Tris' pov
8 years later
"Did you see that?! I tackled him and I beat him!" Our 7 year old son, Ben Eaton, said. He's pretty much a mini Tobias. Since both his parents are in the FBI, we decided to put him in self defense classes and karate classes at a young age. He inherited our fighting skills, and to be a quick learner. Tobias and I are still working for the FBI but got promoted as leaders. I'm not working for a while because I'm pregnant again. This time with a little girl.
"I can't believe I actually did that! It's like I knew what I was doing already. That was so much fun!" He was ranting on about his self defense class. He is really great at this for his young age, but that's expected from the best agents in Dauntless. "Mom, what's for dinner? I'm hungry." I smile, loving how he said mom. I will never forget the feeling of being a mom. I love it. If I would've went back 10 years, I wouldn't think this is where I would be.
"I don't know. Ask your dad, he's cooking tonight." Tobias happens to be a fabulous cook. He is an awesome dad. He was worried about becoming like Marcus, beating his own son and becoming the 'bad guy' as some would say to criminals. But he loves his son so much, he forgot about that certain part in his past.
"Mom! He's making our favorite, chicken tenders and Mac n' cheese!" Ben and I love Tobias's chicken tenders and Mac n' cheese. It's the best. "Can we invite Emma over? She's fun to play cops and robbers with. Please, after we eat? Dad, can you call uncle Zeke and Aunt Shauna over and have them bring Emma?"
"Sure thing champ. Let's finish eating then I will."
Our lives have been great. After getting married, we still went out on missions here and there. We are the best agents, therefore, we got promoted. We do missions, but mostly we lead them, like Max did for us. Speaking of Max, he retired a few years ago.
And for the gang, a lot has happened. We all work the the FBI. Christina and Will are engaged, but not married yet. Christina got shot and almost died. Will was a wreck but once we found out she would make it, he bought a ring and popped the question. Christina is the clothier or designer of the FBI and Will is the techy.
Zeke and Shauna are doing great as well. They got married last year and are expecting again too. They have a 7 year old little girl, Emma Pedrad. Her and Ben love to play together. She is a few months younger than Ben. Ben and Emma are really close, and Shauna and I are hoping they get together when they are older. Zeke is still in the field, Shauna is too, but only when needed. Otherwise, she is a stay at home mom, kind of. She's taking time off from field. She's learning how to become a techy like Will in her spare time so she can help.
Uriah and Marlene got married a few months ago, and found out Marlene was pregnant last week. Uriah and Marlene are in field. Marlene will take some time off from field too, but will help Christina in her department until she's ready to go back to field.
Lynn got engaged two weeks ago to someone new to the business, David. (Had to put him in the story somehow, but he's not some old dude.) They are a cute couple. She became a trainer for newcomers, that's how she met David.
As for Peter, Eric, Jeanine, and Luke, they got handled. Jeanine was sent to prison for life for creating serums and being held responsible for planning the kidnapping. Peter tried to run by shooting a cop, he didn't die though, and Peter ended up dying from get shot as well. The cop was defending himself against Peter. Eric got sentenced 25 years in jail for kidnapping and using serums. It would've been worse considering they beat us and used serums on people to the point where they almost died but he gave the FBI information about where and who Jeanine was working with. Luke got 35 years for attempt of murder, breaking into a school, breaking out of jail, and for kidnapping.
I still have the key. I eventually told the gang where is was, and to never let it spill where is was. There will always be someone after it or something. We all hang out still, like in High School. That was my favorite mission yet. It's where we all met and became what we are today.
"Hurry mommy! The faster you eat, the faster we can call for Emma."
"Let your mom eat and go get your toys together so you guys can play." Ben runs to his room, collecting toys on the way. "I love you Mrs. Eaton. Can't wait to to have a mini you around the house." He smiles and leans into kiss me and I smile into the kiss. I love my family, wouldn't give them up for the world.
A/n: and that's the END. Sorry the epilogue kind of sucks. I'm not really sure what to put. This is my first fanfiction ever. Thanks for everyone who read and help!