonight… we're going all… the… way.
Two down, one to go- Brittany thought as the next batter stepped up to the plate.
"Now batting for the Rosewood Sharks, number 11, the third baseman, Alison DiLaurentis," both the infield and the outfield took a few steps back. Ali was one of Rosewood's deadliest and most feared hitters.
Brittany threw the ball, strike one, and as Santana threw the ball back to her everyone cheered.
Britany threw the ball again, strike two… and again everyone cheered.
On the third throw Alison swung away and Brittany took a relieved breath; because she knew Ali had also gotten under the ball; but it was hit high and not very deep.
Quinn back peddled as the ball was in short right. Tina ran in from right field and as the ball came down it landed in… Quinn's glove for the second out of the inning and the team clapped; as did the fans.
Quinn looked over at her girl who was giving her a flirty smirk.
God I love her- Quinn thought.
As the next batter was announced.
"Now batting for the Rosewood Sharks, number ten, the catcher, Hanna Marin.
After two balls and a strike Brittany, threw another strike and Hanna swung hard. However, she got under it and popped it to short. Rachel took two steps to her right and camped under it; when the ball landed safely in her glove everyone cheered again and the Titans ran toward their dugout.
"Wow… these Titans love to keep these games dramatic as they head into the bottom of the ninth losing by the score 1-0," the announcer shouted. "Let's see if the can stage another walk-off win."
As they Sharks warmed up in the field; Sue stood in front of her team in the dugout.
"Okay… leading off the inning we have the top of the order up and they still have their starting pitcher in the game… she's tired, and we have to take advantage of that."
"Yeah!" The team cheered and Sue smiled because the girls were pumped; which was the exact emotion they needed to be feeling right now.
"Okay… Aphasia, you're up… you know what to do," and Aphasia nodded.
"Steal?" She asked rhetorically and Sue's smile widened.
"As many as you can," Sue was as pumped up as the players were.
"Yes ma'am," Aphasia grabbed her batting helmet, her bat, and she nearly bounced out of the dugout. Rachel mirrored her actions; but before she could make it to the on-deck circle her Coach stopped her.
"Don't sacrifice if she gets on," Rachel nodded. "We need two to win… I'm not wasting outs hoping for a tie… got it!"
"Got it Coach," Rachel then turned away from her coach to see Quinn standing there. She grinned as Quinn leaned in and pecked her lips.
"For luck," she answered the unasked question in a cheery tone.
"Gag me," Rachel, Santana, and Sue said respectively; and Rachel chuckled.
"And that's why you're my favorite Lopez," Sue continued as Quinn took her seat to watch Aphasia as she was announced into the game and dug in at the plate.
The pitcher, Rosewoods ace Paige McCullers was still in the game and still throwing really well. McKinley knew they'd have to play small ball in order to even have a chance to win this, and luckily McKinley's top of the order was really good at small ball.
As the pitcher threw right down the middle; she was caught looking.
"Strike one," both the umpire and the announcer called. "This McKinley team sure are fighters… none of us thought they'd be here after losing ground the way they did early in the season but here they are."
Paige looked in for the sign and then nodded. "This batter is as feared at the plate as she is with her running game. The Rosewood catcher, Marin knows that if this girl gets on she could steal any base… including home. She's going to have to be guarded after every pitch."
On the next pitch Aphasia hit a line drive; hard and over the first baseman's head, bouncing just inside the foul line for a single.
As predicted everyone would be on guard now… she really was a dangerous runner. After every pitch; the catcher was blocking the plate… even though the runner was only on first.
"Now batting for the McKinley Titans, number two, the shortstop, Rachel Berry," as Rachel dug in the announcer continued. "Rosewood needs to be careful with Aphasia on base.
And on the very first pitch Aphasia took off running; she got to second base safely just ahead of the throw.
On the second pitch, Aphasia was off again…but this time Rachel had swung at the pitch and she hit it hard; driving the ball to deep left.
"And rounding first, Rachel stops and gets back to the base as the left fielder gets the ball back into the infield quickly. McKinley is looking pretty good so far… the comeback kids, with two of the fastest runners in the league at first and third, with no outs… and the heart of the order coming up."
The crowd was getting wild… as was the Titans dugout.
"Now batting for the McKinley Titans, the third baseman, number twenty one, Kitty Wilde," the pitcher looked Rachel back at first but as soon as she wound up; both runners took off. Hanna immediately blocked the plate and caught the ball as Aphasia slid in between her legs.
Dirt flew up, the tag was put down, and Aphasia's foot crossed the plate.
"Safe," the umpire called and again the crowd went crazy. Rachel got to her feet after stealing second and dusted herself off.
"And the game is tied! McKinley tied the game on a very ballsy play! As the runners on base just completed a double steal… with Aphasia stealing home!"
