Hey guys! Welcome to the newest chapter of the The Odd Crystal, woohoo! Anyways I don't own Odd Squad! But keep in mind that this chapter is going to be based off an episode with a few minor tweaks. So please don't kill me. Alrighty let's get started! Also one more thing, this will be my last really frequent update, cause school is starting soon. Also I did this at 12 o'clock so there's going to be a lot of mistakes... sigh... alright here's the next chapter

Chapter Two

Training Day

Olive's POV

We were called into a case at the Museum, something about a robbery the head officer was ready to explain when I instantly noticed her new hat. (See what I'm doing here)

"Congratulations!" I say breaking the tension from the once quiet room.

"On the baby thanks" the guard smiled softly.

"No on the new hat. I've never seen it before. Oh and the baby too. "I say with a smile.

The guard frowned slightly, "Anyways the reason why I called Odd Squad was because of the town's largest wad chewed gum." she says.

Otto groaned loudly. "Not this again!" he said bitterly.

"Let me guess the gum has shrunk from one thousand wads of chewed gum to only one wad of gum" Otto says irritably.

The guard shakes her head,

"Nope shrunk to forty-three wads." she says.

My heart drops instantly, it couldn't be him, and it just can't be.

"What did you say?" I say my voice barely audible.

"It shrunk to forty three wads, see the sign is different." the guard says.

I look at the sign, as it has turned from one thousand to the number forty three.

"It's Agent 43!" I say as I start to scan the room looking for him.

"Who?" Otto says obviously confused.

"You need to scan this room for oddness "I order him.

Otto looks at me obviously confused, and clearly hesitant, but scanned the room.

"It's just us and the gum and forty three paintings" Otto says.

"Impossible, there's only forty two paintings." the guard says.

"Which means one of these is..."

"Meee! That's right Scribbles I'm back" the boy says.

"What did you do with the ball of gum Todd?" I order.

Otto looks at me obviously perplexed. "You know this guy?" he whispered to me.

"First things first it's Odd Todd now. And I'm surprised that you haven't mentioned me once to your partner. Now before I pop out tell Agent Omega, I say hi." he says.

He chews the gum, and makes it into a bubble. And promptly pops it. And suddenly, he's gone.

"Olive, who's Odd Todd? And whose Agent Omega" Otto says to me.

I take in a deep breath, and sigh

"My old partner and an old friend." I say.

-Timeskip to them entering Odd Squad-

"Agent Todd is back?" Ms. O says. She was so surprised that she dropped her juicebox.

Oscar walked in a few minutes later, as he was explaining how he had brought in some marbles for some unknown reason when Ms. O broke the same news that we just broke to her that my partner was now out and now could cause oddness.

"Agent Todd is back!" Oscar spluttered. As he was in shock he dropped the marbles

"You better warn the other agents." Ms. O ordered

Oscar nodded, he briskly walked over to the door and shouted

"Agent Todd is back!"

Suddenly a cacophony of sounds is heard from outside including a dropped piano.

"Oscar check on the gadgets!" Ms. O ordered.

"Right away Ms. O" Oscar says.

"You two go through Todd's file, and find out anything and everything you can about Odd Todd." Ms. O ordered Otto and I.

We both nod, and as we walk accidentally slip on the marbles.

-Timeskip to Olive telling Otto the story-

"And that was the last I've seen of my partner. "I say concluding my tale.

"I've got three questions for you" Otto says.

I nod,

"Okay number one, why do you keep calling Todd your partner. You guys solve problems differently but Todd only cared about himself, number two if Todd is the best agent there ever was how are we going to beat him..." Otto says curiously.

"I have no idea, what was the last question" I ask.

"Whatever happened to Agent Omega?" Otto says.

"I believe I can answer that question..." a voice says.

"Oscar? What do you know about Agent Omega's disappearance?" Olive asks.

Oscar lets out a deep sigh,

"It was after the Pienado was released... we had just managed to take care of the pied victims... unfortunately we didn't count on Odd Todd knowing about the Odd Crystal." Oscar explained.

Otto put up his hand.

"Odd Crystal?" He asks.

"In every family, a bright red gem is passed down, and we use the eroded crystals to power the gadgets. No one knows about it except for Ms. O, Me, Doctor O and the Guardian." Oscar explains

"Agent Omega was the guardian..." Olive says beginning to put the pieces together.

"Todd had found out and almost got the crystal... he also had a gadget the Scramblinator" Oscar says.

"In theory, it is supposed to scramble the order of words, but for Agent Omega it removed the vowels from her speech." Oscar says.

"Wait, and that blue door with the green handle..." Otto says

"That's where she is..." Oscar says.

"I can't believe it Agent Omega, my old Best friend is still at Odd Squad. This is incredible..." Olive says.

A few minutes later, I grab the door and open it slightly.

"She may look a little different than how you remember" Oscar says.

"Omega?" I say with a smile.

"_l_ve?" Omega says coming into the light

-Inside of the odd squad-

The foolish agents don't suspect me, I can't wait to break them, especially, agent Omega... I'll do anything to make my inspiration proud, Odd Todd

Interesting fact, I actually did memorize pretty much the whole episode, because it's one of one of my favorite episodes. So the only things that are different is obviously the addition of Agent Omega.