Once the excitement died down a bit Hanna, and their head coach- her mom- Ashley Marin took a walk to talk to Paige.
After the chat and after checking Rachel a couple of times at second; she threw another pitch to Kitty.
"And she's off," Hanna threw the ball to third but she was sliding into third ahead of the throw. "Another stolen base and now the winning run is only ninety feet away from victory and the championship… with no outs…if they were ever going to sacrifice in this game; now would be the time," she continued. "The pitch… and… a swing and a miss; Kitty struck out for the first out of the inning."
Frustrated; Kitty headed to the dugout as Rosewood's head Coach and Hanna made their way to the mound once more; the coach took the ball and patted Paige on the back. She then waved at the centerfielder Emily to come in as the pitcher; and Paige went to right field.
"Now batting for the McKinley Titans, number seven, the second baseman, Quinn Fabray," the crowd cheered as Quinn stepped into the batter's box. She looked down at her girlfriend on third base and she beamed with pride.
And then she winked.
Rachel licked her lips and smiled wide. Quinn then focused on Emily and the first pitch.
A ball.
Quinn stepped out of the box and balanced her bat against her legs, as she tightened her batting gloves before she stepped back in… and then the next pitch came in.
A strike… okay.
Another pitch… another strike.
1and 2… you got this Quinn- she told herself.
Emily got into the stretch1 and Quinn held up her hand; which was asking for time.
"Time," the umpire called and Emily stepped off the mound. Moments later, Quinn stepped back in; adjusted her gloves and took a deep breath.
Relax, you got this- she repeated the words over and over in her thoughts as she got back to the plate.
Emily threw…
Another ball, phew…2 and 2.
Another pitch; Quinn swung hard, Rachel took off running and the ball flew into the stands.
"Foul ball!" The umpire yelled.
Quinn got back into the box, Rachel got back to her base, and the infield got back into their positions.
Emily threw, Quinn swung, and…
"A swing and a drive," the announcer yelled and the now centerfielder Paige took off toward the left and the left fielder Maya took off to the right as the ball was heading somewhere in between them. The shortstop ran out as well and Rachel was standing on third ready to tag up.
The ball dropped in between all three of the fielders as none could get to it in time. By the time Rachel scored, Quinn was already on second base and the Rosewood players began to walk off the field.
The crowd cheered loudly; the Titans' dugout emptied and the announcer was shouting.
"McKinley won, McKinley won! Who knew that this team, that had never made it to the playoffs before this year would go all the way and win the championship… I can't believe it! What an unbelievable comeback! An unbelievable win in what turned out to be a huge comeback season for these McKinley Titans… look out everyone the Titans are here… and they're here to stay!"
After being mobbed at home plate by her team; Rachel ran out to Quinn who was still standing on second base and utterly stunned over what had just happened.
We won… we really won.
She was brought out of her thoughts by Rachel tackling her.
Maybe her fantasies were coming true.
She giggled when she landed on her back, on the infield dirt with Rachel straddling her; and Quinn put her hands on her hips to hold her in place.
"We did it Quinn!" She was completely excited. "I love you so much," Quinn's eyes widened… she was still surprised when Rachel said those words.
"I love you too," Quinn said watching Rachel's smile grow wider. "So much…" Rachel was going to say something, when she felt Quinn's hand on the back of her head; pushing them closer together… and that was when Rachel remembered what she had wanted to say.
"You are soooo… scoring tonight," she said in a husky tone and Quinn giggled slightly nervously.
"I thought I just did," she teased.
"Actually that was me," Rachel corrected. "But tonight… we're going all… the… way."
"Maybe home… is my favorite base after all," Quinn said in a breathy tone. Rachel winked and nodded. "Either way, I know I'm going to love scoring with you." When Quinn's lips collided with Rachel's, she got even more excited than she already was; she refrained from moving even though Quinn's lips and Quinn's tongue were setting her body on fire. She fought the instinct to move her hips and rub herself against her sexy girlfriend.
Quinn was fighting her own urges. She was fighting the urge to buck her hips, or roll Rachel over and take her right there.
But they were in public.
And the team was there… and the crowd of still cheering fans.
And Coach Sylvester.
Ugh… way to kill the mood.
Quinn pushed her thoughts away.
"Berry stop humping Fabray… there are people here!" Coach Sylvester shouted and it effectively broke them out of their bliss. Once on their feet; they joined the team in the celebration.
After congratulating Rosewood on their incredible game; they headed to home plate for the trophy presentation.
"Congratulations to the McKinley Titans on a very impressive season," the league president said. "As well as on their come from behind win today. This is an honor," she finished as she handed the trophy to Sue; who only let go of it so that she could give a speech.
Ten minutes of Sue talking later… the girls were bored, tired, dirty, and wanting nothing more than a hot shower.
"And finally…" Sue continued. "I have an award I'd like to present… the game and the season's most valuable player," all the girls on the team got a little excited and they all had their own choices of who they thought should win.
Rachel should win - Quinn thought.
Quinn should win- Rachel thought looking over at her girl.
Brittany definitely hands down- Santana shot Brittany a look of love.
I should get it- was what Brittany was thinking; she then caught Santana's smitten gaze. Or maybe Santana.
"…And this year's M.V.P. is… Me!" Sue shouted.
"Um… Sue, shouldn't it be like an actual player?" April asked.
"Shut it Boozy and go pour another drink." Sue then handed the award to herself. "Here you go Sue, congrats on an amazing year… thank you Sue and might I add…" and that was when everyone stopped listening as another ten minute speech began.
Finally the girls were about to head into the locker room to shower and celebrate but before that could happen; Sue stopped them.
"One more thing," a few groaned as they faced their Coach. "I expect to see all of you next fall at football tryouts," more groans were heard. "Now be gone," as they dispersed and Sue headed into her office; she sat down at her desk and marveled at the trophy... trophies.
Quinn parked her car in the driveway of her house and then turned to face Rachel.
"So…" she trailed off and rubbed her hands on her pants as she battled her nerves. "Um… my mom is out on a date tonight."
"Yeah… it's with this lady she met at church," Rachel nodded and she too felt the nerves creeping in.
"They, they um… have been out a few times already and my mom informed me that she'll be home late tonight… i-if at all," Quinn sighed in relief having finally got all the words out; she didn't know when she turned into such a stammering mess. Rachel cocked her eyebrow and fought a smile.
"Are you propositioning me?" She teased… also she hoped.
"Well that depends."
"On whether or not my seduction technique would work," this time Rachel didn't even try to fight her smile.
"Ohh yeah… in fact it's already working," Quinn locked eyes with her and the air became thick with tension.
"Uh," Quinn finally was able to look away. "L-Let's go inside," Rachel nodded and then they quickly made it out of the car and into Quinn's house.
About an hour later; Rachel was lying on the couch, Quinn was straddling her and they were making out. Quinn's shirt was bunched up to her neck while Rachel's hands explored that amazing body. Quinn broke the kiss, and arched her neck back when Rachel did something that caused her to be overcome by the sensation.
Seeing Quinn like this… so open, so unguarded, so beautiful, turned her on more than she already was and she tucked her fingers under Quinn's bra and pushed it up. Without thinking too hard or worrying too much; she leaned in and closed her mouth around Quinn's nipple.
"Oh mmm," Quinn moaned when she felt Rachel's hot mouth on her, "so good."
"Mm hm," Quinn felt more than heard Rachel's muffled agreement.
"C-Can we um… move this to my room?" Quinn asked timidly and Rachel backed away from what she had been doing in order to see Quinn's face; and her expression.
"Are you sure?"
"More than… but," she met Rachel's intense stare. "A-Are you?
Rachel nodded, "you have no idea."
"Let's go then," Quinn hopped off of Rachel and then helped her up to her feet. They walked hand in hand quietly up the steps entering Quinn's bedroom; Quinn locked the door behind them.
Quinn led Rachel over to the bed and then looked at her as her arms pulled the girl closer.
"I love you."
"I love you too," Rachel echoed with a smitten look in her eye.
"Make love to me Rachel," Quinn pleaded in a tone that spoke more than the actual words ever could.
Wordlessly, Rachel connected their lips and lowered Quinn and herself to the bed.
And they made love well into the night.
And home…
Yeah it was definitely Quinn's favorite base…
Uhh... place… and there is no place like it.
A/N 2:
1 The stretch- To pitch from a stretch is to begin the pitching motion by facing sideways relative to home plate, raising one's arms at the elbow and bringing the glove hand and pitching hand together in a full stop, then hurling the ball toward the plate. This is the usual pitching motion when there are men on base, so that the pitcher can check on the runners before throwing home.
In case you didn't already figure this out. The prompt was to write an all-female cast where girls were playing a male dominated sport; also I wasn't allowed to reveal what the entire prompt was until the end.
I hope you all enjoyed this fic- especially the person who prompted me… you are one of the best people I know and one of my best friends- it was so much fun to write!
Also…I wrote a story for each day of faberry week; I figured I started writing for this fandom with the first faberry week & I'm going to stop writing for this fandom with the last faberry week.
After those stories I post I'm done writing for faberry and if I do write more I won't be posting them online and who knows in the future, I may change my mind and feel inspired by this fandom again but it will be a long while from now. It was fun while it lasted and thanks for everything.